Member Reviews

Knot om Her Life by Mary Marks Is an outstanding cozy mystery that deserves every one of its five stars. Marks weaves a captivating tale filled with intrigue, lovable characters, and a cleverly plotted mystery that will keep you guessing until the very end. The protagonist, Martha Rose, is a relatable and strong-willed amateur sleuth who leads us through a web of secrets and twists. Marks’ Writing style is engaging and immersive, effortlessly drawing readers into the world of quilting and small-town charm. With its perfect Belinda suspense, humor, and heartwarming moments, Knot on Her Life is an absolute gem in the cozy mystery genre, leaving readers eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series.

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Knot on Her Life was a fun cozy mystery. The author did a great job in weaving a story that kept me interested until the very end.

In this novel, we find Martha happy to be finishing up the baby quilt she's been working on for her new grandbaby. However, she's interrupted when a young girl knocks on her door. Her neighbor's foster child needs help, especially since her mother has fallen suspiciously ill.

It's a great story!!

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This is the seventh in the a quilting mystery series. I recommend reading them in order if possible

Martha’s eager to finish the baby quilt she’s making for her new granddaughter, but she scraps those plans when a young girl rings her doorbell begging for help. Poppy Halaby, the foster child of Martha’s neighbor, is an orphan whose parents were murdered by a killer who was never caught. When Poppy’s doting foster mom falls suspiciously ill, Martha is determined to keep the child safe. But she’ll have to unravel more about Poppy’s parents to stitch a broken family back together again.

I like this series because the characters are so real, the mysteries are so well written and believable and like the real world not everything is perfect. Martha is a great character, flawed but smart with a real curiosity and desire to help!! The rest of the cast, family and friends are a hilarious!

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When I realized that the 8th book in this series was being released and that I had not read this one, I quickly grabbed it so I would be all caught up. Boy, was I glad I did, this one was awesome. Martha Rose's neighbour becomes an emergency foster mother for a young girl whose parents were killed. She is a bit traumatized and it is unknown if she saw the killer or not. Well, it seems that someone thinks she has some information and both Poppy and her foster mom end up in witness protection. If you follow this series you will know that Martha's fiancee is an ATF officer and her son-in-law is a police detective. She has a lot of contacts for inside information and using her own smarts, and puzzle skills, she is able to put things together to help find out who is after Poppy.

I love Martha Rose. She is a fifty something, divorcee, proud of her size 16 body. She is a quilter, a friend, a mother and grandmother who lives with fibromyalgia. She is the matriarch of a Jewish family, who adopts any who want to attend their Sabbath meals. She does not sit back and let things happen to her friends without doing what she can to help. The secondary characters are also amazing, her friends and half-sister are her posse and add so much to the stories, especially the humour. Crusher, her fiance is a big guy, drives a motorcycle, is an ATF agent and a huge teddy bear where Martha is concerned. Throw in great well-developed characters, a well-written and plotted mystery, some twists, some danger and a child and you have a wonderful story. I think I liked this one the best in the series, including the newest one. My only niggle, is that I didn't need to continually hear that she was wearing her size 16, stretch jeans. I definitely recommend this one.

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This series has become one of my favorites. It is very different than the majority of the cozy mysteries I read. I hope this series continues for awhile. The story line in this book was very fascinating, and fun. A great combination. The main female character is a great role model for women of all ages.

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Knot on Her Life by Mary Marks is about quilter Martha Rose. While she is awaiting the birth of her granddaughter, a neighborhood girl appears at her door begging for help. Her foster mom is sick and her natural parents were murdered. Martha decides to keep the child safe while helping her ailing foster mom and putting everything back in place. This was an excellent book about a young girl who sees her parents murder. Tragic for her. Martha wants to keep her out of another foster home. I felt like I knew the characters. It was a good fast-paced mystery that I couldn’t put down. Thank you to Net Galley for an advanced reader’s copy for review.

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Princess Fuzzypants here: This is a quilting cozy but it always has an edge to it that makes the stories more compelling. Martha Rose is a large sized divorced Jewish lady who lives with a fascinating younger man. Her daughter is about to deliver her first grandchild. Her beloved uncle who raised her is getting old and may have some serious health issues. But Martha always has time to help a friend.
She saves her diabetic friend from a coma and welcomes her foster daughter into her home until she is able to return. The child has been through the wringer and when it looks like her friend’s health issues might put the child back into foster roulette, Martha is determined to find Poppy, the child, a loving home. She does have family but her parents had been shunned when they dared to marry. Her father is a Moslem and her mother is a Jew. Neither side has ever seen or acknowledged the child.
What is worse, her parents and unborn sibling were shot and killed in her house and she may have witnessed the murder. It becomes clear very quickly that Poppy is a target and needs protection. She is in witness protection while Martha tries to skate around the deep rift caused by a marriage that dared to join two people from deeply orthodox opposites.. The author handles the issues and the biases that colour all decisions very delicately.
The characters are fascinating and the mystery is good. It was a satisfying read. Five purrs and two paws up.

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I don’t think author Mary Marks could write a bad book if she tried. KNOT ON HER LIFE is her latest testimony to that.

Protagonist, Martha Rose is back and better than ever. I’ve truly enjoyed watching her grow through the past seven books, and look forward to following her for many years to come. (Are you listening, Kensington? )

This seventh installment in the Quilting Mysteries acts as proof to all hardcore mystery readers that cozy mysteries aren’t the fluff they think they are. While still following cozy mystery guidelines, and yes, it has some of the sweet fluffiness we cozy readers love, KNOT ON HER LIFE is a much deeper, richer tale than many in this genre. It is of course above all else, a mystery. An extremely well done mystery that had me locked in from the first chapter. And each chapter after that pulled me deeper into not just the mystery, but the entire story.

Quite possibly the best in the series to date, KNOT ON HER LIFE is a book you’re not going to want to miss.

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Knot on Her Life os the latest installment of this series. But it can be read as a stand alone. I love Martha Rose. The characters in this story are so well developed that I feel they are my newest friends. The plot is interesting and muti-layered. The mystery is well played and satisfying. I really loved this book and the series and cant wait for the next one

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Knot on Her Life by Mary Marks is the seventh A Quilting Mystery. It can be read as a standalone. This is a endearing sweet series that I adore returning to with each new release. Martha Rose is a savvy smart, woman who is a devoted friend and has a recently become engaged to a agent for the ATF. I love Martha as a protagonist as she has fibromyalgia. and so do I. I appreciate that the author is writing about this disease bringing awareness .

This story has many layers to the plot. Her daughter is expecting her first grandchild and she is busy quilting away for the new baby with her quilting group friend.s. A foster child that is a neighbor enlist her help when her foster Mother is suddenly mysteriously ill. Martha is determined to protect the child and find out what happened. Now her quilting is on hold once again for sleuthing as she try's to track down clues to the woman's illness and find out if she was poisoned on purpose as well as care for this young child and keep her safe. Soon suspects abound and Martha is knee deep in clues.

The writing is fast paced, the charcters all likable and well written to the story. I always enjoy returning to their world and love the quilting information. This is a endearing sweet addition to this popular series and I look forward to the next in series. Thank you to the publisher for the ARC. My opinion is my own. Very well done and I highly recommend this book !

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Martha's eager to finish the baby quilt she's making for her new granddaughter, but she scraps those plans when a young girl rings her doorbell begging for help. Poppy Halaby, the foster child of Martha's neighbor, is an orphan whose parents were murdered by a killer who was never caught. When Poppy's doting foster mom falls suspiciously ill, Martha is determined to keep the child safe. But she'll have to unravel more about Poppy's parents to stitch a broken family back together again--and prevent another crime cut from the same cloth . . .

Going into this, I had no idea it was part of a series until I went to add it to my Goodreads! I was able to follow along without any background knowledge quite well.

*Book received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Martha Rose is back and expecting a grandchild any day now. While she’s waiting, she’s making a quilt for the new baby. When her neighbor Sonia’s new foster child, Poppy, comes knocking because there’s been a medical emergency under suspicious circumstances, Martha’s attention is diverted. Poppy’s parents were murdered, and the killer was never apprehended, raising suspicion in both Martha and her fiancé, Crusher. Circumstances behind how Poppy ended up in the foster care system puzzle Martha, as well, since both of her parents come from wealthy, prominent families. Be prepared for an emotional trip that will not only tug at your heartstrings but infuriate you, as well.

Martha Rose has really developed as a crime solver/fighter. She does the best she can in the situations presented to her. She’s not nearly as daft and is a little bit better at taking precautions. She still bends the laws on occasion but either it’s not as often as in the first few books or I’m just getting used to her methods. In this book, she manages to accomplish more than those assigned to the murder case. When you have a rapport with people like Martha does, it’s no wonder she gets adults and children to open up to her.

I love all the characters in the Quilting Mysteries by Mary Marks. The relationship between Martha and Crusher is sweet and I’m honestly glad she is with him. He is so devoted to Martha and her to Crusher. The quilting group, which now includes Giselle, Martha’s half-sister, is a riot and totally have Martha’s back. I really feel like they are all my friends since we’ve now been together for seven books. I hope we continue to get more books in this series.

Mary Marks does another wonderful job building up the mystery and keeping everything a secret. The truth of the situation is revealed at the perfect time and the person responsible is not the person I thought it would be. The writing flows well and is concise. The author's writing style is fluid and smooth and so easy to get lost in. The romantic elements of Knot on Her Life are subtle and don't overshadow the mystery. The entire novel is engaging; never a dull moment.

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This is the second book in this series that I have read, and yes, I enjoyed it as much as the last one.
Our girl Martha Rose is still meddling, but she has such a good heart that you quickly understand why she is putting herself in danger.
We, of course, are still quilting, and having our Tuesday morning get together, with chuckles and love, I want to come.
Of course, not all of this book is warm and fuzzy, and the horror of the crime, and the after ramifications, our girl had to get involved.
While we welcome a new addition to her family, the book did not end as I wanted, but, that being said, there is a promise of another new character, and I can’t wait to meet them!

I received this book through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.

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Knot on Her Life by Mary Marks is the seventh A Quilting Mystery. It can be read as a standalone if you have not had the opportunity to read the rest of the novels in the series. Martha Rose is a smart, perceptive woman with a big heart who loves to quilt. Martha is divorced, engaged to ATF agent Yossi “Crusher” Levy, and suffers from fibromyalgia. The author accurately portrays what it is like to suffer from this painful and debilitating disease. Martha’s daughter, Quincy is expecting her first child which Martha is eager to spoil. There are a variety of quirky characters like Jazz, Sonia, and Giselle. Martha’s half-sister, Giselle has no filter and her comments provides levity. Marigold Poppy Sarah Halaby aka Poppy is a sweet, precocious child who has gone through something no individual, much less an eight year old, should go through in their life. The characters are realistic, developed and round out the story. Knot on Her Life is an engrossing story with a perplexing whodunit. It is a mystery that is atypical for cozy mysteries which I liked. There are a variety of suspects, a red herring and twists that will surprise readers (I love a good twist). I found it hard to put down this book because I wanted to discover who was the reprobate that killed Poppy’s parents. I particularly enjoyed the take-down scene. It was interesting to learn more about Jewish and Muslim customs which are explained in an easy to understand manner. There was one little matter at the end that I found disappointing because I was rooting for a different resolution. I like the author’s engaging writing style with steady pacing and smooth transitions. I hope Birdie Watson, a member of Martha’s Tuesday quilting group, returns soon because I miss her. Knot on Her Life has a wholesomeness to it that is welcoming. Knot on Her Life has a plucky young lady, a menacing killer, a complex crime, a brawny protector, and one determined lady sleuth.

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I loved this book. The characters were wonderfully developed and loveable. The plot flowed well and kept me not only guessing but entertained for the duration of the book.

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I love spending time with Martha Rose and her quilting group. This is the seventh in the series and each time I read the newest one it becomes my favorite. In this mystery, Martha answers the front door to find Poppy, her neighbor Sonia's, foster child. She needs Martha to come, Sonia is in dire need of medical help. Once Sonia is safe in the hospital and going to recover from what turns out to be due to her diabetes, Poppy's safety comes next. Martha, with her big heart, is quick to offer to take Poppy home with her. Poppy is just a little girl, one who has seen far too much in her short life. Now, if Martha and her circle of friends can't find some answers, Poppy may be in very, very real danger. The reason she is in foster care is that both of her parents were murdered in their home and Martha is certain that Poppy saw more than she has shared with the police.
Not only is Martha on the trail of a killer and caring for Poppy, she discovers that neither side of Poppy's family want anything to do with her future wellbeing. Her mother was Jewish and her father was an Arab. Both families are very well connected and each had shunned their child. In an effort to find a safe haven for Poppy, Martha goes all out to connect with both families but danger lurks there, too.
One of the threads I like in this story is the growing relationship between Martha and her new found younger half sister, Giselle. They are as different as night and day - Martha is Jewish and Giselle is Catholic. Martha know how to be tactful and hold her tongue and let's just say Giselle needs a filter between her mind and her mouth. Martha knows she means well, but there are some cringe worthy moments.
This series has a very comfortable pace, great writing style and a mystery with several threads to unravel and a satisfying mystery to solve. The quilting aspect is a nice theme even for me - I'm challenged sewing on a button and doing a hem. I am in awe of quilters.

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This is my first book by this author. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy.
I truly enjoyed this book. Beautifully written. The characters are well developed. I can’t wait to read the other books in this series.

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Knot on Her Life by Mary Marks is the 7th book in A Quilting Mystery series, and another enjoyable book. Martha Rose is excited about the birth of her granddaughter, and has been working to make a quilt. When Poppy Halaby comes to Rose's door for help, she gladly helps. Poppy unfortunately was a witness when her parents were murdered, and now she must be protected. Both of Poppy's parents were royalty, her mother, Jewish, her father Arab. I enjoy Martha and her quilter friends. Martha suffers from Fibromyalgia, and so do I, so I can really relate to her. I was hooked from the beginning, and am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. If you love cozy mysteries, I recommend this book. You don't have to be a quilter to enjoy this series. 

I reviewed a digital arc provided by NetGalley and Kensington Publishing. Thank you.

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Knot on Her Life is the seventh book in Mary Marks Quilting Mystery series. The storyline is well-plotted, and the affable characters are well developed. Ms. Marks’ witty and humorous writing style flows smoothly in this complex mystery, and the book is an easy read. The author provided enough background information that this book can be read as a standalone. There are lots of twists and turns to keep the reader engaged.

Martha Rose, Lucy Mondello, Jazz Fletcher-Watson, and Martha’s younger half-sister, Giselle Cole, get together every Tuesday morning in her Encino home to work on their current quilting projects. Martha’s daughter, Quincy, is married to LAPD Detective Noah Kaplan, and expecting their first child, so Martha is working on a special quilt for her first grandchild. Martha is engaged to Yossi Levy, a/k/a the Crusher, who is an undercover agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Martha’s friend and neighbor, Sonia Spiegelman, recently applied to become a foster parent. When a young girl shows up on Martha’s doorstep telling her Sonya won’t wake up, she drops everything and rushes to her friend’s house. Sonya is admitted to the hospital in a diabetic coma, and Martha and Crusher take the young girl, Marigold Poppy Sarah Halaby, into their home. As facts are revealed, Sonya’s coma appears to be suspicious and Poppy, whose father was Muslin and mother was Jewish, may have witnessed the murder of her parents and unborn sister, Martha and Yossi realize Poppy needs a bodyguard, so he calls upon his friend and fellow ATF agent, Hector Fuentes, a/k/a Malo to watch over her. Martha is determined to keep Poppy safe, find out who murdered her family, as well as figure out why none of the estranged family members would allow Poppy to live with them rather than being placed in the foster care system, and find a loving home for her.

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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What an interesting story! I really enjoyed it and the characters who made it play out. It was interesting reading about customs and practices that I had no clue about. I wouldn’t mind being invited to a Shabbat dinner. I enjoy stories that have crafting in them and these quilters are serious about their craft. I would love to hang out and learn from them. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to visit again. I received this book from NetGalley, but my opinion is my own.

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