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Ten Things My Cat Hates About You

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Utterly ridiculous fun!

How could it not be with this title! Ten Things My Cat Hates About You is a fun and silly love story. Grumpy/sunshine "friends" with enough crazy distractions to keep you wondering if they'll ever...

Her cat hates him. In his defense, her cat hates just about everything. However, when she lets his judge of character be the deciding factor- chaos ensues.

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Picked up 10 Things My Cat Hates About You by Lottie Lucas for the charming title (who doesn’t love a good play on a rom com title, especially with cats!) and found a sweet romantic comedy that was a perfect afternoon escape!

I always love to be honest and so here it is—this book is a perfectly enjoyable read if you don’t go in with expectations. The hard part is that because of the title, I admit I thought this might be a retelling of 10 Things I Hate About You, which it is not. It actually might remind me a bit more of Bridget Jones Diary, which is still a great inspiration as far as romances go!

Clara is an art historian who dates a lot but has been unlucky in love. Like so many rom com heroines, Clara gets attached to the idea of love, but when the break ups come she doesn’t know how to reconcile her feelings so she tends to blame her ginger cat Casper for her romantic failings. Afterall, it is just as important that Casper likes her love interests as Clara!

Of course, it is clear to everyone except Clara that she just doesn’t have a good picker. She chooses the wrong men and then she is sad when they don’t work out. After a particularly disappointing break up, Clara begins to wonder if maybe she should just let Casper choose. He clearly has better taste than she does!

And soon Casper brings two men her way—a charming veterinarian and a testy professor. Both bring up different feelings for Clara. And while one is blond, handsome, and has sparkly eyes, it turns out behind the glasses, the other has eyes that are just as sparkly! (I had to throw that in there because it is just so rom com!)

So you can see where this is going… it is clear that one man looks better on paper and the other is all wrong but could be so right. A classic tale! I did think the book kept both men around too long even though it was clear who she’d end up with. Clara is also every rom com leading lady trope rolled into one, but I also didn’t mind that. All in all this is a sweet story that felt a tiny it unbalanced in the execution. A great afternoon read with plenty of laughs!

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This book was just not for me. It was more on the cozy side of things than I like and it read as almost too 'twee' for me.

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Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review. An interesting novel by a new author in my personal reading-sphere! I am sure others would enjoy it too. Good character portrayls, descriptive setting and gripping plot.

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This book was a brilliant read. It made me giggle and it made me cry. Clara is a wholly relatable character and Casper is brilliant as the catalyst to so many crucial moments. I'll definitely be reading more titles by this author.

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Absolutely funny and so well written!
I really enjoyed the witty writing style as well as the clever story line. I'm usually not much of a cat's person - but Casper definitely has my approval.
If you are in the mood for a light-hearted contemporary romance with lots of funny moments and sass, I absolutely recommend this one!

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I love cats, and that’s pretty much what drove me to read this book!

The story revolves around this girl named Clara, who works at the museum. She doesn’t have much luck when it comes to her love life, and her mischievous cat makes it impossible for her to have one. What I love most about this book was all the relationships in here, not just the romantic aspect of it but also the friendship and family relationships. I also really enjoyed that it was set in Cambridge, it really transported me to there and it was nice to read a book set somewhere far when you have been quarantined at home. Ha. Overall, I think this was a really fun read with loveable characters!

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This is the story of a girl and her cat Casper.
This book was a light cosy read but nothing special.
I loved the setting of the book in Cambridge as it’s somewhere that I have been many times so it was so relatable to me.

A pleasant cosy book.

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I love romcoms. Especially if some animals are involve with the story. This time it is cat named Casper and he's quite adorable. Heroine here (Clara, who works in museum, yay!), is unlucky when it comes to men. Suddenly. almost at the same time she meets two men (thanks to her cat of course). But which one is for her...?
Book has some few good moments, I smiled a couple of times and i like the settings.
I think it was ok (but not great) read for me.
3.5 stras.

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Pets always know who is best for you no matter what. They are your pets so it’s best to trust their instinct just like Clara.Clara may be having trouble with men but at least she has her loyal cat, Casper. She may get frustrated with Casper since he ran away most of her dates but who needs them. It’s for the better until Casper finds two potential men for her. It’s very surprising for her but we had two potential men trying to win her heart. It’s a rare thing for Clara because she has the worst luck with man but her grumpy cat, Casper, has her back.

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I really wanted to read this book because honestly, who doesn't like cats. But the reality was that the cat was the most enjoyable character. Predictable is not what I want to read and unfortunately, this was the case

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Really cute romantic fiction. I really liked the main character and loved Casper, the grumpy cat in the middle of it all. Loved being in Cambridge too.

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I'll be honest, I went in for the cat based premise and for that there wasn't as much as promised. There were a lot of little odd occurrences within the story. And honestly it was rather predictable.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

Clara's decision to let a cat decide the fate of her love life is ridiculous. Yet, she does it and winds up in a lukewarm love triangle with Josh and Adam. Things I liked about the book include, cat named Casper, Clara's job at the museum, and rowing. To sum this book up in one word would be "mediocre." The romance was middling, the comedy was middling, the feline antics were middling.

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A little slow to start with, but picked up about halfway. I had a strong urge to yell at Clara about 98% of the time which is a big part of why I’m only giving this a 2.5. She was imaginative and had a way of seeing anything as possible. She was a hopeless romantic but I had an issue with how it was handled. Right when she finally started to figure things out, she fell right back in. Then couldn’t hold down a serious adult conversation and there was a lot of unnecessary arguing for what was supposed to be an adult story. I was just waiting for the next ball to drop, rather then feeling happy about reading the story. I really only liked, and felt like I was reading a romcom when it was the end of the book. So.... 15 pages.

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I was 100% duped into requesting <em>Ten Things My Cat Hates About You</em> by Lottie Lucas because of this book's title. It's definitely one that gets your attention and then attacks your nostalgia in a way that just says, "read me!" As an avid fan of the movie, <em>10 Things I Hate About You</em>, some part of my brain was telling me that this book had to at least be somewhat worthy of my attention with a title like that. And the plot sounded fun... well, fun-ish; the cat was amusing. So, I gave it a read, and, well--

I think my biggest issue with <em>Ten Things My Cat Hates About You</em> was that the book was <em>so damn boring</em>. I couldn't get into <em>any</em> of it. None of the characters were interesting. I didn't have fun with a single second of reading this book. And for something that <em>should </em>have been a romantic comedy, that's <em>really </em>bad. But honestly? From main the character, who works at a museum, to the veterinarian, to the professor, to her friends...everyone was just <em>so </em>dull and poorly developed. The most interesting person in the whole novel was her brother and even his <em>blatantly</em> obvious story wasn't much to shout about.

Also that cat?

Utterly pointless and dumb. He basically just existed as a plot point to occasionally move the story along. The entire novel is titled after this creature and he was both annoyingly irrelevant in most cases and nothing more than a plot device in others. I just...why?

But worst of all--

This is a <em>romance novel</em>. So, where in the hell was the chemistry between the end couple? There was, at times, more chemistry between the couple you <em>knew</em> wasn't going to happen than the pairing that the novel ended with. The love triangle itself was thoroughly unnecessary in the first place but it ultimately just took massively from whatever supposed chemistry the main character was supposed to have with the other guy.

Also, who the hell falls <em>onto</em> someone's lips??

Everything about this book was contrived.

Honestly, I think that statement just about covers it for me. There's nothing really inherently wrong with the writing, I suppose. But, damn, the romance makes <em>no sense</em> and the book was <em>so boring. </em>

<em>I was provided a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</em>

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This was a cute romance novel, I love the fact that the suitors are vetted by the cat, but, when the cat is prominently featured in the title: I wanted more cat!

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This was an interesting read but didn't connect with the book. I liked the aspect of bringing the cat into play but I didn't find myself particularly interested in the characters and the plot. Personally rated it a 3.5 but gave it a 4 on goodreads.

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This isn’t a bad book... it just wasn’t amazing.his is an easy and quick read. The title alone had me hooked from the very beginning. Clara was fun mostly but there were moments she frustrate me so much!Admittedly, I didn't really see a spark between her and the male love interest until the last few chapters.Which was a disappointment!

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Who is better at testing relationships? You or your feisty feline!?
After several failed attempts at dating where Clara's cat Casper all but chases the prospects out the door. Clara decides maybe Casper is a better judge of men than she is. Can Casper help Clara finally find love?

A cute rom com for all the cat lovers out there!😻

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Impulse and Killer reads.

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