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Ten Things My Cat Hates About You

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Member Reviews

- Narrator is too chatty with the audience. Excessively chatty. It is obnoxious.
- Adam is very unhappy about not instantly being told Clara's cat is responsible for semi-wrecking his bike. Too much so. Who storms out like that? At least Clara called him on his overreaction.
- Josh starts showing his "why do we need a label" colors very early on.
- Adam is 29 and doesn't know about Long Island iced tea? Must be a British thing.
- The kiss with Adam was really sweet. The second one, where stars aren't magical, but "you, on the other hand, are another matter." That is a good line.
- Adam gets the best lines. "I'm a classics professor, remember? I'm used to long stories. The Roman Empire lasted 1,500 years, after all."
- Underlying theme that accidental pregnancies all turn out okay is a little worrisome. I mean, they frequently DO end up all right, after a fashion, but it's just a little weird to see them normalized and marginalized simultaneously in so many books lately.
- Honestly, Adam should probably reconsider Clara. She's not going to give up having histrionics once she's in a stable relationship. She will probably make him crazy.
- Are all officeworkers in England so involved in each other's lives. How meddlesome and unpleasant that must be.
- This might be better adapted to film, which would spare the audience the narration, which never got less annoying.

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What a fun quirky romance novel. Casper the cat is such a fun and inventive character. Who know cats were so good at helping you sort out your love life. Clara is such a fun character to delve into and you almost wish your cat could help you sort out your love life. Definitely worth the read.

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I so enjoyed this book. The writing was fresh and amusing and the plot was different. The setting at Cambridge University was also new to me and I felt that I was walking along the river or among the colleges along with the characters.

Clara works at a small museum in Cambridge and has had an unfortunate romantic history . She decides that her cat has better judgment about who would make a good romantic interest for her than she does herself. So she now meets a handsome vet who is interested in her right away and, best of all, her grumpy cat Casper likes. And then there is a gorgeous, seemingly arrogant and cold professor who is doing research at her museum. It is a bit like Bridget Jones’ Diary situation with a preternaturally intelligent cat thrown into the mix.

I couldn’t put the novel down and wished that it would go on and on as I was having so much fun inhabiting this world.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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Ten Things My Cat Hates About You was a nice fluffy read, but it was a bit formulaic. The characters aren't anything really new. Our protagonist is Clara, the quirky assistant curator for a small museum that lives in a small pink house and has a perceptive cat. The love interests are 1) the perfectly perfect veterinarian that gets along with her cat and 2) the rude and cynical professor that does not get along with her cat. Adam reminded me a lot of Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, but I think his character fell a bit short. I understood his motivations throughout the story, but I didn't like how things were handled near the end. Clara was okay for the main character, but I also think she was really immature when other characters confronted her about her behaviour.

The overall story was fun and reminded me of other books by Sophie Kinsella. I laughed at some parts and I easily read it in one sitting. This book is great for a quick and lighthearted read, but nothing really stood out to make it amazing.

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I’m a big cat lover and A cute story, so of course this book appealed to me.

Clara hasn’t had the best luck in love and she somewhat seriously thinks it’s because of her cat Casper.

Casper tends to harass the men Clara brings home.

When the most recent guy runs from Clara’s house because of Casper, her best friend Heather suggests that maybe Casper has better taste than Clara.

She points out to Clara that she didn’t really know if she was compatible with any of the guys. She didn’t know any of them well enough to form an attachment by the time Casper scared them off.

She says Clara should find a guy that Casper actually likes.
I think she says it somewhat jokingly. I think the point was for Clara to actually get to know a guy better before getting too attached. For the guy to be nice enough that he can’t be scared away by a cat.

But soon after this conversation, two men come into Clara’s life because of Casper.

First she meets Adam when he wrecks his bike because of Casper.

Then she meets a handsome new vet after Casper gets into an accident. He’s actually able to handle Casper without getting attacked. Casper’s immediate like of the vet might be part of the reason that Clara decides to go out with him.

I thought the story was cute and I thought the ending was very sweet. But Clara was unkind to her friends and even the men in her life sometimes. I couldn’t get past something she said to her best friend.

Also, I’m sorry, I know this would actually change the entire plot of the book...but Clara has a male cat, that isn’t spayed, she lets him outside, then is surprised when her gets hurt. She literally brought him home from the vet after he had surgery and let him back outside.

I know Clara isn’t real. But as I said before, I’m a huge cat lover. And I can’t read stuff like that without it sitting wrong with me.

If there’s anyway to change this story before it’s released, Casper could accidentally get outside and cause Adam’s accident.

I got to read an early copy of this book from NetGalley. Thanks!

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This one tickled my funny bone!

Museum director, Clara Swift loves her job, home, family and friends, but secretly wishes for a fairytale romance like her parents had.

The problem is; she either falls for the wrong type of guy, or her rescue cat, Casper, scares away any promising prospects- what’s a girl to do?

When Casper almost gets run down by a grumpy professor, Clara rushes him to the local vet and meets the man of her dreams (or so she thinks). Josh is movie star handsome, funny, and best of all, Casper adores him. With that seal of approval, she falls head over heels for the sexy doctor. The only fly in the ointment is the annoying, but cute in a nerdy way, professor who keeps showing up with sarcastic advice.

When Adam (the professor) helps Clara out of a sticky situation at work, it changes her opinion of him and they become friends and confidants. All would be well in her world, if only she could stop thinking about Adam at the most inappropriate times!

This is a fun romantic comedy about missing what was right there all along. I give Ten Things My Cat Hates About You 4 lovely kisses!

“I voluntarily read an ARC of this book which was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.”

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This was a sweet, funny romance. Casper made me laugh several times (lovely moody cat ). Clara and Adam were cute and you knew from the first encounter that they would click. I liked how their friendship/relationship developed and felt their personalities gelled well after the initial friction. A nice well written book worth’s read.

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3/5 stars
I received an early copy from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for a review.

I requested this book because my husband and my cat hated each other for the first 4 years of our relationship. Casper is obviously a very naughty cat, BUT as someone in the Veterinary field, everything that involved going to the vet for Casper was very inaccurate in comparison to how it would happen at any of the clinics I've worked at. I'm not going to go too much into that.

I liked the characters as they were all flawed, but I just didn't connect with our protagonist, Clara. And she actually drove me a little nuts. I liked Adam and Josh. This book seemed like it was going to be a love triangle but never really became one, it was obvious immediately who the love interest was intended to be so if the author was hoping to keep us guessing she probably would've needed to flesh out the other guy a bit more.

I was kind of hoping for a bit more dynamics involving the cat to be honest. The other thing was as with many romances I've read it felt like the author did more telling than showing which made it a little slow for me the first half.

Overall it was an entertaining read.

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This was a new author to me and I have to say, I will be reading more. I was a little worried it would be a bit too 'Crazy Cat Lady' (although I am one myself!), but the book struck just the right mix between Casper the cat's antics and his loving owner Clara's story. A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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I thought this book was cute and fun. I have a cat that I could definitely tell when I was dating when he liked someone or not. He loves my husband so that’s when I knew :) Easy entertaining read.

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I loved the title and the premise of this story and was excited to read it, but I was disappointed in the execution.  I liked the interaction between Clara and Adam, and of course, Casper's reactions to Adam but half of the book is devoted to Clara and her relationship with Josh. The interactions between Clara and Adam are just thrown in every so often, which disrupts the flow of the story. 

I also couldn't like Clara; she comes across as immature and whiny. Two characteristics you don't want in your heroine. This is the first book by the author, and she does have talent, some moments were pretty hilarious. I expect as her writing develops her stories will be useful, but this book is a definite miss, lots of potential but poorly executed. 

I received an arc of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book wasn't for me. There isn't anything wrong with the plot or writing style, it just wasn't for me. Clara is a bit loquacious for me. I found myself skimming through all her many explanations. I think my favorite character was Casper.

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A typically British book, set in Cambridge.

Quite an entertaining read. Loved the cat and the descriptions of Cambridge, England. Clara is the heroine of the story, but I thought she was a bit dumb-witted sometimes. I was not really sure at first which guy was going to be the 'one', and I don't really like triangles.
Near the end I almost gave up and wanted to slap Clara silly, but I kept on and fortunately the story ended well.

Thought hard about rating it 3 stars. But I did like the writing style of this author. So I upped it up one star. That I did not completely like the thought process of Clara .. the author should not be blamed for it haha.

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This was my first book by this author, It was pretty enjoyable. I would give this book a 3.5 star rating! It was a pretty Quick and easy read!

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A cute quick reading romance! I adored Clara's quirky personality, she's funny & smart & someone you'd love to be friends with. And her cat, Casper, is quite fun as well!!

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Romance is not my typical genre but I love cats so I decided to give this a whirl. It was fairly light on cat humor but a pretty cute story in the end.

Thank you to Lottie Lucas, Harper Impulse and Killer Reads, and NetGalley for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Clara's cat Casper hates every man she dates. Like scratch their eyes out, cause bodily harm kind of hate. Typical cat. But when within the space of 24 hours, Casper brings two new men into her life; a gorgeous vet (who Casper loves) and a grumpy Professor (who Casper very much doesn't), Clara starts to question just how much trust she should place in Casper's opinions.

This was a charming book filled with all the British-ness that as an American I love to read. Clara was a fun character that I think a lot of people will be able to relate to. My only complaint about this book was that it was rather predictable. It's clear from the beginning who Clara will end up with, and her utter shock about it is a bit silly. But, it's a light, quick read that features a sassy cat so that makes it a-ok with me.

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Honestly, I couldn’t get into this book. I couldn’t tell you what it was about it that was making me not want to read it but I found myself skimming over sentences and having to reread them because I kept missing things.
Maybe the writing isn’t for me. I’m not sure. But I didn’t enjoy this in any case.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book

This was a quick, fun, cute read. This is one of those quirky, easy reads that you can't help but love. I finished it rather quickly, but I loved it. It was funny and everything I was expecting out of it.

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This was a fun read, it was funny, romantic and I loved the cat. Just the kind of book needed to whisk you away from reality for a little while.

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