Cover Image: Ten Things My Cat Hates About You

Ten Things My Cat Hates About You

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Ten Things My Cat Hates About You" has everything you need for a quick read: romance, humor, and cats! This book is an adorable romantic comedy. Clara thinks her brother Freddie and her best friend Heather both seem to have romance all figured out, and she is failing, it doesn't help that Casper the cat seems to hate every man that she brings home. She ends up meeting two guys and hilariousness ensues. Romance is different for everyone and Cara is no exception. There were times that I wanted to throttle Clara for some of the things she does an says but overall the book was a good. My Favorite part was Casper the cat even though I was disappointed that the interactions between Casper and the two leading men were very few, and at least ten things that Casper hated about Clara’s prospects we did not really get to read about either..
The main reason I was attracted to this book was the title! It's a little predictable, but if you're looking for something light and easy to read then this is perfect.

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This was such a fun read! This book was the perfect blend of romance and family. Highly recommend for readers needing an escape from real life drama. Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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A cute story that's a bit corny sometimes. Although I liked this book somewhat it was a bit too Hallmark romance for me. I know that plenty of people will love this story, it's just not a book I love.

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I was excited to be able to review this book for an honest opinion from Netgalley. I was hooked by the title for starters and love how Casper, the ginger cat, is entwined throughout the story line. This is an easy and quick read. For romcoms I do hope for a good mixture of laughter and connection with the characters. Though I did not truly "lol" through the majority of this book I did enjoy the character connections. There were times I wanted to give Clara a wake-up call slap for her obliviousness. She is supposed to be an educated women who hangs her hopes on fairy tale romance. We all know love is blind but there are parts that took this to a level that made her character frustrating at times instead of quirky and lovable. With a little more comic relief I could come to adore this author as much as I adore the writings of Sophie Kinsella.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the chance to review and read this book.

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The German review of the book is following below, the book will get a 4 star review. The review will be published on the release date of the book.

Netter Liebesroman, nicht nur für Katzenfreunde

Als jemand, der schon seit vielen Jahren das Haus mit Katzen teilt, hat mich der Titel des Buches und die Zusammenfassung gleich angesprochen. In der Vergangenheit habe ich bereits einige Bücher, z.B. Cozy Mysteries, mit besonderen Katzen gelesen und genossen. Daher war ich guter Dinge, dass mir auch „Ten things my cat hates about you“ gut gefallen würde. Und das hat es dann auch.

Die Geschichte ist teils Liebesroman, teils aber auch das Auseinandersetzen mit den eigenen Wünschen und dem Bild, was die Außenwelt von einem hat. Wobei gerade der letzte Punkt zwar angeschnitten, aber leider nicht bis zum Ende hin verfolgt wird.

Die Liebesgeschichte verläuft eher langsam und bevor die beiden Hauptcharaktere zusammen kommen, muss man bis zum Ende hin warten. Womit ich aber kein Problem hatte. Auf dem Weg zu Happy End gibt es einige Missverständnisse zu bewältigen und den guten Willen einer Katze zu gewinnen. Die im Titel des Buchs erwähnte Katze spielt in der Geschichte durchaus eine wichtige Rolle, wenn auch anders, als der Titel mich hat vermuten lassen. Für mich waren die Katzenszenen mit das beste am Buch, da diese eine Leichtigkeit in die Geschichte gebracht haben, die ich mag, und da sie mich zum Lachen gebracht haben.

Das Buch konnte ich an zwei Tagen gut lesen, der Schreibstil ist angenehm und hat es geschafft mein Interesse zu wecken. Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass bestimmt Entwicklungen, gerade zu Beginn des Buches, etwas kürzer ausgefallen wären und die eigentliche Liebesgeschichte mehr Raum zum Entfalten gehabt hätte. Auch fehlt mir ein schöner Epilog und ich hätte gerne noch mehr über die Hauptcharaktere erfahren. Da ich das Buch aber alles in alle gerne gelesen habe und es mich gut unterhalten hat, gebe ich ihm vier Sterne.

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"Ten Things My Cat Hates About You" is written from the point of view of Clara, whose cat Casper hates every man she dates. Within the space of 24 hours Casper brings two new men into her life; a gorgeous vet (who Casper loves) and a grumpy Professor (who Casper doesn't). But is Clara right to trust Casper's judgment when it comes to her love life?

I can't lie, the main reason I was attracted to this book was the title! Luckily it turned out to be a cute romance novel and I enjoyed reading it. It's a little predictable, but if you're looking for something light and easy to read then this is perfect.

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I have to admit that from the title, I wasn't expecting too much from this book. However, it far exceeded my expectations. Ten Things My Cat Hates About You is a cute story of Clara, a girl who is desperately looking for love but her cat thwarts her at every turn. Despite the name and synopsis, the cat doesn't play quite as big a role as you might think. Clara is truly a multidimensional character whose family history and work at a museum play into her love life just as much as her cat. Overall, this is a precious, light read!

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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3.5 meows! 😼 (rounded up)

After 4 dates, Clara decides it’s time for the ultimate test...introducing her latest romantic prospect to her ginger cat, Casper, who has found something to dislike in every man, that Clara has brought home.

When yet another beau goes running, Clara is offered some well meaning advice from her brother Freddie, who suggests that maybe, Casper, is a better judge of character than Clara...

And, from her married, best friend, Heather, who advises “Find someone who can actually win round that cat of yours; now that really will be someone worth having.”

Clara takes this to heart, with the next two men she meets, Josh and Adam...can either one win over Casper? 😾

Our hopeless romantic Clara is a relatable protagonist, with a good sense of humor, who is surrounded by a cast of likable friends, family and co-workers, all rooting for her to find true love.

And, I was rooting for her too!

My only criticism of the book, is that the TITLE is a bit misleading...

I expected many more AMUSING interactions between Casper and the two leading men, and at least TEN ACTUAL things that Casper hated about Clara’s prospects.

So, it didn’t quite live up to the expectations that I had going into the book.

Nonetheless, if you are in the mood for a little romance..this IS a quick, CHARMING read...even though the cat lover in me, wanted more of a starring role for Casper! 😻

PS: I loved that the author dedicated the book to her husband Greg-beloved by cats everywhere!

Thank You to Netgalley, Lottie Lucas, and Harper Impulse/Killer Reads-One More Chapter for the digital ARC I received in exchange for a candid review! Mark your calendars! Available on Nov. 15th, 2019!

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Such a funny book Claras cat Caspar keeps driving away her boyfriends as he just doesn't like them very much. I absolutely love Caspar. Clara as a character I didn't like so much. I found her to be really frustrating at times

If you're looking for a fun romantic comedy with the added bonus of cats then this is the book for you!

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Even though I'm not a cat person I thought, "this is cute cover, this might be a fun, light, cute romance, plus it's set in the UK no less." But oof, this wasn't good. I will say the writing was fine. Also, it's a closed door romance, if you like to know that type of thing. The rest of it fell flat.

Clara is a vintage dress wearing assistant curator at a small museum in Cambridge, where she does a lot of the grunt work while the older, stodgy curator refuses to give her any creative control. At home, she has a mischievous (some might say malicious) cat who continually chases away the men she brings home. One night the cat is parked in the middle of the street and causes a cyclist to swerve and crash. Although he can't see Clara very well in the dark, she realizes the next day when he's conducting research at her museum and she's inadvertently kissed him (insert eye roll) that this uptight young professor is none other than the cyclist. He doesn't know it's her though and she doesn't tell him. Meanwhile, she starts dating her cat's new veterinarian even as she slowly begins to get to know this professor.

This is one of those books where the main character, the love interest, and the pseudo love interest act like brats and the romance has little to no chemistry. It was so annoying. The professor is a charmless, moody Darcy type who is just that, a type. His character is never satisfyingly developed, and he acts like a child "because he's stressed" every time something doesn't go his way. Clara repeatedly repeats her mistakes and whines about not being an academic like the professor...except she's got a master's in art history and works at an art museum in Cambridge of all places. Please find me a non-academic master's bearing art historian/curator. Oh, you probably can't.

Additionally, there are a lot of things going on: Clara's brother has moved in and she doesn't know why and it's not really even apparent anything is wrong until more than halfway through the book, Clara's best friend Heather is another semi-formed character who may or may not have marriage issues...I could go on, but I won't. I wish I had dropped this one. I'm kind of frustrated with myself for finishing it.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this book.
I really wanted to like this book. It had all the makings of a wonderful romantic comedy and yet it missed the mark somehow. Don't get me wrong, it was fun and written well, easy to read and had quirky characters, (including the cat).
However Clara herself was quite clueless and her treatment of Adam could be cold and contradictory. I couldn't see why he loved her to be honest.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I found it funny and even laughed out loud a couple of times. I will definitely read more by this author. She writes in a very down to earth, realistic way, and the characters were both believable and fully developed, even those on the periphery.
Very, very enjoyable all the way through and a happy ending what more could you ask for on a wet October evening.

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"Ten Things My Cat Hates About You" has everything I ask for in a quick read: romance, humor, and cats! This was an adorable romantic comedy, and I loved it! The ending felt a bit rushed, but otherwise, I enjoyed this book immensely.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This was a sweet, funny read - like a lot of the "british" romances that are out there this is sweet, funny, and not over the top dramatic. It definitely falls in the light read category - even though Clara has been through a lot in her life - that aspect of things isn't written to heavily. What kept this from being a four star read for me was the love triangle aspect of it. Although you can tell from the moment Casper jumps in front of Adam's bike causing him to crash that Adam is the one for Clara - there is a big detour into Josh-land. Josh a hot vet who is only looking for fun.

The book spent to much emotional capital on Josh and really not enough on Adam.

I also felt like, although the book was meant to be light and funny, that there wasn't enough depth to Clara. We're told a lot of things about her by various characters - but we aren't really shown that. I felt like that was missing here.

Even so - it was definitely an enjoyable book! I really liked Casper the cat as well.

I received thisbook as an ARC from net galley, but these opinions are all my own!

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Cute, romantic comedy about Clara and her cat who HATES all of her boyfriends. Does he know more about good guys than Clara does, as her brother implies? Fun book that had me laughing!

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Ten Things My Cat Hates About You was a trip back to a 90's or early 2000's rom-com and I adored it. This has the signature bad guy versus good guy aspect but there's a bit of a twist. I loved our MC Clara and all the hijinks her cat Casper got himself into.

The characterization is really strong in this one and we get to watch Clara struggle with what she wants with her life. The side characters really hold their own in this novel. Plus, it has a lovely English setting that had me swooning.

I wish it had a better ending but I think this will be a cute one to read curled up with tea this winter.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from One More Chapter through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

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This was such an easy, heartwarming read. I loved the main character Clara and her brother Freddie. They've had a tough past and are just coming out the other side with lots of twists and turns. Clara has a rather difficult cat who always causes mischief and hates everyone. The book is full of his cheeky antics and has you laughing out loud a lot! There is also alive to hate character so is a satisfying rom com. I love how autumnal it is with references to my favourite coffees! Very seasonal.

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Thanks to NetGalley and to the publisher for sending me an e-galley of this book in exchange for an honest review!

The premise of "Ten Things My Cat Hates About You" is what really hooked me as a cat owner, but I have to say that the story actually fell a bit flat for me. It was really hard for me to really get sucked in or hooked. I felt like it was very shallow, in a way.

Clara is a hopeless romantic with a finicky ginger cat named Casper who hates pretty much any man she brings home other than the ones she isn't interested in romantically. We see him chasing off a guy in the first few pages and a few pages after that it's suggested that he's secretly keeping her safe by running off the wrong sort of guy.

In comes a disastrous meet cute with Professor Adam Warwick (she learns who he is later on) where he swerves to miss Casper with his bike and ends up being quite a jerk about it. He messed up his bike wheel and fell into a bush, but as an alternative to potentially injuring an animal. Maybe I'm just weird.

With another one of Casper's antics we meet contestant number two, a young handsome veterinarian named Josh Granger who Casper loves. Two guesses as to who she ends up with.

There's my problem with the whole book. There isn't anything inherently wrong with the writing or anything, but it just felt very 2005-2008. There were a couple times where the whole "oh men aren't that great because of (sexist reason)" pops up and I had to cringe. Both genders can be sexist, ya know. That and the fight, or one of the final fights that kept the couple apart later in the story was pretty knock down drag out. If someone called me an idiot I don't think I'd be with them. It just didn't feel right to me. The female friendship even had a small jealousy/envy subplot which also felt like it was in bad taste and conflict for the sake of it. I get that friends fight, but it felt fairly juvenile to me.

All in all it's kind of a been there done that sort of book. I've read this formula and they didn't do much to really switch it up. It was an easy read and nothing too memorable.

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Ten Things My Cat Hates About You is a fun romantic comedy. Casper is a cat who hates all of Clara's boyfriends and drives them away. He also winds up being the catalyst that brings two new men into Clara's life. The only unbelievable thing about the book is that Casper actually LOVES the veterinarian and doesn't shred him to pieces! I was also pleased that Casper didn't actually talk.

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Yay for another cat... eh... love story! Ten Things My Cat Hates About You is a sweet and highly entertaining book:

'Thank heavens technology hasn't yet provided us with the ability to read minds; the day that happens, I'm throwing myself off a bridge. (..) No one can ever find out what weird stuff goes through my head.'

I was really in need of some fun and a happy ending (no spoiler here, I guess). With Cara and the perpetual white lies that get her into trouble she deserves to be on my for-a-rainy-day shelf.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.

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