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Member Reviews

Really glad that this book picked up exactly where the action left off in its predecessor. Great to see how the change of location affected the main characters and great that we got an insight into more of the original ‘bit players’

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Another excellent novel in the Detective Superintendent Ray Paterson and Detective Inspector John Clocks series. They are chasing a psychopath named Albert Tanner which takes them to the US. This book keeps the reader enthralled until the final pages, absolutely breathtakingly thrilling!

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Thrilling and gripping, If you like a good crime caper with an against the clock chase this is definitely one for you!

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Patterson and Clocks are back! Book 4 in the series sees them heading off to the United States with recently retired senior police officer Wallace Young. Also with them, is Lyndsey Mullins. An elite markswoman from the SO19 unit of the Metropolitan Police. She is John Clocks love interest. They are going there to find the evil east end gangster Albert Tanner and get him bang to rights.

On arrival in New York. To say things go with a bang is an understatement. The FBI and the NYPD, certainly find they have their hands full with the team.
I adore Steve Parkers books and this is no different. I love these coppers and they never get boring!
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the copy of the book.

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This is the fourth book in the series, and reads nicely enough as a standalone. This was a very enjoyable read and I will read the previous books in the series without any doubt. Recommended.

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While this story is fourth in a series, it is a series where you can read the books as stand alones. However, there are moments in this book where i feel you would get more from them if you had read the previous books. I had not.

I do think that Steve Parker is up there with many of the other detective crime writers that i enjoy, and i will definitely be on the look out for the first three books in this series so i can read this one in the correct order and hopefully get more from it the second time around.

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Unfortunately, i was actually unable to read this book and review it. Due to being a new member and not fully understanding how the site worked and a strange period of my life, i never got he chance to read this. I apologise i wasnt able to review this.

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Another in the Patterson and Johnny Clocks series. Fast Paced, full of humour and one liners. This is the fourth book in the series but can be read as a stand alone. Saying that I am sure that once you have read this book you will want to search out the other books in this series. I promise you will not be disappointed. Almost five stars and highly recommended.
I would like to thank the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC.

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This book was my first Steve Parker book and I enjoyed it!  It was a good thriller and fast paced.  This book is not the first book in the series I learned.  But I still enjoyed it very much.   Detective Superintendent Ray Paterson and Detective Inspector Johnny Clocks were good characters and I enjoyed the story enough I will probably go back and start at the beginning of this series.  *This book was given to me for free at my request from Netgalley and I provided this voluntary review.*

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First of I’d like to thank Netgalley and Joffe Books for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book I’ve read written by the names author and I highly doubt it will be my last. This book kept my attention, from the start; left me in suspense right until the end. Definitely on the dark side with a dash of humour, which I can only imagine would be challenging, considering the books plot. Now to hunt for more novels written by Steve Parker.

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Steve Parker's partnership of detectives Paterson and Clocks is a winning combination. This book sees the maverick cops head to New York to try to recapture crime boss Albert Tanner. A thriller dealing with criminals who are the dregs of humanity shouldn't be a place for humour but somehow this author manages to make it acceptable in a dark way. This is the fourth book in the series and although it can be read as a stand alone the reader will get a better understanding of the main characters if they are read in order. Finally the epilogue has made sure that I can't wait for the next instalment.

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Another great read by Stevethe series just gets better. It is easy to read and kept me reading till the end. Looking forward to the next

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I want to say I liked that book but I did not, I didn't hate it though, I just wouldn't read it again.


British police go after a psychopath... I thought it'd be a great thriller full of suspense... Just not what I expected. I did like the language though and the darkness.

It is well written and the storyline isn't bad. I simply wasn't hooked.

ARC received through NetGalley. This is my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Was not all what I expect to read was a good read! I enjoyed it followed it well. They seem to think they could hide but they couldn't. This one I got confused with and had a hard time with I had to book the down and come back a day later. Then I could finish it.

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This book was intense at first, which is usually great. I found it hard to read with the accent and vernacular. The language was really strong and inappropriate for what I would introduce as an assignment. Other than that, it will make a great action film.

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Set far from their usual stomping grounds You Can't Hide is no less fast paced and twisted than the previous books in this series with the dynamic and humour between them as lively as always. Old scores are settled in the very different backdrop of New York but could it be the end of an era?

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Absolutely fantastic had me gripped!!! Loved it! Can't wait for more from.this author. Storyline was great, characters were easy to.connect with

Thank you for the advanced copy

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The author wrote a thriller that started with a bang and just kept going! The twists kept coming, so I couldn't put it down. I cannot wait to read more from this author!

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Once more we hit the ground running in this, the fourth book featuring Superintendent Ray Paterson and his team from London. Paterson is young, extremely wealthy and until recently was on a fast track to the top, whilst DI Johnny Clocks (nicknamed Timex or Thrush) is the complete opposite, loud-mouthed and brash having come up through the ranks but a loyal friend for life if he decides he likes you. I love the pair of them! I mean, who cares if they are a little more "Sweeney" than "pc" and their language is a bit colourful? After all, in the areas they operate the police need to have a bit more about them than sticking rigidly to every rule. In this story they are landing at JFK Airport, together with the great addition of Clocks' girlfriend DI Lyndsey Mullins and former Police Commissioner Wallace Young. They are joining up with the FBI to hunt down and return to London the escaped psychopathic criminal Albert Tanner, the "burning man" from previous stories who has fled to the USA. It seems he has contacts and funds available, and is carrying out an agenda of his own. What at first seemed like a straightforward job quickly becomes a nightmare for the team as Tanner stalks them, leaving a trail of bombs and burnings, and leading them into the murky world of high class sex parties with a very nasty menu on offer. As more attempts to catch Tanner are unsuccessful, it becomes clear the team will have to do things their way if they are to catch their vicious nemesis. The pace is great with loads of action, and this really is a book that kept me hooked till the last page. Clocks and Paterson make a great team. There is a lot of humorous banter between the two, making the book fun at the same time as tacking deadly serious crimes. It's not surprising that the events of the first three stories have shaped Paterson and Clocks into the men they are now, and this story expands on that further. If you haven't, I urge you to read the rest of the series first. There is a lot of history and although it is well described in this book and it can be enjoyed as a standalone it wouldn't be the same reading them out of order. Highly recommended and with a great cliff-hanger at the end which left me begging for the next book soon!

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DS RayPaterson #4

Albert Tanner is a vicious phychopath. He's got unfinished business in the USA. DS Ray Patersonand DI Johnny Clocks must hunt him down and bring him hime. But a few events get in their way. Dragged into a sordid world of high class sex parties, they discover an Albert Tanner they never knew existed.

There is lots going on in this book. Paterson and Clocks are working with the FBI to try and find Tannerand take him back to the UK. The book is fast paced and gripping from the first page. I don't think it's an edge of your seat read, but it will keep you turning the pages, wanting to find out more. This is quite a good series.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Joffe Books and the author Steve Parks for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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