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A Cold Trail

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Robert Dugoni never disappoints whether I'm reading one of his standalone titles or part of a series.    In this case I've just read and thoroughly enjoyed the latest in his Tracy Crosswhite series.  A Cold Trail was another fabulous addition to the collection.   I've previously commented about the series getting better with each new title and I steadfastly endorse that observation.    Not only do I enjoy the mix of police procedural and mystery/suspense but I delight in catching up with some much loved characters  - especiallyTracy and Dan.    What's more, in this title Dan was more involved in the storyline and I enjoyed the courtroom drama this added.

Tracy and Dan are now proud parents of two month old Daniella.   Whilst renovations are being completed on their home they temporarily move back to Cedar Grove, the place where Dan and Tracy both grew up.   While wrestling with the idea of returning to work Tracy finds herself thrust into a murder investigation which seems to tie in with a Cold Case murder from around the time of her own sisters death more than 25 years ago.  The story  was engaging, I'd call it a page turner, it had enough to keep readers guessing, and (this is a good thing in my opinion) though it was a murder mystery there was not a lot of violence. As we approached the end of the book I had cause to think this may have been the concluding instalment but the Epilogue left the door open to the possibility of more of Tracy, Dan and Daniella.   I really hope I'm right.

My sincere thanks to Robert Dugoni, Thomas & Mercer, and NetGalley for the opportunity of reading this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review which it was my pleasure to provide.

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This series has been one of my favorites for a while, and the latest installment didn’t disappoint! It took me longer to get into than I expected, because of what I thought was some seemingly unnecessary lawyery storyline...but I knew it would all come together in the end. And it did! Can’t wait for more from this series (hopefully there’s more!)

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Another fantastic installment in the Tracy Crosswhite series! I loved seeing Tracy, Dan again, and now Daniella! Not to mention Faz and Vera, and a few other cameos from the past!

Dan and Tracy are temporarily back in Cedar Grove, which is a place we know is great at keeping secrets, and doesn't hesitate to use violence to keep them. It's a classic Crosswhite plot, with action and twists, and Dan just being perfect!

I loved being back with these characters and this world. A must-read for any fan of this series.

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4.25-4.5 STARS

In this 7th installment to author Robert Dugoni’s Tracy Crosswhite series, Tracy & Dan return to their hometown of Cedar Grove, but this time, it’s as a family, with baby Daniella in tow.

Representing a local merchant, Dan becomes entrenched in a legal battle with the City, while Tracy—who is on maternity leave—tries to adjust to her new role as a stay-at-home mom. But when past meets present, linking a cold murder case to a new investigation into two suspicious deaths, Tracy is pulled back into the fold, causing tension between her and Dan as she struggles to find a balance between motherhood and career.

“A Cold Trail” showcases Tracy’s softer side while still offering up a very compelling mystery. As with each book in this series, Robert Dugoni weaves an intricate web of secrets, suspense and intrigue. But unlike the previous books, “A Cold Trail” has a heavier emphasis on the personal, showcasing Tracy and Dan’s relationship and their newly formed family.

This is one of my all-time favorite series, and I can only hope that there will be many more installments still to come.

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Tracy is barely getting acquainted with the nanny in the Cedar Grove getaway during their Seattle renovation before she is approached by the former police chief to look into the death of a local journalist investigating a cold case and a former attorney turned PI.

The well-plotted storyline quickly divides between that of her investigations and Dan's legal maneuvers for his client in regard to the downtown area revitalization. The legal complexities get interesting and educational while Tracy's investigation is beginning to worry the antagonist.

The cast of support characters shift from Seattle to Cedar Grove and in their stead are several new support characters with lots of personality. The Irish nanny is super until deemed at risk and whisked away for safer climes. The reader gets that old mother's conundrum, staying home or working away from her child while the men are free to carry on with their careers with no public ramifications. I like that Tracy is still, at heart, a strong, independent, and intelligent woman skillful at her job.

The narrative begins to swing back and forth between her cases and his, trading off in a melding or juxtaposition of timeline. Clever! The book hooks you in and holds attention in a riveting and complicated tale through the great reveal, one you might have guessed, but still surprised.

(Tracy working an active investigation, however, and expressing bottles of milk for the nanny to use while she was away that long didn't ring true for me, however. You might wish to revisit the issue of breastfeeding, Robert.)

I received this ARC digital download from the publisher through NetGalley and was thrilled for the opportunity to read and review. I really enjoy this series and greatly look forward to Book 8. While Book 7 may be read as a standalone, you might wish to begin with Book 1 to really get how each of the main characters has evolved to this point. Recommended for all mystery fans and I think you'll also enjoy the courtroom tactics. 4.5/5 rounded up

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Terrific, suspenseful crime drama! I really like the character Tracy Crosswhite. She's a new mother and a homicide detective out on maternity leave. She and her husband Dan have moved to Cedar Grove, Tracy's childhood hometown, while their home is being renovated. Dan is an attorney who ends up representing a merchant in town against the city. Tracy gets drawn into murder investigations that seem to be tied together. Both Dan and Tracy have their hands full in their pursuits. An interesting, complex investigation that kept my attention and kept me wondering.

This is the first Tracy Crosswhite book I have read; however, it could easily be read as a stand along and I was glad of that. I will be reading more. The only other book I have read by Robert Dugoni is The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hill, which was a really good read. He's a good author with writing skills that will keep me reading more.

Thanks to Robert Dugoni and Thomas & Mercer through Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I seem to say this with every Dugoni book I read but, well here I go again.
There is something about Robert Dugonis writing that just sits perfectly with me. Be it the Tracy Crosswhite series or some of his stand alones, I just feel in safe hands and am 100% in from the start.

In this latest in the series we find Tracy and husband Dan back in their childhood hometown of Cedar Grove along with their two month old daughter Daniella. Their home in Seattle is being renovated and so they move back temporarily to Cedar Grove while the work is carried out.
Here they both get embroiled in a legacy murder case that may be connected to more recent deaths in Cedar Grove. While Tracy helps out with investigations with the local sherif, an old acquaintance and friend of her late father, Dan is involved in a local case where a local business owner refuses to sell to the City and wants to sue them. Little do they know that both their cases are interlinked and could blow the lid on both current and historical events in the town.

So yeah, I just loved this. Dugoni has a great knack of holding your hand throughout his stories, making the complicated easy to follow without dumbing it down at all. I’ve read less complicated stories more recently that I found a lot harder to follow. Not once here was I confused or reading back a few pages to see which character was which. All of them, both major and minor were clearly defined and so easy to keep track of.

The story itself is quite clever and really well told. It dips back into events in previous books and shines some light on them and the fringes of them, while dishing up a fascinating story line in the present. The fact that we have both Tracy and Dans stories alternating and both leading to the same goal is really clever too.

I always look forward to a new Dugoni book. He seems to be my go to guy and again I’m in no way disappointed.

Oh and special mention to the Irish nanny. The Irish slang and use of words was 100% on the money.
An easy five stars for me.

Thanks to Netgalley, Thomas and Mercer and Robert Dugoni for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The 7th Tracy Crosswhite novel from Robert Dugoni is highly recommend to anyone who likes thrillers/police procedural with strong female characters. Homicide detective Tracy Crosswhite is on maternity leave in her hometown of Cedar Grove when she gets dragged into an investigation that could link several murders over a dozen years. Robert Dugoni has done it again with a fast paced plot, great characters and surprising twists. Highly recommended. You don't have to have read the previous books in the series but you will want to once you've finished this one.

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Love the continuing journey of Tracey Crosswhite. The addition of her child and the struggle to be a good mom and a good detective makes this one even better.

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I love murder mysteries where I can't predict the ending and this was one of them, very interesting book I had trouble putting it down, I didn't realize this book was part of a series until I started reading it but don't feel like I missed anything, everything was well explained, I will most likely check out the other ones.

thank you Netgalley for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for a review

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Let me begin by saying that although this is number 7 in the series, it is a stand-alone novel. And while there are references made to past books/cases, it isn't done in a way that would be confusing to a first-time reader.

As with all of these books, the characters are robust and complex; while the plot-lines remain multi-faceted. I will say that because the sub-plots of this one were so vastly different, this book did feel more slow-going than the other ones. There were a lot of things that needed to be looked into, and a lot of strings to tug which at times made it easy to set this one aside and come back to it later. I will say that the ending of this story - that pivotal moment where everything comes together was so unexpected that it made up for the slowness of the overall story.

One of the things that I have noticed in this series, especially where it pertains to Tracy, is that these characters feel real. They have very human reactions to things (unlike in some stories where characters are written off as emotionless, or perfect). In this book, we see Tracy dealing with the challenges of being a new mother - with a career she can't look away from. In fact, we see her almost break down at the thought of leaving her two-month-old daughter with her "daytime mommy" (as the nanny calls herself). This domesticated side of Tracy gives her a vulnerability that wasn't there prior to now, and it was enjoyable to see.

Overall, I would recommend this story not only to fans of the Tracy Crosswhite series, but those who enjoy well-written thriller novels. I will read more from this author!

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

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I've loved this entire book series and so I had that anxious, ooooh will #7 live up to my expecations? Well, I'm happy to report that it did.

What I really like about these books is you could read them as a stand alone one off, it takes you through an entire case, but reading the whole lot of them will make you fall in love with characters and I really do feel like Tracy is the cool, calm, badass, woman I've wanted to read about for years.

If you like murder whodunnit, small town gossip mill/conspiracy theory/red herring thrillers then this is book and the 6 that come before it are you. A pleasure to read from start to finish.

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Tracy Crosswhite has returned to her hometown of Cedar Grove, a place that holds painful memories for her. The last time she returned was to see her sister, Sarah's killer put behind bars. Now she has returned with her husband Dan and their daughter, Daniella. Dan is an attorney who is representing a local business/merchant who is in jeopardy of going out of business due to the town's revitalization.

Tracy has a chance meeting with an old friend (former police chief, Sam Calloway), and is drawn into the current investigation(s) of the deaths of a journalist and a former lawyer/P.I. who were both killed while investigating a cold case of a young woman who was murdered in 1993. As Tracy begins to investigate it becomes clear that she is making the murderer nervous and may be getting closer to solving the case than she thought.

This being the seventh book in the series, may work as a stand-alone, but I do highly recommend reading the previous books in the series, to better understand all the characters and their motivations. In this book we get to see another side of Tracy - she is a Mother now and we see her tender, loving and worried side coming out. We also see her thinking about her sister and father while navigating life in her former hometown. The reader is shown Tracy and Dan as parents and their disagreement about Tracy taking on a potentially dangerous case while having an infant at home.

The plot was interesting, and I enjoyed how everything came together. Dugoni never pulls anything out of left field. There is never any shocking or jarring reveal at the end. You know the ones where the murderer is your brother's cousin's sister's attorney's daughter's friend from out of town twice removed who was never mentioned once in the book yet pops up in the last three pages to be the killer who has been plotting revenge for 30 years because the victim once ran over his/her toe with their tricycle when they were four. I know that doesn't make sense but I'm not a fan of the whiplash reveals that are only put in for shock value. When the reveal does come in this book, it does make sense and seems plausible. The reveal is well thought out and crafted. Everything falls into place and nothing in this book felt rushed.

Well thought out, riveting and compelling. I always get excited when I see there is another installment in this series. I look forward to the next one, and the one after that and so on and so on....You get the idea - I'm a fan!

Thank you to Thomas and Mercer and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Excellent plot and story, as well as great characters. It would be perfect if it weren't for quite a few unnecessary repetitions.

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The Tracy Crosswhite series is definitely one of my favorites. The characters are easy to love. This installment finds Tracy on maternity leave and back in Cedar Grove while renovations are being made to their home. Asked to help out the town's temporary police chief investigate an old case, Tracy faces what life might look like if she continues to work now that she's a mom.

While it's a stand alone story, most the characters have all made appearances in previous books. Reading them in order will definitely make it a little more exciting and meaningful.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of the 7th installment of the Tracey Crosswhite series.

This was a new author and series for me, although I didn’t feel that I was too disadvantaged, by not having read the first 6 books.

Detective Tracey Crosswhite returns to Cedar Grove with her husband Dan and new daughter, Daniella. While on maternity leave, she is asked to investigate two fatal events. During her investigations, she uncovers a few discrepancies in the cause of death rulings for three people (two of whom are decades old)!
The web of murders and conspiracies are quite complex, and you will need to pay attention to follow along. It is all revealed in a thrilling climax.

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Received as an ARC. I love Tracy Crosswhite. I’ve read all of her books in the series. She’s a homicide detective, a wife, and now mother. She always solves the case with her family by her side Faz and Vera, Kins and Del. A must read.

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This being the seventh book in this series I felt a little at a disadvantage as I haven’t read any of the earlier books in this series, despite owning a couple of them. I will be grabbing them to read after finishing this one. I enjoyed the way the author wrote this, it’s atmospheric, there is tension, great characters that are likeable which for me is a big thing.

Detective Tracy Crosswhite is on maternity leave after the birth of her daughter, Daniella. The family have gone to their home town of Cedar Grove whilst their home in Seattle is being renovated to make more room for the baby. Tracy is unsure whether she wants to go back to work or not, Dan seems keen for her to stay at home, but will support whatever decision she makes.

But their stay in Cedar Grove is not exactly a holiday as Dan gets involved in a case with a local shop owner who is worried he is going to lose his business, when the city seem to be buying up all the properties along the main drag. Dan finds this suspicious and starts to investigate. His client has no intention of selling.

Meanwhile Tracy bumps into acting Chief Roy Calloway, who has been called out of retirement to cover for the Police Chief, who is on compassionate leave, after the death of his journalist wife in a house fire. The journalist had been looking into an old murder case, dating back to the nineties when she died. Roy would like fresh eyes on the case. But as Tracy starts to dig things become more complex, she is unearthing secrets that some would rather remain buried and forgotten. Both Tracy and Dan have grown up in Cedar Grove, so she becomes increasingly aware that whoever the killer is, it could be someone they both know personally.

As the plot thickens Dan and Tracy’s investigation’s seem to have connections, how much do they want to risk to find the truth?

Not having read the previous books and this one being the first one where Tracy now has a baby, you can feel her emotions, the guilt every mother feels when going to work, and trying to juggle marriage, and motherhood and all the feelings that comes with that. She is also still haunted by what has happened in the past family history.

There are lots of twists and turns in the plot that all worked well.

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I can be guaranteed of a good read if the author is Robert Dugoni. This book sees the maternal side of Tracey but she still has that determination to solve a mystery. The legal part concerning Dan was a bit too much and I couldn’t understand how the killer could Tracey off the road and then was able to get to her house so quickly when Tracey was struggling to drive in the snowstorm. A decent read with lots going on .

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced digital reader's copy of A Cold Trail by Robert Dugoni in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. In book number seven of the Tracy Crosswhite series Tracy and Dan have a young daughter. They move back to Cedar Grove temporarily so their home can be renovated to make room for the new baby. Moving back to Cedar Grove brings back feelings about the murder of Tracy's sister. Since that death, there has been two more deaths in the small town of Cedar Grove. Both Dan (an attorney) and Tracy (a detective) have cases they are working on that are connected to each other. I enjoyed the book but it seemed to move slowly at times.

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