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Good Guy

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I love the Chicago Rebels series so I was thrilled when Kate Meader decided to do a spinoff. I enjoy her writing very much so it was no surprise as to how much I really enjoyed this story and the whole concept of it. I love the characters we are introduced here and of course the characters I came to love from the Rebels series that make many appearances.
Our hero Levi, and in this case he really is one, had a whole other career before coming onto the scene as a rookie hockey player, as a Green Beret. Thus making him quite old to be a rookie in this game. Levi is a very private man, which makes the fact that the team wants him to be the subject of an in depth profile story pretty unnerving for him. This is exacerbated when the reporter picked to do it is the widow of an old army buddy/friend of his that he has been pining for forever. In fact, he was the best man at their wedding. Levi is so much more than he appears to be at first and I loved watching Jordan discover all the many layers he has. Jordan, who is now finally chasing after something for herself, is smart, sassy and driven and is picked over her male counterparts to write this piece because of her connection with Levi. She is an amazing reporter but has been overshadowed in this male dominated field. They have some serious chemistry that neither really wants to explore at first, but you know how that goes. And of course this makes for some great tension filled moments and dialogue.
Great storyline, wonderful characters both old and new as well as a wonderful ending, makes this an excellent start off to a new series. I cannot wait for more of the rookies on the Rebels as they already have me intrigued especially Superglutes!

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Good Guy is the first book in the Rookie Rebel series which happens to be a spin off from Ms. Meader’s popular Chicago Rebel series. Good Guy centers on Levi and Jordan who reconnect after five years in the most uncomfortable circumstances. Levi is the oldest rookie to play in the NHL and he happens to be on the most controversial team, the Chicago Rebels, he becomes the subject of interest that the press would just love to uncover. Enter Jordan, a female sports reporter who needs a break to get into the big leagues. But when its her connection to Levi that gets her a stint in one of the major sports news outlets things become not so straightforward and gets both of them in the most awkward situations. Good Guy is a wonderful way of getting introduced to the world of the Chicago Rebels, it briefly touches on the history of the team and how they’ve gotten the reputation of being the oddball of the NHL but this book also puts a line saying this is the generation that comes after. Levi and Jordan’s romance straddles their past and the present and the journey to their HEA was all sweet, funny, sexy and also full of self discovery for both characters. Can’t wait which character gets their own story next!

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Good Guy is the first book of Kate Meader’s Rookie Rebels series. It is a spin-off series from her Chicago Rebels series.

Levi Hunt is a 30 year old former Green Beret and rookie on the Rebels team. Jordan Cooke is a hockey reporter looking for her big break. These two have a past that they both have a hard time with - Levi more than Jordan. What follows is a wonderful story about not letting the past dictate your future and how to move on from past hurts.

I loved this book and cannot wait for the next one in the series! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A wonderful spin off from the Chicago Rebels series These guys are the Rookie Rebels They are men who have had their Hockey careers curtailed by some unforeseen circumstance or career choice In the case of Levi Hunt he gave up a promising hockey career to become a special forces soldier but now he has returned and is starting his hockey career over

The public loves him for his service and now his bosses want him to do an article with a journalist he is fine with that until he learns the journalist is Jordan Cooke. He has history with Jordan she is the widow if one of his fellow soldiers and his best friend and he kissed her the night they buried him. Jordan wants to make it has a sport journalist and this is her big chance so why is Levi making it so hard for her. Could it all be because of that kiss, she knows she will have yo play dirty if she wants her interview from the stand offish Levi but what she is worried about is that she may just lose her heart in the process. This is a deeply emotional book that has some laugh out loud moments due to the fun from the rest of the team.

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So I literally just read a book by this author right before this one and I loved it so much. This one, not so much. I feel like I’ve read this story before. And this story isn’t even out yet... meaning that’s not good. Not at all.
Sadly, because of this, I could not get into Levi and Jordan. They did nothing for me and I gave up on this one.

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4 Stars Kate Meader has given me many hours of wonderful reads. She has a handle of knowing exactly how to pace a story and romance. In this story. There is the Special Forces veteran who survived and the widow of his best friend. Then complicate it with the man now a pro hockey player and the widow trying to develop her career as a sports writer.

Now have both of them thrown together due to a forced interview series. Oh, and add in a kiss that both felt but pretend it didn't happen.

Kate Meader is the perfect author to work with all of this and make it work.

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When one of your favorite authors, Kate Meader, takes your favorite sport and starts a new spinoff series…PUCK YEAH! Good Guy, the first book in A Rookie Rebels series, had the perfect blend of storyline, heartbreak , an ex-military/hockey player hero that will have you swooning, banter, heat (enough to melt the ice!), backstabbing, and did I mention hockey???

Levi Hunt is a former Special Forces Green Beret soldier. He made his return to AHL hockey after several years of military service, only to be called up to the Chicago Rebels NHL team within weeks of getting out. Player status: Rookie

“But then disaster struck--for someone else…the next morning, Levi was on the practice rink in Riverbrook, home base of the Rebels. Just like that.”

Jordan Cooke is getting her chance at “the BIG story”. Unfortunately, it is with her deceased husband’s good friend/best man who served in the forces with him, Levi…who hates her.

She couldn’t pinpoint exactly the nature of his problem with her but she knew this much: her particular brand of cheer pissed him off royally.

Between the penis pics, FNG, Superglutes (He’s got super glutes, super glutes, he’s super glute-y! Yeah…I had that stuck in my head for hours! LOL), and everything in between…this book was “bar-down” perfect! Kate Meader has always been one of my go-to authors because her writing flows so well, the storylines are so good, and her characters are so enjoyable to read! I love how this branches out from the Chicago Rebels series by this author. I completely recommend this book and look forward to the next one in the series!

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A smoking new sports romance guaranteed to make you swoon, smile and sweat. Kate Meader has hit this one into the hockey goal. The writing, the characters, and the emotions were just spot on to make this another must read book by this amazing author. Can’t wait for the next book!! Need it right now 😊 happy reading!!

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This was a very Hit and Miss story. I couldn't see any chemistry between the two leads. It felt at times a bit forced. Levi seems like a very nice guy but I did find Jordan a bit bland.

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This is the first book in the spinoff of the Chicago Rebels series - I loved that series! Here we meet Jordan a reporter brought up from the small market to interview the “oldest rookie” Levi who she happens to have a history with. Her deceased husband was a Green Beret with Levi.
There is A LOT going on in this book. Jordan tackles workplace equality issues, sexual harassment, battered women. They talk about homeless veterans, I mean you name it, it might be in here.
I struggled a little bit with this one. Full disclosure, I did start a new position at work while I was reading this, so maybe that was a distraction? But I had a hard time with all that was going on. I felt like it was too much.
With that said, I wouldn’t let that stop me from reading the next book in the series. I loved the Rebels - great characters!!

I received this book from Net Galley for an honest review.

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I'm a big fan of Kate Meader, and the other books in the Chicago Rebels series. First, I really enjoyed the appearance of characters from the other 3 books and updates on their lives. Second, this fresh story of Jordan and Levi was enjoyable! Jordan is the widow of Levi's close friend/fellow Green Beret but the twist is that Levi saw her first and fell for her first. But he respected his friend Josh and their relationship. So when Jordan comes back into Levi's world, wanting to interview him as the Green Beret/hockey rookie celebrity, those old feelings come bubbling to the top. There's also the aspect of Jordan being a female reporter in a male-dominated industry, full of discrimination and harassment. This was a fun read, especially if you're a Kate Meader fan!

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This was a fun hockey romance book that centered around a female journalist and a former Green Beret turned NHL rookie. I really liked the chemistry between Jordan and Levi, but I also really enjoyed Levi's interactions with the other characters in the book as well.

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2 stars
Call me crazy, but I just couldn't get past the fact that Levi Hunt was a rookie NHL player at 30. I understand he was in Special Forces and all. But, to me this was a stretch.

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Ok, let’s get this out of the way: the premise of this book is completely implausible. A military man who somehow has time to stay practiced enough to go right into the hockey major leagues? Doubtful.

But hey, it makes for a tough guy image for the main character, and who can quibble with that? The rest of the characters were decently written, and the dialogue and events were, too.

This book seems to be part of a series but I didn’t feel like I was missing out by not having read it.

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I'm a huge fan of the Chicago Rebels series by Kate and I was so excited to hear that she was revisiting the universe with a new set of stories. I was really looking forward to this book and it did not dissappoint. To start, is lovely to see our beloved "old" Rebels pop up into the story (although I always want more of them) and I really liked the idea of the new generation.
Coming 4-5 years after the last book in the previous series, the Rebels are facing the challenge of rebuilding the team after Remy and Bren's retirement and Vadim's close-to-retirement. With a couple of old faces still there (Cade, Ford and Erik), the team has a couple of rookies joining, inluding former Special Ops Sgt. Engineer Levi Hunt, who dropped his very promising hockey career to go serve and now is trying to get back into the NHL at the ancient age of almost 30.
Assigned to shadow him and write a profile on him is Jordan Cooke, the widow of his best friend and the one person Levi shouldn't be thinking of and can't stop thinking of.
I adored this book to pieces, from the strength and backstory of both main characters, to the side stories of the new rookies' challenges and the place of women in pro-sports that are still male dominant.
It's fun, hot, flirty, angsty and serious in the exact doses and where it needs to be. The pace flows wonderfully and you can't help yourself from being invested in an entire new set of Chicago Rebels to love and root for,
10/10 rec and can't wait for Theo's book but also. why in the freaking name of god hasn't Erik found someone yet?!?!?!?

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This is a great spin off from the Chicago Rebels series. This book continues with the same Rebels' hockey team.
The hero is Levi Hunt, an army hero who's back from serving his country.
Jordan is a sports journalist, the widow of Levi's best friend Josh.
Jordan has always felt some hostility from Levi. In reality, Levi has always been attracted to Jordan, but but has kept quiet out of respect for his late friend Josh.
Jordan gets an assignment to do a story on Levi going from the Navy Seals ("Green Berets- big difference!") to his rookie year with the Rebels. I noticed someone mixed up the branch of service at least 7 times. Huh. Maybe we need John Wayne to straighten them out.
This is 3rd person POV.

Levi may have a surly expression but has a heart of gold. He doesn't let too many people know about his good qualities.
There's a lot of attention paid to Veterans and how the public doesn't consider what is needed for them to transition back into society. There's a sweet side story about a guy named Joe, that Levi also knew from the army.
This book wasn't just about a rowdy hockey player. So much more.

Jordan was widowed 5 years before. She's been working in a mainly male oriented profession. Jordan has an uphill battle to get respect and avoid harassment. Jordan's usual sunny personality is a contrast to Levi's gruff exterior.
They soon admit their mutual attraction. They try to keep it under wraps.
Jordan makes a mistake in who she can trust. Levi thinks he's made a mistake in trusting Jordan.
There are appearances from characters in the books before: Dante, Harper, and Remy. There is also Levi's young at heart teammate, Theo. He's the wacky side-kick that has no filter. Sometimes, he's spot on with his observations. I have this feeling he's underestimated & we'll see more of him in future books.
I wish that the bad guy had been dealt with more punitively.
I liked the resolution between Levi and Jordan. Harper's role was perfect.
The epilogue was short but sweet. I've read all of the Chicago Rebels' books and would love to read more.

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Kate Meader brings us a new series set in the same world as her Chicago Rebels world. Our first main couple is Levi Hunt and Jordan Cooke.

Good Guy is all about a second chance. Levi and Jordan are both given a second chance at a career. Levi with an NHL career with the Chicago Rebel’s after his stint as a Green Beret. Jordan, a sports journalist after she set it aside to be a young bride. And 5 years after losing her husband, Jordan and Levi are given a second chance at love.

Levi’s decision to become a war hero before an NHL star is big news but he’s a very private person. That previous connection Jordan has with Levi has made her a shoe in for the journalist to get his story, but it won’t be as easy as every thinks.

Levi has not had an easy upbringing and he isn’t open to sharing anything but his hockey career publicly. He doesn’t realize what an inspiration he is. The title of a good Guy really is an apt description for him. He’s honorable and protective but very private and a bit moody.

I’m not much of a fan of journalist because they are usually portrayed as people who will do anything for a story. I was happy to see that Jordan is the opposite of all that. She is just as honorable as Levi. She can get the story the the right way.

I really liked both main characters. Levi is that broody H that I love, and Jordan was a fun heroine that handles difficult situations the way I like to see. We also get to see the author focus on the imbalance of women’s treatment in a male dominated world.

I loved all the new characters to this group of people as well as seeing some old favorites. I’m looking forward to more in the series!

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After leaving the Special Forces, Levi Hunt is again playing hockey. But he's shocked when he's moved up to the pros after a series of injuries on the Chicago Rebels team. The press is ecstatic for the story but only one person has history with Levi, Jordan Cooke.
Jordan's husband was Levi's best friend. The night he was buried, Levi and Jordan kissed and Levi still feels a massive amount of guilt. Jordan is a little more balanced.
She knows that it was a strange time for them both and that grief can cause people to do things they wouldn't normally. But she's not back in his life to pursue romance; she has the chance to land time on a network if she can get a big scoop. But she's not exactly sure that she wants to be the one to do that to Levi. Sometimes the past is best left covered. Forced proximity and a simmering heat may not lead Jordan to the story of her career, but it may lead her to love.
This was a very frustrating story to read and the end was especially so. It relies on the trope of grown-ass people not just TALKING to each other and assuming that they know what is going on and what is going to be best for the other person. Plus, there is a pretty big bomb and it's sort of resolved but I wish there had been more.

Three stars
This book comes out July 30th
ARC kindly provided by publisher and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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I loved Kate Meader's Chicago Rebels series and was so excited to hear that she was writing a spinoff series.

It was great to return to the world of Harper and her sisters and catch up with what they had been up to since the last book. Loved hearing about their family and also loved the cameo of Kinsey from her Hot in Chicago series, another one I love.

The protagonists of this book, Levi and Jordan were such a good match and I enjoyed reading about their love story. I love that Kate writes about such powerful career-driven women, and Jordan's journey in the workforce was a great element to the book.

This had so many hot steamy scenes and was a great quick read! I hope that Theo & Elle will have a book next.

*I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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I can't tell you how much I'm thrilled that we will have more Rebel books by Kate Meader. I loved the first series and this second one started off with a bang. With the Rookie Rebels series will get a new bunch of hockey players that makes us want to play on the ice too.

I have to tell you that I just loved Levi. He's such a sweet guy even if he doesn't show it right away. You figure that out pretty quick when his friend shows up out of the blue and he's like, stay as long as you need.

Sure he has his issues. He would rather not talk about his time in the military, he'd also not like to deal with his feels for Jordan. The sad part is that one of those things he's got no choice to do.

What I love about Meader is that she builds the story, she doesn't let too much of the story out right away. As you read it more and more comes out.

So at first Levi comes off cold and standoffish but soon you see the real him. He's none of those things. That's just him. He needs time to warm up. He's a case of never judging a book by its cover.

Now Jordan I wasn't sure about. It seemed that all she wanted to do was use Levi to make her career. She used the fact that she knew him prior to finding a way in and rolled with it. But you soon learn she's fairer than you think. Yes, she wants to write about all the facts she finds out about Levi and the team but doesn't do it. Down deep shes, a good person just wanting to do a job she loves.

Good Guy turned out to be a wonderful start to the series. It's drawn me in and makes me want to know more about some of the characters mentioned. What's their story? I can't wait to find out. You don't need to read the first series to enjoy this one but I will tell you that it will make it better. You have time before Good Guy comes out so start reading! You'll be happy you did.

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