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The Other Mrs.

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Is there anything more creepy than an old decrepit house on an isolated island off the coast of Maine in the dead of winter?

Sadie, her husband Will, and their two boys move to Maine when his sister dies and they inherit the house and take custody of his teenage niece. It’s a chance at a fresh start for the family, who has had their share of trouble.

Told through three points of view, strange things soon begin happening, not the least of which is their next door neighbor is murdered. Sadie becomes a person of interest and It becomes clear that someone in Sadie and Will’s household may be responsible for murder. But who? There’s no lack of suspects, and I had no idea who to trust. I don't want to give away too many details, as they are best discovered as the story unfolds.

The last 25% required a fair bit of suspension of disbelief, especially for those of us in the medical field, but that's not uncommon in thrillers. This is a solid thriller that may not wow seasoned thriller fans but if you can set aside your inner critic the pacing is solid and it’s a perfect way to while away a few hours.

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Love Kubica! 4 stars for this beauty! Sadie and her family move to Maine after her husband’s sister commits suicide. Not only do they move into the house that the woman committed suicide in, but they are also they legal guardians of their 16 year old niece. The house gives Sadie the creeps, and Imogen, the 16 year old is not very welcoming. Then a neighbor is murdered. This neighborhood is remote, but definitely not an area where crimes occur — let alone a gruesome murder. Sadie is not sure who she can trust, what the police are thinking, and where she stands.

Overall, a pretty quick read and similar to most of Kubica’s works. Twists and turns with the usual unexpected plot twists. I will say that while I did rate this book 4 stars, it’s definitely not my favorite by Kubica. No regrets, though. Still a fan, and anxiously awaiting her next work! Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Sadie and Will, along with their two kids Tate and Otto, pick up their lives and move to a remote island off the coast of Maine after Will’s sister, Alice, commits suicide. And now the couple are left with both Alice’s home and her 16-year old daughter, Imogen. Understandably so, Imogen is full of angst and moodiness, not welcoming the family she never even knew she had.

Before they moved to Maine, Sadie and Will were having some marital troubles. And now they’re hoping a fresh start will be good for their marriage. But only a couple months after moving, their next door neighbor named Morgan is found brutally stabbed in her home. And since Morgan was murdered after the last ferry left the island, that means the murderer was among their small island community.

When the police come around to Sadie and Will’s to question what they know, Sadie learns that Will and Morgan were chummier than she originally thought and Sadie can’t help but wonder if Will was going to repeat his past behaviors. But oddly enough, one of their neighbors claimed they saw Sadie arguing with Morgan before her death, which couldn’t possibly be true, as Sadie has never met her now-dead neighbor.

Sadie is determined to get to the bottom of what happened to Morgan, to not only clear her name, but to ensure that her family is safe, once and for all.

The Other Mrs. is Mary Kubica’s latest thriller release. I’m a sucker for domestic thrillers, so when I saw the premise of this story, I was sold. The first half of this book was extremely slow-moving and I wasn’t compelled to keep reading. Things did pickup after the halfway mark, though. The other bummer: I completely guessed the big plot twist. I didn’t know from the start, but it didn’t take too long for me to figure it out. Luckily, there was a second plot twist at the end and the ending was fairly fast-paced, so that redeemed the story for me! 3.5/5 stars.

Thank you NetGalley, Park Row and Mary Kubica for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A really interesting story about a family who moves to Maine for a fresh start. Not long after the Foust family moves to Maine, their neighbor, Morgan, is found murdered. Is a murderer on the loose? who is he going to be after next?

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I enjoyed this book. It got me interested and kept me interested, but near the end I was kind of bored. It's about a family that moves to Maine and people start getting murdered and tries to make it look like the wife is going crazy. I give this book a 3/5

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A very twisty novel that'll keep new psychological thriller fans guessing, but might be too predictable for seasoned readers. Many twists are just very common tropes in this genre— which generally wouldn't be an issue, but Mary Kubica practically spells it out for you when it really should be more nuanced until the big reveal.

Kind of off topic, but this book also reminded me of a very important pet fact: guinea pigs are extremely social and need to be kept in groups or pairs. Keeping one solitary is pretty cruel and even illegal in certain places (like Switzerland!) because it's seen as animal abuse.

The characters in this book are extremely unlikeable (except for Tate and Mouse, of course) and that was a bit frustrating. It's hard when you don't connect with anybody, especially the main character.

Overall, it wasn't bad. Good writing and generally good pacing, with some parts that genuinely made me worry. I'd be more than willing to read other books from Mary Kubica!

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Sadie and her family move from Chicago to an island in Maine when her husband’s sister dies from suicide. They inherit the house and the guardianship of their 16 year old troubled niece. When their neighbor is murdered and the police start asking questions, things start to unravel. A thriller until the end.

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The Other Mrs was just as great as I expected it to be and it had a completely explosive and unexpected finale that really caught me by surprise! Very excellent and different storyline. Mary Kubica delivers yet another great one!

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This was a good, twisty book with an unreliable narrator structure that I love. It centers around Sadie and Will who move to a small island off the coast of Maine with their 2 kids, having inherited a house and custody of a teenage niece due to the death of Will's sister. That is already a tough situation, but a neighbor is murdered soon after the move and that's when the story gets really interesting.

There were some things that people said throughout the story that didn't make sense to me, but I thought the author tied it together very well once all the pieces came together. I figured out one of the big plot twists pretty early, but was still questioning another twist and wasn't sure I was right until it was revealed.

Definitely recommend this one!

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Another great book by Mary Kubica, One of my favorite writers when it comes to domestic suspense. The story takes place in Maine or a family has moved to restart their lives. They inherit an old house, in an interesting neighborhood. As always they were plenty of twist interns in this novel, and I found myself not wanting to put it down. Great character is great story. Thank you so much for my advance copy.

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I enjoyed this thriller more than I did the previous books by Kubica. Although I predicted the first twist very early on in the novel, it was the final twist at the end that I did not see coming -- which I really appreciated. I also thought the Author's Note at the end was presented a very powerful and important message.

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Thank you SO much for this ARC!

Another amazing book by Mary Kubica and probably now one of my favorites by this incredible author.

So many twists and turns, seriously was in suspense throughout the whole book.

Okay, Mary, I am already ready for your next book!

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Mary Kubica really is a master of drawing the reader into a great story then pulling the rug out from under them with a great twist that just leaves mouths hanging open. This book is another great example.

Sadie and her family move to an isolated island of the coast of Maine when her husband Will’s sister dies and leaves behind her home and teenaged daughter, Imogen. The family left their former lives in Chicago behind to start fresh. But it soon appears that their troubled past is catching up with them, even in their remote new home.

There’s a lot going on in the plot, but it really fits together nicely through all the timelines that are touched upon. I didn’t find myself confused or anything.

The book really has a great unreliable narrator structure, where we are left to question Sadie and her sanity throughout the book. As events begin to unfold and she begins to become paranoid and really starts questioning everything and everyone around her. And it’s very intoxicating in a way, in that the reader begins to believe that any one of the possibilities she puts forth could be true.

The characters are really where I think Kubica’s work always shines, in that she creates such dynamic and strong characters that I felt like I really knew them as I was reading. It’s like reading about old friends or neighbors. It really makes me want to keep turning pages and diving in.

I love Mary Kubica’s work, and this latest novel is no exception. I highly recommend it (and, obviously, anything from her extensive catalog).

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I am a big fan of Mary Kubica. This was not my favorite book of hers, but I’d still recommend it. There are several twists and turns that keep you guessing which is my favorite part. I find the main character to be pretty naive throughout the story which was annoying, but it was also to sow perspective. Overall a great read that kept me interested!!

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She has done it again ... I love the thrill behind Mary Kubica's books. This one was no exception. It has it all ... creepy house, small island in Maine cut off because of weather and someone is dead and who did it? There are a lot of plot twists and several people that can fit the "was it them?" questions!

quick plot ... Sadie and Will inherit a house in Maine and need to care of Sadie's niece .. let the fun begin!

Thank you Netgalley so much for my ARC copy for my honest review.

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Murder on a small coastal island town. Many twists, turns, alternating POVs spread out over a generous timeline.

I felt this one dragged some in the middle but when it went? It zoomed!

Thank you to Mary Kubica, HARLEQUIN – Trade Publishing (U.S. & Canada) Park Row and NetGalley for giving me this book in exchange for an honest review.

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One of my favorite types of books is set in a creepy house. Will and Sadie have just moved their small family of two sons into a home they've inherited on a small island on a dreary part of Maine. Will's sister has committed suicide and left them as caretakers of the home and of her sixteen-year-old daughter Imogen.

The family is currently struggling. The older son is an introvert a husband and wife are currently dealing with the husbands extramarital affair. And things aren't going all that well in the neighborhood. There's been a recent homicide. The first half of the book really held me. I felt it was interesting and quick moving. But the second half seemed to drag a little bit and seemed like there were too many directions that was going into and a bit convoluted.

This is the fourth book that I've read by the author, and while not my favorite, I did definitely enjoy it. I always read her books. She's definitely one of my favorite authors.

I would like to thank the author/publisher/netgallery for the copy of the book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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"Sadie and Will Foust have only just moved their family from bustling Chicago to small-town Maine when their neighbor, Morgan Baines, is found dead in her home. The murder rocks their tiny coastal island, but no one is more shaken than Sadie, who is terrified by the thought of a killer in her very own backyard.

But it’s not just Morgan’s death that has Sadie on edge. It’s their eerie old home, with its decrepit decor and creepy attic, which they inherited from Will’s sister after she died unexpectedly. It’s Will’s disturbed teenage niece Imogen, with her dark and threatening presence. And it’s the troubling past that continues to wear at the seams of their family.

As the eyes of suspicion turn toward the new family in town, Sadie is drawn deeper into the mystery of Morgan’s death. But Sadie must be careful, for the more she discovers about Mrs. Baines, the more she begins to realize just how much she has to lose if the truth ever comes to light."

This book was a slow, tantalizing build and with each page I grew closer and closer to the edge of my seat. I knew something was going to happen, I just didn't know when or what. It was towards the end of the books that all the pieces finally come together. And what a puzzle! I thoroughly enjoyed the There Other Mrs. and would definitely recommend picking it up when it's released in February 202o.

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I have mixed feelings about THE OTHER MRS. I found the initial setup a bit contrived and I had a hard time connecting with Sadie in the opening pages. However, I'm glad I stuck with it. Once the story got going I found it to be very well done and full of surprises. The setting is also beautifully portrayed. Fans of domestic suspense and gothic thrillers are sure to enjoy this one. Kubica's writing style lends itself well to book clubs.

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I love Mary Kubica and this book did not disappoint a Kubica fan. I wasnt quite sure where it was going and I liked that I couldnt figure it out.
The 2 different woman's POVs were so convincing!!
WOW what an ending and an in between!!!
5 stars!!

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