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Keeping Score

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Keeping Score, the first book in the Willow Creek series by Shannon Stults, provides the perfect setting of small town life in Georgia. With characters who literally steal your heart, and quirky town members who’ll give you a good laugh, this author has created a town filled with people you’d like to have as neighbors.

Cole and Lauren will take you on a wild ride filled with hilarious banter, sharp and witty dialogue, and challenges that’ll leave you shaking your head and wondering how these two survived each other. From one stunt to the next, the more this couple draws closer together, seemingly without notice, the more outrageous their challenges become. The reactions from the supporting cast of characters makes their antics that more enjoyable.

Cole and Lauren’s wild ride came to an end way too quickly…I look forward to revisiting them in Cowboy and Harper’s story, Daring to Fall.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Cole Tucker and Logan Kase have been going at each other for years. Cole always have feeling for Logan but Logan never realized it. Then when she finally saw him as something more and they gave in to sex a misunderstanding set them apart for 4 years. Now Logan is back with a fiance and the idea she's different now. No more wild girl. That lasts about 5 minutes. These two decide on one more bet and that's when things get crazy. Logan can't decide what she wants and Cole is to scared to put his feeling out there. That bugged me often in this book. Their both young so i suppose you could see that but at the same time it was annoying at points. I enjoyed the writing and the story but sometimes it was just to much. The ending i loved. Overall it was a good read i would read again and follow along to the next book in the series.

Find out more about Shannon Stults and this series here

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Excellent book! This is book one in a series. Logan and Cole’s relationship was all about out daring the other. They had feelings for each other but ran from them. Could the biggest challenge be admitting there love for each other?

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Logan and Cole have competed against each other since childhood, and when Logan returns after having been gone for 4 years they immediately continue their pranks.
Logan and Cole's behaviour was so immature, that it ruined the book for me. I couldn't focus on anything but thinking that they were both idiots. I guess that it could be viewed as a teen version of courtship, but for me the key word is teen version. They're freaking adults. Sorry.

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I really like the Willow Creek series and Keeping Score is another great entry!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Loved this book!! Logan has returned home to Willow Creek, she was known as the wild child growing up but now she thought she turned a new leaf in life, being engaged to a doctor. She soon turns back to her old ways after running into her arch rival, Cole from growing up. Everything was a competition/challenge with Cole. Cole wants one last challenge, but could this change Logan's path in life.

Loved these characters, full of life, fun and emotions. Loved the banter between the two. This is well paced story full of emotion that will keep you turning the pages. Great dialogue that will have you laughing out loud.

This is a debut author and now I can't wait to read the next book in the series. I highly recommend this book!!

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Keeping score is the story of not really young love but an enemy to friends to lovers story. Logan and Cole have been involved in bets challenges and pranks since they were little. Their last summer together their senior year changed everything and Logan left Willow Creek without a backwards glance. Now she is back with her fiancé and it’s just a resting stop before her next adventure. The problem? Cole.

Cole has loved her forever. But he’s kept quiet and one night together has them back where they were when she left. Neck deep in challenges. But the risks are great, will they both survive to go on to live happily ever after?

It was a good book and I really enjoyed the chemistry between the two. The challenges were interesting and it was fun to see the whole town involved in it.

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Keeping Score by Shannon Stults
Logan Kase has reveled in being Willow Creek’s infamous wild child until one detrimental decision proved it was time for a change. Years later, Logan is back in her small hometown and ready to prove to everyone (especially herself) that she’s not that same girl anymore. But the new life she’s so carefully constructed starts to tear apart the second she runs into Cole Tucker.
Logan thought she’d put her childhood rival and their adolescent games behind her, but it takes her only one night before she’s forced into one final game, a series of hilariously immature challenges that has the whole town keeping score. A game that, should she lose, could destroy everything she’s built her new life around.
This Logan Kase and Cole Tucker's story.
Cole watched the flames flutter in the pyre as they danced along to the music, surrounded by friends and classmates he’d graduated with almost three months ago. At least twenty trucks, cars, and SUVs were parked in a wide circle around the fire, creating a ring of tailgates and car hoods for available seating. Some, like Cole, sat in folding lawn chairs while nursing a Solo cup. Music blasted from the speakers hooked up to Roy Finnick’s Jeep, and a dozen or so girls danced together by the fire. He could hear cheers from a nearby game of beer pong being played on one of the truck beds.
The field was about five acres in size, surrounded by trees on three sides—which was perfect since, technically, they were all trespassing. They’d been meeting up regularly in this very field since their freshman year, lighting a fire and having a few beers, courtesy of whoever had convinced their older siblings to buy for them that week.
Fortunately for everyone involved, they’d never once gotten caught in the four years since the tradition started. The field was hidden away among hundreds of acres owned by Harrold Carithers. Old Man Carithers was a cranky bastard, and everyone in town—especially Cole, who’d worked for the man for the last three years—knew better than to get on his bad side. So no one ever suspected that a bunch of kids would be partying in a random field mere miles from his farm.
“Yeah, so excited.” Logan’s voice dropped on the last word, a tell he’d picked up over the years that meant she was lying.
“I’m really going to miss you,” Carly said.
“I know. I’ll miss you, too. And I promise I’ll fly home every holiday and break.” “You bet you will.” Carly sniffed and let out a small laugh. “Okay, that’s enough of that. Now, let’s get this party started.”
Keeping Score by Shannon Stults is a 4 star book.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book."
Shannon 's Books with Tule:
Keeping Score

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From the title I had thought this would be a sports romance. Boy, was I wrong! Keeping Score by Shannon Stults is a friends to romance story or are they technologically enemies, which would make it an enemies to romance story. Grown but not quite mature enough to put past challenges to rest, Logan and Cole begin again with the winner pretty much leaving the other alone forever. I knew right there was the problem because these two can’t stay in the same town and stay away from each other.

Small town rivals, attraction that never goes away not matter how long Logan and Cole are apart makes this small town rival contest pretty intense. At times the reader is able to see into the past. Logan and Cole had a very long involved history. Still it is clear that the right time doesn’t come until much later for these two, so maybe it is a second chance romance. Mostly it is a story of two people growing up to be who they should be and with who they should be with.

The first book I have read by this author but I look forward to reading more.

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KEEPING SCORE is the first story in the Willow Creek series by author, Shannon Stults. I like her style, in many things about this story. The characters are realistic and believable in their actions, their thoughts, and the way they deal with the consequences of their actions. I never had the impression of “this is the author’s first release” as I sometimes do (and yes, I went and looked up her website because I’m a curious kinda cat). Ms. Stults has created a world in Willow Creek that has all the quirks of a small town, but more importantly to me, a place that I’d enjoy returning to in order to learn more about the town and people who live there. When an author can make me want to come back for more, that’s when I know I’ve found a new author to follow.

Logan has returned to her hometown completely determined to wipe the image the townsfolk have of her right out of their minds. She’s no longer a wild child, she has a solid, dependable, straightlaced man in her life now and there is no way that anyone can look down their noses at her now. Yet, along the way to re-making Logan, all because of one event in her younger life, she’s forgotten that the people she’s concerned about remember the real her and they’d much rather the real Logan show up than this impostor. Besides, everyone knew that Logan and Cole would end up together one day – until she surprised them all by leaving town and returning with her doctor future husband.

Cole would much rather have the real Logan back in town, too. The Logan he loved teasing, challenging, and loved as he’d never love another. He’s supposed to be old enough, mature enough to have gone beyond the need to challenge Logan but there is still that knowledge that she’s not going to be happy with her new man because he doesn’t understand the wild child that lives in her heart, and Cole does. So what’s a challenge between old friends, even if they both knew they shouldn’t. It might be the way to show Logan that no one but her cares about that wild child disappearing, and Cole really is her future if she’d only wake up to reality in time.

I enjoyed KEEPING SCORE. It’s a couple that a reader can understand, relate to, no matter their actual age. We all make decisions that are unwise, that’s just part of life. I’ll be returning to this series since I now need to know what comes next. If you enjoy a good Romance with believable characters, the quirkiness of small towns, getting in on the start of a new series, and being able to one day say “I read her books from the beginning.”… then you’re going to love this one.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

KEEPING SCORE releases on August 1, 2019

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Sweet, romantic, funny and emotional. This book had everything I wanted from a romance story?

Logan Kase had finally returned to Willow Creek, and she brought her fiancé, Jacob, with her. It was quite the surprise to everyone in her hometown to see the formally wild child hooked up with a strait-laced, buttoned up shirt, kind of guy. But it was an even bigger surprise to Cole Tucker who had secretly been in love with Logan since they were kids. Cole knew the real Logan and the image she was putting on in front of her doctor fiancé was not the Logan he remembered.

When Jacob is called out of town, and Cole and Logan end up at Wade’s Bar drinking, it leads them to a series of crazy challenges that eventually leads them to second thinking the futures they had planned. Everyone in Willow Creek knew Logan and Cole were meant to be together and this was the push they needed to find their way back to each other.

I really got into this book. The author really has a way with her words. Every element that I look for in a romance was in this book and I even got teary in the end. The characters were so much fun. They felt real and Willow Creek felt like a place I wanted to live in. I can’t wait to read more books in this series.

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I loved this book. It was funny, sweet with a little bit of drama, and a lot of self discovery for our h Logan. Throughout the book we are giving snapshots of Logan and Cole in the past, from both characters point of view, as well as current time points of view. I felt that I got a really good sense of how they are together and how they care for each other. I also saw just how stifling and not right her engagement was. I look forward to more books by this author and in this series. * I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and this is my voluntary and honest review.

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This book was so entertaining. We’ve all played HORSE at one time or another (and if you haven’t, you’ll for sure know how after you read this story!) That game is the backdrop for Cole and Logan. Only instead of making shots, it’s winning challenges. Let the fun begin!

I really enjoyed this one. The characters were young and fun. The story flowed and I didn’t want to stop reading, even though young leads are not my usual choice. Author Shannon Stults surprised me and now I’m anxiously awaiting Book 2 in the Willow Creek series.

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Cute and fun
This is my first book by Shannon Stults.

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Willow Creek

I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

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A good, sweet romance story. Logan, trying to become someone she is not and Cole, who is true to himself, but scared to open up are the main characters. Both funny and lively to the bones. An entertaining read. Looking forward to more stories in the series.

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Keeping Score by Shannon Stults, a great start to a new romance series Willow Creek. Great character development, dialogue and likable characters. It took me awhile to get into the book but once I did I really enjoyed it. A new to me author I will be checking out more books by.

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Logan and Cole have competed with each other since they were kids. Logan is the only one too oblivious to realize that all the teasing and pranks that Cole sends her way is just a teen version of courtship. Now she’s home in their small town again after four years and trying to maintain the facade of a totally mature and responsible young woman who no longer likes hanging out drinking in a bar or accepting risky bets. But somehow she can’t risk those adventures with Cole even though she has a fiance who prefers the supposedly new Logan.

Alternating flashbacks to earlier pranks that Logan and Cole played on each other and their modern-day competitions, their interactions are fun. I got a little fed up with Logan’s taking so long to acknowledge what is clear to everyone else in their small town, but if romance characters were less clueless, what would we have to read?

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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Logan and Cole I don’t know what to say besides they are a great otp couple! This book is fun and funny and fluffy and swoon worthy did I love it yes and it didn’t have anything that I can say I disliked so 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ From me!

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.
This was a sweet, fun book. Logan & Cole are adorable throughout their entire life experiences/pranks. Will they get together finally? or will this continue to be a friendship?

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What a gem of a book! It had me laughing all the way through it, and I was continually entertained by the dares and pranks that Logan and Cole dished out to each other from 6th grade through adulthood. It's a great story of learning to love yourself and not make yourself into someone you think you should be. It's a coming of age story and a love story. I loved how it would show snippets of times past as they were growing up... both the funny stories and the heartwarming ones. Shannon Stults really brought her characters to life and made you root for the "happily ever after" ending. I am hoping that Cowboy gets his own story too!

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