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Dangerous Desires

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Dangerous Desires picks up right from when Dangerous Beauty ends so you definitely need to read the first book before picking up this one.

I thought Dangerous Beauty was amazing but J T Geissinger goes one better with Dangerous Desires. Everything you would want in a book is right here.

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Part 2 ends with the cliff hanger of all cliff hangers. I'm unsure how many parts that there are to this book but I'm hoping 3. Because I can't wait to see how it all ends. If you have not read Dangerous Beauty, you must start with it before reading this book.

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Dangerous Desires is book 2 in the Dangerous Beauty trilogy. Romantic suspense at its finest!! I loved this book and love this series. Blown away.

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Oh my gosh, where do I even start? Book two brings us back to the love story between Nasir (Naz) and Eva. We pick right up where the action left off, and holy smokes, do we jump right in! This book is the second in the series, and you really do need to read the series in order to be able to appreciate the twists and turns of the plot. This is one of the most intense books from J.T. Geissinger I’ve read to date. Without giving too much away, Eva ran from Naz to keep him safe from her crazy, possessive ex, Damien. While attempting this heroic act, she winds up in a new predicament, which adds to the suspense of the book, while introducing a new key player. Once reunited, Naz and Eva rekindle their bond, only for us to be left with another cliffhanger. Agghhh, how can we wait for the next installment? I cannot wait to read the conclusion to this amazingly written, sexy, suspenseful love story.

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Dangerous Desires, book 2 in the Dangerous trilogy, continues the story of Naz and Eva that began with Dangerous Beauty. All their fun banter continues to entertain while the passion and love Eva and Naz feel for each other enchants. I knew these books had cliffhangers but I have no problem with that. They are so well written and so fun to read that I just love them. I personally like having something to look forward to and knowing that this is not the end. So don't wait for the final book to come out. Start enjoying them now. You won't be sorry. J.T. is a wonderful author!

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Dangerous Desires is book two in the Dangerous Beauty trilogy by J.T. Geissinger. To start off with, I just want to say WOW! This author! She writes the most beautiful words! This would be classified as a romantic suspense but I don’t think it matters what genre she is writing in. Her words are just perfection.

This book starts up right where the previous book left off. But here is where I have to say BUT! Because if you think you knew where things were going to go, you are in for a big surprise. This book is one surprise after another. We are introduced to a new character, Killian, whom I’m pretty much in love with I might add.

Eva is probably the bravest woman I have ever read about. The love she and Naz have for one another is breath taking. There is nothing these two won’t sacrifice for one another. What I love, though, is that they never lose the humor that they share with one another. They could be in the most stressful of situations and that banter is still there.

Naz is every bit the alpha, I’m the man and I’m going to protect my woman mentality. He goes nose to nose with Eva more than once because she will never again relinquish her power to any man, no matter how much she loves him. She wants to stand by Naz’s side, not behind him. She wants to bring down the man who forced her to live with pain and torture the last seven years and she will be a part of the process.

“I know this is the only heaven a man like me will be granted, so much more than I could ever dream or deserve.”

Naz also has all the words. That man! I swooned so much it’s a wonder I didn’t pass out.

I really can’t say much more, other than to prepare yourselves for a crazy, wild ride. And prepare yourselves to sigh, swoon, gasp, smile, maybe even laugh out loud. This book/series has every single thing that I love. But I really have to again give all the credit to this amazing author for writing all the words. Yes, there is a cliff hanger. There is one more book to go, Dangerous Games, due out later this year. It can’t get here fast enough.

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Dangerous Desires picks up right from when Dangerous Beauty ends. Eva is determined to protect Naz from Dimitri, even if it means giving up everything of herself. On a boat in the ocean, Eva is abducted by Killian and he is not all who he seems. Dare I say that I really liked the dark and brooding nature of Killian? If Eva weren't so hung up on Naz, Killian would be the one I'd choose for her (or maybe Killian will get his own story someday). The unpredictability of what Killian brings to the story kept me on the edge, because he reveals so little, but has a plan. As for Naz, he brought his A game in desperation to locate Eva. What I didn't love about the first book was the constant back and forth joking and bantering between them to the degree that the story content wasn't as serious as it should've been. They still have that dynamic in this book, but it wasn't as heavy or overloaded like with the previous book so I was able to appreciate their chemistry more this time around, with the sprinkle of humor interspersed. As for where their story will go, well it's anyone's guess as to how Dimitri will be handled since he likes having the upper hand, this guy isn't going to go down easily and Naz and Eva still have a lot of obstacles in the way. As evidenced by that ending, their road to happiness won't be an easy one, but I look forward to following their journey to get there.

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Dangerous Desires is a fabulous follow up to Dangerous Beauty, so much happens, Eva (a kick ass heroine) is kidnapped by Killian who at first appears to be a really sadistic violent dreadful man.
As the story progresses Eva shows her strength and fortitude, Naz remains a total hero, so in love with Eva and out of his mind trying to track Eva’s whereabouts.
As we learn more about Killian he starts to grow on you ( he needs his own story!) and the posturing and banter between him and Naz is brilliant.
As for Dimitri....what another cliffhanger, what a read, what a wait until the next book.....just another brilliant book from this author.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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4.5 stars. I am going to keep this relatively short as I don’t want to spoil anything. This book has it all - suspense, humor, and steam. Dangerous Desires picks up right where book 1 left off and I was immediately sucked in. I absolutely adored Eva in that she is a hard core heroine. She is definitely a survivor and I admire how brave, determined, resilient, and intelligent she is. Naz continues to be the hot and sexy alpha male who has quite the protective streak towards Eva and you cannot help, but love him. This author beautifully incorporates both humor and suspense in this book. Some of the banter between Naz and Eva is hysterical and Naz’s rather inventive possible ways to kill Dmitri and a few others had me laughing. This book has lots of action and some twists and turns that kept me on my toes. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book as it moves at a good pace, has an intriguing storyline, and has likable, well-developed hero/heroine. I received Dangerous Desires for free and I am looking forward to seeing where the author takes us next with Eva and Naz.

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This ARC was courtesy of netgalley - the thoughts and opinions are mine and unbiased

I've categorized this as a romance but its so much more than that - this is HOT STUFF !!

This is the second book in the series and now I HAVE to get the first book to read and then reread this again - its THAT good !!!

I'm not going to give anything away - I don't want to spoil anyone's enjoyment but if your like your romances hot and spicy this is sooooo for you!!

I'm so excited there with be another in the series to finish things off !!

A fantastic holiday read

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Wow…WOW… I thought Dangerous Beauty was amazing but J T Geissinger goes one better with Dangerous Desires. Everything you would want in a book is right here. Loved Killian too: hope he gets his own series. Be warned though. It ends with a cliff hanger and I will be biting my nails till the next book arrives in November.

I received this ARC for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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In this second installment of the series, Eva slips away while Naz is in the hospital recovering from the explosion. She's made a deal with Dimitri, she'll return to him in exchange to save Naz's life. When Eva makes it to the pickup point, she quickly realizes that she's made a terrible mistake and stepped on to the wrong ship. Now she's being held captive by Killian and being used as a pawn against Dimitri. When Naz wakes up and figures out what's happened, he starts his search for Eva.

My words are not going to adequately describe the feelings this book gave me but I'll try. Eva, my heart was so shattered when she left Naz to save his life, especially knowing what she was going back to. I love Naz, I loved him as Barney in the Bad Habit books, and am so glad he got his own. I adore their banter, their attempt to keep things light when they start to get too heavy. I honestly wanted to stop reading at 70% because everything was good and happy, and I knew it wouldn't last. I'm continuously surprised by JT Geissinger's ability to make me laugh during dark, heavy books, but I usually do. I absolutely hate that I love Killian. There's something beautiful and tragic about him that just draws me in. His concern and care for Eva, it's getting a little triangle-y, and I'm nervous either Naz or Killian will die in the third book. Please don't kill them. Not sure how I'll make it to November waiting for the third book, I'm counting down the days. I 1000% recommend this series, but if cliffhangers aren't your thing, you might want to wait until November.

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I was so looking forward to this next book in the series because the first one ended in a cliffhanger that left me mouth open and didn’t expect that.
This one was definitely even more suspenseful than the first but in a good way.
Eva shows again how smart and strong she is even if she had a terrible experience for a few years next to Dimitri, and the fact that she found Naz, totally opposite her previous relationship, she discovered how much she loves him and will not stop at anything to protect him, even if it means to get back in her nightmare.
A new character makes an interesting appearance and from here the story takes a turn that I didn’t see it coming. There are things happening that maybe people won’t agree with, there are twists and turns that are unpredictable but it all adds to a good story overall.
I loved this paragraph so much: “The strongest steel is forged by fire, and so are the strongest souls. Your light is so much more beautiful because of your darkness. Your heart is so much more open because it’s been hollowed out by knives. And though I surely would’ve loved the younger, more innocent you, I adore you even more because all your broken pieces sing to mine.”
The cliffhanger is definitely not what we expected and I cannot wait for the next book to see what the author has in store for us.

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I love Naz and Eva! This book starts right back up after book 1.
Ughhhhhh another cliffy. I'm dying here. This book was so so good. Hurry hurry next book!

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ARC received for review

I was so excited to get this to finish Naz and Eva's story.... then it ends with another @#$*@*@*@ cliffy!!!!!!!!!

This part was really good, and I don't want to give anything away. This one starts off right where the first one ended. There's more drama, new bad guys plus Dimitri, hot sex and then the stupid cliffy which was worse than the first one.

I need the next part NOW!

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I felt like J.T. was holding my heart in her hand the entire way through this book. Between the weighty chemistry bouncing between the characters, the relentless tension, and the inevitability of what was to come, she created the perfect culmination of chaos. To top it off, Geissinger added this marvelous mix of humor into the narrative that eased some of the more serious moments and entangled the readers with the cast even further. A word of caution for those expecting resolution; J.T. is not done toying with the us and ends Dangerous Desires on a substantial cliffhanger. Fantastic read!

Thank you to #NetGalley for this ARC of #Dangerous Desires

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This action pact hot as all get out trilogy just took another turn that will throw them all for a loop. Time is running out for them, and their happily ever after is most definitely in the balance. If they can't work together in their quest to defeat Dimitri once and for all, they just might not make it. Eva might be a wounded bird, but she has a spine and a force of will that will see her though anything, even if that is back with Dimitri. Nas means more to her that her own life and she is more than willing to sacrifice it. Nas on the other hand does not see that sacrifice as necessary, he is a protector and he would do anything to keep her out of harms way, Eva is his everything and when he woke up to find her gone it just about broke him. Working non stop, injures and terrified, he will not rest until he has found her and she is safe once again. Twist and turns, surprises and heat and action galore are what you will be getting with this installment. You definitely do not want to miss it! You might just want to wait and read it with the final one! Hopefully I have not spoiled anything for anyone! Loved loved loved every minute of this five star read.

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Nasir wakes up in the hospital to find that Eva has disappeared. Now he’s in a race to find her before Dimitri gets his hands on her again. Talk about pins and needles this book kept me on them waiting for the next shoe to drop. Fast paced,sexy suspense at its best.I love the back and forth banter between Naz and Eva. Humor is always a big part of a JT Geissinger book. Killian, I’m not sure what to say about him except I want to see more. Your killing me with these cliffhangers. November can’t get here fast enough.

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I loved that Eva had some lady balls, "...I hope to God you won’t take this the wrong way, but . . . sweetie . . . it’s not up to you to decide. I wasn’t asking permission.” Naz stares at me in livid silence, while Connor starts to look nervous.." Naz has a way with words, “a rack,” I deadpan. “You’re calling my breasts a rack. How gallant.” He glances down at them, smashed against his chest, and grins." I liked this book, I liked Naz.

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Part two of a trilogy, Dangerous Desires is a red hot romance with a lot of heart. I can't wait for the last book in this series to find out what happens to Naz and Eva! Lots suspense and action kept me reading this book from start to finish in one sitting. Loved it!

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