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100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear

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As a wife, I feel it is essential to build up your significant other. Many don't realize how easy it is to be loving and vulnerable, especially to the people you love and love you. This book provides many tools that you can put into practice to tell your husband how much he means to you and the life you are building.

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Newlyweds usually find it easy to praise their husband or wife. But sometimes after years of daily grind, sick kids, job stress, unending homework sessions, caring for parents, to-do lists that never are finished, piles and piles of laundry, and mounting bills, it's sometimes difficult to think of positive things to say. You're tired and stressed. So is your husband. So speak life into your beloved. Can't think of what to say? Take a page from this book.

Not all affirmations will apply to all marriages. But a good many of them will. I enjoyed reading how these words changed difficult situations in Mrs. Jacobson's marriage. It was like reading her diary and gaining wisdom from her life. I'm thankful I read this book. I read both the husband and wife versions of these books, and they are both very good.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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I got most of the way through this one, but unfortunately could not finish it. Most of the words of affirmation made my husband just laugh—and we are pretty ridiculous and sappy! I asked him about some of them and he said it was totally unnecessary as he assumed it was the case since I didn’t demonstrate behavior that was contrary to it. As far as he’s concerned, he knows I love him and he uses my behavior to gauge himself. Words are nice and have their place, but if I am a happy wife, secure in my feelings toward and from him, that is what he desires most.

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The perfect book to have in your purse or next to your desk, 100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear provides insight into the importance of words of affirmation in marriage--no matter your love language. Written in a quick and easy-to-read style!

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This book was FANTASTIC!
I so enjoy ways to affirm my love for my husband. I thought the different ways that Lisa Jacobson had me think about for affirming my husband were great and that they were thought provoking and gave me several new ways to encourage him.
I give this book a resounding 5 stars. I highly recommend reading this book!
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

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Great book of wonderfully encouraging affirmations for wives to share with their husbands. This book gives the wife ideas to help boost their husband's confidence lovingly, to encourage them to be their best and to show their love to them daily.

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I kind of knew what to expect with this book since I reviewed her other book, 100 Ways to Love Your Husband. I will say I liked this one better, in that there was more to it. Most of the suggestions where a couple of pages long, with real-life examples where the other book had many pages that were a couple of sentences long.
I can see where if you are not in a great marriage and you start reading this it is more of a checklist of all your husband isn’t doing so you can’t affirm him in things he doesn’t do. Honestly, Lisa’s marriage sounds perfect, almost too perfect. I just don’t know anyone who could go through all 100 of those affirmations and they would be true.
I will say it might give you ideas and reasons to look for things to affirm your husband in. So even if the things in this book might not be true for your husband maybe you will open you eyes to ways you can affirm him.
Grab your copy at your local bookstore, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your favorite retailer.
A copy of this book was given to me through All opinions are my own.

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This is a wonderful book! I loved reading it.

Reading this book will change your life and your marriage. Even if you don't think there is anything you can fix about your marriage you're going to find that it gets better by implementing parts of this book.

How often do you tell your husband you appreciate him? We might think we do it multiple times a day but I think it will be eye-opening if you actually look at how much you say the words and how much you just take it for granted.

Take my challenge. Read this book. Just read the first chapter and then start implementing what you're reading while you keep reading.

What happens?

Do things change in your marriage? Are you happier? Do you find your husband reciprocating? Keep a journal.

I enjoyed reading this book and love the principles listed within. I think this would be a good book to gift to couples when they get married as well as the companion one that is affirmations for the wife.

Fun tip. Write the affirmations down. Stick one in his lunch every day. Put some on the walls. Stick one to the mirror after he's gone to bed at night. Get creative! They don't just have to be spoken!

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from NetGalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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Life is hard and I think everyone gets caught up in the minutiae of the day to day - and sometimes, even for the best of us, it’s hard to remember to be thankful for those closest to us. I loved the sentiments and endearments in this book, but I think I loved seeing the physical manifestation of those on my husbands face more. Thank you!

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion. This is a great book for wives who need a little help in the encouragement area of marriage. Lisa gives us 100 affirmations to encourage our husbands. Not all will apply to each and every couple but that's okay, there's enough that will apply to make it worth reading. Each affirmation is short and sweet and totally doable. If you do these affirmations even once in a while Id be willing to bet your marriage will improve.

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I was not fond of this book While there was some good ideas I feel it's somewhat demeaning to woman

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Well I had such high hopes for this book. I first read the companion book "100 ways to love your husband" but didn't love it, so I hoped this one would be a little bit more practical since the sections were a bit longer. However, I'm left with similar feelings as I was with the aforementioned book. I feel like Jacobson isn't super relatable, and neither is her marriage. I'm sure they have had some hard times. I'm sure that she has been annoyed by her husband. I'm sure that they have lived a realistic, relatable life. But none of that comes across throughout this book.
I've been married to my husband 17 years, and he is a wonderful man, a wonderful husband, and a wonderful father. We have the typical issues, where the little things get annoying, or we show our love in completely different ways. Which is why I wanted to pick up a marriage book to boost our love levels and give me some practicals. This wasn't the book for that.
This book actually left me feeling more blah at my husband. Like, so many of the affirmations were things that I didn't feel like I could say. I'm a realist. I understand the biblical aspect of speaking love and life into a person to bring the potential out in them. But I think there's a fine line between speaking to someone's potential and lying through your lips.
So some of these affirmations weren't relatable, weren't something every wife could even say to their husband, and some simply made me go, "Why isn't my husband like that?" Exactly the opposite effect than what the author - I'm sure - intended or wanted.
So the book wasn't for me.
It might be for you. *shrugs*

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This book is helpful and practical. The author’s stories about her own marriage are open and vulnerable. She doesn’t tell you what to do she takes you through her own experience in a way that teaches you a new and better way to relate.

I would Recommend this for any married woman. The book is well written and easy to read,

The publisher made this book available for even on netgalley. This is my honest opinion,

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It’s not always easy to build others up and often in our marriages we forget to encourage one another. Lisa Jacobson gives concrete examples of affirmations your husband needs to hear. I love that she gives exact examples of words you can use and her own story behind each phrase. A very practical book to help you encourage your spouse.

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Easy to read and understand. Not something I’d usually read but it gave me a lot to think about. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review.

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We all need affirmation and giving affirmation to those we love is a blessing and life giving. If your relationship needs a pick up and you do not know where to start, Lisa Jacobson will be able to give you some ideals on the power of words to your husband. Words of affirmation to our spouse will be life changing as you may give your spouse confidence that he may lack because he may be only hearing the words that bring him down. Words of Affirmation is good for your marriage, your relationship and your well-being. Highly recommend.

A Special Thank you to Revell and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear
Lisa Jacobson

I received this Kindle book from Net Galley free for the purpose of review.

I chose this because of the title and I knew my husband could use some affirmation words from me.
The book is short and offers 100 things to truly affirm your husband. Each one is about one and a half pages long with bits of explanation, as if you need it.

Husbands many times get a bad rap in our current culture but I do believe and have witnessed the difference words can make to a husband.

Proverbs 15:1-A soft answer turns away wrath but harsh words stir up anger.

Grab the book ladies both you and old and watch the transformation in your heart toward your husband.

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Title: 100 Words Of Affirmation Your Husband Needs To Hear

Author: Lisa Jacobson

Genre: Nonfiction, Self-Help, Marriage, Husbands, Christian.

Plot: Straight forward and simple, pastor's wife Lisa Jacobson lists one hundred words or phrases rather which your husband needs to hear from you. These range from "You are my protector" to "Thank you for supporting our family" and "You are one handsome man."

Lisa and her husband Matt have been married for over 20 years and she has learned through trial, error and experimentation exactly what her husband needs to hear. This book is a product of those years of effort, love and learning that you van now apply to your marriage and affirm your husband in a loving and God-honoring way.

Likes/Dislikes: One of the things I really enjoyed about this book was that Lisa dived right into the things to say to your husband and didn't waste time telling us who this book was for, how to save your marriage, or why you should fight for your marriage in an abusive or otherwise uncomfortable situation like other marriage books I've read have done. While those books have their place, they all end up feeling preachy or guilt-tripping me for not doing enough or sacrificing enough. This book by Lisa made me feel like getting into the habit of affirming and loving my husband every day is something easy, fun and simple to do. The doable aspect was very appealing and I started texting my husband while reading the book.

For those of you curious, there is a companion book on ways to actively show love to your husband and the flip side to those books for showing love and 100 affirming words for wives. They make a great bundle for a wedding or anniversary gift.

Rating: PG-15 and up, mainly for reading level and content (it's a marriage book)

Date Reviewed: January 22nd, 2020

I received a copy of this book courtesy of Netgalley for my honest opinion. I wasn't required to write a positive review and the opinions expressed in the above review are my own.

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100 Words of Affirmation That Your Husband Needs to Hear by Lisa Jacobson is an easy to read book that can make a difference in your marriage.
Lisa shares an affirmation and a short story of how she has used it and how it has made a difference in her relationship.
The affirmations are a great reminder of how we can lift up our husbands. I recommend tweaking them to your marriage and relationship.
If you read the reviews women are already seeing positive results in their relationship from trying them out.
This is a great value if you purchase the digital version.

I received this book from Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review.
You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.

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"100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear" by Lisa and Matt Jacobson is a practical and helpful book. This book is written by a husband and wife team which gives both of their perspectives. It is really important to say positive supportive comments to your husband. It is important to build them up so they can be more successful. They have God given talents and we can help them use them to their full extent. any marriage can be enriched by using these helpful techniques. Thank you to the publisher, author and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book. It is practical and helpful. I was given the book to review and the opinions are my own.

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