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A Mrs. Miracle Christmas

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A Mrs. Miracle Christmas by Debbie Macomber is a perfect holiday book. It is a touching and sweet story that touches on dementia and infertility.

Laurel and Zach live with and take care of Laurel's grandmother Helen. They want children and after a failed adoption Laurel has given up hope. Mrs. Miracle comes in to help with her grandmother and a few other things.

I enjoy Debbie Macomber books and especially love Mrs. Miracle. This is a book about faith and hope even with life seems bleak. A must read for the holidays.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing Goup-Ballantine for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Women's Fiction
Release Date: October 1, 2019

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Loved this sweet Christmas book! Very cute quick read that will be sure to put you in the holiday spirit. Debbie Macomber never disappoints, and she definitely doesn't on this one either. Definitely recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy for an honest review. Is there an author that you know will make you feel all happy and take your cares away. Debbie Macomber is that author for me! When I sit down with her books, there is always a character that you are rooting for and a dilemma that needs to be solved. Laurel, a school teacher was raised by her grandmother after her mother was killed. Lately, her grandmother Helen has been displaying some memory issues. Laurel and her husband Zack live with Helen and they have long wanted to start a family. After many failed IVF and adoptions, Laurel wants nothing to do with the agency that they worked with for an adoption. When Helen starts calling the police and wandering off, Laurel decides to hire a caregiver to help during the comes Mrs. Miracle who bakes snickerdoodles and yummy roast recipes. This book is Christmas magic all wrapped up with a cute bow. Bravo Debbie Macomber for making readers believe in miracles.

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I just loved the latest Mrs. Miracle book. I’ve read them all and even though they are for the most part total fluff, it’s wonderful fluff! In this book Mrs. Miracle becomes the caretaker for Helen, an older woman diagnosed with dementia. Helen lives with her granddaughter Laurel, and Laurel’s husband, Zack. Laurel and Zach have finally given up on being parents after years of fertility treatments and disappointments. Helen has been praying for a miracle and she might’ve just gotten one.
Of course, Mrs. Miracle gets the house in order, helps Helen find some purpose in her daily life and allows Laurel and Zach to have some personal time. She also hints to Helen that her prayers are going to be answered but she can’t say anything to Laurel and Zach.
The thing about these books is you know it’s all feel good stuff but you can’t help but be caught up in it all. These stories appeal to the part of us that remembers when we believed in Santa and holiday miracles. Reading the books makes you think “well, maybe....”. The books give you a little escape from the mixed up world we all are living in. There’s a little bit of everything happy and sad but when you’re done, you’re glad you read it.

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Love it! Couldn't put it down. Having dealt with infertility and IVF - too many times to count - and finally getting my miracle babies, I know exactly how Laurel felt. We never tried to adopt, but I know how the failed IVF cycles feels. As a woman you don't feel worthy, and as much as they try your husband just doesn't understand. Heartwarming and a quick read, perfect for a fall/winter day by the fire.

This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Laurel McCullough and her husband Zach desperately want a child. But, unable to have children and having lost a foster child, they've given up the dream of being parents, the loss is just too hard. When Laurel's grandmother Helen needs extra help, in comes Mrs. Miracle and everything the family once knew may begin to change. While Laurel is against trying to adopt again, Zach still has hope that maybe one day they can be parents. Helen is convinced she will be a grandmother. And Mrs. Miracle, a caregiver and angel, assures Helen it will all happen as part of a Christmas "miracle."

I've read Debbie Macomber's books for years, but this one just wasn't for me. It was well written and a quick read, but just too much fluff and suspended reality for me to care. It was fine, but again, not my type of novel.

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One of those wonderful Christmas stories that wraps you up in a warm cozy hug and takes you along for a incredible journey. Debbie Macomber know what Christmas and tears are all about
While reading this did anyone else keep seeing Doris Roberts (RIP) as Mrs. Miracle cause I did and I loved every page I also like that Goodness, Shirley and Mercy made a few appearances love those angels. Don't forget to grab you hot beverage before you sit to read this. I hope everyone enjoys this like I did.

My thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I don't think Debbie Macomber is capable of writing a bad book. Each one draws me in right away and makes me never want to leave.
I loved these characters so much and the way Laurel and Zach's story progressed. Mrs. Miracle was absolutely fantastic as well.
I love how inspiring this story is for the holiday season. Debbie Macomber's books are always my favorite Christmas stories to read.
I would recommend this book to anyone to read around the Christmas season.

*I recieved a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*

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“A Mrs. Miracle Christmas” by Debbie Macomber
Oh, my, I just finished reading this story and … well, I loved it. From cover to cover I was captured by the love and faith so evident in the telling of this story. If you get emotionally involved in your reading, you will most assuredly want a stash of tissues close to hand. I do not recall the last time my eyes leaked down my cheeks with such abandon. Yes, I was a watering-pot through and through. I requested and was granted an ARC of this story by the publisher via NetGalley. Thank you very much for the opportunity for this early read and to share my honest review. This is one of Debbie Macomber’s best writing achievements thus far. It truly has something for everyone, if you look for the message. Happy Reading !!

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I just love Debbie's Christmas books. I look forward to their release every year. I can't get enough of Mrs. Miracle and the three angels. This book brought tears, it brought shivers to my spine, and it brought joy for the family in this book. I think parts of this book can relate to numerous people and issues they have faced. If you enjoy Christmas books, make sure she is on your list annually.

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This book was lovely! I was warm and certainly got me ready for christmas. I will say it was little sad in places and the main cahracters struggle tugged at my heart. the book was just perfect and I loved that it had knittng!

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Mrs. Miracle is a Christmas tradition and I was thrilled to get to read this beautiful, miraculous story!

’It was the season, after all, and this year, for sure. The season of miracles.’

Disappointment after disappointment in conceiving or adopting a child has left Laurel with a lack of faith. She’s resigned herself to being childless and thought her husband, Zach, had done the same. With the diminishing health of her Nana also weighing her down, they are thrilled when Mrs. Miracle arrives to help with Nana’s daily care. But when Laurel realizes that Zach hasn’t completely let go of the longing for a child, their marriage ends up on shaky ground.

This was such a heartwarming story. I loved each and every one of these characters as they struggle with their own heart aches, losses, and longings. Laurel was living a life not quite complete and unable to totally let go of the heartache past disappointments had hurled at her. Zach only wanted his wife to find complete happiness in all things and went to extraordinary lengths to make it so. Nana, suffering from dementia, often lost herself in past memories as well as those of her husband who had died years before. And Mrs. Miracle was hope and joy in every word and action.

With so much heartache, this is a rather angsty read, but at the heart of it all is hope and love. Despite this being a relatively fast read, this was such a richly developed story in both characterization and plotline. Of course, we know that there’s going to be a happy ever after, but the getting there was often painful. Even with all that angst, there is plenty of humor and smiles as well as a deep romance that survives the darkest of days.

As always, Mrs. Miracle brings the pure undiluted joy of the holiday season to those around her as well as readers and I loved every moment of the beautiful Christmas story.

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This a fun to read book. Debbie Macomber does it again. A Christmas story full of hope and miracles. I completely enjoyed this book and I'm sure you will too.

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I used to be a Debbie Macomber fan but her Christmas book last year and now this year were big disappointments for me. I am not saying she is a bad author but simply that her style for her Christmas books is not for me.

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When you read a Debbie Macomber book you expect to be mesmerized by the storyline and the characters, and Debbie doesn't disappoint in "A Mrs. Miracle Christmas".

When grandaughter Laurel and husband Zach move back in the home she shared with Grandma Helen, as the toll of expensive, failed, IVF procedures left them devasted both financially and emotionally, as they had longed to start their own family.

When Helen starts having some forgetful moments, Laurel knows it's time to get someone to come in and sit with Helen to keep her safe, fed, and to keep her company.

The agency Laurel called stated their wouldn't be anyone to fill the position until after the holidays, but unexpectedly Mrs. Miracle shows up! She does get the job and she tells Helen she is an Angel, and she knows many facts of Helen's life, but Laurel is a little more skeptical.

Things are wonderful between the two older women, knitting, taking walks, shopping, and good conversation and tea.

Mrs. Miracle feels there is going to be a new baby on the horizon, could this be the miracle Laurel and Zach have waited for?

The captivating Christmas tale will warm your heart.

Read the feel good book as soon as possible and buy an extra one for someone who could use a boost!

Great story line, nicely plotted, with fun vibrant characters.

I loved it!

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In A Mrs. Miracle Christmas, Debbie Macomber shows off her amazing talent by taking what could be just a sweet, sentimental and somewhat predictable story and turning it into a heartwarming novel that brought tears to this reader’s eyes. 

A Christmas story in the truest sense of the word and brimming with words of faith, A Mrs. Miracle Christmas is the story about a family in crisis. Laurel and Zach have come to live with her grandmother, Helen, who is afflicted with increasingly worse dementia. Laurel and Zach are also dealing with their inability to have a child, whether naturally, through IVF or adoption. Laurel’s faith is strained and the additional burden of dealing with her grandmother’s illness has her nearly to the breaking point. Laurel is a complex and good person. She was raised by her grandmother and late grandfather after her own mother was killed when she was ten. She loves her grandmother and is happy to do everything she can for her, but she is nearly at the end of her tether. Zach is a wonderful man who loves Helen, or Nana as Laurel calls her, very much. He is very supportive of both Laurel and Helen. The story occurs in the weeks approaching Christmas. When all seems bleakest, Mrs. Miracle appears, claiming to be from the Caring Angels, an agency that provides caregivers. Laurel and Zach take her story at face value. In reality, Mrs. Miracle (aka, Mrs. Merkel) truly is an angel, something that she makes no effort to hide from Helen. With Mrs. Miracle watching out for Helen during the day and, indeed, helping her bounce back in many ways just by keeping her active and engaged, Laurel and Zach are able to address issues in their relationship. To no one’s surprise, the book has a joyous ending.

This is a wonderful book to read as the holidays approach. It holds no surprises but that is immaterial as it warms the heart and reminds readers what Christmas and the spirit of the holidays is all about. 

I highly recommend this book for those who enjoy feel good, relationship based books, If one is offended by overt mentions of church and faith, then keep that in mind before purchasing. I thought it was tasteful and in keeping with the holiday spirit. Four stars.

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated nor required to write a positive review. The opinions stated are solely my own.

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Debbie Macomber has done it again. I do not read Christmas books in the summer normally but I couldn't pass up the chance to do a review for one of my favorite authors so thank you NetGalley for the ARC and chance to give a review of this upcoming book. From page one you are brought into this story and not let go until the last page. You have to know how this story is going to go next. You will cheer, shed a tear, be brought back to your own Christmas traditions of Christmas's pasts and say hello to an old friend. I loved this book on so many levels. The theme of never giving up on a dream and remembering God always has a plan even when we can't see it. All over feel good book.

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Debbie has written another wonderful story about Mrs. Miracle and her angel friends. They help a young couple who are struggling with their feelings after they lose their adoptive baby. The setting of Christmas time lends to believing in miracles.

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Mrs. Miracle returns. I love this character. She brings hope, love, forgiveness, understanding, and faith to her many assignments. She is a sweet fun loving grandmother type who the reader cannot help but love. Laurel and Zach have prayed for a baby since they married. However, God has not blessed them yet. When they move in with Laurel's grandmother, life becomes more complicated. Calling in outside help seems to be the only answer. Enter: Mrs. Miracle. With her love and support, Helen appears to perk up. She believes that Mrs. Miracle is an angel. Will everyone find answers this Christmas with Mrs. Miracle around? Will prayers be met? Come along on this heavenly ride. I received a copy through Netgalley. A positive review was not required.

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Laurel and Zach McCullough have had some trying times this past year and could really use some uplifting news. Their hopes of having a baby have been shattered more than once. And the grandmother that raised her now seems to be suffering from memory loss. They contact a home-care organization to help them to take care of her. They receive a joyful surprise when Mrs. Miracle shows up at their door. She turns out to be the godsend they really need. Just when all hope seems to be gone miracles happen.

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