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Anyone But Rich

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Title: Steamy, hilarious beginning to a new series with it’s own HEA
Dating the wrong King brother had temporarily gotten Kira in trouble with her two best friends: Miranda and Iris. So, they take a vow to have NOTHING to do with them…EVER…NO MATTER WHAT. And then…
The King brothers came from old money that was dwindling b/c each generation used without putting back. Now, the brothers have made themselves billionaires and decided to build a new headquarters in their hometown, where they haven’t been back for quite a while. Oh. My. The pledge is going to get a workout! But maybe not, Rich has come back with Stella on his arm. They are an item. Right?
Kira is just beginning as a high school English teacher, very nervous on her first day and who should show up at her classroom door? Rich! Wow…what a start to a new series. Hilarious, steamy, angsty and steamy, did I already say that?!
LOVED this introduction to Cade, Nick, Miranda and Iris. Can’t wait for their books. So many entertaining moments: Kira meeting “Cade” at the party; verbally sparring with Stella at Rich’s house; the confession in chapter 11; and you won’t forget the Uber driver who wasn’t. And sage sayings, like “A foolish man walks into a trap. A wise man avoids it. But a businessman? He takes advantage of it.” There are many more of each. We have meddling parents, small town gossips and so much more. I have loved everything that Ms. Bloom has written. Read this one and you will see why. I volunteered to review an ARC of this book through NetGalley and it comes highly recommended.

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This ARC was courtesy of netgalley - all thoughts and opinions are mine and unbiased

This author is new to me but will certainly be looking out for the others in this series - really enjoyed this

Well written, great characters and great humour throughout - seemed a very 'real' romance to me

Looking forward to more from this author

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Rating: about a 2.5/5 stars
Listen, I find it really difficult to give most books a bad rating. It's not that hard for me to like a book, but to be honest this book was just so-so, perhaps leaning towards the less enjoyable end of the spectrum for me. On paper, it ticked a lot of boxes for me - old possible flame returning home, possible element of hate to love, etc. But this book just didn't work out for me - bearing in mind that this is just my personal opinion.

This is a story of a young woman, who along with her 3 closest friends in the world, were hurt by the infamous King brothers (infamous in their home town). They make a pact to NEVER fall back into their arms, no matter what. But, when Richard (Rich) King, with 2 brothers in tow, returns back to their small town, things begin to change for Kira (the protagonist).

I think this was probably where I had the most problems with this book. I like Kira enough (not amazing), but there was a moment at around halfway in the book where <spoiler>Kira just straight up chooses Rich over her best friends. Now, bear in mind that Rich hasn't been back in town all that long, and she just ditches her BEST friends (even if they gave her an ultimatum) for him, despite not only the "pact" but also her supposed "grudge" against him. I really, really was disappointed in that. In a time where friends, in particular girl friends need to be standing together, I found myself shaking my head at that.</spoiler> Towards the end of the book, I just found myself enjoying reading Kira's point of view less and less enjoyable. She was nice. But for me, that was about it.
As for Rich - I just didn't feel that his character was fleshed out enough for me. In fact both of them, whilst there was definitely some depth, I just didn't feel that there was enough.
Although, I do have to say that towards the end of the book, the chemistry between Kira and Rich was nicely written.
Again, the storyline was just okay for me. I can see what the author was trying to accomplish, and they definitely had some big visions and dreams for the direction of the novel, which I appreciate. However, if the pace had slowed down a little more and perhaps some of the (many) complications, omitted, I think the novel's storyline would have worked out better in my eyes.
Overall, the novel just wasn't really for me - I didn't find myself getting emotionally invested in Kira and Rich's relationship, which was probably largely due to the fact that I just could not learn to love Kira's character. Again, all of this is just my personal opinion, and this is not to say that no one should read this book - I'm sure there are many out there who loved this book and would love it! It was nice at points, but overall, this wasn't the book for me.

Note: I was very generously provided an ARC of this novel from the author and publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Anyone But Rich is a hilarious and fun read and I'm super exited to see how the rest of the series plays out! I also plan to go back and read more of the authors books who have come highly recommended to me!

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This was a cute story about second chances with your childhood crush. It was cute. I think it seemed a little rushed. She gave in a little too easy, almost as if she never really meant to hold a grudge. It’s a fun read. I’m looking forward to the next one.

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While the narrative was bound by familiarity to the trope, the read was light and fun. Penelope Bloom has a creative way of defining her characters and making them relatable to the reader. Her dialog flows easily allowing the reader to feel apart of the story and the character’s lives. Rich and Kira’s chemistry is pure entertainment. Loved it. Perfect weekend read. 4 stars

A big thank you to #NetGalley for this ARC. I read and reviewed #AnyoneButRich voluntarily. All thoughts and comments are my own.

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Rich & Kira’s story was not what I expected, but overall it was a good read. This is my first book that I have read by Penelope Bloom. I would read more by her in the future. It was just a little slow for me.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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Kira and Rich change everybody’s mind!

Kira Summerland and her best friends never wanted to get involved with the King Brothers again after high school even though they were moving their billion dollar company headquarter home to West Valley. Kira had dated Nick while trying to get Rich’s attention and thought she was over Rich but when he returned to town, her girlfriends made her promise to stay away from him. Rich King tracked down Kira at her job teaching English but that just irritated her more because he hadn’t changed one bit since high school. Rich and his brothers had more money and used it to get want they wanted except Kira wasn’t going along with it.

Kira and Rich are very much like oil and water in the beginning because they couldn’t stay away from each other even with their family and friends trying to interfere with even a friendship in the beginning. I liked Anyone But Rich because the couple slowly changed everybody’s mind about them.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Anyone But Rich was a pleasant story and one I requested because the synopsis sounded right up my street and the cover gave the impression it was more of an erotica romance and was going to be super hot, but unfortunately it wasn't. However, it did have a couple of nice moments and I did enjoy it. Thanks mainly to certain characters who added humour and a level of craziness I quite liked.

Yet, overall I felt like there was something missing, maybe a spark or real connection between the characters and honestly, I just found it a little slow paced at times and predictable.

Plus, certain characters really didn't work for me and there were others that just needed to get a proper comeuppance for the trouble they caused.

But saying that I can't deny it was engaging and there certainly was the bones of a great story in there. Which is why I would definitely check out the next book in the series. And I would recommend this story to others, particularly if you're a fan of the author.

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I had high hopes for this book. The premise seemed great and I had heard fantastic things about this author. Unfortunately, it was a miss for me. The beginning started good but it fell short after that. I didn't understand the relationships and the reasons behind them, both between friends, brothers, parents, and the main characters. This saddened me because I RELLy wanted to connect with the characters. There was a lack of fluidity in the story and that also made it harder for me to enjoy the story or become invested.

That being said, I appreciate this author and er hard work. She does something that I could never do and that is write a book.

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This story surprised me. It was very entertaining, mostly because it feels like all the characters have a great sense of humor. I think Rich's behavior towards Kira is super sweet. He treats her like he treats no other. He is genuine with her and talks to her with an easy going freedom that you as a reader won't sense he has with anyone else. I also really liked Kira's personality. She has an innocence to her but is eager for more. Wants to explore, take risks and doesn't coward from anyone. Ballsy but never compromising her proper attitude in the process. Which is a turn on for Rich. And the best plus this book has, are the friends and brothers. This extra characters won me over and had me chuckling constantly. It's ridiculous and unbelievable how they make so much sense with the weirdness that comes out of them. Specially Iris and Cade. I'm really looking forward to their story. It will be full of nonsense and denial but passionate.

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I really loved this book. I’m a big fan of this author’s writing and this story did not disappoint. Kira and her friends make a vow to never date, talk to or do anything with the King brothers way back in highschool and when a business deal brings them back years later what’s a girl to do? You do what you do best, deny, deny, deny you have any feelings for Rich King and when he shows up to your work on your first day, and you about lose your mind. All Rich wants to do is apologize for all the damage he caused in highschool. I loved the banter between them, watching him break her walls down a little bit at a time to show he’s not the guy he was. No matter what it always came back to the promise between the girls, never make a woman choose between her man and her friends, the outcome may not be what you expect. I felt the brothers needed to grow up a bit, especially Cade if he wants to win Iris back, he kind of drove me nuts and Nick if he wants a chance with Miranda. With obstacles in their way, can Kira and Rich find their HEA? Great read and I can’t wait for the brothers books to see what kind of spin this author is plotting out. I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley.

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Anyone But Rich by Penelope Bloom is the first book of the "Anyone But..." series. Kira and her BFFs, Iris and Miranda, all vowed to never let the King brothers get in between their friendships again. Seven years ago, they sworn an oath to never date a King brother. Seven years later, the billionaire King brothers return to their small town with a new business venture. Richard King pulls all stops to get Kira's attention. Kira cannot deny Rich's good looks and her attraction to him, but she had sworn an oath to her friends.

This was a funny, entertaining read - a good blend of romance and humor. However, the writing and dialogue is cringe-worthy and cheesy, like the typical YA romance dialogue. This book reminds me of The Royals series. Rich, good looking brothers and a romance. The storyline is a bit dragged; could've wrapped it up in half the amount of pages. However, it is worth a read if you don't care for good writing and only looking for an easy, entertaining read.

Thank you to Netgalley, Penelope Bloom, and the publisher for providing me with an ARC, in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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Thank you NetGalley for ARC!!

This was a fun, quick read. Although it felt rushed at times, to me, that is better than too slow.

Fun book to read on the beach!

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Hilarious and entertaining. I am excited to go back to this author’s surreal sense of humour. This story about three girlfriends and three brothers is so promising! I couldn’t resist it.

The writing is light and inviting, the plot is full-packed of fun dialogues especially when the girls are overreacting because of the twin brothers who are also ridiculously naughty. Nick is still the nice little enigma to discover. Though I'm intrigued by his genius and his glasses 😄

I liked the way it started with a pact among the friends to steer away from the taboo brothers. The reason was mysterious for a big part of the novel. I laughed a lot because of the brothers' antics or Kira's attitude and her spontaneous reactions. Stella, the ice queen, was also amazing. I liked the dynamics of the relationship between Kira and Rich, his drive and her resistance, but I can't say that there was real chemistry. I didn't feel sparks. A pity.

Fortunately, that changed as soon as they got to the steamy times. Yay! I loved their first time together, it was intense and sweet and opened up a can of plot twists as crazy as a circus and some very sensual shenaningans.

Most of the story is pure comedy with a second chance romance air and some pretty hysterical conflicts. The pact of the three friends add a good unifying sense to what's going to be a story for each brother. I ended up liking Rich a lot as the author gave him a few interesting lines about the price of fame and social image.

The relationship between Kira and Rich was full of friendly banter at first, but it finally bloomed into a hot crush that I enjoyed as much as the really crazy ending and the humour. I thought the last scene with the parents was over the top, but I finished the story with a smile on my face and looking forward to the next book.

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3.5 stars! This story starts with a pact that 3 best friends in high school stay away from 3 brothers that they all have a different history with. The story then goes to present day where the best friends all uphold the promise to stay away when the boys are back in town.
The story has humor, witty banter and great writing. Story has some angst and quite a few problems that the characters have to over come. While I did enjoy the characters Rich and Kira, the secondary characters really distracted me from the story. Personally, the best friends were immature and that they are setting it to be love stories with the brothers in other books, that really had me distracted. I will continue to read this author just this one didn’t hit the mark for me like previous books.

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After being hurt by the King brothers in high school, Kira and her friends make a pact never to get involved with them again. Then the brothers show up in town again, now billionaires, and Rich is looking for forgiveness. This is not normally the type of book I would read, but I figured why not. There was just a lot I didn't like about this. I was put off by a lot of the dialogue, which seemed really juvenile. Maybe I am just old and don't know how 20-somethings talk. Cade, the brother, was like a caricature of an obnoxious, self-involved playboy rich guy with the sense of humor of a teenager. The parents were practically villains. Stella hitting on Kira felt gross and predatory. Rich basically forcefully buying his way back into Kira's life was even more gross. Kira's friends giving her an "us or him" ultimatum was disappointing. The ending was dumb too. The only thing I really enjoyed about it is what a dork Kira could be (sewing rodent sweaters as a hobby!) All around not what I had hoped for, although I guess this is why I don't read this kind of book. It was a quicky, easy read so it did fulfill my expectations in that sense. 2.5 stars, rounded down to 2.

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I just loved Anyone But Rich. It was such a fun, entertaining, lighthearted and witty RomCom. When best friends Kira, Miranda and Iris made a pact to never ever date any of the King brothers (twins Rich and Cade, and Nick) they weren’t to know that seven years later when the brothers sauntered back into town that their resolve would be tested. Seven years later the King brothers are still hot and gorgeous but they’re now billionaires and they return to their sleepy little hometown of West Valley, NC to bring business and growth to the town. Kira is the first person Rich seeks out when he arrives in town. Kira knows she’s supposed to hate Rich. Rich knows he is going to have to do a lot to win her heart and he’s not sure if that is even possible. There are the times when she forgets about hating him, and then they get along just fine. Even if she wanted to give him a second chance she’s worried she’ll be a traitor to her friends if she forgives him. If only he was Anyone But Rich... It was a great read and even though the story centres around Kira and Rich, it had an all star supporting cast of family and friends including the hilarious and often inappropriate Iris and Cade. This is the first book in the Anyone But... series, and I can’t wait for the next book to be released!

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to.

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Anyone But Rich is the first book in Penelope Bloom's Anyone But... series. This series follows the three King brothers and the three best friends who promised to never go near them again.

Any But Rich features Rich King and Kira Summerland. Rich and Kira's past was the catalyst for the promise Kira and her two best friends, Iris and Miranda. Rich comes back to town after seven years to build an east coast headquarters of the technology company he created with his brothers Nick and Cade. Since the brothers are back in town, the girls reconfirm this promise. What starts as Rich seeking forgiveness quickly turns into Rich seeking more from Kira. There is plenty of drama with Kira's friends as well as meddling family members.

I really enjoyed this book, which is the first I have read from Penelope Bloom. It was a great kickoff for the series. I absolutely cannot wait for the next two books in the series! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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