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I Wanna Sext You Up

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This book was ok but honestly not my favorite. The chemistry just didn't seem to be there between the characters. The genre was ok, a workplace romance between a Doctor and a drug rep. The characters were likable but just ok. I read an arc via Net Galley and voluntarily chose to review.

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** I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**
I chose this book because of the cute title. I was prepared for something light and flirty with lots of texting. But this book was a very serious story. I don’t feel like this lighthearted title belongs on this story.
For me, the story felt weighted down. There was a lot of focus on the dr’s abruptness and lack of social awareness but it felt like that was thrown at me, not shown to me.
Neither character was relatable and there were several things that felt tossed ion as an after thought.
The ending was abrupt and just not satisfying. This book was definitely not for me and I can’t see myself seeking out other books by this author.

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Saam and Lorie! This book is so cute and I read it in a day. These two characters are everything you will need. This book was so easy to read but I really wish there was more of Saam as far as his family goes. I am hoping for a book 2 to clear everything else out.

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The main characters are cute and you root for Saam & Lorie. There are some funny scenes that make it difficult to stop reading. I recommend this book as a fun read. I received an ARC for my honest opinion.

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This was a sexy, fun read! I was laughing, I was crying! So many emotions! It was my first read from this author, and it definitely won’t be my last!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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This was a nice, lighter read for me. I didn't have the warm fuzzies for Lorie, no matter how noble she was trying to be, like a yoyo, and Sam didn't deserve that, but I loved his character. He seemed to accept himself and admit it, for who he was and let's move on. Nothing stood out to make me really happy or excited, except Sam's blue eyes. Everything unfolded tho and it was an HEA.
I received an advance reader's copy thru Netgalley and leaving my opinion voluntarily.

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I Wanna Sext You Up is the second book in the Let's talk about sext series by Evie Claire. It can be read as a stand alone as the story feels complete.

This story is about Lorie, a former beauty queen with a tragic history turned pharmaceutical rep. She has a strong work ethic and is determined to become her company's Rookie of the year. Her biggest opportunity is:
Saam Sherazi is not known for being nice. He's polite, if not blunt but he strives to be the best doctor he can be.
Both their lives change when a simple game of truth or dare set the ball in motion.

I would like to thank NETGALLEY and Evie Claire for the opportunity to read an advanced copy if this novel. I enjoyed this novel. It was cute and a fun, light read.


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A fun, entertaining read. The story spreads between the two main characters and hinges on the difference between right and wrong, what lengths would a good, upstanding person go to, to do the right thing? Excellent story, should definitely go on your TBR list.

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I really enjoyed this book! I loved Saam - although from the first description and the cover description I assumed he might have aspbergers - but it turned out he was just very focused on his work and had turned off most social interaction in favor of his education and job. He had a lot of pressure to be perfect and had a hyperfocus on his job. Lorie also seemed to have something of a split personality. Fun and playful with Saam outside of work - but hyperfocused when she was working. Her backstory explains a lot of that - but it did feel like there were two different people inside of her.

Some things in this book were a bit of a distraction which led to me downgrading this from a four star read to a three star read. For example, most lame Americans (like me) have no idea how to pronounce Saam's name. He even comments on it. Lorie comments at one point - "oh, that's how you say your name." But the author never gives an actual pronunciation. Why talk about it at all if you weren't going to tell us the correct pronunciation (which I did look up as Sah-m). Also - the whole Conflict-of-Interest thing is the real deal and actually, somewhat underplayed in this book. <spoiler> Although it is central to why the couple separates, it would have been a much bigger issue for any research released by Saam and for the change in prescribing he made. Even if he did make those decisions based on research rather than because he and Lorie were an item. And Saam's job with the company at the end was a little mystifying. He applied for research funding - but got a job instead? I was confused - but maybe I could have let it slide if this wasn't a field I'm really familiar with. </spoiler>

All of that not-withstanding, I still enjoyed the story. I would have liked Saam and Lorie to spend more time together, but overall I liked the story and the characters.

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This was a fun and flirty book!!

I just have to say I adored Lorie. She was this happy, driven, bubbly, warm woman who just seemed to be fun to be around. She was a very hardworking person who also seemed to enjoy life even though she have to change her life goals.

My feelings were all over the place for Saam Sherazi. He is the brilliant, caring doctor with zero bedside manner. It does come out that he is social awkward but still..... There were times I wanted to just hug him and others, I just wanted to throat punch him. However, I will give him props, he knows what to do in the bedroom!!!

I really liked this book

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I thought the title was a bit deceptive. Yes, there was some dirty sexting, but this was more a romance about the complications involved with two professionals get involved. Lorie is a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company and Saam is a doctor whom she’d like to persuade to prescribe her company’s diabetes drug. When they meet up outside the office, they realize how attracted they are to one another. But there are implications involving their having a relationship that stand in their way.

At first I figured that this wasn’t that much of a barrier. She could tell her company and get his account switched to another sales rep, but the author adds in another complication to explain why she doesn’t want to do this.

Add in that Saam is a very introverted man who is uncomfortable with building a connection to a woman and you have a touching and interesting modern romance which is much more than just a story about sex and texting.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I didn't like, I Wanna Sext You Up, as much as I thought that I would. With all the Grey's Anatomy references, I expected more Dr. McSteamy I guess. Lorie wasn't as self assured as I expected either. Not saying that I didn't like it, just not Love.

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This was a super sweet story (that had its HOT minutes don't get me wrong) of sexy hunk Saam falling for the reluctant but by the book former beauty queen Lori. I enjoyed everything about their journey, this author brought out Lori's reservations (which I feel like alot of them were things most of us could relate to) beautifully and I loved how Saam wasn't perfect either, they both had to find a balance within themselves that they could be happy with before finding someone with whom to share their lives. Through growth and self discovery they found their way to each other and this author captured that love beautifully. It was my first book of hers but I'll be reading her again soon I'm sure!

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Someone else characterized this as a “cute” book and I would have to agree. Based on the description (and even the title), I think I expected the book to be a little flirtier and steamier, but the couple didn’t really have a ton of chemistry. And it felt a lot like insta-love...which I am not the biggest fan of.

Yes, there was a “forbidden” aspect to the relationship, and it was forbidden because of work policies, but I wouldn’t characterize it as a workplace romance as it was more of a salesperson-client relationship.

It is a cute read and I liked that Lorie was focused on her career. And I thought that Saam’s character was different from the usual hero - he is introverted and a little nerdy. The story is pretty lighthearted and there’s not a lot of drama.

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Good book but the title is very misleading
It was pretty fast paced and enjoyable. I was just expecting something different. Thanks Netgalley for the Arc

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I enjoyed this fast paced romance. I was a little disappointed by the fact that the title didn't really match the story. The characters were great though and not types yousee a lot. The relationship is realistic. There are steamy scenes, sweet ones, and humor to balance the drama. I would read the author again.

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A pretty misleading title as there are only two small scenes with sexting and honestly, I found them barely toe tingling. It was nice to see a female character that was a good woman also trying to be a boss lady though! Also, props to having a Iranian-American male lead!! Not nearly enough male leads of other countries in romances.

I was provided with an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was given a NetGalley ARC of I Wanna Sext You Up by Evie Claire. The storyline was interesting (workplace forbidden romance) and I liked the chemistry between Lorie and Saam. It did annoy me that Saam was all in and Lorie so quickly ended the relationship for her job. I get that jobs are important but to so quickly not even try to make the relationship work just ticked me off and made me dislike Lorie a bit. I kind of wanted Saam to move on since she so easily dismissed him. I love those super nerdy hot guys, I totally get why he was so standoffish in the beginning and liked getting to know Saam. And while I did like the ending I totally could have gone for an Epilogue showing a bit of the future since the ending was very abrupt. Maybe we see them in the next book (fingers crossed)? I do have a small issue with the title....yes there was some sexting but maybe twice in the book? It doesn’t really match the story. But it is catchy and it’s what made me request the ARC so.... I received an ARC from in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really enjoyed this one!
Saam and Lorie met, hit it off, got to get her and then everything seemed ruined. You have to read the story to see what happens.
I did think it was a bit odd how Saam was so rude at first and then he did a 180. But what do I know?!?!? Maybe some people are really like that.

Overall, I recommend reading this one!
This is my first book by this author and I do plan on reading the author's previously release stories.

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3 stars
First things, this book made me look at pharmaceutical sales in a whole different (and not so good way). The characters were ok, I like the dr. He seemed to be what doctors should be like in real life. Lorie, was a little harder to like as the story progressed.

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