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Say It Again

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Sasha, the mysterious protector from previous stories, gets her HEA and with a most unlikely hero. AJ is in Germany trying to discover why his sister was murdered and meets Sasha when she returns to the school that raised and trained her looking for more purpose in her life. Richter sounds like the place of nightmares and very much explains why Sasha is the person she is.

The story sucks you in and doesn’t let go. Fans of this series will love getting glimpses of the other couples, but newbies to the series will not feel lost at all - they’ll just want to go back and read the other stories! I’m sad to see this series end, but hope we see Claire as a heroine in a future book.

Many thanks to the publisher for a review copy via NetGalley.

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I don't know how Ms. Bybee does it, but her books continue impress. Her characters are well-developed, interesting and especially with Sasha's story. Reading her previous books are recommended because it just fleshes out these individuals and the story line. Romantic suspense (In my mind) have a few authors that are a step above, ones that set the bar, Ms. Bybee is one of those. Bravo!

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Picking up a Catherine Bybee book always means a good read and this book doesn't disappoint. "Say It Again" is a little different than her traditional romances, focusing more on murder and intrigue than on developing love and feelings. Sasha is a hardened orphan who relishes independence and bristles when anyone gets too close. AJ is the son of a political family who rebels against being perfect and has embraced a criminal past. Together they search for his sister's murderer and somehow fall in love. Again, the focus is definitely on the investigation and not on the relationship between the two characters. That was a little disappointing to me, yet it shows Ms. Bybee's breadth of talent. I also loved that some of our beloved characters from the First Wives series were brought into the story (and Neal of course for his security expertise).

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I received an advanced reader copy of this book to leave an honest review. I loved Catherine's Weekday Bride series and all of the First Wives series so far. She has a great writing style that is easy to follow and read. You can read each book as a standalone but it is fun that characters from the previous books show up still.

This books follows Sasha, who is showed up in book one of the First Wives series but it took a while for us to figure out who she is. Now that things have settled with four women who she has basically been protecting in the previous books, Sasha finds herself at loose ends and doesn't know what to do with herself. She has been trained from an early age and now it seems her skills aren't quite needed as much anymore. So she decides to go back to the school that taught her everything she knows to see if she can find some direction.

AJ is in Germany trying to investigate the school after his sister was murdered. He believes there is a connection so when he sees Sasha outside the school at a bar talking to one of the teachers, he tries to get her to help him investigate. Sasha reluctantly decides to help after she finds some other coincidences that just don't add up; she just doesn't want to work with a partner.

The two go on a crazy journey as they try to follow all the leads all while avoiding the authorities. Because of course the people they are after cause trouble by framing them for crimes they didn't commit. Sasha and AJ have to enlist the help of some of the powerful friends to has made over the years to figure it out but everything eventually it all comes to a head.

Once it is all over, the real question is can Sasha find it in her to open her heart? She's a loner and orphan who doesn't know how to give her heart. Can AJ worm his way in so she can't live without him?

Overall a really good book but a bit confusing trying to follow all of the twists and turns. Out of all of her books, I had the most trouble with this one. There are certain points that took me a while to figure and some connections that I still don't understand how they work into the overall plot. I was so excited to read Sasha's book because she is such a strong character that I was slightly disappointed in the book and how it played out. Still got my happy ending though.

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Another great book by Catherine Bybee. I enjoyed this book that wraps up the "First Wives Club" but didn't feel so involved with Sasha, maybe because she is not one of the "wives" but just a friend. Can't wait to see what Catherine Bybee has as her next series. I have loved them all and introduced friends to her books, which they also love.

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The fifth and final? book in the First wives series. Sasha the heroine makes her first appearance in book one and since them I have been curious about her. In the previous novel she comes off as mysterious and mystical. In her story/book we truly find out why Sasha is the way she is. As with this series you not only get romance but you get shooting up ,kung fu type of fighting and smarty ass talk from various characters. I love the introduction of the young Claire who Sasha takes under her wing. I would not be surprise if the author ages the character in a later book and give her own HEA. As with the previous books the hero has something you can root for in him right away. In this story it takes a minute to warm up to AJ aka Alex Hoffman. I love how the author made him be like an average man who instead of saving the woman she saves him. A wonderful touch to the story with that plot. Review on goodreads and eventually amazon.

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I have enjoyed all of the First Wives books and Sasha has been an intriguing character from the start! Sasha is seeking out what’s next for her and returns to the German boarding school where she was raised hoping for some inspiration. She meets AJ Hoffmann in Germany, who seeks her out for her help. His sister was murdered and she attended the school as well. Sasha agrees to help AJ and their story is an adventure where they work together to determine how the school was connected to his sister’s murder. I enjoyed their story and how it allowed us to check in with the previous couples. Anyone who is a fan of the series will enjoy this final installment!
I received an ARC of Say It Again by Catherine Bybee from NetGalley for an honest review.

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Sasha's story had to be edgy. She's just not the friendly type and she really has lots of baggage. But the author took this stand off woman and wove a wonderful and exciting story. People being killed, a boarding school in Germany that trains and recruits students for careers in espionage and a brother who thinks there is more to his sisters death than a random shooting. I couldn't put it down.

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I have loved this entire series and through it all I was hoping Sasha would get her happy ending. I loved Aj and Sasha together, what a great couple. Exactly what she needed. I will be honest, I didn’t see the twist toward the end, but that is one of the things that I enjoyed most about the book. I thought I had it all figured out and I was completely wrong. That’s what makes this book and series so great. The end was great but I would have loved hearing a little bit about Sasha and AJ in the future. I was so glad Sasha realized that family is one that you create through people that care and love you, not necessarily by blood. Now, I would really like to get a story on Claire. She was so much fun and it was great when she got to experience life outside of Richter. Catherine Bybee.....PLEASE give us more on Claire. I highly recommend this book, but the series in its entirety was amazing. So I would recommend that you read them all, in order. Thank you for the ARC Netgalley.

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Sasha and AJ ! Wow. Sasha is a kick ass , intelligent woman and AJ is her perfect match. I started and finished this book in one night. Now I have to read everything by this author! I love her style!

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4.5 Stars!!!
I have enjoyed every single installment in this fantastic series!! But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end and I think Catherine Bybee has saved the best for last with Say It Again!!!

In this addictive novel we get Sasha Budanov’s story!! From the first chapter, I knew this would be an action packed book that I found unputdownable! Catherine Bybee has melded the suspense, mystery, and romance genres together to create a storyline that had me on the edge of my seat! I also want to mention how much I have loved reading about such bad-@ss women throughout this series!!! I encourage everyone to read this series and although they can be read as standalones, I highly recommend you start from the first book and work your way because they are so darn good!!! I am so exited to read whatever Catherine Bybee comes out with next!!

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I’m so sad this is the last “FIRST WIVES” book from Catherine Bybee, because I simply love all of the additions to the series, this one included.

For the past few books we’ve seen SASHA BUDANOV as a bad ass protector and security maven. SAY IT AGAIN finally gives up a glimpse of who – and what- she really is.

First and foremost, she’s a loner. Raised in a military-type school where she thought she was an orphan, Sasha is a woman for whom the words “I love you” was never said to her.

Now, at a crossroads in her life, she returns to that school to look for some kind of balance in her life. Once there, a stranger approaches her and asks for her help in finding out what happened to his dead sister – also an alumnus of the school and a fringe acquaintance of Sasha’s. She doesn’t want to help him, but when questions keep popping up instead of answers, she agrees.

And for the first time, Sasha isn’t alone. Not in her professional life. And not in her personal one.

This man, AJ Hofmann, makes Sasha feel things she’s never allowed her self to feel before and she’s as confused and mad about it as you’d expect her to be.

In the end, the mystery flowing thru the book is solved, but what’s more, Sasha finds that balance she was looking for.

Ms. Bybee continues to write books about people I wish I could be friends with. Her dialogue, her settings, even the way she conveys deep emotion, simply “speak” to me.
5 very well deserved stars to the end of a fabulous series.
Thanks to Netgalley and Montlake for a sneak peek at this soon to be released denouement.

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Sasha has always been a mysterious person in this series of the first wives. You'd get a glimpse but never really see her until now.

Sasha returns "home", a "boarding" school of sorts to really clear her mind and get her head on straight. When she is followed by a stranger life gets more interesting all over again.

The secrets of the school are cracked wide open in an attempt to learn how a classmate was killed.

We learn the reasons why Sasha is the way she is.

I'm sad to see this series is ending. But the epilogue left room for a series opener... or was that just me ;)

I received an ARC of say it again for an honest review. You won't be disappointed ♡

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Sob, sob, sob! Who would have ever thought tears would be a part of Sasha's story!

This is a MUST read for those who've read the rest of this series, but is great as a standalone as well. Sasha was the bad ass, protector throughout this series- well, she still is in this book. But we get a human glimpse at what Sasha went through as a youth and what shaped her into the loner, protector, and fierce ass kicker.

The secrets at Sasha's former boarding school are deadly and someone does not want those exposed. When A.J. is trying to find her sister's killer, the path leads back to the same school, Richter. With A.J. set to be Sasha's love interest I was excited to see how he ticked. What type of man would it take to tame Sasha? Could this woman even be tamed or would A.J. just hitch along for he wild ride that is Sasha?

This was an absolutely fascinating read! The drama and suspense were consuming.I loved the entire gang was a part of the book and how they come together as a family for Sasha. I wasn't expecting the waterworks, but that shows what an amazing author Catherine Bybee is to bring heartwarming tears to your eyes when it's dealing with a female bad ass superhero.

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Sasha's story is the last of the First Wives series. It is quite an amazing
tale. Intrigue, murder, espionage and
romance all together put this finale
as a must read. Twists and turns take us through both a murder mystery and Sasha's life story. Heartbreaking.
Her happy ever after is hard won.
I loved it.

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Sasha is a protector for hire and a loner. Never stays in one place. She goes back to the boarding school she went to to try to find out what she wants next. A.J is looking for the person that killed his sister. She went to the same school as Sasha and he’s hoping she’ll help him. The closer they get, the more secrets are revealed.
I know this is short but I didn’t want to give away anything. This is the first book I read by this author and I loved it. It was a little confusing at first but I couldn’t put it down. Secrets, killers, and action.
* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for NetGalley *

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Could not wait for Sasha's story! She was so mysterious in the previous books and snuck in and out and you just wanted more of her.

She sets up a huge chain reaction when she goes back and visits the "boarding" school she attended and graduated from. There are a few twists and turns that you do not see coming and I could not put the book down!

When Sasha meets AJ, there is not the instant love as Sasha is not used to this emotion and it kind of grows along the way as they research why AJ's sister was killed.

I loved that we see the other members of the First Wives and a mention of Samantha and Blake and a book that sounds pretty similar to theirs!

Glad the wait for the book is over and that it exceeded my expectations but sorry that all the wives are now married and it looks like the series has ended.

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This book was so intense, I could not put it down. From the beginning to the very end. Say it Again was my favorite in this series. Sasha’s character was in full force she was strong but also I saw her soft side and AJ added spice to this book. I would give this book 5 stars. I read it in two days.

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