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We Died in Water

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Member Reviews

I honestly feel like if I would've read this collection of poetry when I was approved for it, I would've connected to it a lot better than I did. A few years ago, I was in a similar situation to the point that Meg was trying to make. The language in this collection was absolutely beautiful I will definitely read more of Meg's work as they publish it!

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This poetry book is beautifully written. It is intimate. it is raw. Sometimes those books can close off readers since things can feel so personal to the writer, but Flores does an exceptional job at capturing the rollercoaster of emotions, feelings that tend to be close to her are often flooded into the reader as they can reflect on how it her words are portrayed in their own life. Such a beautiful book.

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This was a breathtaking memoir and I loved the asymmetry of the narration. The helplessness of circumstantial imprisonment, and the lack of control when it comes to losing love and losing oneself in love, have all been articulated so beautifully here. I loved reading this. My sincere thanks to Flores, NetGalley, and IBPA, for the ARC.

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Beautiful and touching poetry! I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to more books from the author.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an eARC!

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I struggled with this book, I'm not sure if I will end up reading anything else by the author. I thought I would enjoy this.

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.

We Died In Water is a memoir about love and loss written in poetic form.

The poetry is beautiful. The story raw and beautiful.

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—☽.。* Quick recap!
☆ Short synopsis: A poetic memoir about the tenderness of falling for a soul and the melancholy after getting pulled apart.
☆ Read this book if you're: Fan of long poetry style and incorporation of metaphoric use of the ocean, water, and waves.
☆ You might want to consider because: The heartbreak, loss, and grieving process were deeply explored in this book.

I wish I could rate this book higher because I think Flores was amazing with her writing in this book. The exploration of fragility and tenderness when someone's loving another and in the opposite, the shadowing misery and tense when they realized a relationship is about to crumble, was narrated wonderfully. Unfortunately, I think this is one of those books that will be so much more resonating if you're in the correct state of feeling/mind when you're reading it. In conclusion, I was not the targeted reader for this debut and I couldn't resonate more with the whole story aside from its eloquent proses and words.

Thank you to the author for providing me with a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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"This emptiness - hers - is also mine."

I loved reading these collection of poems. It's a memoir about love and loss both about the author's romantic relationship and her parents'.

The writing style was beautiful and despite me not experiencing some events similar to hers, I could feel the sadness from some of these poems.

"The first thing he ever showed her, with the rose, that gesture, was that he'll only give her what appears stunning in its mystery and that would have to be enough."

Overall, this was a good read and had managed to make me feel emotional. I'd definitely want to read more of the author's work in the future.

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with the digital copy for an honest review.

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I always have a bit of an issue rating books that are considered biographies or memoirs. I want to make clear that I'm not rating a person's experience, or their feelings, when in reality I base my ratings on my enjoyment of the book. That being said, I unfortunately didn't love We Died in the Fire.

I think that my lack of enjoyment had to do mostly with my personal style and not the author's writing. I could see why so many people liked this book. It was raw and emotional, which I appreciated. It also had many lines that were incredibly moving. I think I just had a hard time following along at certain points, with some parts being incredibly metaphorical and others seeming to be incredibly specific to actual events in the author's life. Not that that's a bad thing, but I found some sections hard to relate to.I also found myself getting distracted very easily while reading We Died in Water and I'm not sure if that's because of the poetic style, or maybe I just wasn't in the right place to be reading it.

As I mentioned, this book had some really beautiful sections and I would still suggest it others although I didn't enjoy it much myself. I'm interested to see what else Meg Flores writes and am definitely not opposed to picking something else up by her.

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By [author:Meg Flores|19117252] // Pub date Oct 1 2019. 

<img src=""/>

Review also on my website:


OVERALL : ☆☆☆☆

This is all it takes to disbelieve a thing - a glimpse. A soft undoing.
We Died In Water is a bewitching poetical memoir that forces the reader to fully grasp the journey enclosed - both the heartache and learning that comes about from a relationship. 

Though I have no experience in heartbreak, in leaving or being left, I did find myself engrossed in how Flores manages to almost make her troubles seem artistic. She mixes paragraphs that drag you like sand meshing into the ocean ,  and a sentence or two crashing into you like waves. I found myself rereading pages, and pausing at some to just think about the hurt and continuity that both mother and daughter went through.

We come apart and turn colorless.
As someone who is very much into poetry, a couple of pages from this work has made itself into my journal. Thank you for pouring your heart into these pages. 

If you would like to pick up a copy of We Died In Water, please visit your local book store or if you prefer to get yourself a signed copy, head to Flores' shop. 

credits for my image, made using: 

Ipad mockup: Anthony Boyd Graphics

Scene mockup: Junnxy @ CM

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This book is so, so, so good. I read the entire thing in class and might have shed a tear or two. If you're a fan of poetry, please do check this book out!! The poems are so beautiful and it is evident that Meg put her everything into these. Some of them just really hit you.

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Thank you IBPA and Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review.
First and foremost, Meg Flores's writing style is beautiful. There's a sense of individuality that separates her from other authors out there.
Moreover, I love the theme of water & the sea. However, it became too repetitive that it began to bore me. I believe that we can write something revolving around a theme without being too literal and repetitive.
Kudos, still! I would definitely read more of her works in the future.

Where to find me
Instagram : @iqrareads
Goodreads: @iqrareadsbooks

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“Now when I look out at oceans I imagine love to be as
dedicated to extending itself. To move in ways that overspill
as much as it must withdraw. And as the waves rearrange,
I put my love there. I see the release in being immersed.”

“We died in Water” is a poetic memoir surrounding around two main emotions, love and loss. I found I was looking in a window trying to catch up, for whatever I was looking at was already half way finished. When I fall into this category with reading, I make a subconscious post-it that is it me and not the author’s work. I am not where this poet needs me to be to fully experience the words, images, and feelings expressed.
I caught glimpses and enjoyed those parts. I think everyone should at least try to read poetry, for each person walks a different path, and maybe this collection would be more for you then it was for me, at this time. I also think poetry is something that can age with you, for the more experiences you have in life the more ability you will be able to associate with it.

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I struggled with this book, but at the same time I am interested in more of Meg's work. The meandering was the point, the repetition was the point, like the sea, going in and out, and the currents, moving in a way which you cannot see. The themes are something everyone can empathise with but at the same time they are set in a way where you empathise or you don't. I, sadly, don't on this occasion.

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This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year and it did not disappoint. In this book, which is a poetry collection, we follow the author´s experience on love and loss and how those experiences shaped her and shaped how she saw and joined life. In this book she talks mainly about her past relationship comparing it to how her father left her mother and her new relationship which she compares to the two previously explained experiences.

I truly enjoyed this book, my favorite part was definitely when she compares her past relationship to her new one. It is a beautiful representation of how better things always come. I believe everyone can identify to some part of this book, we all have been through a breakup and have seen someone go through it. It is amazing how even though we all experience love and loss differently we still have things we all can relate to.

The only reason I took one star was because I had a hard time getting used to the water metaphor, I know this was the main idea of the poetry collection, but it got repetitive at times. This is probably because I don’t read a lot of poetry because I have a hard time understanding it and it shows, however I would truly recommend this book to someone who reads poetry and enjoys metaphors like that.

Overall, this was an amazing book, it was a great example that with every end comes a new and improved beginning. It was a refreshing new perspective on love and loss and I would definitely be keeping an eye out for what the author published next.

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I received an advanced reader's copy for Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 3.5 stars.

We Died in Water was unlike any of the poetry I had ever read. (At this point, I have not read an incredible amount of poetry, but when I do, I tend to read war poetry. So this was quite different.) The author tells the story of her own heartbreak by contrasting her relationships with the ocean, its waves coming toward the shore and then breaking away. The book mainly focuses on one of Flores' past romantic relationships, with her drawing parallels between the end of this relationship and her father leaving her mother.

"I have seen only this: Someone lets go first."

I didn't feel a real connection to the story, but there are many beautiful lines. The comparison between the sea and Flores' journey is a distinctive and personal part of her own loss. We all feel pain and grieve in different ways, and I commend Flores for her brave portrayal of her own grief and story.

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Full disclosure this was provided via Netgalley in return for an honest review.

“We died in water. Like any fire would.”

This book is a beautifully written memoir of love and loss that should be read by all.
The language use is incredible, the flow of this book is incredible and it’s fluctuating structure from page to page is glorious. This was a joy to read.

Meg Flores is definitely on my author to watch list from now on, I cannot wait to read more from her and I’m honestly astounded that this is the first thing that she’s published.

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"Like the ocean, we kill something and still keep it alive."

Wow! Just wow! Is it too quick to say that I absolutely CANNOT wait to read another Meg Flores book! This book is everything that I love reading about. This book has hypnotised me with its themes of losing the people you love, finding love again foreshadowed by the memories, finding beauty in those painful experieces and the fact it surrounds under the imagery of water, every aspect that I love reading about! Its a beautiful poetry memoir of the poetess' and her journey in love and how every love in her life affected her next ones. In the end, she is all about her realisation that, with every end came the new beginning and every time she hopes this time to be different. I connected with this book at the core of my being! I really loved reading about someone who sees beauty even in times like that. I am trying to be less of a spoiler here. Wow! Absolute masterpiece! Period.

Will I recommend it to others? I will forever be recommending this book! I don't care what genre Meg Flores writes in next but I will be reading it, I wouldn't even mind if its horror/paranormal, I am just grabbing that book! One of the best debut books I have read this year after Children Of Blood And Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. This is the only review so far I am writing without a sense of professionalism to it, whatever that is supposed to be. This is my honest review. I loved this book and I loved the way it was written. As soon as I turned the last page, my heart was broken. It wanted more! I'll be reading this book again very soon. This book is genius!

I am sorry if I was repetitive, this book has blown my mind! <3

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Beautiful emotional moving.Poetry that brought me to tears love loss life a heart wrenching read.#netgalley#megflores.#independent book publishers

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I could actually feel every page coming natural out if the author. I had never felt so much in a self published book. This book deserves much more than what it is here. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loved Nayyirah Waheed and Upile chisala though it ain't a good choice fit those who hate Instagram poetry

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