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This was a really fun first book in a new to me series and author. I really liked it from the get go and loved falling into that new world in which the Mc and her sisters end up in. This mix of Fantasy, Sci-fi and a bit of steampunk vibes makes for a truly entertaining read.

The amazing world building and loveable characters had me flying through this story like crazy. It was always really hard to put it down again whenever I picked it up for when I had some time to read. A strong first book in a series, that leaves you craving more! Can’t wait to see what’ll come next in the series - and am definitely looking up other books by this author as well.

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A unique story with an interesting mix of Fantasy and Science Fiction, I enjoyed the story but questioned a lot of the main characters choices.

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It was sort of interesting, but also sort of wierd. because it felt like a "forced" love interest... and sometimes it was awkward.

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This was a strange mix of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

I was not totally happy with the mix which at times appeared to contradict.

The characters were well developed and overall it was an enjoyable read.

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Altered tells the story of Kit, a 58-year-old woman who is thrown into the body of a twenty-something version of herself in a parallel world. A body without the scars or illness of her previous self, but in a world of magic, symbiotic animal relationships, and advanced technologies.

This book crosses many genres but lands somewhere between sci-fi and fantasy. It is certainly unique and imaginative. It's a lot to swallow, but nonetheless, I found it interesting, well-paced, with good world-building and well-rounded characters.

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This story had so much conviction that I have to say it's one of my favorite stories! I'm honored I was able to read it. The characters were well written and the world was very fascinating.

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Unfortunately I wasn't completely taken with this fantasy romance. Kit travels to another world where she is young and healthy again. She is told she is the Made one who will save their world. Rafe is her protector and connects with her as she works to learn why the people are dying of . The beginning is very slow paced and while the world building is fair the story is rather bland.

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I'm afraid I didn't like this at all. Usually urban fantasies are my jam, but I constantly caught myself questioning Kit's choices, her behavior and I felt that the workd building needed more fleshing out. I also feel that this falls more into the romance than fantasy category and wasn't really what I expected.
I'm pretty sure though that this book will find its own following. Just wasn't my cup of tea and I skimmed through the last third of the book.

Thanks Netgalley for providing me with an eARC.

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Altered is such a unique story. I've truly never read anything like it. Kitlyn is 58 years old, with a vibrant history of training and riding horse, until an accident and Huntington's takes that away from her. She's out walking with her sisters when suddenly the world falls away. She wakes up in another world, in a younger, perfect body, one free of the disease taking her life. This new realm is not like Earth either. Rescued by Rafe, the leader of the Wolf clan, she's taken back to their home and all is eventually explained to her.

It was such a strange book. Altered has so many indicators of multiple genres. It was almost as if a paranormal romance was having an identity crisis! It has paranormal elements, such as the "real" wolves that the Wolf clan can communicate with and the other clans, such as Cat and Falcon that can do the same with the corresponding animal. It had elements of science fiction, like the parallel worlds and the Alchemics' genetically altered "Made Ones". Technology that is doled out by the Alchemics that essentially rule this world. There's land crusiers like in Star Wards too.  It also had a dystopian vibe, given that the women are zapped from their world into Eleuthia to essentially be broodmares and save the diminishing population. Then there were fantasy elements: horses with wings, floating cities, and magic.

I almost quit Altered a few times. I had a really hard time liking Kitlyn sometimes. For someone who is middle-aged, she acts remarkably like a 20 something or even an older teen. She's not self-confident at all and instead is full of fears and doubts. Sure, some of that could be explained by the fact that she just woke up on another planet, but it felt more ingrained. It was a bit annoying at times. Of course, then there's the fact that someone feels like it's a good idea to steal women to populate their planet. Yes, the women are treated like queens instead of prisoners, but it still rubbed me the wrong way. Then, of course, the way everyone seems to hate the Alchemics and realize that they are but pawns in their games, but no one seems to want to do anything about it and blindly follow whatever they say! Also, there is the fact that they say farking. Ergh! If you want to cuss, just cuss and don't conceive stand-in words.

Yet, there was still something about Altered that kept me reading when I thought I was about to give up. It's a beautiful world that is described to us and I enjoyed the world-building. I enjoyed the many side characters and there are many! The romance was a very slow burn, thank goodness, considering Kitlyn's "purpose" for being there. The plot is well thought out and had a lot of twists and turns to keep things interesting. The dialogue was fun. Kitlyn is sassy and it was fun seeing her reference things that the others had no clue about.

I give Altered 3 of out 5 propellers for imaginative world-building and a complex storyline. Hopefully, book #2 will iron out some of the issues I had with Altered.

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To save their species from dying out, the powerful Alchemic Clan conscripts women from parallel worlds and alters them into the perfect breeding stock. Kitlyn has been transformed into a Made One but the gift of youth and promise of a new life come at a terrible price. The Wolf Clan’s warrior, Rafe has vowed to find the cause of the species’ decline and he’s certain the Alchemics bid to save the Eleutians is but a thin veneer masking a dark purpose.

This new series is starting off on the right track with a fascinating world and unique story elements that make for great reading. The characters are strong, bold and easily captivate readers with their stories and the romance between Rafe and Kit has lots of chemistry and they are made for each other but the relationship is hampered by the insistent of other clans wanting her for themselves so this happily ever is not a sure thing. Lots of emotional turmoil flows from the pages, making the characters come alive and ensuring that readers connect and understand where the characters are coming in their situations.

The plots starts off a little on the slow side before it picks up momentum, however this builds up the suspense and gives readers vital information about the world they are experiencing and lets them really get to know the characters and the politics. The only ones readers can’t get a true feel for is the devious enemy that seems to rule everything but this is probably because their overall plot is quite complex and has far reaching consequences so readers definitely wants to know more.

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You can find my review here and also on Goodreads for now

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Kit wakes up in a parallel world in a much younger body, to learn she has been remade by the Alchemic Ones for an unknown purpose. First book in a sci fi /fantasy romance series. The protagonist is likable. Some graphic sex (perhaps too much for a teen novel?) but primary focus still on the world building and plot.

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Kitlyn's body is dying. Between her accident back in her circus days and her Huntington's genes, Kit finds the days of enjoying the outdoors is almost behind her.

Until Kit and her sisters find themselves tumbling down a cliff into... another world? With a younger, new body and a totally hot Wolf Clan Warrior telling her she's a Made One- a woman brought to their parallel universe to help birth females for their clan.

On top of squashing all the advances of her expected role, Kit spends her days trying to locate her sisters who have yet to be found. But being the only known Made One makes Kit a hot commodity- one that the Clans are willing to start a war over. Though if Kit has any say in it, she will be fighting the war to win her freedom- and save her new Clan from a bloody grave.

I thought quite long and hard about the rating I wanted to give this novel (I wish that could be why I'm late with my review- but let's be real: I'm a total procrastinator when it comes to writing my feelings). I did not want to give this less than 4 stars, and I will explain why below. BUT it didn't quite hit 5 stars for me.

The plot of this story played a huge role in its higher rating. I can't tell you one thing about it that was overdone, and there was a huge, well planned arc that brought you from the beginning to the set up for a sequel. I mean, tell me another novel that has a middle-aged woman falling through dimensions to be remade, only to stumble upon a war between clans that want to use her to birth female babies? You can’t.

Kit's character was a refreshing point of view as well. As a woman who has been through her prime and lost so much, looking through her eyes when she is remade is so humbling. You go on her journey of self-love with her, and you want her just to enjoy her life again and root for her entirely. But Kit is more than that- she's stronger, faster, better as a Made One. And she uses this to fight for herself against the men who want to use her. She's no damsel, and she's got the wisdom of experience to back her in her decisions.

The romance was good, but it wasn't something I found myself obsessing over (as I usually do). I loved the relationship that formed between Kit and Rafe, that grew from her mistrust into him helping her be the best she can be. They had a respectable, strong relationship, and Rafe was an amazing point of interest, but there were so many lags in their romance I found myself under-stimulated 🤷🏻‍♀️

There were also a few points where the storyline seemed to drag, and I thought I could stop reading and still know what happened. But I'm glad I didn't quit- the ending was so worth every bit of lag there was. It was so satisfying, and brought Kit full circle, with her keeping her vow to fight for herself and make her own name. And it was so sweet and romantic and Rafe bowed to her like the Alpha she is. 💪🏼

Lastly, I want to end off saying that I am pretty excited for the sequel! I feel like a story of Kit's unyielding sister and her game of cat and mouse with the Cat Clan- where she is every bit the predator- will be more entertaining that Altered!

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“I’m here to help you,” he said.
Ted Bundy had probably said the same.

I did not go into this book with many expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised by the development of Kitlyn’s character through the reveal of the events of her past and her time with the Eleutians. Her romance with Rafe developed logically (at least to me) and her focus on finding her missing sisters never wavered in the face of a hot guy or a new world. Her persistence in facing down the negative events of her past, even when her fear sometimes got the better of her, struck a chord with me and actually improved the overall reading experience. I am certainly looking forward to the next book in the series.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an interesting and entertaining book to read. It kept me busy and entertaining over a nice weekend at home.

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The premise of the book is basically finding love in a new life when you are forcefully taken to another dimension and are now inhabiting another body altogether. I loved the premise. It sounds exciting and an idea that (not entity new) isn't done alot in romance. However, I didn't like the execution as well as the premise. The writing was ok but that's it. The characters were a little flat and could have used more development. As a result the plot was actually kinda boring to read. I wouldn't reread the book; however, I liked the premise enough that I would try the next book to see if the writing has improved.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed reading this , and I recommend it to everyone

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A mix of fantasy, science fiction, and romance. The world-building was really well done. The characters were well written. The good guys were likable, the maybe not so good guys were fun to read too. The bad guys were a little to shrowded in secrecy. They were sort of evil for evil sake because their motivation for their actions wasn’t really revealed. The different take on the shifter angle was cool, but I wish there had been more interaction with the animals. As well as the animal influence being more apparent in the cultures of their human counterparts. Overall I enjoyed the book and will be looking forward to the next in the series. Hopefully, we’ll see more of the Alchemics, learn the reasoning behind their actions, and see more magic.

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In a world that is dying due to no females being born, scientists, known as Alchemist, pull women over from parallel dimensions.

Kit is walking with her two sisters when a cliff opens up beneath them and they fall into another world.

The face of her youth stared back at her. She wasn’t just whole again. She was young again.
Tears spilled over her lids and tracked down her rosy cheeks to hang suspended on her undamaged chin.
Kit whirled, putting her back to the mirror and crossing her arms around her waist.
Astonishing. Incredible.
But what about her Huntington’s?

Kit has a new lease on life - not only is she in a younger body but she also has no signs of the disease that was slowly taking her life.

She is found by leader of the Wolf clan Rafe. She learns more about their world and its people.

These people hadn’t given her a choice, just dragged her here and changed her without her permission. Now, she chose to leave.

The world building is fun. I liked Kit as a main character - she’s strong and emphatic. She comes a long way from her frightened self at the start of the book. Rafe is a great love interest. He’s a good guy who slowly falls for Kit. Their relationship going from two people who are attracted to each other to falling in love was realistic and well paced.

I enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to see what else the author does in this world she’s created.

<I> I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. </I>

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This was a really enjoyable read, some of the concept is really terrifying but I really had a good time reading this.

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