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A Pursuit of Home

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I realized I had not read the first two books in the series. I felt I was missing something. I will need to get hold of them and try to catch up.

I believe this has been the first book I’ve read by Kristi Ann Hunter. I will look for other books by her.

Audiobook: Narrated by Beverley A Crick
The audiobook was a treat to listen to. It allowed me to multitask. Beverley did a great job of moving the story along and not distracting you.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the Publisher and was under no obligation to post a favorable review.

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I was anxiously awaiting this book. But here it is, two years after it was published before I got to it. It's facepalm time!

Jess has been a mystery throughout the series. You know that she has a past, but she doesn't reveal her secrets to anyone. Finally, Jess' story is revealed. It's a good one and was an unexpected one. She has been on the run since she was a teenager and didn't want to jeopardize her friends.

I may have to revisit this series at some point so I can be reminded of all the things I forgot.

This book is cleanly written with Christian principles.

Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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This book had me a bit bewildered at first as I saw her as younger than she truly was in the beginning, but it soon ramped up to have me turning the pages as fast as I could read. A fainting hero is not something you see everyday nor a knife throwing lady. This book had many unique features to lend it to be read! A bit of romance, but it is not the primary focus, so lovers of historical fiction will enjoy it.

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A Pursuit of Home
by Kristi Ann Hunter
Bethany House
Bethany House
Bethany House Publishers
Pub Date 05 Nov 2019

I am reviewing a copy of A Pursuit of Home through Bethany House Publishers an Netgalley:

Jess Beauchene has spent most of her life in hiding and always on the move in an effort to leave her past far behind her In the early 1800’s England. After learning the family she thought had died is very much alive, and may be in some very real danger. She knows the secrets she has buried can only stay buried for so long.

Derek Thornbury’s love for the past which has led to become an expert in history and artifacts. He knows that Jess has never really liked him, but when she requests his help deciphering the clues laid out in an old family diary, and he finds himself unable to resist the urge to solve the puzzle.

Jess and Derek race together to find the hidden artifact before her family's enemies,and in doing so they discover as much about each other as they do the past. But will their search to uncover the truth and set history right lead to a future together?

I give A Pursuit of Home five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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4.5 stars
Well, I didn't think <I>that</I> was going to be Jess's huge secret past! I loved how vibrant she is in this story and the various twists and turns the story takes to get to the happy ending. A lost brother rediscovered, and a chance to solve all the royal issues in her family by finding a lost artifact. At first Derek is along "just because of" his interest in the artifact finding and the puzzle to find it, but pretty quickly it's clear that he's getting addicted to feisty and quick-spoken Jess.

I really enjoyed the treasure-hunt aspect and the travels through the English countryside. It was fun to see characters from [book:A Noble Masquerade|24856069] again and catch up on their lives briefly.

Thanks to the publisher for a free reading copy. A favorable review was not required.

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1800s Do you like mysteries? This will keep you on your toes. Jess is a girl to be liked, admired and in awe of. An interesting world of intrigue with just the right mix of servants, high society, intelligence and sweet personalities. A royal family runs from Napoleon's henchmen in this French country. Even though they are exiled, their family stories are repeated to them, and Jess is given some key information to keep safe and later rebuild their kingdom. In the meantime as she is in hiding she becomes a spy and master of disguises in England. Derek has been brought in to the Manor to access and catalog artwork. He has special knowledge that Jess needs to unravel an encrypted diary of her Grandmother's. And save a monarchy. A story that is richly told right to the end, and is a wonderful continuation of the Haven Manor series. It's great to revisit these characters and see Jess's long awaited story unfold. A fabulous way to spend time. Fabulous author. This one's a keeper.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
#APursuitOfHome #NetGalley

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In A Pursuit of Home, Jess Beauchene spent her life hiding and on the run in England, believing she is the sole survivor from her family after an uprising in her former country, Verbonne. When she unexpectedly learns that her family might be alive and in danger, Jess seeks help from an unexpected source, an art historian she doesn’t like.

Derek Thornbury is an expert in historical artifacts. Even though Jess doesn’t like him, she needs his help in deciphering a family journal with clues to an art treasure being sought by her family’s enemies. Will they be able to work together and solve the mystery before her family is harmed? Can they decipher the mystery from the past and find a future together?
Hunter pens another well-written historical novel filled with love and faith that her fans will enjoy reading. Intrigue, treasure hunting, mystery, and clean romance abound in the latest novel from Ms. Hunter. Themes of love, family, and sacrifice run throughout this story. Her characters are delightful, and well-developed in this series. The relationship between Jess and Derek, two unlikely candidates for romance, is a slow-growing, sweet one, appropriate for teen readers.

Readers of her earlier books “met” Jess and have been eagerly awaiting her story. A Pursuit of Home is much like Jess, full of spunk, heartache, loyalty, adventure, and plenty of plot twists. Characters from previous books in this series make an appearance, much to the delight of the reader.

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Kristi Ann Hunter does like to build the suspense for her stories! I have been longing for Jess's story for such a long time. And let me tell you...Ms. Hunter did not disappoint. Adventure around every corner. A family mystery. Puzzles and history....oh yes! THIS has proved to be the perfect adventure for Jess and Derek...And a few familiar faces join this story! 😀

I listened to A Pursuit of Home through SCRIBD. The narrator, Beverly A. Crick, captured the story beautifully. It helped to hear Jess's accent and the languages spoken. I love all the twists and turns...the faith and spiritual journey...the romance and friendships. Jess never hesitates to push the boundaries of proper society. And Derek has a firm appreciation for the things of history and the way things are. His fondness for Jess is endearing and they are so fit for each other! Wit and humor infuse the pages and the characters will become your new best friends.

I received a complimentary copy of A Pursuit of Home from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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An Amazing Mystery!

Jess has spent most of her life on the run. Born in a castle and part of the nobility, she has had to fight for her life since she was a teenager. She has learned to quickly change her appearance, gather intelligence or defend herself.

At long last, Jess has found a safe place to live anonymously when the unexpected happens: her brother is alive and he might re-gain the throne. But only if he has possession of a much-revered heirloom. Additionally, there is a short time to produce it, or the chance will be lost.

Thus, Jess sets out to solve a complicated mystery that has clues hidden in paintings, whose locations are unknown. She also finds herself in the uncomfortable position of asking those she would rather not for help. Jill faces thrills, subterfuge and danger in this amazing mystery. Just when everything looks like it might have a certain outcome, the story twists again.

This clean story, told from a Christian viewpoint, is so good you will hate for it to end. You won’t want to put this down! I highly recommend this 5-plus-star book to anyone who enjoys well-written fiction that will keep you guessing, and turning the pages.

Bethany House Publishing through NetGalley has provided bookreadingtic with a complimentary copy of, A Pursuit of Home, for the purpose of review. I have not been compensated in any other manner. All opinions expressed are my own, and I was not required, or influenced, to give anything but an honest appraisal. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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I think this novel might have been my favourite in the Haven Manor Trilogy. I think its because it takes the action outside the fictional Haven Manor, in an exciting adventure across Regency England, and beyond when Jess (Jessamine) the female protaganist has to face her colourful past.

Jess was a major character in the last 2 books in this series, the French cook cum bodyguard with a mysterious past and unconventional ways. Except she's not French. In this novel her story unfolds, including her background, with the danger and intrigue that she has always lived in the midst of.

Honestly, Jess was never a character I knew what to make of. I neither loved nor hated her. This is her story, and she emerges as a fascinating character who hides her vulnerability and grief about her past behind her tough and aloof personality.

Derek Thornbury is probably what today would be called a nerd. I man whose interest in a relatively obscure subject has become his life's great passion. Honestly, I just love nerdy characters, and Derek's passion for art and history are infectious.

Jess, initially only intends to use him for her own purposes, but there is a spark between them. They are thrown together on a cross country journey, which leads to witty repartee aplenty, as well as some interesting and mad escapades (including ingenious disguises). Since this is a romance, its inevitable the protagonists will fall in love, but I think this was well portrayed and developed.

Although a little complicated and perhaps over-ambitious in places, A Pursuit of Home was great fun overall. An atypical regency with some atypical characters. I did enjoy how different subjects and details were used in this story, from the landscape to details about technology, art and snippets of other languages. There are also hints of political intrigue and mystery. All of these apparently disparate threads are woven together well.

My only complaints were several Americanisms, and some modern intrusions in the characters speech. (The word 'okay' as I recall, is not recorded until the 1840s came from American slang- what on earth is a high born European woman doing using it 30 years earlier?). I did feel there was one aspect that was a little inconsistent in this story.

I don't remember Jess being especially religious in the previous books. She seemed indifferent, if not slightly hostile. Yet here she's a lot more open than she was before, even remembering previous, and not mentioned experiences.
I felt that contradicted some of what the reader had previously been told about her character, but its not a major issue.

I requested an ARC of this title for review. I was not required to write a positive one, and all opinions expressed are my own.

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Wow! Jess's story was such a surprise! We got to know Jess a little bit in the previous two books in the Havon Manor series and I was intrigued to know more...but I didn't expect what was going to be revealed in this book!

I loved the mystery and puzzle-solving aspect in A Pursuit of Home. It added some intensity as they were racing to find the hidden artifact before the enemies did. I loved seeing Jess and Derek interact, as you could tell they had feelings for each other but were fighting them. ;)

The story ended well and I really enjoyed this book. I loved the entire series and recommend them to fans of historical romance. I can't wait to read Hunter's next book. ;)

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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Loved Jess’ story. Perfection! And loved how prior characters played such a large role in her story. It really was a beautiful story of redemption and healing. And the power of love. A great series!

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I loved this last book in Kristi Ann Hunter's Haven Manor trilogy. I had not read Regency fiction in years until I found Kristi Ann Hunter's books. Jess's story was full of suspense, and I loved seeing the budding relationship with what would appear an unlikely match with the art historian, Derek Thornbury. Jess was such a fun character, and I kept turning the page late into the night to see what what would happen next. I look forward to reading other books by this author.

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A Pursuit of Home by Kristi Ann Hunter

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


Story Notes

Kristi Ann Hunter presents readers the finale of her Haven Manor series with a mystery that will have the characters traveling the British countryside in search of the legitimacy of a family and country.

I have loved getting to know Ms. Hunter through her books. She includes so many of my favorite elements in each story but keeps each different enough to ensure that they don’t seem redundant or boring. This story was a bit more out of ordinary plot lines for Ms. Hunter with an on-going mystery/quest to help reestablish a country and family to their rightful places. Long time cook and fierce friend Jess Beauchene has been in hiding from her family’s enemies for years. She has perfected the art of hiding in plain sight but has put aside those skills over the past few years to help out a close friend. But a recent shocking letter sparks the need to begin a search for a family she thought long dead, if only that search did not require the help of man who has become a bane to her existence. Derek Thornbury is an historian and art expert who has most recently been cataloging the multitudinous pieces of art in the home of good friend, Marquis of Chemsford. He has clashed with Jess since his arrival given his propensity to ask “Did you know..” questions and offer obscure facts to any he speaks with. This constant barrage of facts has put Derek on Jess’s last nerves, making their few interactions quite prickly. But when she presents him with a diary that is supposed to contain the clues to artifacts that ensure the legitimacy of the owner’s right to rule the once prosperous country of Verbonne, he must do his best to set aside his assumptions of her or she will not let him go on this quest. Their quest will take them to many parts of England and into the homes of wealthy elite – an incredible opportunity for Derek to view paintings and artifacts he has longed to see in person. But as they go forward, it becomes clear that further searches for art will require the help of old friends who gave Jess a home when she was most in need. Jess is reluctant to accept help, even from her very talented friends, as she knows the incredible danger that it places them into if they give her aid. They don’t give her much choice and will accompany her against her protests and attempts to slip away silently. This journey becomes more than Jess had anticipated, however, and she will find herself considering what is most important to her and whether she will lay aside her strict independence in favor of embracing a new family and the possibility of love. I enjoyed this closing book of this series. Jess wasn’t my favorite heroine but I did like her journey most of all in this series. She really had a hard time letting anyone close to avoid hurt and couldn’t begin to imagine that anyone should want to put themselves in danger for her sake. She has always viewed herself as the one to protect everyone else, no matter the danger to herself. I loved how she was challenged by everyone to give herself grace and accept the friendship and love of her friends. It was painful to read of her lack of a sense of worth but so gratifying to see her eventual acceptance. And Derek become a better, more courageous person from the many challenges that Jess presented. He found his sense of protection and moved beyond hiding in the shadows of his beloved artifacts to living life in the light of friends and love. He gave Jess a reason to love herself and taught her that she was worth knowing and loving. I also enjoyed seeing some of Ms. Hunter’s previous main characters make an appearance again. I so loved the story of the Ryland, Duke of Marshington and Miranda in A Noble Masquerade and was so glad to see them featured quite a bit in this story. Ryland’s quirky staff was so fun to read about before and I was happy to see them again. The spiritual side of things was prevalent without being overbearing, weaving through the pages to add depth and authenticity. I know this was the end of a series but I will most certainly be looking forward to the next from Ms. Hunter. I will also be recommending this story to others in the hope they will enjoy it as well.

I received this temporary complimentary E-book from Bethany House Publishers via NetGalley in order to provide an honest review. I will receive no fiscal compensation for this review and the opinions expressed herein are entirely my own.

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All the hearts!!!! Jess's story has been looooong coming and to finally have it was exhilarating!!!

And what a story! Her strong character and well known and adored wittiness out shown in this book! But her vulnerability, her growth, that tugged the hearts. And who would have guessed the bane of her existence would become her greatest supporter.

Derick is sure of one thing, for Jess to ask him for help, she is at least desperate. But he has no idea what is really coming and how his heart is going to get tangled up with the fiercest and quirkiest person he's ever met.

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Loved Jess’ story. Perfection! And loved how prior characters played such a large role in her story. It really was a beautiful story of redemption and healing. And the power of love.

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Hurray! We finally get Jess' story with this book. I loved it. I loved Jess, I adore her love story, and I just thought that this book was perfection.;)

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A Pursuit of Home was written by Kristi Ann Hunter, and is the third and final book of the Haven Manor series.
Summary: Jess Beauchene has spent her life hiding from her past, but now she is being forced to pursue it-with the help of the most annoying scholar Derek Thornbury.
Regardless of how much she needs Derek’s help, she is extremely reluctant to share details of her past life.
Will she be able to find the treasure she seeks, and will it be in time to save the last of her family that remains?
My Thoughts: A heroine with a definite feisty side and a lot to lose, a story of trusting your friends when you need them the most, and a great piece of well-written historical fiction-this was a great read.
This book is a very fitting end to the Haven Manor saga, as much as I am sad to see it go. It has been like an old friend-reading through these books-and is definitely a favorite series of mine.
Book three was no exception to the rest-it is full of plot twists, intrigue, fascinating characters, and a little romance thrown in. Jess was definitely my favorite of the characters, and it was good to hear more of her story in this book.
I highly recommend this one, and the whole series is worth buying and keeping on your shelf!
As always, I would like to thank Bethany House for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my review. Thank you!

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“Sometimes, despite time, distance, and a significant amount of ignoring it, the past never quite went away. Over the past two days, everything Jess had run from had spilled over the wall of the past and covered her present like gravy. Lumpy, bitter, burnt gravy. Every emotion she’d worked hard to bury had risen to the surface, making her mind a muddled swarm of incomplete thoughts and sharp colors.” - Opening lines of “A Pursuit of Home” by Kristi Ann Hunter

The conclusion to Kristi Ann Hunter’s awesome Haven Manor series, A Pursuit of Home was always going to be a Christian historical romance…which it is but it is also a fabulous mystery adventure! I loved Jess from the first book but she really sparkles in this novel. Derek, our historian, is the perfect companion for this journey and the two bounce off each other creating delightful, entertaining and heartfelt dialogue.

As with all history, there isn’t just one version and Kristi uses this to set the stage for a great discussion of the meaning of truth. I enjoyed the story, which was a page-turner, but I really appreciated how the characters develop in the novel, how they wrestle with who they are and what they want from life.

I love Kristi’s humour and there are several laugh-out-loud moments as Derek tries to match Jess’s physical capabilities and Jess attempts to remain patient with the scholarly Derek and his endless wanderings off of the topic. It is such a lovely role-reversal!

It’s a five out of five on the en-JOY-ment scale and highly recommended!

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I have greatly enjoyed this series, but for some reason this last book fell a little flat for me. Jess is such an intriguing character with her mysterious past, and I was excited to learn about her origins and everything she has gone through to bring her to where and who she is. I liked the contrast in personalities between her and Derek, and the way they come to appreciate each other's unique talents and abilities. The vagueness of the mystery they are solving made it hard for me to reason out their choices and visualize their methods. I understood the purpose and end goal, but there was much that was unclear and I felt rather lost along their journey.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

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