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A Temptress in Tartan

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A Temptress in Tartan by Gerri Russel is book 3 in the "All the King's Men" series.
It´s a historical romance novel and this time we are following Lachlan Douglas and Elizabeth Ruthven. There are 5 books in this series.

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Another highland book that I liked.
I loved the plot. I liked the story line development. I just wish there was more Highland in it for some parts of the book. Otherwise, I have read it win 72 hrs!

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A marriage between two warring clans ordered by King to bring peace is what brings Elizabeth and Lachlan together. The story is about how they both fight to overcome their fears, past and present. Saddening where the author details about the witch hunting prevailed during the time the story is set.

A beautiful story bringing out the significance of forgiveness in life.

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Book: A Temptress in Tartan
By Gerri Russell

Series: All the Kings Men, #3

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook of
1.Tartan Book Reviews
2. Purple Tulip Book Reviews
3. Celtic World of Historical Book Reviews
4.Celtic Barb’s Tartan Book Review Blog

Heat Rating: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Overall Rating: 5 Stars and 5 Kilts

Scotland, 1592
Summer, Falkland Palace

Elizabeth Ruthven had just gotten news she was to marry her clan’s deepest darkest enemy to a hated Douglas. As King James and Queen Anne felt this was the best way to force a truce between two feuding clans. His name was Lachlan Douglas who was Laird of the Douglas Clan that she was to marry. A man. She had never seen or met before. Elizabeth had never met him but heard horrible things about this Clan her entire life. The only reason her father agreed was the King was holding his purse strings. As his father was paid he had other evil intentions planned for the Douglas Clan.

Elizabeth thought she cared for another clan member and now that dream was over too. What did she have to bring her love and happiness though her only solution was to end her short life. Yet she was saved by the most handsome stranger she had ever seen. The following day she walks down the isle and sees the handsome stranger is Laird Lachlan Douglas. She feels used and frightened and even tries to assault her husband. Yet he does not try to hurt or damage her in any way for the assault. He actually comes up with a compromise. Even when she sees and meets the kind Douglas kin she realizes in her sheltered life she’s been told nothing but lies all her life.

It was also a dangerous time to live in Scotland as King James obsession with witch hunts. People just spread lies about people and they would be killed. Plus the King had hired these religious fanatics who who would torture the innocent and found them all guilty! Thousands of men and and women but the majority. The year 1590 witnessed the largest and most high-profile witch trials in Scottish history. True history where no fewer than 70 suspects were rounded up in North Berwick, on suspicion 
of raising a storm to destroy King James’s fleet as he conveyed his new bride, Anne 
of Denmark, across the North Sea. Convinced the tempest that had almost cost his life had been summoned by witchcraft, James was intent upon bringing the perpetrators to justice.

Now Elizabeth’s evil father knew exactly how to destroy Lachlan and appealing to The King’s obsession of witchcraft. In 1597 he became the only monarch in history to publish a treatise on witchcraft. Daemonologie (literally, the science of demons) was the result of painstaking and meticulous work on James’s part, and must have taken years to complete. So Elizabeth’s father knew just how to make people believe Lachlan was a warlock just when Elizabeth knew she was in love with this kind man. The problem was her father forced a childhood memory that could destroy Lachlan. Yet Lachlan was one of The Kings magnificent seven. His protectors as many would like to see him dead.

Will his past relationship with King help or hurt him. Will Lachlan be able to open his heart to a lass whose clan killed his parents. Plus having a father-in-law that just wants him dead. Do these star crossed lovers even have the slightest chance at a marriage or will it end in a horrendous death?

Again Gerri Russell absolutely blew me away with this emotional heartbreaking romance. I love that she puts true history in her novels as King James and his obsession with witchcraft in Scotland in the late sixteenth century is very true. I applaud this author for all the difficult but amazing research she did. It is truly a phenomenal novel that I highly recommend. If you love true Scottish history and a delightful romance. You don’t want to miss this exhilarating novel. One of my favorite reads of the year.

Again the setting made my heart race, the dialogue was magnificent, and the characters were so captivating . Now there were several plots happening which was absolutely brilliant. As I was never sure what might happen next. This book is a total gift from start to finish!

I have been reading Gerri Russel’s historical novels for over thirteen years and I am never disappointed. Each and every book has been a masterpiece!

All the King's Men by Gerri Russell

1.Seven Nights with a Scot - Quinn & Vivian
2.Romancing the Laird - Reid & Lucy
3.A Temptress in Tartan - Lachlan & Elizabeth
I can’t wait for book #4!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy from the publisher through Netgalley. I voluntarily agreed to read, review and blog an advance copy of this book. All thoughts, ideas and opinions are my own.


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Pleasant read, but I think I would've loved to have read some more Scottish accents ;)
I also think not much happened in the book, which technically wasn't necessary, but I think I would've liked to have seen some more action.

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A Temptress in Tartan is another strong heroine story that takes place in the time of King James VI reign. It is the third in Gerri Russell’s All the Kings Men Series. A family enemy to peace offering to love story with the couple fighting all the way to their happily ever after.

This well-written story is another reminder of how difficult life could be for women. At times, Elizabeth wants revenge when perhaps forgiveness and becoming the peacemaker would be better. Witch accusations are part of the time so the consequences of such charges are also part of the story. Difficult times where love can make the difference for Lachlan Douglas and Elizabeth Ruthven.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

This was a book that kind of made me think of a Romeo/Juliet type story but only that Juliet was going to try to kill Romeo at the beginning! Lachlan and Elizabeth were forced to marry by King James of Scotland. Elizabeth had been brought up to hate the Douglas clan and told many lies about how awful they were. In reality, her clan was the evil clan and she didn't know it.

Elizabeth's father kept trying to get her back and had a plan to bring Lachlan trouble after claiming that he was a warlock. Fortunately, Elizabeth and Lachlan's friend, Reid, had a plan to save him. King James who supposedly cared for his "magnificent seven" soldiers, really did not do much to help out here.

One thing that I would have like to see was Mariam who was one of the accusers. She never made an appearance and was pretty friendly with Lachlan. That part did not make much sense as she was at Cameron's castle and part of his clan, so why wouldn't he force her to appear and tell the truth? And was it jealousy that caused her to accuse him of witchcraft or was it money? Wish that part was revealed!

While I liked that Lachlan and Elizabeth got their HEA, I kind of felt bad for the people that they left behind at their new keep, as Elizabeth was just starting to teach them to read and write then the king ordered them to take off. Which was great for their sense of adventure but not so great for the people left behind!

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A Temptress in Tartan, third in author Gerri Russell’s All The King’s Men series, is set in sixteenth century Scotland during the reign of King James I. While it is part of a series it stands alone well.
This story has a bit of a Romeo and Juliet theme to it as warrior Lachlan Douglas is forced to marry Elizabeth Ruthven, the daughter of his sworn enemy in a bid to bring a halt to the longstanding feud between these two clans.
The plot was well developed with enough twists and turns to keep me turning the pages. I loved the way the witch trials which were ongoing in Scotland at that time were interwoven into the story. Of particular interest for me was that in this story it was a man accused of witchcraft rather than a woman.
I thought author Gerri Russell created a very plausible scenario and while the solutions to clearing the charges were pretty obvious that didn’t detract from the story.
I have been enjoying this series both because each story so far has been intriguing and because they are set during a period in Scottish history that hasn’t been done to death. It’s been fascinating getting a glimpse of life at that time through the pages of three thoroughly enjoyable books.

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Scotland 1592 An arranged marriage by decree of the King, Elizabeth Ruthvan could only feel sadness and fear. The man she was to marry was none other than Lachland Douglas, one of her clans sworn enemies. The King thought to bring a truce between their waring clans?
This story was so enjoyable with the author's words that brought the characters alive and this period in history that was very stressful. They were killing people they thought were witches or warlochs and it was truly scary. With the feud between their families having began many years past, she was determined to not put it aside and try to be happy.
Lachlan was one of the King's strongest warriors, but his life had been changed since his parents were murdered by the Ruthvens. But there was no way not to feel for him and Elizabeth, but how could she resist the handsome, brooding warrior who was determined to make her want him.
Their journey is anything but easy. Filled with strong emotions, betrayal, trust issues and a romance that sparks off the pages.. Loved this book and I highly recommend!

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Great book loving this series. Nothing like and enemies turned to love troupe. Funny and warm characters.

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This book was so good! It kept me on the edge of my seat and completely glued to see what the whole outcome would be. I was completely mesmerized.
It’s a first class roller coaster ride that kept me on the edge of my seat and my nose in the book. This story is full of angst, betrayal and deception.
Elizabeth and Lachlan were such great characters. I connected with them early on and pulled for them till the last page. Even though they go through hell and back, they persevere.
Grab a bottle of wine and settle in because it a wild ride and one it starts you won’t want to move!

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Laird Lachlan Douglas and the rest of his clan have hated the Ruthven clan since they murdered his parents and left him with nothing but a hardened heart. Now he's one of King James VI's top warriors and lives for battle. But when the Ruthvens stir up trouble once more for his clan and King James, the king comes up with his own solution to end the ongoing feud: Lachlan will marry the Ruthven laird's daughter, Elizabeth.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth is less than willing to marry her enemy and would rather see him dead. She's unprepared to have her every view of her clan and her sheltered notions of the world around her challenged by a surprisingly gentle warrior. While Elizabeth is still trying to decide how she feels about Lachlan after coming to know him better, one of her clansmen accuses him of being a warlock. In the ensuing chaos it seems Lachlan's vaunted status as an earl and a king's man won't be enough to save him. With betrayal all around them, Elizabeth must decide if she will try to save the new husband she is growing to care for or let her clan's revenge come at the hands of a fanatical and disloyal king.

I did not like Elizabeth at first but she did grow on me, and much quicker than the heroine in the previous book. I think Lachlan was a great man who deserved better from everyone he was loyal to, especially the treacherous king. It's sickening to think that this sort of fanaticism was a real thing in this time period. So with that in mind, this story has much more focus on the historical setting, action, betrayal, etc., than it does on the actual romance, though there were some good steamy scenes as well. I still didn't enjoy this one as much as the first book in the series, but I did like it more than the second installment and it's a solid addition to the series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a really pleasant surprise! I really enjoyed the writing and how the author incorporated a lot of real world history into the plot and world building of the novel. The plot towards the second half of the book was really what saved it for me, and i enjoyed the alternating perspectives between the two main characters.

My biggest critique however is that the first half was a little... boring? For being sworn enemies I thought it would have taken longer for our couple to really come together. I usually really love hate to love romances, especially with an arranged marriage twist, but I was expecting more angst or tension or... something? Even though it was a rather slow burn I feel like it lacked the development for the read to really get to know the couple. It all happened a little too easily and it hurt my overall enjoyment of the novel.

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Elizabeth Ruthven was being forced to marry a Douglas. They had an ongoing feud for about twenty years. The King and Queen of Scotland wanted the feud stopped and this was the only they could think to do it,
Lachlan Douglas was the Laird of Clan Douglas, he also wanted to stop the feud. But they both had reasons to hate each other. The Ruthven's had killed Lachlan's mother and father and it was believed that Lachlan had killed Elizabeth's mother.
A complicated story, There are witches and torture. I was up most of the night trying to finish the tale I had to know what was going to happen. It was exciting and frightening, The characters were intriguing and the descriptions were excellent. It flowed smoothly and was concise. I am glad I got a chance to read such a mesmerizing book.
I received this ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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“How did two people whose lives up to this point had been filled with trauma and pain find a way to each other when everything around them conspired against them?”

This was an entertaining and surprisingly educational read! Set in the Scottish historical period of the witch trials, the story followed Elizabeth Ruthvel and Lachlan Douglas in an arranged marriage trope that hoped to end the feud that had been escalating between their clans for decades.

“The hatred between their two families ran too deep for the fighting to end.”

While I am always a fan of arranged marriage tropes (as I love to see how they learn to rely on one another and slowly fall in love) this one just wasn’t a very big hit for me. I enjoyed the slow burn between the characters as well as their unending loyalty to their families, but I just felt like something was missing from this. A special spark that would really capture my attention and have me eagerly awaiting to find out what happened next. Sadly, this wasn’t the case.

Despite this, I did still enjoy the book. The characters were highly likeable and had a good growth over the period of the story. Elizabeth was a strong woman who had not been given freedom or experiences up until her arranged marriage, so I felt it hard to judge her actions too harshly. While they were not actions I would normally support or wish for in a character, I could not entirely fault her for them considering how her family had brought her up. Having lived a very sheltered, controlled life (except for her mother’s death) she had not had much exposure with complicated dating situations. This made the unrealistic and feeble decisions she made during certain events in the book, a bit hard to support. Despite this though, she was always loyal to Lachlan and for that she still had my vote!

“Feeling alone was not a new sensation for her. She’d never really had a place where she belonged, even in her own clan. And still, the sensation cut deep. This was her new life now – a captive surrounded by her enemies.”

Lachlan was by far the best character in this book. He was the epitome of good, noble and honourable. A guy who would certainly take the shirt off his back for you – yes please! His ripped physique was definitely a plus point in this book. Who doesn’t love a nice toned warrior that’s also incredibly sweet on the inside? His support of Elizabeth and unconventional opinions on women’s rights (for the time period) were also a tick in the pro column for me!

“Your place is wherever you choose it to be…Life is short and often filled with difficulty. It is our dreams that make our lives worth living.” – Lachlan

While most of this book was enjoyable, I would have liked for there to have been more down-time for the two main characters. It wasn’t that this story was written badly – not at all. I just didn’t connect as well to the characters because there were too many obstacles between their start and happily ever after. It felt like the characters were jumping from one obstacle to the next and never really hitting pause to get to know each other. By default, the reader didn’t get to connect with them a lot either, which was a shame. I would have liked to have seen more of Elizabeth and Lachlan getting to know each other (and his clan) before things went downhill.

Additionally, the ending left me a little bummed. I wasn’t going to get what I had expected – but maybe that was for the best? Something new and fresh is generally better than cut and dry predictability, but I was looking forward to finally getting a chance to connect with the characters. The lack of this in the ending threw me off a bit.

Despite everything, this was still an enjoyable read and I do intend to give the next book in the series a go!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this book.
I really liked the female leads in the previous two books, however Elizabeth took a while to warm up to. It would probably be very difficult to write about a historical time and portray the religious beliefs without being biased. I found myself disliking King James even more and am saddened that these witch hunts and murders occurred.
Lachlan is a wonderful character and I'm relieved it ended the way it did.

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Elizabeth Ruthven is being forced by the King to marry her clan's most hated enemy to try and create peace. She would rather die than give herself to such a monster.
Lachlan Douglas is one of the King's bodyguards and as a reward he has been given lands and a title. The only problem is the family of the bride that comes with it.
This is a difficult time in the kingdom when the witch hunters are powerful and anyone can accuse a neighbour just to get rid of them.
Our characters have a dangerous and trouble filled journey ahead. Trust is nowhere to be found, and friends are few and far between.
A very exciting adventure that is part of a series but can be read on it's own.

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I received an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review

What an original unexpected plot! The romance builds really well and while the book is more sweet than spicy, it is definitely worth the pay off and you come to really love the characters and want them to be together. It’s always extra special when I feel like I learned something new about history from a romance novel. A gem

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Mortal enemies, kilts, and witchcraft? Oh my!

This book is the third installment of Gerri Russell's All the King's Men series but the first I have read, which I plan on changing really soon. The book begins with a marriage arranged by King James between members of two feuding clans, the Douglas and Ruthvens, in hopes of creating a truce. Perfect plan, right? Would could possibly go wrong?

Russell draws you into her world by creating characters with heart and of course sex appeal, this is a historical romance after all. The story unfolds with many surprises from forgotten memories of the past, lost loves, to life saving antics. For Elizabeth, the marriage causes her finally discover who she really is separate from her clan and her father. For Lachlan, the marriage allows him an opportunity to reconcile with his past.

This book is highly recommended for those that love historical romance and an alpha male with a softer side.

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