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All Fired Up

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I totally love Lori Foster's books. I have read every book she has had published and always eager for more. I just finished book 3 in her newest series Road to Love. I have to say that I loved Mitch and Charlotte in this one. I loved how Mitch was introduced into this story. He definitely won me over from page one. Charlotte has been present thru the whole series and I have wanted her to get a story of her own. The great thing about LF's series is that she has previous characters have a secondary role in the next books. I definitely love the Crews family in this series. They are what family is all about,, being there for each other no matter what.
I received an ARC from NetGalley, and this is my honest review.

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Wow, Ms. Foster, just wow! Once again you grabbed me from the very first page and kept my rapt attention until the final word. Mitch is the perfect redeemed hero and Charlotte is the calming balm for his soul.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy

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Mitch is an ex convict and is looking for him family. He grew up with an addict for a mother and her drug dealing boyfriend. He arrives in town with his dog and wanting to find his half brothers. Charlotte runs the guys business and is like their kid sister. She has lived with Ros, the guys mother, since her parents were killed. When she is stranded at a bar, with a flat tire, Mitch helps her. He has never met anyone like her but when he finds out she’s sort of related to his brothers, he puts the brakes on his feelings. The more time he spends with her, the more he wants her. But Mitch’s past is about to come to town, can he protect his new family plus accept their help?
Awesome story with action and sexy scenes. A guy who’s never known love and a woman who wants to be loved and live a peaceful life.
* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for NetGalley *

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I swear just a few sentences into a Lori Foster book and I’m sucked completely in. It’s so hard to put one of her books down and go to work or to sleep. The struggle is insanely real.

I love this series with the brothers and Ros. The unconditional acceptance Ros gives makes you want to give her a hug thru the book and then when Mitch shows up and drops a bombshell she just rolls with it along with everyone else. This is the last book of the series and while I immensely enjoyed the first 2, this one is hands down my favorite. You get the big strong alpha male with a strong female, plenty of romance and suspense with such powerful emotion that you can feel. A true page-turner. A fantastic read that I highly recommend.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and this is my honest review

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Another intriguing and fast paced book. I really enjoyed getting to know the new characters! You get more backstory and an adorable new dog is added to the mix!!

Howler makes more cameos, who doesn't love Howler?!

Growth and happiness abound, with action and drama, and plot twists! I love the Crews Family!

NetGalley provided an ARC for an honest, unbiased review.

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Very engaging read. It's a slow burn with plenty of twists and turns to keep your attention from the beginning to the end. You get to catch up with the rest of the family and meet the missing brother know one new. I especially loved it's the whole package. A beginning, middle and, ending. No rushing. Lots of love, family, humor, and heart. Definitely recommend reading. I received a copy of thus book through netgallery.

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I LOVE Mitch Crews! This is book 3 in the Road to Love series. Like all Ms. Foster’s series books, it can be read and enjoyed as a stand-alone.
When Brodie and Jack Crews meet up with Mitch in their little town and realize he is their half-brother, they are shocked. They knew their dad Elliot was not faithful to Ros, but they did not know he had another son.
Mitch did not have the advantage of a Rosalyn Crews on his side. His own mother was a drug addict and, even though he never used drugs, she dragged him into that world until he faced prison time. She died before he got out, so he had no reason to stay there.
Mitch has never met his half-brothers Brodie and Jack, nor their mother Ros. He has heard all about them from his dad, who painted them all in glowing terms. When Mitch’s world falls apart and he wants to make a new, clean start, he moves to the little town where his brothers and their wives and mother live.
I could not put this book down. Even though I had to get up for work soon, I had to finish reading it. The story is great, and well worth a sleepy day. I strongly recommend this story.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader copy of this book.

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I have really been enjoying this Road to Love series by Lori Foster but I have to say that All Fired Up is my new favorite story of the series. I absolutely love Mitch. His past broke my heart and just like Charlotte, I wanted to give him a great big hug and never let go. And Charlotte was such a sweetheart. Shoot! This whole family is simply amazing. Brodie and Charlotte's interactions made me smile and laugh out loud at times. The humor and camaraderie between the characters were just so fun to read. Add in cute fur babies and I'm hooked. And the sexual chemistry between Mitch and Charlotte was definitely a slow burn but it ignited big time when they finally got together. I loved every minute of their romance. The little bit of danger that was also involved had my heart racing too. When I first read the synopsis and saw that the hero was an ex-con, I wasn't sure how I felt about that or how Lori would write him, but trust me, you need to hear his story and you'll fall in love with him too. Absolutely a must read story. I loved it so much that I've read it twice already.

*I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book*

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This book was a fun, exciting, slow burn, and I loved seeing these characters off in such a great way.

Charlotte Parrish lost her parents as a young teenager, and she was taken in by the family she worked for, the Crews. She's become a daughter to Ros, and a sister to Brodie, and Jack Crews. She runs their office like a well-oiled machine, and they couldn't do without her. But, Brodie and Jack (the heroes of books 1, and 2, respectively) are strong, alpha males with an often dangerous job, and she's never wanted a man like that. She wants someone she can truly settle down with, in her small, beloved town. Someone who she won't have to worry might not come home. One night though, car trouble leads her to a very unexpected man, and he may be everything she didn't know she couldn't live without.

Mitch Crews had a rough go at life, with an addict mother, and an absentee dad. When he ended up in prison for 5 years trying to help his mom, via her drug dealer boyfriend, he vows to change his life for good. His dad Elliott Crews was married, and had 2 sons, before Mitch. But, he could never stay in one place for long, or with one woman, so he got involved with Mitch's mom a few years later. Once Mitch is released, he heads out to find his half brothers, looking for a real family for the first time in his life. He never expects the reaction he gets from them, and he certainly never expected Charlotte. He knows she's too good for him, but he's not sure he can walk away from her.

Mitch and Charlotte had chemistry like whoa, and I loved their flirty banter. This story was a lot slower burn than many by this author, but I found it very believable since Charlotte was a virgin, and Mitch wasn't sure he deserved to get involved with her. There was a TON of buildup and steamy innuendo between them, but nothing physical happened until quite far into the story. Of course, Brodie and Jack didn't help with the delay, as they wanted to make sure Mitch was sticking around before he really pursued her. Due to the slow pace, neither of them were ever quite sure where they stood with the other, so there was a lot of longing, which was fun.

The suspense plot here was related to Mitch's mom's horrible boyfriend, and it pulled me in and kept me entertained and on the edge of my seat most of the story. He was truly awful, and seeing things from his POV occasionally was interesting. I feel it helped you really understand how terrible he was, so you wanted him to pay just as much as Mitch did.

The side characters here were mostly all from the 2 prior books, which I adored. Brodie and Jack, and their wives, are awesome, and Ros, their mom is THE BEST. She was so maternal, and loving, and understanding, and compassionate. She really took Mitch into her heart from the beginning, and having never had a real maternal figure in his life, due to his own mother's failures, he's confused by it at first. But he comes to love them all so much, especially Ros, with her constant care and attention. Charlotte helped to make him feel part of the family too, since she knows what it's like to be taken in by this amazing family, as one of their own. I loved watching him learn to accept their love and affection (especially when they butted in with their opinions).

I really loved this story, and I think it was my favorite of the 3 books. I adored this family so much, and finally getting a little more understanding of the father Elliott was great too. He really grew on me, much more than I expected. I love this author's voice, and her heroes are always so great. Mitch was a total dreamboat, and Charlotte was a kindhearted delight. I gladly recommend this book, and the entire series. I will anxiously await whatever comes next from this author, who is consistently one of my favorites.

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I received an arc copy of this book from NetGalley for my honest review. Mitch has heard lots of stories about his half brothers from his dad. After getting out of prison he wants to put down roots and decides to look up his brothers. Along the way he meets beautiful Charlotte, who is like family to his half brothers. While developing a relationship with Charlotte and his brothers he also has to deal with a not so nice blast from the past,Newman,who was his mother’s boyfriend/dealer. This was a nice soft romance and easy read and it is the third book in the series, but you do not need to read the others to understand this book. I also loved Mitch’s dog! 4.5 stars

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A wonderful conclusion (?) to this series. I loved Mitch and Charlotte is his perfect counterpart. Reading the book and following him on his journey to a new family is a complete delight. I love the action and the dogs are amazing.
I see a re-read of the rest of the series in my future.
TW there is description of cruelty against animals that made me cry

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All Fired Up is now my all time favorite book. Lori Foster continues to be my favorite writer. You are hooked from page 1. This series is one of the best ever. Reading Charlotte and Mitch's story is fantastic and reading more about Brodie and Mary, Jack and Ronnie, and of course Ros. The family bond is strong. Love the teasing and love for each other. This is a definite MUST READ.

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Mitch Crew’s father Elliot had told him stories about Elliot’s two sons and their mother Ros. Elliot has been in and out of Mitch’s life, mostly out, so when Mitch gets out of prison he decides he wants to meet his two half-brothers, the only family he has besides his father. But he feels he has so much baggage that they won’t want to have a bastard ex-con in their lives.
This is the third book in the Road to Love series. The first two books focused on the brothers Brodie and Jack, along with their mother Ros and Charlotte, who is like a little sister. Everyone is caught off balance when Mitch shows up but with just one look Ros knows Mitch is Elliot’s son. Mitch has never had anyone who really was there for him growing up and he is totally unprepared for the Crew family, for their love and acceptance but also their strong, outspoken personalities. It was fun watching Brodie and Charlotte go at each other, just like a brother and sister, and Mitch not understanding the banter.
While Brodie and Mary seemed liked opposites, and Jack and Ronnie seemed like an odd couple, Mitch and Charlotte are perfectly balanced. I had so much fun watching these two tip-toe around each other, neither confident enough to really make their feelings known. Plus, Mitch comes with his own dog, Brute because, really, all the Crew men have dog.
I received an advanced readers copy through NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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Each book in the series is getting better and better.
Mitch, after five yeas in prison wants one thing, to find his stepbrothers, he never thought he find love too. But his past is on his front porch, can he save those who he loves?
Charlotte never had luck in love, maybe meeting Mitch will change things for better?
Great book, awesome storyline and characters.

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Mitch is the third Crews brother and probably my favorite. I fell In love with Mitch as fast as he fell in love with Charlotte. As always Lori Foster gave me
drama, hot chemistry and a laugh or two.
I couldn’t read this book fast enough then was sad when it ended. Such an enjoyable series. Thank You Lori for always writing characters that I instantly Fall in love with. I received an ARC for my honest review.

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I loved this latest book in Lori Foster’s Road to Love series, I have to say that All Fired Up is my favorite of the this series. Something about Mitch just drew me in. I actually really appreciated how honest he was right from the beginning on who he was and his history. There weren’t a lot of secrets that would cause problems in the future. Don’t get me wrong, Mitch has some baggage that he did not want to involve this family in, and this definitely causes some frustrations with his new found protective older brothers and Charlotte. But the sense of family is so strong that Mitch had no choice but to surrender and be accepted into the Crews family.

The love story between Mitch and Charlotte is on the slow burn side, especially with promises that Mitch made, but the chemistry was definitely there and was intense. Things definitely heat up once they finally get together. I loved how both Brodie and Jack was so protective over Charlotte, especially with her lack of experience with men. The banter between Brodie and Charlotte was hilarious.

Drama definitely unfolds when someone from Mitch’s past appears and places his family in danger. I loved how everyone, including the bada$$ Ronnie with her knife, rallies around him to try to keep everyone safe.

And once again, this author introduced us to the best four-legged character ever! It broke my heart to see the fear of poor Brute, but then to see how the Crews family, especially Howler, were able to give him joy and a safe place was just awesome!

All Fired Up was a fantastic addition to this series and I highly recommend it.

I received an ARC of All Fired Up from NetGalley, and this is my honest review.

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Thank god I feel like I got something that I enjoyed after my last two books. This was a brother that no one knew about Mitch. Mitch story pretty much breaks your heart he did not have it easy, but even though he had a hard life he did not turn out as a jerk, lesson for all and he finally get a chance to have the family that he never had and the acceptance that he deserves and a chance at happiness and love with Charlotte. This is the third book in the series and I hope you started from the beginning you kind of need to to know who is who and because you do not want to miss out on a whole lot of deliciousness in the form of Brody and Jack. We have some danger who has been following Mitch but his family does not let him go it alone..Grab a copy and Enjoy!

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I loved Mitch and Charlotte’s story! It’s my favorite in the Road to Love series. There wasn’t anything that I didn’t like about this book. I loved Charlotte’s innocence and her love of family. I loved the way the rest of the family rallied around Mitch, especially since his expectations were so much different. I loved that even though Mitch had a very rough start in life, he was a very honorable and stand up guy. As with the previous books, animals, especially dogs, play an important part in their lives.

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This book was amazing. I already loved the Crews brothers and their families, however with the addition of Mitch it just made them that much more relatable. Mitch was alone and wary of people, he had a tough childhood and his adult life was not going the way he wanted. He had decided to turn his life around and meeting his brothers Brodie and Jack was a step in the right direction. The brothers were great however Charlotte was the reason he stayed. Watching Mitch open up and start letting people in and help him was so emotional. This is a great story and you get to be involved with the previous book characters you have met and loved.

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In “All Fired Up” (Road to Love #3) by Lori Foster we are brought back into the lives of the Crews family. This time Brodie and Jack get a surprise visit from a family member that they did not know existed. Mitch has had a hard life and is now looking to find a place to call home and some stability. He is not prepared for the reception he receives nor his attraction to Charlotte. But being an ex-con, he does come with some baggage that not only threatens his new found family but his resolve to be the person Charlotte deserves.

We are treated to a lot of Brodie and Jack and of course there is some Howler thrown in (who knew what the mention of an orange highlighter could lead to). The banter is fun and Charlotte (and Ros) give as good as they get.

I received a copy of this book through Net Galley and this is my honest review.

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