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All Fired Up

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This is the third book in the Road to Love series and it is my new favorite. Mitch and Charlotte are like two peas in a pod as they each have feelings of inadequacy but together, they are a powerful force to be reckoned with. Ms. Foster has eloquently written a tour de force with this book. It is witty, suspenseful, drama infused with an emphasis on family. When it comes to love, one should not go looking but for Charlotte, all she wants is a reliable, steady man with whom she can settle down. However sometimes life has other plans and what falls in her lap is a sexy man that rescues her when her car has some troubles. Mitch has come looking for his half brothers after being released from prison and what he finds is a whole new world opening up for him. However, when Mitch’s ugly past comes barreling forward, how far will he go to keep Charlotte and the rest of his family safe? I volunteered to read an advance copy of this book provided by Netgalley.

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This has been my favorite book in this series. I thought the characters of Charlotte and Mitch were complex, yet endearing.
There were a lot of ups and downs and complicated history to be dealt with, which was accomplished in a very believable way. I loved the interaction between characters from previous books in the series and the message of family that is woven into each one.
I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.

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Crews Brother Finds His Way Home

This book is all about different types of family and how it is never too late to join one. Mitch is thinking of finding a new beginning with Charlotte after living a hard life. He thinks he is finally safe but his past does not let him go so easily. Lori Foster ran the tension high in this one. She delivered again with this sexy warrior. This is an ARC review.

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I'm giving this 3rd installment to Lori's Road To Love series 4.5 huge stars!
Brodie and Jack Crews are given a huge surprise when they are joined by Mitch.
With his history, Mitch isn't sure he deserves anything. Especially not a family as wonderful as the Crew's.
Charlotte has more steel in her backbone than most men and I loved that about her.
All Fired up has so much between the pages. Surprises, bad guys, steamy times and humor. Mostly though this book is about healing broken souls.
Mitch is a beautifully broken man trying to be better. To overcome his past, to claim something he's always longed for.
I also loved the good look we got at Ros and Elliott's relationship. Possible book? Hope so. I'd love to find out how Elliott makes all his mistakes up to Ros.
Anyway, don't miss this book!
Thanks Lori for the opportunity to read and review!

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All Fired Up by Lori Foster
Road to Love #3

Family...something that Mitch has been missing all of his life. His mother more interested in drugs and the men who provided them. His father sometimes there but mostly away. More bad alone times and miserable situations than he wants to think sounds like a good thing and he does have two half brothers that might fit the bill. So off he heads to see if he can connect with Brodie and Jack Crews hoping that he might find more than the nothing he has had so far.

Little did Mitch know that the damsel in distress he offered to help at the side of the road would eventually come to mean everything to him. Yes, Charlotte Parrish, sort of like an adopted sister to Brodie and Jack, is also smitten with her first glimpse of Mitch when he stops to help her.

Throw in a bad guy from Mitch’s past, a mother-figure in the form of his brothers’ mother, a trio of lovable canines and a rescue cat, glimpses of the characters in the first two books of the series, a romance that warmed the cockles of my heart and I have to say this was a superb story that made today wonderful.

What I liked:
* Mitch: battered by life but invincible, alone but not willing to remain so, knows what he wants, open, caring and kind – loved him.
* Charlotte: perhaps naive but definitely knows what she wants and what she wants is Mitch. She gives as good as she gets, is open, caring and kind and soothes Mitch’s soul.
* Ros & Elliot: What a dance these two have led over the years...loved seeing how they end up in this book.
* Brodie and Jack: their easy acceptance of Mitch into the family and the way they drew him in.
* The dogs...interesting and rescued by the men that saved them
* The writing, plot and the way the series was put together and flowed.

What I did not like:
* Mitch’s suffering as a child then the fall he took that was so undeserved
* Newman and his buddies – evil incarnate that deserved a fate worse than death
* The fact the book ended and I may never know what happens to the characters in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Romance – HQN and the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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Ahhh those Crews boys, be still my heart. Just when I think I can’t love them more, along comes Mitch. 4 ½ stars for All Fired Up.

Mitch comes to town looking to connect with his long last family after getting out of prison. He knows his bio dad had sons with his wife so he goes in search of familiar ties. Everything he builds up in his head about them is shattered though when he meets Ros and her boys. They accept him without any second thought. Family is family.

Charlotte is the sister the Crews boys never had. Unfortunately for her, they treat her too much like one some times. After meeting Mitch, she finds herself drawn to him without fully understanding why. When his parental lineage is revealed, she realizes why. She has always felt like part of the Crews family and being with Mitch just seals her fate.

Mitch and Charlotte have a slow burn relationship that is a nice change of pace for the rockem sockem quickies. I enjoyed going slow with them as they learned as much as they could about each other before taking it to the next level.

Great story and sad to see this series line come to an end but good send off for the family. I liked to secondary storyline with Ros and her suitors. I wasn’t totally crazy about the antagonist in this one, little stereotypical I think but it added the tension the story needed. We get to see a little more in terms of the Senior Crews’ back story and reasons for maybe why he is constantly away more than present in his sons’ lives.

I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy provided by Harlequin without expectations. As usual, Ms Foster takes us on a wonderful ride getting to know characters that we can picture in our real lives.

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All Fired Up
By: Lori Foster


In the third book in the Road to Love series we get to discover how Charlotte and Mitch get the HEA we all love. The writing is flawless, and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shocking moments. I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

Authors Blurb: Charlotte Parrish has always wanted a certain kind of man: someone responsible, settled, boring. Bad boys need not apply. But when her car leaves her stranded and a mysterious stranger with brooding eyes and a protective streak comes to her rescue, she can’t deny how drawn she is to him. In town searching for family he’s never met, Mitch is everything she never thought she wanted and suddenly everything she craves.

Finding his half brothers after all these years is more than Mitch Crews has allowed himself to wish for. Finding love never even crossed his mind…until he meets Charlotte. She’s sweet, warmhearted, sexier than she knows and too damn good for an ex-con like him. But when his past comes back to haunt him, putting Charlotte and the family he’s come to care for in danger, Mitch isn’t playing by the rules. He’s already surrendered his heart, but now he’ll risk his life.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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Do we always get our dream man? In Charlotte Parrish's case, she was sure she would. She had her mind set on someone settled and responsible and she was absolutely certain she could be happy. Meeting and falling for bad boy Mitch Crews was certainly not something she was prepared for.

Mitch has been looking for his half brothers and he has finally found them. Having finally found them, he then approaches them. Mitch hasn't been able to picture the reaction they will have when they discover that he is their half-brother. Mitch gets far more than he expected. He meets their mother, a wonderful woman, and he meets Charlotte. She is perfect, wonderful and sweet. However, he is an ex-con and knows for sure that he is the last man on earth for her.

Mitch must contend with his new family in this delightful third book in the Road to Love series. However, far more is at stake. The story has a bit of danger that affects Mitch. While this is worked out, there is a twist to this story that I truly enjoyed. Also, as has been the case in this delightful series, we have another terrific character, and that is Mitch's dog, Brute. I love it when Lori Foster includes dogs in her books as they always add a special touch.

The first books in this series are Driven to Distraction and Slow Ride. I loved each and every book in this series. The protagonists in each case are perfect for each other. Furthermore, the strong family vibe that is present in each book is absolutely wonderful. Having read about sixty of Ms. Foster's books, I have always walked away with a smile. I cannot wait to see what else she has in store.

Many thanks to Harlequin, Lori Foster and NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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In this book we get to revisit (YAY!) with Brodie & Mary, Ros, Jack & Ronnie, Charlotte and all the accompanying fur family members!
Mitch has had an awful life. From childhood til he saw a vision in the parking lot of Freddy's...Charlotte. Little did he know his whole life was about to change. He came for one reason, he'll stay for far more.
In this story that Lori has woven us is a great many things. Anger, pain, sadness, fear, hope, acceptance and love. Lori, as always has given us main characters we can fall in love with, root on, and support. A story that grabs us by the heartstrings, heats up the room..creating a need for a fan. Also she adds evil elements that we all want to take care of with a baseball bat, when one cannot find an iron skillet.
Excellent story, great flow in the story line and dialogue. She also lets us meet amazing animals to shower all our love on.
Amazing story! I highly recommend this.
I received an Advanced Readers Copy from NetGalley for my honest review.

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Although I loved the first two books in this series, I think this is my favorite! I have been waiting since the beginning to read Charlotte’s story (she works in the office with Brodie and Jack). In this story we meet Mitch, a brother to Brodie and Jack (although he had a different mom).

First, let me give a shout out to Foster for her masterful handling of such an emotionally difficult topic! I loved how Ros just accepts him and laments how his childhood was because he was never brought to her by his dad. I also enjoyed the interplay between the three brothers, with Mitch pulling back at every turn and Brodie and Jack having none of it!

Of course, I would be remiss to leave out Charlotte’s role in the story. She is such a great character and it was so much fun seeing her interactions with Mitch (and the reactions of Brodie and Jack to said interactions!). As their relationship progresses, you get more of Charlotte’s backstory as well as why Mitch is so guarded around his new family.

There is also some suspense, which I won’t ruin, but I loved how it was handled between the characters by the author. As I mentioned, my favorite book in this series (so far hint hint Ms. Foster ;) ). Great for anyone who enjoys romance with some suspense thrown in. Reading the first two books will help you enjoy this book more, but starting here will not leave you lost!

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This is the third book in Lori’s Road to Love Series and the one that I have been anticipating. Since first being introduced to Charlotte, I have been waiting for her story and Lori Foster did not disappoint. All of Lori Foster’s books can be read as standalone novels. Her books are humorous, intense, with strong family ties and usually have a dash of intrigue and suspense added into the mix. Lori’s characters are unique in the fact that they are human they have flaws and they aren’t perfect. Her books draw you in and keep you coming back for more.
The Crews family is a typical family. They give each other a hard time but have each other’s backs when someone from the outside tries to hassle them. They all have personalities that are polar opposite and yet they fit together perfectly. Charlotte and Mitch’s personalities seem to not go together but they end up making the perfect pairing. Charlotte is a spunky, fun and take no crap from anyone character. She is the honorary little sister of the Crews brothers. She may not share their blood but in every other way she is part of the family. While changing her tire on the side of the road she is accosted by a stranger and rescued by Mitch who just happens to be the ½ brother of the Crews brothers. Mitch is a touch ex-con who comes to town to fulfill his dream of meeting his half-brothers. He has had a hard life and he is making changes to improve his situation. He has a plan on what he would say and do but he did not expect to be accepted by the Crews family. Everything seems to be coming together when his past shows up threatening his new start. He wants to leave to protect his new found family but learns there is protection in the family unit.

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Another great read by Lori Foster. Her stories are filled with the sense of family, whether family by blood or family by friends. It makes you want to be a part of it. Loved the characters, the intrigue and of course sexy times.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance
Reader Copy from NetGalley.

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This book is a perfect example of what makes Lori Foster my favorite romance writer. I was already in love with Charlotte and the entire family from the previous books, but while reading and falling for Mitch I fell even more in love with the whole cast characters. The family love story is just as strong and compelling as the couples. I was so happy with the love and acceptance that Mitch receives as the story progresses. I just simply loved the book, my only request would be a book for Ros even a short.

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What a wild ride! Mitch has had an interesting and heartbreaking life. When he travels to locate his half-brothers, he never expected to be accepted without question. Family is a completely foreign concept to him so it's not all sunshine and roses as he learns how to adjust to having people care about him.
Charlotte hasn't had a perfect life and knows too well the wariness she sees in Mitch's eyes. She also knows her surrogate family is pushy and stubborn, so she tries to help Mitch navigate being accepted without question. The spark between these two is white hot even though her "big brothers" do what they can to get in the way. With her naivety and Mitch's self-reliance, when the past and present collide will they be able to handle the fallout? When trouble comes back with a vengeance, can Mitch keep his new family safe? You'll have to read and find out - this one kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time!

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Nobody writes fun and fabulous contemporary romance quite like Lori Foster and this much-loved best-selling author is back with a sexy, sassy and heart-warming read guaranteed to keep you reading all night long: All Fired Up.

Every girl fantasizes about falling in love with a bad boy – however Charlotte Parrish is the exception to the rule. Charlotte is not the slightest bit interested in men who like to take a walk on the wild side and she has always yearned to settle down with a nice, reliable, sensitive and sensible man. Boring, responsible and respectable is what Charlotte is looking for, however, her search for Mr Dull and Dreary grinds to a screeching halt one night when her car leaves her stranded and a drop dead gorgeous man who is as sexy and sin comes to her rescue. How could Charlotte possibly contemplate spending the rest of her life with someone who makes dry paint seem exciting when there are men like Mitch Crews around? Charlotte knows that she should give Mitch as wide a berth as possible, but that soon proves to be easier said than done…

Mitch Crews is a man who looks like Trouble with a Capital T. In town to look for the half brothers he has never met, Mitch is not looking for a relationship – and if he were, a nice girl like Charlotte Parrish would be the last person an ex-con like him would ever consider dating. Charlotte is too good for the likes of him, but staying away from her soon becomes a challenge that gets him all fired up. Resistance is futile and succumbing to temptation soon proves inevitable, but giving into the attraction that sizzles between them might end up proving disastrous for Mitch and Charlotte, when his past rears its ugly head and ends up putting his family and the woman he has come to love in danger.

Mitch will do anything to protect the people who have come to mean the world to him, but with jeopardy threatening to ruin his life and destroy any chance of happiness he might have, will he ever manage to have a future with Charlotte? Or are there simply too many obstacles standing in the way of their happiness?

Lori Foster is on top form with her latest novel, All Fired Up. Steamy, uplifting and brilliantly compelling, All Fired Up is a fantastic tale written with all the style, flair and panache Lori Foster is renowned for. Her characters never fail to jump out of the pages and straight into readers’ hearts and imagination and in Charlotte, she has penned a fantastic heroine who is smart, clever and intelligent. Lori Foster also writes men exceptionally well and in Mitch she has created a sexy and devilishly attractive hero readers are simply going to fall head over heels in love with.

Lori Foster always delivers and in All Fired Up, she has once again penned an outstanding contemporary romance that is simply irresistible.

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This is the third installment in the All Fired Up series and wow, holy moly, is it incredible. Mitch *insert immediate swoon dive here* is the hero in this take. Charlotte is the not so much damsel in distress. She really got to throw her weight around in this book and show what she is made of. Themes of romance, family, and a mystery with a hint of danger keep the reader gripped until the last word on the last page and wanting more! The romance aspect is one of soulmates finally aligning at the right place at the right time. Which is something that Lori knows how to write so well! Each character had their own back bones and proved you can still have one when you do find the one. The book is magical and proves over and over why Lori is one of my favorites!

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Lori definitely lit the match in All Fired Up from the first chapter. Sweet, sexy, witty and fun. This book grabbed me by the feels and didn’t let go even after the last page was read. Mitch is my new book boyfriend.

I love the interaction between the whole family. The build up to Mitch and Charlotte’s coming together was perfect. When Mitch’s past comes calling, he will do what he needs to and protect his family. This is the final book in this series and I must confess, this one is my favorite.

Lori has written another “can’t stop reading” book.

I received an ARC from Netgalley and this is my honest review.

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Lori Foster at her best is my first thought upon reading this book. Her characters have so much depth and heart and I love how she weaves her stories. I have been reading her books for a very long time and she just gets better and better. I had read the previous 2 books associated with this book, but it is certainly a standalone. Mitch was such a heartbreak. His life had been so bad, he truly did not know how family worked, but once he met his half brothers Brodie and Jack, along with their mother, he got sucked into learning how a family worked. And the cherry on the top was Charlotte, who worked for Jack, Brodie and Ros, but was also considered to be one of the family as she had lived with them since her parents had died at the age of 16. She of all the characters healed his heart and taught him love! Such a thoroughly enjoyable read!.

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What a wonderful, emotional & great story! I have enjoyed each book in the series and was so happy that Charlotte now has her HEA. I was hooked from the story from the beginning. I was curious as to who Mitch was at first but totally loved him & how welcoming his family was to him. Even though his half brothers didn't know about him, it took bravery for him to go meet them. My heart broke for him as he was guarded at first and hesitant to open up but so happy when he finally learned it was o.k. Charlotte is a pretty independent woman but needed some help which is where Mitch came in. Loved how protective Brodie & Jack were of her, treating her like she was their little sister but their love & respect of each other was very clear. When it was apparent that both Charlotte & Mitch were attracted to each other it was heartwarming to see how the family treated them as a couple but still protective of Charlotte. I also loved the animals in this story.

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Book 3 in Lori Foster's Road to Love series (Driven to Distraction, Slow Ride) introduces readers to Mitch Crews, the illegitimate half-brother of Brodie and Jake. Mitch has had a rough life, full of neglect and abuse, but has tried to do the right thing throughout. Being a driver once on a deal he thought would protect his addict mother landed him in jail for five years- which honed his self-preservation instincts and left him tough but not cruel. Once out of jail he wants to meet his unknown half-siblings and see if starting a new life might include new people. But he's unprepared for the warm welcome he gets from not only his brothers, but their mother, and their best friend Charlotte as well. He's also unprepared for the instant chemistry he has with Charlotte.

You can always count of Lori Foster to include some adorable animals in her books, but this is the first book I can think of where Mitch's rescue dog, a pit bull mix named Brute, is such a perfect reflection of his person. Both have been abused and neglected since childhood, neither trusts easily or has any idea what to do with unthreatening, non-judgmental acceptance. Both might want love, but don't know how to handle family. And both are willing to take a bite out of anyone who threatens the family they do claim. Mitch might have hoped for a chance to build a relationship with Brodie and Jack, but he never expected the acceptance he gets and has no idea what to do with it. It is both sweet and heartbreaking to see Mitch (and Brute) awkwardly try to work out how to interact with their new family when their expectations were so different. Fortunately, the Crews family is pushy enough not to let Mitch back away once they have him and they teach him just what family is supposed to mean. Mitch's relationship to Charlotte is similar: he's sure he's no where near good enough for her and as much as he wants her he backs away for her sake- and Charlotte isn't willing to let him back off too far.

Above everything, All Fired Up is a book about family. What it can be, what it should be, and how the really good ones are with you through the bad times as well as the good ones. When a drug dealer from Mitch's past threatens him, the entire Crews family steps up and surrounds him, both with love and with support of whatever violence might be necessary to end the threat. Mitch's new family might be a little kooky and a lot pushy, but he's on the road to learning that true family, like true love, is always willing to help you bury the bodies when needed.

Book 3 in a series, All Fired Up doesn't necessarily need to be read in order but could be a stand alone for new readers. The writing isn't as tight as some of Foster's books and drags in a few spots thanks to some repetition, but overall it's full of wonderful chemistry between Mitch and Charlotte, entertaining interactions among the family, and insanely adorable dogs. Grab your furry friend to read alongside you and enjoy!

I received an ARC of this book from BetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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