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All Fired Up

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This was a fun read. I love engaging characters, and this was about a family reuniting with a third brother they never knew about. The loner brother is worried about what to expect, but the established family is storybook perfect and irresistible.

This is the third book in the Road to Love trilogy. Once I got a bit into it, it was fairly obvious that the first two books were about the true love matches of two brothers, Brodie and Jack. In this book, their half-brother, Mitch, comes to town and immediately meets a girl very close to their family. Charlotte feels her life is complete with the family that has taken her in when both her parents died. Falling in love with the unknown third brother in the family is nothing less than perfect, and perfectly predictable.

I don’t mind predictable plots, and enjoy reading books about characters I’d like to hang out with. I will give credit to this book for an unexpected plot twist (at least for me) and some interesting fight scenes. Based on the background given on the other two books, I think this probably happens in them as well, in some way.

Overall, this was an amusing page-turner for me. I’d give it 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for someone looking for a good read curled up in front of a warm fire (I was going to say beach read, but the northern U.S. is no place for that right now!). I may even go back and read the first two, to fill in some gaps in my knowledge of these likable characters. Enjoy!

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The third in a series of stories focusing on brotherhood and the importance of family. First Mary and Brodie, then Ronnie and Jack, now it is Charlotte’s turn. She has been the support for the Mustang Transport offices for years, after watching her pseudo brothers fall in love she is now ready to take the leap herself. Mitch has already lived through the worst years of his life with the only family he knows being his lovable rescue dog. Mitch has never had anyone to take care of him or for him to depend on. After searching out and meeting his half-brothers everything changes and Mitch gets something else he did not set out looking for - a true supportive family relationship.

This latest installment in the Road to Love series brings us another entertaining page-turner by Lori Foster. Foster brings the characters to life, making you feel for this modern family. Each page encourages you to root for Mitch! Another intriguing story from the incredible Lori Foster.

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Charlotte was adopted unofficially by the Crews family. Big brothers Brodie and Jack have always protected her while helping her thrive. She's never quite found the right guy for her until Mitch shows up. Mitch is the brother Brodie and Jack didn't know they had. When he shows up they pull him right into the family fold like he'd always been there. Mitch falls hard for Charlotte from the minute he sees her but with his crappy past he thinks he's got to protect her from that mess. Then the past rears it's ugly head and it's leave and protect his new family or stay and let them help and start a new life with them. Loved this one. The Crews family is strong and even though Mitch grew up without them he has the same value and morals. Charlotte sticks up for him and supports him whenever it's needed and Mitch struggles how to deal with all the love. Lori Foster makes you love this family..

Find out more about Lori Foster and this series

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Complementary copy given for honest review.

Mitch has it bad growing up with an addict mother and her abusive boyfriend. His dad only came around here and there. He ended up in jail over something to keep his mom alive. When he heads to Red Oak to find 2 brothers he didn’t know about, his life changed. He found love. He found hope and he found family.

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Great characters although the family line was a bit intense. Needs more heat.
I had a few complex feelings about the story. It wasn’t like a love-hate scenario. I actually did enjoy the story.

After all who wouldn’t love showing up as a stranger and being excepted into a family immediately, no questions asked. Well, hardly any questions.

I love how calm and mellow Mitch is. But I felt his apprehension about being pushed so hard to accept and embrace the new family. Acceptance may be easy for some but not for others.

I love the easy build up between Charlotte and Mitch’s mutual attraction. I also understand the almost-brothers protection of Charlotte. But that protection also kept us waiting for quite a while as the build up continued throughout the story.

We like to be rewarded with the love and the romance as the story grows. I really felt that was lacking somewhat in this particular book. I just wanted more of them.

But Foster always writes great stories that leave you with a smile on your face and wanting more. And this one is no different. A beautifully written story with a bit of suspense, love, steam, and drama as only Foster can do.

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This is the third book in the series, and I have not read the first two, so this may affect my review. That being said let’s get into it.
Mitch oh I love him so much. He had a messed-up childhood and was also in prison but that didn’t stop him from having a business and moving into a new home. Mitch planned to meet his half siblings, but then he met with Charlotte outside a local bar. Little did he know that it was also going to be meeting his brothers when they came to help Charlotte in a time of need. The relationship that they developed was a learning curve for Mitch because he had to learn to trust all over again.
I loved the family aspect of the story. It was nice to read because not many books that I have read recently have had the family dynamic that this one had.
*I received this book from Netgalley and Harlequin in exchange for an honest review*

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Another must read from Lori Foster! You immediately fall in love with Mitch & Charlotte. You not only feel their pain and sadness as they struggle for answers but also their joy, hope and longing for family. I love this family's dynamics where you find yourself laughing out loud at moments, or on edge waiting for justice or just having an ahhh moment. I highly recommend reading All Fired Up as it covers it all!

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I absolutely love Mitch and Charlotte!!! Actually I loved their whole family! Mitch wasn't looking for love, he was just looking to maybe know Jack and Brodie and maybe their mom Rosalyn. He didn't count on Charlotte at all.

He felt something for her when he first saw her but he didn't think he was good enough. Loved the slow burn between these two. Loved seeing how Mitch's family went at his pace but pushed him enough to open up more and more. I love how they all stick together no matter what.

I love watching Mitch and Charlotte together. She soothes him and he excites her. Jack and Brodie may be overprotective when it comes to her but will they see that Mitch is the man that she needs? Will Mitch's past destroy his future though?

I loved this whole series!!

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I didn't read the other books in the series but ALL FIRED UP is great even as a standalone. Lori Foster made me fall in love with Mitch from the beginning. I loved his and Charlotte's story. What resonated with me was the strength of family and love and acceptance.
I really enjoyed this and hope to read the other books in the series.
Thank you Netgalley.

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Charlotte Parrish has always been the good girl. After the loss of her parents she became a part of the Crews family. Having annoying big brothers in Brodie and Jack helped her to stay grounded. And the love from Ros helped heal her in the way only a mother can. And Charlotte can certainly fend for herself when necessary, but she's pleasantly surprised when a stranger comes to her rescue. And the shock keeps coming when it's revealed that her sexy rescuer is Brodie and Jack's half brother.

Mitch Crews ulis trying to get his life back on track. After being released from prison he's determined to leave behind the past and create a peaceful life for himself. He wants to put down roots and what better place than in the town where his brothers are. He's known about them his whole life and didn't expect the overwhelming welcome he has received and Charlotte was a complete surprise. Mitch is drawn to her in a way he's never felt for a women. And when danger from his past comes for him, Mitch is prepared to face it alone to protect those he's coming to care for. Little does he know, that's not how family works.

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I really like this series and am so glad that Charlotte got her HEA. Mitch came to town to connect with his brothers and instead found Charlotte. There was an instant connection, but there is so much about his life that she doesn't know and he isn't sure how his family will react. He is trying to live a good life and comes to realize he wants Charlotte there with him. His family is very accepting, but when his past comes to call, he isn't sure he wants to endanger them. Will they let him go?

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ALL FIRED UP is probably the best one I have read of this series. Here, Mitch has gotten out of prison and come to town. He meets Charlotte at a bar and is immediately attracted to her. He helps to rescue her from some aggressive drunks. It turns out that he is in town to meet the half-brothers he had heard so much about- the very men that Charlotte works with and whose family she has been figuratively adopted into.

As they unravel the past and explore their family connections, Charlotte and Mitch find that they have a lot of potential as a couple. At the same time, things from Mitch's past catch up to him and add a good amount of suspense to the story.

This is a solid read with plenty of steamy romance and a heavy dose of what it means to be a family. The book has some elements of not only drama but also suspense. I really loved seeing Charlotte's story and learning more about her- she was intriguing character in previous books, and this brings it all together nicely. Would recommend for fans of the earlier books and fast-paced romantic suspense.

Please note that I received a review copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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All Fired Up, by Lori Foster is the third book in the Road to Love Series. This book follows Mitch, who is an ex-con and Charlotte who works at the local transportation business in town. Mitch has just come in to town to take care of some family business and immediately runs into Charlotte. Sparks fly and you are obviously rooting for these two to get together, but that's exactly when the story becomes complicated.

Mitch has known that he's had half brothers for years and is finally on the move to meet them and show himself to them. Unbeknownst to Mitch, Charlotte has known the brothers for years and is like a sister to them. Mitch would love nothing more than to get to know Charlotte better, but the last thing he wants is to taint her with his grimy past. A past that is catching up to him all too soon.

I really liked the chemistry between Mitch and Charlotte. They were so sweet around each other and were trying to get to know one another even with everyone constantly interfering in their life. Getting them together was driving me a bit crazy. I kept on wanting these two people who were so attracted to one another finally get some alone time, but there was a constant line of interruptions. I realize that Mitch being an ex-con makes him a very complex man, but I didn't like the way he kept on wanting Charlotte and pursuing her one minute and then backing away the next. I loved Charlotte's character! She had a great backbone and stood up to anyone that thought she needed coddling and I loved it when she showed some sass to Mitch too!

Overall I enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to reading more from Lori Foster. I had not read the previous books in the Road to Love Series, but I read this book as a standalone and didn't have any problem following along with the characters.

**ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review**

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I was provided with an ARC of this title from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Mitch is looking for a place to settle. A place that he can establish a support network and make a life for himself. He grew up with a parent completely consumed by her drug addiction, and trying to save her caused him heartache and remorse.

Charlotte is drawn to the enigmatic man who fixes her tire in the parking lot. He's intense, insanely good-looking, and acts the role of knight in shining armor with quiet confidence.

Mitch's past has followed him and wants to extract vengeance. He must learn to depend on his new family, trust in his feelings, and hold onto the harsh lessons of his childhood as the foundation for the strong, capable man he has become.

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The best of the series in my opinion! The author redeemed herself with this book, with great characters, a wonderful story, and memorable interactions.

You couldn't help but root for Mitch and Charlotte. They each had issues from their past to overcome, and took time to become friends before lovers. It was great to see the small town mentality of " all for one and one for all " come through in the end to save the women, Elliot, and Grant along with the dogs from the attack.

I received a free ARC eBook from Net Galley and the publisher for my honest opinions.

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Wow, I love Lori's books, and this one doesn't disappoint. Just enough to keep you somewhat on the edge of your seat, and not able to put the book down! 5 stars for this one!
Meet Mitch, he's in town looking for his half brothers, when he stumbles across a lady in need, Charlotte, or so he thinks. And what luck he has because she works for his half brothers, and they arrive on scene to help her out, all of them unaware Mitch is their fathers son from another woman.
Read along and see how these two connect, and how Mitch deals with his new found family!
Grab this one asap!

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First, I want to thank Lori Foster, Harlequin, and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Right from the very start of All Fired Up by Lori Foster she shows you that Mitch oozes sex appeal. Not only that but she has an incredible eye for detail when describing a person physically.

Kudos to the graphic designer on the cover! Mitch looks very handsome!

In many aspects the majority of the theme of the book revolves around family.

This book will pull on your heart strings when you read about what Mitch sacrificed for his mother to protect her. Only in the long run that she passed away without letting him say goodbye.

If you are a fan of dogs you will enjoy this book.

I loved the relationship progression between the two characters Mitch and Charlotte throughout the book.

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Charlotte Parrish has always wanted a certain kind of man: someone responsible, settled, boring. Bad boys need not apply. But when her car leaves her stranded and a mysterious stranger with brooding eyes and a protective streak comes to her rescue, she can’t deny how drawn she is to him. In town searching for family he’s never met, Mitch is everything she never thought she wanted—and suddenly everything she craves.

Finding his half brothers after all these years is more than Mitch Crews has allowed himself to wish for. Finding love never even crossed his mind…until he meets Charlotte. She’s sweet, warmhearted, sexier than she knows—and too damn good for an ex-con like him. But when his past comes back to haunt him, putting Charlotte—and the family he’s come to care for—in danger, Mitch isn’t playing by the rules. He’s already surrendered his heart, but now he’ll risk his life.- Goodreads

For warning is is book three to the Road to Love series. Prior to reading this book, I did not read the other two and it isn't exactly needed to get into this one. You may be curious about the other characters and how they found love but it isn't exactly talked about within this novel although mentioned. 

But getting to this book... it was the longest book about sexual tension I have ever read in my life. From the literal moment, Charlotte and Mitch see each other, they want it. However, they play the biggest game of should I? Shouldn't I? for way too long that is fairly unexpected and uncalled for, for adults. It was literally about time when it happened and Mitch is an idiot (I will just leave it at that). 

I thought the book was alright. It went fairly straight to the point (expect for the sex). My thing was it implied, not even implied, stated that Mitch was a bad boy. Not even close. He got caught into something and it messed up his life. He isn't a bad boy by any means. Being a ex-con does not mean you are a bad boy and that is a hill I shall always stand on. The author wanted to give him an edge but this wasn't it. 

However, I liked Mitch. I genuinely liked him better than Charlotte, who was clingy and acted desperate in my eyes. He had a natural warmth about him that you just felt comfortable around. 

The book relied too heavily on the sexual tension between Mitch and Charlotte. Even the part about Mitch risking his life and his past was rushed and glossed over. It didn't build the tension. Mitch wasn't exactly scared of his past coming until it actually came and then he was like oh yeah wasn't expecting that. 

There wasn't a whole lot of character development because he didn't really have to fight or prove anything. It was handed to him and this goes back to the author using sexual tension as a clutch for the novel.

Overall, it was okay. 

2 Pickles

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Lori Foster is able to blend a cast of characters that are like and lovable. Everyone from the first two books are back and ready for what is coming at them. The story is able how family not matter if you are blood or not you are loved, protected and never alone.

Charlotte is feisty, funny, and the sister all brother should have. Mitch is the brother who desire family but doesn't feel worthy of that unexpected love.

The story has it slow moment and a lot of inner dialogue that slows down the story.

The characters are fun, humors and stay true to the series that Lori Foster created.

All Fired UP can be read as a stand alone novel as the author gets reader caught up quickly without taking away from the main story.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of Lori Foster All Fried Up.

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So good! I really enjoyed this book! Lori knows how to get you hooked, that's for sure. It was fast paced and entertaining. I loved the h/h are awesome! They are perfect together and their chemistry was off the charts. This book was a lot of fun. I highly recommend it!

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