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All Fired Up

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Love conquers all in a Lori Foster book and ALL FIRED UP is an outstanding look at life and the many facets of love and acceptance. This new offering of the Road to Love series is an amazing read. Readers will be laughing out loud at the many humorous moments between the brothers, between Ros and their father Elliot, but will also give out a few sighs at the other emotional plays that are there for them to enjoy.

The characters are amazingly realistic with all the foibles that all of us have. There are many times as a reader follows along with this story that we can stop and think ... wow, I know someone who would do exactly that. The heart of ALL FIRED UP is centered around family, not just those by blood, but those chose,n and this gives Ms. Foster's readers the warm fuzzies that we read romance for.

Annetta Sweetko, reviewer for Fresh Fiction

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

All Fired Up, by Lori Foster, will be available at booksellers on 11-19-19. Book 3 in the Road To Love series we've come to the last Crews brother. I've come in here, at #3, and now I absolutely must read books 1 and 2. Ms Foster gets a rare, for me, 5 stars. I've had my nose in this book, to the disregard of almost everything else, for 2 days. I became invested in the characters and intrigued by the story. Ms Foster has woven several emotional and physical situations together to form a terrific story. Loved the journey it took me on.

Mitch is the illegitimate son of Elliott Crews. His childhood was a nightmare he's determined to move past. He's a complicated man. His experiences have left him always expecting trouble, for the other shoe to drop, to count on only himself. Looking up his half brothers is a kind of mission in this quest for a new life. He's so determined to become a better man I think he doesn't realize he's there. He's taught himself not to want, that it's a waste of time & energy. I liked his progression as this crazy, wonderful family takes him into their midst.

Charlotte Parrish is a unicorn, a grown woman virgin. I found it hard to believe she was never interested enough in a guy to go there. She's a dream girl for Mitch, pretty, nice, forgiving, innocent. I felt her character was there to show Mitch how life could be, what he'd wanted but never expected. Her character isn't as deep as Mitch but she's not supposed to be.

I liked the Crews family, I liked all the action & suspense. The romance was lovely to see unfolding. Happy reading.

#LoriFoster #Netgalley #AllFiredUp #RoadToLove #HarlequinBooks #Romance

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This has been my favorite book so far in this series. Mitch needs a lot of help but he's so use to relying on himself that it will take a great woman and new family to help him. Charlotte is a firecracker! She knows exactly what Mitch needs even when he doesn't. I love how the Crews family comes together and loves Mitch right away. Ros is a force to be reckoned with and I would love to have her as my mother. If you have read any of the other books in this series you will love this one too. If you haven't you will still love this one as you can read it as a stand alone.

*I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.*

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While I love Lori Foster and her writing, at timed her heroes can be a little too alpha for me. I like the strong, silent type but I like to see a little but of vulnerability too. In All Fired Up, Mitch is the perfect hero. An Ex-con who decides to check out his step-brothers, Mitch has a chip on his shoulder but is wanting to start a new life. While he had heard all about his step-brothers and their mother, they had no idea that their father had a bastard out there. When tehy finally meet, rather that the disgust and anger Mitch expected, his step family welcomed him with open arms and forced his to admit to being family.
Of course, things can't always go smoothly so there is danger following Mitch. His mother's drug dealing boyfriend is out to get him and will happily take his new family down too.
The relationships between the brothers, their mother, their almost sister, Charlotte, and Mitch is wonderful to see grow and thrive. Just as nice is seeing their dogs become friends.
If you like a strong, damaged hero who can be healed by love this is the book for you.
I received an advanced copy of this book.

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My first read in this series. Enjoyed the story. The Mitch and Charlotte meet on dark road with a rescue and the drama escalates from there. The bad guys are truly despicable, so there is romance, drama, adventure, family mishaps and the requisite HEA. Add this to your TBR list. Worth the time spent.

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4 1/2 stars.
This is definitely my favorite book from this series! From the story to the characters. I love Mitch & Charlotte and am so glad Charlotte got her own HEA and that Mitch is finally getting it all. I love the journey his character has obviously been through that led him to where he is now. Charlotte never thought she could love a man like Mitch but theirs was an undeniable love. Love the romantic suspense aspect to this heartwarming love story. I really enjoyed it!

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All Fired Up (Road to Love book 3 ebook) by Lori Foster ....I want to give this way more than 5 stars... Thanks to Lori, the publisher and #NetGalley for letting me preview this book. Lori always pulls me right into her story and this time is no different... Mitch Crews ( Brodie and Jack are his half brothers..he is a ex-con with a past) Charlotte ( like a sister to Brodie and Jack..) It is so much fun to read more about Brodie and Mary, Jack and Ronnie, Rosalyn(Ros Elliot (mostly absent father) and the pets.. and add in Brute. There are lots of laughs, tears, angst, anger, fear, some evil and some good steamy stuff all leading to a wonderful HEA. I can't wait to see what Lori writes next.

Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Funny Steamy Romantic Entertaining Wonderful characters Happily Ever After Easy-to-read Page-turner Great world building Action-packed Tear-jerker Scary

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This is the third book in the Road to Love series. In this one we have Charlotte who is like family and Mitch who we find out is actually a half brother. It’s fun to see how the romance progresses against the backdrop of Mitch getting yo know his brothers. There is suspense in the story and the love story is well written. It was fun to see all of the characters interaction and how family no matter how it is formed comes together for each other. This was a great book to wrap up a fun series.
I received a copy of this book and this is my honest review.

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I will leave a review on Amazon or B&N on Nov 19, 2019

I received the ARC of All Fired Up from NetGalley and the publisher and this is my fair and honest review.

Wow, is all I can say. I really enjoyed the first two books in this series but for me this one was the best of all three. I loved Mitch and Charlotte as a couple, and the interaction between Mitch and his new found family. I love how important family is in this series, it makes you feel like you are apart of them as you read along I would definitely recommend this book to others.

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Many times heroes of romance are larger than life characters. Nothing wrong with that. We all need those characters to fuel our fantasies sometimes. But it takes real talent to make the lives of ordinary people not only interesting but extraordinary. That’s what Lori Foster achieves with her Road to Love series. Especially in her newest, All Fired Up. This series is filled with vivid characters and honest, believable relationships. Men who are good men. Rock solid, honest, down to earth, and formidable. And women who are fearless, proud, and loyal.
Mitch Crews has had a hard life. After spending 5 years in prison, he’s ready to meet the brothers who don’t even know he exists. He’s on the road to making changes in his life. While he knew exactly what he wanted to say and do, he wasn’t ready for the way the entire Crews family would make him feel. The patience, understanding, compassion, and loyalty of this family was something he’d rarely experienced in life. Nor was he ready for Charlotte Parrish. Someone who not only accepted him but saw the best in him. Made him feel like a different person. With her, he was less angry at the world and at himself. More optimistic about the future. Finally, he was starting to know what “home” felt like. But when Mitch’s past comes back to haunt him, threatening his new life and all those he cares about, he learns that family means he doesn’t have to go it alone. Because the Crews are big on family and big on protection.
This series just gets better and better and Mitch is the perfect addition to the Crews family. I liked how his background unfolded gradually as he learned to trust and opened up to his brothers and Charlotte about his past. His jaded background and Charlotte’s innocence seemed like an unlikely pair but I soon realized how perfect they were for one another. Theirs was an instant attraction but the build of the romance was slow, sweet, and sizzling. They were an incredible couple with a relationship so steamy, I could practically feel the heat.
I loved revisiting the Crews family again. They give each other hell but they’re also each other’s biggest support. Each one has their own personality and together they’re hilarious and so much fun to read about. Every page of this story will keep readers riveted with its humorous, heartwarming, emotional and intense story proving that the road to love can have lots of detours but you’ll never be lost if you follow your heart. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy from NetGalley.

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This was the perfect ending to this series.

So many things going on. Shock at finding out about Mitch. Acceptance, it’s just what the Crews family does and not at all what Mitch was expecting. Drama, you can’t get to a HEA without it right? 😁

But the three biggest things are love, loyalty and family. These are the things the Crews family know all about and the things Mitch didn’t know he wanted or needed.

Ms. Foster is an amazing storyteller and I look forward to so much more from her.

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I received an electronic ARC from Harlequin through NetGalley.
Third in this series by Foster.
An unexpected brother shows up in town to meet Brodie and Jack. He doesn't expect to meet Charlotte first nor to blurt out his relationship when most of the family arrives at the bar. From there, Foster weaves the characters together and reveals the gamut of emotions felt by all of the characters. Mitch and Charlotte are the third couple to meet in an unexpected moment and move through a courtship rife with problems. The drug dealer involved with his mother is stalking him and wants revenge for imagined slights. This plot weaves through the story along with the developing romance and bonding involved in changing family dynamics.
Foster presents strong female leads and Charlotte is no exception. Hers is a quiet strength and deep care for others. Her hero is a brooding loner who has no concept of family. His background is dark - raised by a drug addicted mother in a drug dealing world. He spent time in prison to protect his mom from consequences. Foster provides insight into this ex-con's thought processes and world.
The conclusion wraps the lose ends for other characters as well as the leads.

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I truly was not a fan of this book. I typically read books like this when my brain needs a break (I continue to not be the market for this genre) and they generally fulfill that need while also annoying me. This one annoyed me more for its misogynistic overtones and general weird behavior of all the men involved. Writing was also not great, but maybe some of the issues will be fixed in the final copy. Ah well. Onwards we go.

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I was so happy to read Mitch and Charlotte's story! They knew from first sight that there was something between them, and it grew from there. Mitch is happy to find his half brothers, and Ros wishes that he had been brought to her when there was trouble at home. I'm hoping that Ros gets her own story next, it would be a great finish to the series.

This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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I wanted to love this book, but just couldn't get into it. In the tradition of matching the reader to the book, this was a mismatch for me, but there will be others who LOVE it!

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I wasn't expecting another book in the Road to Love Series. I was pleasantly surprised that Charlotte got her own story. Mitch Crews is an ex-con that is looking for a safe space to get to know his family. Unfortunately, his past is catching up to him and putting his new found loved ones in danger.

Will Charlotte and Mitch's new love withstand the danger? Read this book to find out.

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All Fired Up is a great romance. I loved the bad boy aspect of the plot. Lori Foster has delivered another entertaining romance. I highly recommend this book. I received an arc from the publisher and this is my unbiased review.

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Now this was a great story! Charlotte, the “little sister” of the family, falls for Mitch, the unknown half-brother. Ros was amazingly wonderful to Mitch, her ex’s other son. The family dynamics were awesome, and the steaminess divine.

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All Fired Up by Lori Foster, the third book in her Road to Love series had all the elements I love in a good romantic suspense. Foster sprinkled in a sweet heroine and a hero worthy of redemption. Buckle up because All Fired Up delivered a heartfelt, intense tale that delivered all the feels.
Hands down my favorite of the series, not just because I wanted Charlotte Parrish to get her story, but because Mitch Crews deserved a happily-ever-after and I am a sucker for a hero who doesn’t know he’s worthy.

Full review will post at Caffeinated Reviewer on November 19th. Link provided. It will be shared & cross-promoted.

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This was a very well written story with romance and mystery wove into it. It had plenty of action and family drama. You will feel all the feelings from heartbreaking to heartwarming, humor and of course the steamy scenes. I can't wait to read more from this author.

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