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Things in Jars

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This book was twisty, creepy and definitely had many great fantasy elements. I liked the main character but midway through the book, the fast pace of the plot slowed down a lot. This book definitely had some good twists and secrets but it just fell flat as far as overall story. I really expected more from this book given all the hype.

Thanks in advance to NetGalley, Jess Kid and Atria Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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To my surprise, I loved this creepy, macabre Gothic novel set in Victorian London. Actually, it was not a surprise; having read the author’s previous books, I had high expectations. Like the best Irish stories, this one is a collection of outsized characters both living and dead, outrageous escapades, creatures from Irish mythology, seemingly unendurable tragedy, and boundless, eternal love.

The main character is Bridie (short for Bridget) Devine, around 30 years old, who is a doughty and eccentric Irish lass living with her seven-foot tall housemaid Cora and working as a detective for hire. Bridie has a talent for the reading of corpses, and thus Scotland Yard passes her the odd case. She has two suitors: one living and one dead. Inspector Valentine Rose of Scotland Yard has the advantage of being alive, but her dead suitor, Ruby Doyle, a former boxer, has a hold on her heart. Alas, they can’t even embrace.

As the story begins, Bridie is hired to help find the kidnapped daughter of Sir Edmund Athelstan Berwick. Christabel, age six, was taken from her nursery, and Sir Edmund sent his physician, Dr. Harbin, to hire Bridie to help find her. Dr. Harbin won’t tell Bridie much about the Christabel except that “the child has singular traits” which he won’t enumerate.

As Bridie goes about her investigation, she is aided by both Cora and by Ruby, whom she first encounters resting against a tombstone smoking a pipe. He is transparent, but handsome, and claims he and Bridie know each other. He shows her his headstone: “Here lies Ruby Doyle, Tattooed Seafarer and Champion Boxer.” He had been dead half a year, killed in a bar brawl. But Bridie’s memory won’t be jogged. In any event, he begins to accompany her and provide companionship to her, and they grow close.

The author’s colorful descriptions of the sights and smells of Victorian London are a wonder. Humorously, she includes both Bridie’s contemptuous perspective and Ruby’s laudatory one. Bridie is usually expressing disgust over the unpleasant odors in the street, from the sweat of unwashed workers to the reek of the polluted Thames River. But Ruby, who can no longer smell anything in any event, misses all of it, as in this passage:

“The street is hopping: the living swarm before Ruby’s dead eyes - street peddlers doing the go-around with trays of oranges and nuts; street performers limbering; kitchen maids sallying forth with market baskets, eyeing the ribbon vendors and eluding the coalmen. Tribes of pickpockets, fleet-footed miscreants, thread through the traffic. Here trots a dapper wag, high collar, and resplendent whiskers. There steps a blue-eyed beauty in a fetching bonnet. Ruby wishes himself a frock coat and new top hat, a hot shave and a good breakfast, a scarlet cravat, a pair of kid gloves, and a pocket watch. He would give the world just to saunter out onto the streets as a living man again, to look and be looked at.”

As they walk through the streets together, Bridie imagines what it would be like to grow old with Ruby and their “rabble of dark-eyed children.” For his part, Ruby conjures up an image of “their raucous children, green eyed, please God.” Both fantasize about physical contact, and both get watery eyes over their fruitless imaginings. It could break your heart in two.

Meanwhile, Bridie picks up clues as to Cristabel’s whereabouts. The net of suspects widens, and the story goes back and forth in time to flesh out their backgrounds as well as that of Bridie. We also learn about the Resurrectionists, who play a supporting role in the story. These were gravediggers commonly employed by anatomists in the United Kingdom during the 18th and 19th centuries to exhume the bodies of the recently dead for research. Most impressively, the author includes a riff doubly pleasurable for any who catch the reference between two prison guards reminiscent of similar comic relief by the gravediggers in "Hamlet," Act V.

All of the cruelness and horror depicted by the author is juxtaposed by the tenderness and humanity of Bridie and the other “good” characters. It is a truly masterful symphony of impressions and emotions, and the language is so evocative you may think you are watching a movie rather than reading a book. I particularly liked her description of apothecaries, showing both the beauty and the humor of her writing:

“[Apothecaries were] Gatekeepers to an esoteric world of unguents and potions and powders. They sold opiate dreams for fractious babies to exhausted mothers, or ointments to unfaithful husbands with the itch. They poisoned and cured in equal measure and everything they dispensed came with a good old-fashioned bracing purgative.”

Evaluation: Jess Kidd is an excellent writer, and for those who enjoy good literature with a page-turning plot, this book will not disappoint.

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DNF on page 61

Unfortunately, this one just wasn't for me. I found the narrative style cumbersome in a way that classics from the period can be. The saving grace of the book is the main character Bridie, who is hilarious and snarky and intensely independent. The juxtaposition of the third-person omniscient narrative voice with the dialogue is jarring to say the least due to the tone mismatch.

I found myself skimming the book after the second chapter and only paying attention to the dialogue. While I kind of want to know who this Rudy fellow is, I never really felt overly invested in the story itself. I'm bummed because this sounded like a story I could absolutely love, but sadly the narrative style just didn't work for me.

eARC provided by Atria Books via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. This did not impact my opinions in any way.

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"In the dark underbelly of Victorian London, a formidable female sleuth is pulled into the macabre world of fanatical anatomists and crooked surgeons while investigating the kidnapping of an extraordinary child in this gothic mystery - perfect for fans of The Essex Serpent and The Book of Speculation.

Bridie Devine - female detective extraordinaire - is confronted with the most baffling puzzle yet: the kidnapping of Christabel Berwick, secret daughter of Sir Edmund Athelstan Berwick, and a peculiar child whose reputed supernatural powers have captured the unwanted attention of collectors trading curiosities in this age of discovery.

Winding her way through the labyrinthine, sooty streets of Victorian London, Bridie won’t rest until she finds the young girl, even if it means unearthing a past that she’d rather keep buried. Luckily, her search is aided by an enchanting cast of characters, including a seven-foot tall housemaid; a melancholic, tattoo-covered ghost; and an avuncular apothecary. But secrets abound in this foggy underworld where spectacle is king and nothing is quite what it seems.

Blending darkness and light, history and folklore, Things in Jars is a spellbinding Gothic mystery that collapses the boundary between fact and fairy tale to stunning effect and explores what it means to be human in inhumane times."

True Gothic goodness!

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A clever mix of fact, history, fantasy and fairy tale, Kidd’s Bridie is a formidable and wonderful character with a peculiar nose for the truth, even when it leads her in dangerous directions. A bit dark and closed in, the setting of the backstreets and alleyways of Victorian London come alive with shadows and scares, a chatty ghost, several people and secrets better hidden from the light of day and a series of curious collectors who will stop at nearly nothing to obtain the prize, a young girl, secret daughter of a titled man, rumored to have paranormal powers. Now, the Victorians were ‘enamored’ of all things post-death – with funerial masks, locks of hair, a belief in spirits and ghosts, and a rather macabre sense of what is desirable. So it was easy to understand the collectors and their fascination with the child, and Bridie is just the person to find / rescue the child. She’s got a ton of her own secrets too, many that she’d rather not share, but she’s also not alone in this dangerous quest to find the child.

There’s a solid sense of the Victorian’s reveling in the ‘gory details’ and the bizarre oddities that surround many of the moments: from strange collections that vary from simply odd to actually disturbing, to her ‘helpmates’ in a very tall housemaid with a beard, a ghost with tattoos and a rather morose attitude and more. Bridie herself is not ‘free’ of some quirks – from smoking a pipe to carrying a dagger strapped to her thigh – and her willingness to accept all things not “normal” in most Londoner’s lives, she’s also clever, quick, and matter of fact, all which hide a spine of steel, a willingness to believe in the fantastical, and the determination to solve the case.

It’s hard to not spoil this story – so I’ll simply say that engaging, engrossing and utterly delightful descriptions provided vivid imagery and the quirky and unusual characters added a levity that was badly needed with the tone and darkness. This is a story, and a character in Bridie, that you can easily see being the topic of many a story round a few pints in a dimly lit pub, where all ears are tuned to the storyteller and intakes of breath happen as if the whole room is gasping for air, or letting out a held breath. The prose is cleverly wrought and brings a familiarity to the read, even as this is unlike anything else I have read that was called “gothic”. A lovely story and best read when you have nothing else to do for a few hours – it’s not going to let you go to accomplish anything!

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at <a href=””> <a> I am, Indeed </a>

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This book was quite the different and interesting read. I was definitely intrigued with what I was reading but it was a little too much work to stay fully focused though. I felt that it was a little too wordy at times.

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Having read and liked Jess Kidd’s previous work, Himself, when I got an email from Atria asking if I’d like to review this one, I said yes.
I really enjoy historical fiction and magical realism, and this was a combination of the two set in gritty, 19th century England. However, I just found nearly every aspect of this book incredibly depressing. Children and animals are frequently killed, there’s constant mentioning of infants being poisoned or drugged to be quiet, people are just routinely evil. The story is intriguing and I really liked Bridie (Bridget), the heroine, her “maid”, the 7 foot tall Cora, and the ghost named Ruby, but that’s about it.

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I had high hopes for this book. This book did sound very interested but it just didn’t hook me and capture my attention like I hoped.

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Was this book well written? Yes. Did it contain a host of quirky characters? Yes. Was there a mystery? Yes. Was there a ghost? Of course! Was it engrossing? Unfortunately not for me. It had all the right elements, but I just couldn’t get into the story that swings between the years of 1837 and 1863. I struggled along until reaching the 50% mark and then just threw in the towel. I have no doubt that many will love this book, it just wasn’t for me.

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Hired to find a kidnapped daughter, private detective Bridie Devine is forced to confront the supernatural and her own past in Things in Jars. A rollercoaster ride from start to finish, this novel is wonderfully detailed in period Victorian culture and Bridie is a strong female role model who you can't help but cheer for. The writing is atmospheric and moody, perfectly fitting the subject matter.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’ve always been drawn to the unique, and sometimes macabre, especially when it comes to curiosities. Things in Jars was a Victorian mystery with characters that very vibrant and and unforgettable.

But what I’ll be taking away from this book are the uniquely quirky, weird and strange characters. Their interactions, witty dialogues and the overall wonderfully strange story.

I love the world of curiosities, oddities and wonder, drawn from folklore, fairytales as well as the many unexplainable mutations in nature. The author did a fantastic job of weaving it all together in a very poetic book. I can’t say that I was wowed by it all. The writing didn’t entirely sync with me, and I often skipped the very detailed descriptions. Nevertheless the story, the mystery, and the wonderfully vibrant characters will stay with me for longer.

Bridie/Bridget, is for all intents and purposes a kind of detective in Victorian England. She doesn’t officially work as one, but is given cases on the side. Her talent is seeing what others might overlook. In that regard she and the story weren’t anything special, but her personality, and especially her backstory were fascinating.

But, what the author really excels at is creating wonderful relationships that just fly off the pages. Bridie and her housemaid Cora, “the most terrifying seven-foot-tall house-maid in London” have the most wonderful connection. Supportive, understanding, open, with a subtle wit that made me smile.

And then there is the ghost, Ruby Doyle, famous champion boxer. Maybe a triangle love story too. And a dark, bizarre, and at times gruesome case that made me wonder what to believe. There is definitely a super-natural part to the story. It’s not in your face super-natural, but it’s there.

Also the ending actually sounded like there is more to come, which I would love. Especially since I rooted for Bridie and Inspector Valentine Rose of Scotland Yard. They have history, were childhood friends and they work in the same field. And I really liked the little bit we saw of him. Hope we’ll see more in a second book.

Overall, the book really shone when it came to the characters. Their interactions and relationships. That’s, at least what will stay with me until the next book.

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Bridie Devine is a female detective in Victorian London. One day she is approached to investigate the case of a missing girl, Christabel - the secret child of Sir Edmund Athelstan Berwick. She is reported to have supernatural powers. Bridie is hot on the case; she lost her last missing child and is determined to save this one. Her search for the girls is aided by her seven-foot-tall housemaid, and a tattoo covered ghost.

Sounds interesting, right? Well, it was...but there is a big BUT didn't work that well for me. Add me to the outlier group. I found this to be okay at best. I am usually able to suspend disbelief and enjoy books with ghosts, supernatural elements and such. This book was an odd one and hard for me to rate. I never wanted to stop reading it and in fact, I was compelled to keep reading to find out what was going to happen, and mainly, to find out if Bridie would learn how (if) she knew Ruby.

So how does one rate a book which is oddly compelling, atmospheric, weird, with interestingly strange characters with a story line which fails to wow you. I'm going with three stars. This book is imaginative, poetic at times, compelling and I'm going with strange again. I did enjoy Bridie’s character and enjoyed her interactions with Ruby. I enjoyed Cora as well. But the story itself, failed to wow me. Can’t quite put my finger out it, except to say that we all can’t love the same books and some books work for us while others do not. This is right there in the middle for me.

Others are enjoying this more than I did, and I encourage you to seek out their reviews as well.

Thank you to Atria books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

**This was a Traveling Friends/Sisters Buddy Read

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This book was quite different and interesting. I thought it was slow moving and wordy. It kind of reminded of an episode of 19th century Twin Peaks. All of the characters were unique, they just didn't "grab me and keep my attention".

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This book is..... interesting. That is the first word I would use to describe it. The writing style takes a lot to get used to, and I don't think it will be for everyone. That said, Jess Kidd builds such a captivating world that I hardly noticed the niche writing style after the first 30 or so pages. I recommend this for anyone who needs to escape to somewhere enchanting: if the stylized language does not click with you immediately, keep going. It's worth the ride.

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What can I say about this book, but WOW. Talk about a book grabbing you from literally the first page and not letting you go! I read this one LATE into the early hours of the morning, and had I NOT literally fallen asleep reading, would have stayed up to finish it! Jess weaves an amazing tale of a modern lass in spirit, in a Victorian times, with all the oddities that were around! It's Gothic, it's fun, it's police procedural, it's just spell binding! You'll be yelling and cheering, sad and upset with the injustive of a different time! Bridie, and her crew, will stay in your mind long after you finish reading this book! Do NOT miss this one!

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Thank you Atria and NetGalley for an advanced copy. I voluntarily reviewed this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

Things In Jars
By: Jess Kidd

*REVIEW* 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Bridie is a female sleuth working a case, but what makes this story so interesting is the Victorian London setting. Something about this particular time period always conjures up images of macabre, dark, grotesque and harrowing people, places and things in my mind. Things In Jars is definitely unique and fantastically bizarre. I found it slow going, especially in the beginning, but an interesting read regardless. This story is darkly entertaining and compelling in a creepy way. Bridie is a great female character-intelligent and courageous. Overall, I suggest reading this because it's different, if for no other reason.

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Jess Kidd brings her signature style to Things in Jars. Her lyrical prose is delightfully descriptive. She perfectly blends folklore, ghosts and history into her story of a quirky Irish investigator in Victorian London.

Ms. Kidd’s writing drew me in from the start. I was absolutely enchanted by her characters. The weird and wry Bridie Devine, her Amazonian housekeeper, Cora, and Rudy, the ghost who follows her home and devotedly helps her through her latest investigation. They are a motley crew of misfits with big hearts and brave souls.

I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for a mermaid tale, but my enchantment with Ms. Kidd’s latest novel goes beyond that. The grim depiction of the underbelly of London is reminiscent of Dickens. Her scene setting and characterizations are perfect. Things in Jars is told in dual time periods; in the 1860s, readers follow Bridie’s fantastical investigation of a missing child with <i>singular traits</i>, and in the 1840s we learn of young orphaned Bridget and what motivates her in present day.

Chief amongst the antagonists are Gideon Eames and the elusive Mrs. Bibby. These characters are diabolical; they create a feeling of dread throughout the story. Ms. Kidd brilliantly weaves their stories into that of Bridie’s, leaving her readers with a delicious, gothic tale. Things in Jars is a dark, atmospheric mystery filled with eccentric and mythical characters.

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This treatise on the dark, gritty and forbidding underbelly of Victorian society is not for the squeamish. I found it to be bizarre and unpleasant to read. The writing was excellent - and the story was certainly original - but everything was either a bit “too much” or “not enough” for me. Too much imagery, too much darkness, too much mystery and too much misery. There was not nearly enough lightness, clarity and enjoyment.

My overall feelings upon the completion of this novel were relief that it was done, and disappointment at the resolution (or lack thereof). After putting myself through the discomfort of reading it, I certainly would have liked more of a payoff at the end. Instead, I was left feeling letdown. (I was also left wondering if this was Book #1 in a series.)

Things were presented in a very mysterious fashion, and frequently it seemed to be just for mysteries sake. <spoiler> For example: The reveal of the connection between Bridie and Ruby was anticlimactic to say the least. </spoiler> Read this book if you enjoy the writing style, but don’t look for a comprehensive story with a clear-cut ending.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. My thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley.

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It took me quite a while to get into this book. There is a common thread going around that if you aren't crazy about a book after the first 60-100 pages, you should put it aside. I am so glad I did not adhere to that sentiment with Things in Jars. The first portion of the book is full of intricate descriptions of a 1860's world that borders on fantasy. Once I fell for Bridie and Cora, her maid, I was intrigued enough to traverse the changes in time and perspective. There is a love story within the book that is so touching that I expect to have that finished book hangover that is so common after a good book.

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I don't know if I was in the mood for Things in Jars. Even though it was well written, it was a little slow in moving for me and what should have been really scary, didn't seem that scary. It was just okay for me.

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