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Stealing Her

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This book was amazing! Stealing Her felt so different than any other book I’ve read from RVD. I read it in one sitting! I went back and forth between wanting to hate Bridge because I knew Izzy would be hurt in the end, but then he made it impossible not to fall in love with him! Although this sounds bad, I loved reading about the struggle that Bridge was having when it came to his feelings for Izzy. There is so much more to say, but I can’t say it all without spoiling the end! Just know you will not be disappointed if you picked this book up!

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You won't be able to stop once you start reading Stealing Her by Rachel Van Dyken. A Wonderful story, Sharp, electric Chemistry & witty banter between the characters makes it page turning read.

I Highly Recommend it to all Readers. A Must Read.

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She would be the ray of sunlight he desperately needed. His life would be forever changed and he would do everything to protect her. Lines would begin to blur and she would become his everything.

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Rachel Van Dyken has some amazing stories that I love. Receiving this one, I was hopeful given the history with her book. However, this is my least favorite so far.

I felt this story was too unrealistic. Bridge is drastically different from the twin he must pretend to be. Although it was possible to fool others, I don't know how he managed to fool Isobel.

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It started out interesting and i was very into it, but when the accsident and all happend. It was boring and it kind of fell flat to me.

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it was amazing

A Grand slam
I have been a huge fan of Rachel's and this book has to be one of her bests.
I have a lot to say about the Tennyson family. First of all I hate the father. That man takes the word control to another level. To him money is the only thing that has ever mattered to him and in this story he proved that 100 times over. And my heart hurt for Julian and Bridge. He treated those boys like possessions and he wanted to mold them in his sick image. But thankfully one of them was able to escape while the other had to bend to their fathers will.
And the boys mother now let just say that woman is a true a rock star. She is a very brave woman and I gave her a lot of props as I read this book. Did I yell at Rachel at certain points, you bet I did. But the one other person that I truly felt horrible for was Isobel. She was a pawn. She was used to control both boys..

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The blurb for this book grabbed my attention and I couldn’t wait to get this beauty in my kindle! I love Rachel Van Dyken because the way she writes it really draws the reader into the world she creates and makes it hard for readers not to be invested in the loves of her characters.

This is the story of Bridge and how after years of nothing from his father and estranged twin he needs to step up and help. He has to act as his brother so no one knows his twin is in a coma. Can Bridge pull the wool over everyone’s eyes? Can he just do what he’s supposed to without taking his brothers whole life from him?

Isabel was a good heroine, she was harder to love in the beginning because I couldn’t get why she stayed with Julian for so long with the way he treated her, but after a few chapters I grew to love her and I could tell the situation was hard for her and Bridge, they both wanted the same thing but were both hesitant in hurting Julian.

All I have to say is, When is the next book coming?! I loved the ending of this book, I felt it was a good ending and it gave me a little insight into Julian and I’m hopeful this experience will help him change. His father on the other hand, I want to watch him burn for all he did to his sons..

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I am very hesitant when it comes to love triangles, and it's what I thought this book would be. Can I just say this story took me completely by surprise?! I was scared I wasn't going to like it. And I was right. I didn't like it. I LOVED IT!

The emotional roller coaster these characters go through, along with the intimacy, it tugged my heart strings. Rachel Van Dyken wrote a story that completely took over me. It was raw, beautiful, enchanting.

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Wow!! This book was a trip!! Starts out with Bridge
getting a visit from his estranged father wanting him to act like his twin brother who’s been in an accident and take the role as CEO of his company. In exchange, his very sick mother’s healthcare is paid in full and he will also finally get his rightful inheritance and stocks in the company.
I cannot imagine being in Bridge’s shoes and having to take on the role of his twin brother with only a few people actually knowing his true identity. One of the people not knowing being his brother, Julian’s fiancé, Isobel. So things get intense when he has to live with her daily. He is totally enamored with her and she thinks that the accident has brought back the Julian she loved in college.
I’m not a fan of cheating books usually but after hearing how Julian treated Isobel I found my self really pulling for Bridge and Izzy. This book kept me intrigued! I felt like I was on the verge of a train wreck! I knew it was gonna be bad but I just couldn’t stop!! I couldn’t wait find out what would happen next!! The way things end, I’m pretty sure who the next story is going to be about! I can’t wait to read it!! This was a great read! 4.5 stars!

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I have read previous booms by Rachel and loved them all so I was so excited to read this!

I loved it and couldn’t put it down! The whole story was amazing and one I could easily reread again

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I could not put this book down! I enjoy love triangles and twists in my romance novels. It was unexpected and wonderfully written. I really like this author and she never disappoints. I can’t wait to read the next book!

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Things that I liked
Well written well edited no grammar horrors and nice dialogues
Said this the identical twin trope really are you kidding me really. Like after getting in though with both you do not distinguish them too OTT
The she is too doormat for my taste and too much
Then the tattoos guys you do not notice that your hubby has inks ???
2 stars

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I'll be honest, it took me a bit to process everything that was thrown at me in Stealing Her by Rachel Van Dyken. I wasn't sure if I'd ever fully recover, but this book did not disappoint!

Bridge is thrown into an almost impossible situation when his estranged twin brother, Julian gets into a car accident and goes in to a coma. Bridge makes the difficult decision to sign his life away and steps into the role of Julian to save his mother and the company. Of course nothing can be simple for anyone. Especially when Julian's fiance, Izzy, comes home and is none the wiser to what is going on.

This book was fantastic. It was definitely darker and had much more emotion than I am normally used to, but I loved every second of it. Part way through I wasn't really even sure how this would turn out better in the end. Rachel is an insanely talented author, and I will be chomping at the bit to read Julian's story next!

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This book was amazing! I can't believe I almost passed it up. I am not into cheating tropes so by the blurb alone, I was going to pass. BUUUUT it's Rachel Van Dyken and she's never steered me wrong. I took a chance and I am so glad I did. This is NOT a cheating book. Twin brothers, Jules was in an accident and Bridge stepped into his life as a placeholder, so to speak, until Jules recovered. Except he didn't expect to fall for his brother's fiance while making said fiance fall as well.

Jules did some sh***y things and needs to atone for them. Bridge is too sweet and loyal for his own good. These two brothers learn some hard truths in this un-putdown-able read.

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“What about you?” I countered with a serious expression. “Can I steal you?”

What a tangled web we weave. Twins, ripped apart and left to nothing but hate for the other. A cruel twist of fate leaves one on the brink of death and the other left with loyalty to his twin and a desire to help all of his family. He can do this. Do it to secure the company he knows his brother loves and to help his mother who slowly creeps towards death every day. He can bend to the evil king who has done nothing for him his entire life.
Then he walks into his brothers apartment, assuming his role, and looks up to see her. His world stops turning. Isobel, his brothers fiancé, who will soon become his whole heart...he has to lie to, to deceive, to fall for and then to walk away and give her back. This deal just became a whole lot harder because even if it is betrayal, all he wants to do is Steal Her.

For the first time ever, I went into a Rachel VanDyken book worried. I read the blurb but it didn’t strike me as something that I would be able to lose myself in, something to love. The whole concept of twins and family and taking the others girl- this has never been my favorite. I’m am happy to say I was wrong. Never should have doubted, Rachel hasn’t failed me yet.

Julian came across as a douche from the very first chapters. I wanted him to hurt like he was hurting her. As I dug deeper into it, my feelings changed, but only slightly. I understood more but he made his choices and now he has to live with the regret. Isobel was a character that I felt for and wanted to strangle at the same time. She lost so much and leaned on who she thought was her best friend, her soul mate and the one she could always trust to be there. But then he wasn’t. He changed, she changed. His father held the reins and she was now a kept woman. She didn’t fight like I wanted her to deep down. I loved Bridge from the very beginning. The familial responsibility that weighed him down from the time he was young to the current time where he does everything he can to help and provide for his mother. His mouth, his easy going personality and his reactions to Isobel all made me fall just a little bit more. It’s definitely a tangled web and a crazy ride to jump on but you’ll be glad you did.

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2 reviews

4 stars
RVD sure knows how to write a twisty steamy tale and this book fit right in that category. I would give it a 4 stars and highly recommend to others!

Bridge has always lived in the shadow's of his twin brother Julian but not by his fault but his father's, but when he asked to do a favor for his father and pretend to be his twin he has no choice but to help his brother out because he knows in the end that even though his estranged father has asked this of him it will all benefit Julian in the end... but what he doesn't expect is to fit into Julian's life more than he wanted to and that includes falling for his brother's fiance Isabel. There is only one problem Isabel has her own secrets. what will happen when all the lies and deceit catch up to each other??

Get to one clicking to see what happens you don't wanna miss this one!
4.5 stars
I loved this book. It made me think of one of my favorite quotes, "Peter once asked me when I fell in love with Jack. And I told him, "It was while you were sleeping"."

Identical twins separated in a divorce, Bridge vowed to still be there for Julian only he couldn't be and they grew further and further apart. Until Julian was in an accident and their dad wants Bridge to pretend to be Julian until he comes out of his comma.

Isobel has had it with Julian. She is ready to leave him and then he gets into a car accident. His family is keeping her in the dark as to what is going on until Julian staggers in one night. Since his accident he is acting like a totally different person and now Izzy is more confused.

Bridge is falling in love with Izzy while playing Julian. So what happens? You definitely want to one click this.

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I have loved Rachel Van Dyken since I picked up my first book of hers, and she still hasn't disappointed me! This book has everything you want from a good and easy read. Some books you have to keep going back and forth to try to play catch up because the book moves to much, this isn't that kind of book. It's easy to follow and keeps you entertained!

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First, let me thank netgalley and the publishers for approving my request for an early release of this book. All reviews of my netgalley books can be found on goodreads and youtube. Please be sure to check out the links attached.

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I swear I yelled out loud at this book literally as much as I was reading it in my head. I mean DUDE, you were DIGGING THAT HOLE. I just wanted to slap him on the back of the head and knock some sense into him.

I digress. You ave ZERO idea hat I am talking about. But this book was amazing. It felt like a new breed for me from regular RVD books. It as ULTRA sexy even during parts that were simple and sweet. It was palpable as you were reading. I loved it. I loved that I was so completely entrapped in the book that I was yelling out loud.

Then we had the duplicity of the story and that had me on edge y’all. I just kept yelling at the book. TELL THE TRUTH DUDE! Poor life choices guys. But really, I yelled. At my phone. Sitting in pickup line at school.

I don’t even keno where to go with this. This is a novel about falling in love with everything you can’t have and then having to fight for what you deserve. Its a story filled with swoon and angst and ALL THE SECRETS. By the time they all came out in the end I was still figuring things out and it loved that.

I loved falling in love with the characters and getting immersed into this world. Can I already bed for the next book?

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A lovely story with some twists and turns that make it even better!This story isn’t just a story of romance it's so much more!It kept me hooked from the first page right up until the last.What a ride!

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