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Stealing Her

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To be brief, Stealing Her is the story of the prodigal son coming in to help the father who abandoned him. Bridge and Julian were twins who were separated from one another after their parents get divorced. Such an event changed the course of their lives forever. Years later, we see Julian trying to become CEO and Bridge working 2-3 jobs to pay for his mothers medical expenses. After a car accident leaves Julian in critical condition, their father manipulates Bridge into acting like Julian in order to go ahead with the merger and to stop the stocks from declining. Isobel, Julian's fiancé's, gets caught up in the middle of all of this. Julian and Isobel were not on good terms prior to his accident. But with Bridge posing as Julian, she starts falling in love with him all over again.

I had my reservations about this book after reading some reactions on the internet and I'm glad that I gave this book a chance. Rachel Van Dyken did a really great job crafting a story as twisted and original as Stealing Her. I didn't know how I would feel about Bridge lying to Isobel about who he really is but the author handled it really well. Isobel and Bridge connected instantly. She knew something wasn't right but she was finally being treated right so she didn't think anything of it. I had a hard time understanding why Isobel would be okay with being treated awfully by Julian. He controlled every aspect of her life and was unfaithful to her on at least one occasion.

I do wish that the author didn't cram everything into the final act of the book. It felt a bit overwhelming considering the speed of everything. Nevertheless, the book was great and one of the better books in 2019.

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Rachel Van Dyken is one of my absolute faves! I was so excited to get a copy of Stealing Her. Stealing Her is about Bridge, his estranged brother, Julian and Julian's fiancé, Isobel. Years after tearing their family apart, Bridge's father comes to him with an offer he can't refuse. Pretend to be his twin brother and he gets money and care for his dying mother. It doesn't take long for Bridge to begin to feel very strongly for his "fiancé" and to become very good at his brother's job as CEO. Lines are crossed and lies are compounded.

Oh man, I really loved this book. Izzy and Bridge have such a strong attraction towards each other and I was really pulling for them to be together. They had many obstacles and lies in their way, but they overcame them all! This book was addicting and fast paced, I couldn't put it down once I got into it! I can't wait to read the next book in this series about Julian.

Thanks to Skyscrape and NetGalley for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Incredible 5+ star read! The first time I ever read this author's work, I thought she had a unique and different approach and she certainly delivers those sentiments in this latest book! Wow, I couldn't put it down--the whole premise is heart-stopping, heart-breaking and heart-warming all rolled into one. The dynamic among the characters in this family will have you wanting to throw your kindle across the room, while also cheering for Bridge, Izzy and Julian -- what wonderfully, well-developed characters. I don't want to ruin the plot by giving too much away so I'm going to strongly suggest read it without any preconceived notions -- read it now! Absolutely one of my favorite reads this year! I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC for NetGalley.

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I really enjoyed reading this story. I loved the story line, and I thought the author did a fabulous job of writing it. I appreciated having the book written with a dual POV as I felt it enhanced the story by allowing me access to the thoughts and feelings of both Bridge and Isobel.

I absolutely fell in love with Bridge from the very first chapter. He has the most wonderful personality and my heart broke for him when his life was turned upside down. He has always put others before himself so when he was put in a position that he couldn't say no to, my heart broke for him again.... if that is even possible.

I can understand why Isobel acts like she does in the book. I don't think that initially she has much choice or control as to where her life was leading.... not if she didn't want to be totally on her own. I know that it isn't always easy to make the right decisions, especially when more powerful characters exert lots of influence. All I wanted was for her to be happy and there were times when I wasn't sure if this was going to happen.

I couldn't put my kindle down once I started reading Stealing Her. I needed to know where the story was going, even though I did suspect what was going to happen in the end. My emotions were all over the place and I was torn between seeing the characters have their HEAs and wanting them to walk away from something that felt so wrong.

I'm really looking forward to the next book which I understand will be Julian's story. I can't wait to discover what happens next.

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"Feelings all over the place"

I laughed, I cried, I sighed with adoration, I was furious and angry … all these feelings were a constant mixture while reading this great start into a new series by Rachel Van Dyken.

It is a strange feeling to root for a couple when you know right from the beginning the main male character, Bridge, is stealing the fiancé, Isobel, from his twin brother, Julian.

You would think this is a total no-no and there is no way a story like this can be romantic, suspenseful and really more than exciting.

But once you get into this book and you discover what is the driving force behind everyone’s actions as well as some totally unexpected plot turns, you just want to applause to Rachel for making a seemingly un-writable story so overwhelming and, seriously, addictive.

Now I really can’t wait to get my hands on the 2nd book in this more than promising series!

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Rachel Van Dyken has done it again. She lured me in with the blurb and hooked me from the beginning of the book then held me there until the end. I didn’t want to put the book down. I really enjoyed this story and these characters. I really felt bad for Izzy. I was glad she got her happy ending, but which twin did she end up with. You must read to find out.

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I am a huge Rachel Van Dyken fan. When I read the blurb for Stealing Her, I was beyond excited to receive an ARC for this book. Twin brothers separated when their parents divorce is a premise that initially reminded me a little of "The Parent Trap" except for the fact that Julian and Bridge's father is a narcissistic egomaniac.

Bridge was raised by his mother in humble surroundings where they didn't have much financially but she provided him with everything she could and he always knew he was loved by her. Julian was raised by his father who wanted to groom him into the perfect businessman to one day run their company. Julian never believed that he was good enough and rarely felt any true emotion from his father whatsoever.

Isobel is Julian's fiancee. They have known each other since they were young and Julian's father welcomed her into the family when her parents were killed. He even paid for her college education. Once Isobel and Julian graduated from college, things changed and their carefree and loving relationship suddenly became more like a business arrangement. Julian has not maintained their relationship. If anything, he's broken it by leaving Isobel questioning his faithfulness and commitment.

When Julian is critically injured in a head on collision and is in a coma. Their father comes to Bridge and asks him to impersonate Julian in order to keep the company stable. In exchange, he will pay for Bridge's mother's expensive medical treatment and promises Bridge some other financial incentives. Bridge agrees because he wants to take care of his mother. He also views this as a way to protect his brother's position and company until he's healthy enough to resume his responsibilities. What Bridge didn't count on was falling in love with his brother's fiancee.

I absolutely was sucked right into the storyline of Stealing Her. Your heart breaks for Isobel and Bridge. They are in a lose-lose situation. What happens if they fall in love and then Julian wakes up? There are so many emotional twists in this book and I was constantly questioning my own feelings on the topic. They were definitely the ultimate love triangle.

Stealing Her is scheduled to release on November 5, 2019. It's book one in a duet. The next book is due to be released in February 2020 - - I admit I'm chomping at the bit for book two!! Book one doesn't end in a nail biting cliffhanger but it definitely leaves you wanting more of their story.

Thank you to NetGalley, Skyscape Publishing and Ms. Van Dyken for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review. Another marvelous book by Rachel with a sweet love story. The ending was a little sad but I adored the brothers and wished we could have enjoyed them together more. Rachel’s books are always wonderful and I am honored to have read it

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Stealing Her was nothing like I expected. The story line, the plotting was out of this world. The feelings the characters made me feel?!! Love, hope, anger, redemption arent enough words to explain this book!! Go check it out! You won't be disappointed.

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3.5 Stars.

The premise for this book is quite interesting, it reminded me of something like The Man in the Iron Mask.
I like how the characters were established and the fact that Bridge stayed with his mom while Julian stayed with their father. Isobel was also a great protagonist, although I would have loved to see more of who she was, here motivations and life before her parent's death. There was a lot of alluding to that, but no real in-depth backstory.

Until around 60% of the book, I was enjoying the story immensely. Bridge and Izzy had great chemistry and you could see both helping each other, and their mutual growth. But, I wasn't a fan of how Julian was re-introduced to the plot. It didn't make any sense how Edward kept him away only to bring him the last minute to the wedding ceremony.

He said that either bad or good news kept the company in the media, but that was just irresponsible, since bad news (especially one regarding such deep lies) creates mistrust with investors, and therefore can easily bring down the value of any company. Scandals like this can take years to undo. And I know that this is a romance novel and it's about their love and struggles, but if I'm going to suspend disbelief I need the story to be cohesive.

Nonetheless, I did find this book entertaining. Again, Izzy and Bridge were great together, we have some very sweet scenes and some very steamy scenes, and it's just good. However one of my favorite parts was the epilogue, where it feels like the author is building the set up for the follow-up book in the series. We get to see a very upset Julian, and it makes you wonder how the family dynamics will work in the future. It's strong and it builds curiosity for what's to come.

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This book is incredible. I have no words for to describe how amazing it was. It was like the best soap opera ever. I need more

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Can we start calling Rachel Midas?? Everything she touches is gold! Wow!! I loved this story. Stealing her has a bit of all the RVD goodness. Heartbreak, angst, betrayal, true love..,Good guy trying to do the right thing—plus he’s hot✔️ wins Izzy’s heart & trust by being himself✔️ hot twin brother also trying to do the right thing✔️ And a sweet mom wanting the best for both of her boys😍

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The Depth, the feeling and the heartache in this book were all made palpable by the incredible works of Rachel Van Dyken. This is a book that you aren't going to want to put down until you finish it from cover to cover.
The story of Bridge Anderson Tennyson/Julian Tennyson and Isobel Cunningham will leave you holding your breath with each page you turn.
...and that's all your going to get because this is truly a spoiler free review!

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This is officially my favorite RVD book!!!! This one just packed a wallop to the senses. Twin brothers, one estranged, one in a coma. One asked to stand in for the other but not realizing the ramifications it will all have when he starts to fall for his brothers fiance.

OMG ladies this ride is going to get wild and out of control!!

Bridge will do anything to protect his brother Julian and to make sure his Mom is taken care of. When his Dad finds him and ask him to pretend to be Julian regardless of his hate for his father he steps into the role and into one very sexy woman who now believes he is her fiance.

Soon Izzy starts to notice things and they're not really adding up. What she doesn't realize that once she discovers the truth her heart may be broken all over again but this time the loss will be much higher because she doesn't think she can live without him. But which brother is it?? Read the book and you'll get the whole sordid tale ;)

**Received ARC through NetGalley. Voluntarily reviewed**

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Bridge and Julian Tennyson were the closest Twins could be when the were younger. However, when their parents split they each moved in with a parent, separating them. When an accident occurs it brings Bridge’s estranged father back into his life but there is a catch. Bridge must pretend to be his twin and help his father’s company until Julian is better. Oh and also don’t tell Julian’s fiancée, Isobel “Izzy” Cunningham, he will be posing as Julian. Can this really work? As adults these brothers are like night and day surely she would catch on. Another complication for Bridge is his growing feelings for Izzy. Can he keep this charade up along with his true feelings? This was an original story that I truly enjoyed. Bridge was a perfectly written male lead and I felt so bad for what he has been through. All he wanted to to protect and provide for his ill mother. This is a very clever story of family, deception, lies and doing anything to protect those we love. So many twists it will keep you on your toes! Told in dual POV

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Romance wasn’t my first genre that I enjoyed reading, that belonged to the genre I called “Anything RL Stine wrote”. I devoured his books. I started to pick up a few romance book when I was on active duty for the Army. I needed an escape, and those books helped provide that. It was with those books that I started to love watching people “fall in love”. I now read this genre a majority of the time, and I couldn’t be happier that it still is something I love to do.

One of Rachel’s best qualities, as far as I’m concerned, is that she is a master at showing us (not just telling us) how two people fall in love. I love watching them fall sometimes before they even know they have, and Rachel nails this part for me. While I don’t feel that this book is a prime example of this talent of hers, I still enjoyed this book.

The reason I am not marking this 5 stars is this; the book did not have that “thing” that is suppose to hook you in the middle of the book, and that Izzy was way to doormat for me. As far as the hook goes, well we had that thing in the beginning that draws you, the climax at the end of the book, but the middle was non existent. I need that middle hook to keep me going, to get me to anticipate finishing the book, sometimes the hook is so good I’m afraid to finish the book. Those are so brilliant, and when you find those, they are everything.

As for the other reason, Izzy was just not for me. I empathize with her, I felt for her, but she just needed to save herself. She never did that for me. I thought her and Bridge had great chemistry, and I felt the spark, but I just needed more.

I look forward to the rest of the series. This “world” is off to a good start. I can’t wait for Julian’s book.

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AMAZING AMAZING BOOK!! I dont want to say so much about the book because this story is one that you have to enjoy without someone telling you about it!

I just have to say Rachel is back to her angst stories and this one was so FREAKING GOOD!!! i loveee it so much that im so excited for the next one!!

IF you love Rachel's style this definitely is one for you and i would say this one is one of her best books ever!!!!

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Wow! This book kept me on the edge of my seat from the beginning. It took a lot of restraint not to skip ahead to see how it turned out. There were so many different levels of lies and deception that lead to so many great moments. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

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I loved every second of this story. I was addicted to RVD words and believe me when I say addicted I mean I couldn´t stop to read. I finished at 3 am. I was already goner while reading the blurb which immediately made it for me to a must-read. I fell in love with Bridge because he was just so easy to understand but intelligent and all the way gentleman. I wish for Isobel to be a stronger person but into this story, her character fitted incredibly well. While Isobel lost her family and tried to please everyone she somehow forgot to take care of herself and her own needs. Anyway, I love RVD writing, the way she emphasizes feeling through her words and brings her thoughts on paper is just brilliant.
I would also love to thank NetGalley and Skyscape for the opportunity to review this amazing tale earlier.

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Needed some RVD escapism in between all the business books I'm reading and this came up on the NetGalley list. We've got Bridge, the stronger twin that was set aside so his father can take over the weaker twin, Julian. We've got Isobel, Julian's fiancee, that Bridge needs to convince he's Julian in order to help save his mother and the family's business. Meanwhile, Bridge and Izzy fall for each other. The twin swap certainly helped jump start the romance -- and you're led to think this is what living in a Trump world might be like -- and, like I said, I was looking for a distraction from the real world. This certainly helped.

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