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Stealing Her

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The first time I read a book by Rachel Van Dyken, I was absolutely smitten with her words. Now, six years later, I still feel that same way when reading one of her books.

Stealing Her is an all consuming story that sucked me in from the very first page.

Isobel has lived a hard life. Losing both of her parents left her stranded and Julian Tennyson became the man to pick up her pieces and mend her broken heart. Dating through high school and all of college, these two fell in love and watched their relationship blossom. But being in the family business was always Julian’s end game so when he graduated college and stepped up into the corporate world, the dynamics of their relationship began to change. Isobel finds herself in a place she doesn’t recognize. Living a life she doesn’t want anymore and longing for the man she once had. Ready to put her foot down and finally cut all ties, she tells Julian she’s leaving him and can’t regret her decision.

One phone call changes everything and now Isobel is questioning her choice. With her boyfriend in the hospital she feels an overwhelming sense of guilt. When Julian comes home from the hospital all battered up and bruised, she’s ready to stand her ground but the man standing before her is suddenly the old Julian she remembers.

Bridge Anderson has taken care of his mother since the day they walked away from his father and brother and he vowed he’d never be like them for as long as he lived. Working three jobs to pay the bills and take care of the one woman who has always had his back, he’d do anything to help his mother get better even if that means making a deal with the devil himself. When Bridge is propositioned by his father to stand in as his twin brother to help close a deal at the Tennyson company, Bridge can’t say no. He not only needs the money to care for his sick mother, he knows how much this job means to Julian and he wants to make sure he succeeds. But Bridge had no clue what he was in store for. Now he’s suddenly stepping into the role of the boyfriend to Isobel and the CEO of Tennyson Financial, the one place he never thought he’d be.

Trying to convince Isobel that he’s Julian is more than Bridge bargained for. But the more time he spends with the angelic beauty, the more he wants to give her everything she deserves. What did his brother do to make this woman hate him so much? Why does she harbor such strong feelings of unease around him. Bridge makes a promise to himself that he will do everything in his power to give Isobel the life she deserves even if it’s only for the next twelve months.

As Isobel and Julian (Bridge) embark on a new start to their relationship, Isobel is finally seeing the man who is standing in front of her. He seems like the old Julian from college. He acts like the Julian she once fell in love with. But something seems different about him that she just can’t figure out. His muscles are bigger, his eyes run deeper and the pounding in her heart is stronger than she’s ever felt.

This story was so addictive!!! I love a good twin-switch and this surely was all that and more!!

I devoured this book in one sitting. I literally couldn’t take a break. Rachel Van Dyken pulls out all the stops. Emotional, charming, and thought-provoking, this story had my spine-tingling with excitement every time I turned the page.

Be prepared to swoon. Bridge and Isobel will give you all the feels. Definitely recommend.

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This was my first book I have ever read by this author and it will not be my last! I loved this story i am a sucker for a book with twins and in this one the twins switch places and that got to me! I loved the storyline the characters the plot all of it. I cant wait to read other books by the authour

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A story that guys you right from the start and slowly puts you back together! Rachel is the master at crafting a story that has you so entranced you feel a part of every facet of the story! My heart broke for Julian and Bridge and their sibling bond but I have hope that not all is lost!

This story isn’t just a story of romance but a tale of what power, greed and list can do to someone! How we have to find peace and forgiveness for ourselves in order to heal! I absolutely loved this story and can’t wait to see what comes next and what lays in store for Julian

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**4.5 Stars**

I went into this book completely blind as I do most books, and wowzers, this book kind of blew me away with its intense characters and very unique plot line. I read this book in one sitting because I just could not put it down, and I needed to know where the story was going to go, and it kept me guessing right until the very end.

Stealing Her involves one very egotistical and manipulative father, two twin sons separated by divorce, a fiance struggling with the life she finds herself stuck in, and a mother with a terminal illness; all of which makes for one kind of wild ride. This book challenged me to really think about what if scenarios and was a definite reminder of how things are not always black and white and sometimes not at all what they seem.

I really enjoyed Bridge's character. He was strong and wanted to do the right thing and wanted to do right by his mother and his brother. I loved how he treated Izzy and his struggle in falling for her given her relationship to his brother. I think the writing in this book was very strong and this is probably one of my favorite books by RVD to date. Defiitely a very engaging and enjoyable read!!!

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Bridge Tennyson's life revolves around his mom and her illness. Knowing that he needs to do something about the medical bills that are piling up, and find her better treatment, the pressure is mounting. That solution knocks on his door one evening in the form of his estranged father, Edward. Julian, Bridge's twin brother, has been in an accident, and now he's in a coma. Edward needs Bridge to pretend to be Julian, close a business deal, and keep Tennyson Financial running smoothly. The only catch is that no one, not even Julian's fiancé, Isobel, can know the truth about the brothers. Trying to play the part but keep his distance, Bridge soon finds himself falling for Izzy and betraying his brother.

This book, I loved it. I'm an RVD fan to begin with, I love her writing style and versatility as an author. Stealing Her falls somewhere in between Dangerous Ex's, with some humor and fantastic banter, and the Eagle Elite series, there's a scene in there that's got a touch of mafia to it. I felt for all 3 main characters, each having their own struggles despite appearances, Julian had money but no real love or parental support, poor Bridge was drowning to try to help his mom, and Isobel was lonely, all 3 looking for love and approval in some way. Two chapters in and I could not put it down. I may have slightly neglected adulting to finish it in a day. I really think this story has it all , tragic back stories, humor, heart, a slight love triangle, great banter, good characters, and all the feels. I sincerely hope there will be a second, especially after that heartbreaking, cliffhanger-y ending. I want to see Julian get his HEA. Highly recommend.

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I really enjoyed reading Stealing Her by Rachel Van Dyken. It was a nice change of pace from the traditional boy meet girl story. It was a very quick read and I kept waiting for Izzy to "figure it out", or at least call Bridge out on some of the oddities she was picking up on. I also found myself struggling with who to root for, Bridge or Julian. It didn't take long to realize that Bridge was the more deserving twin of the two, and the way Izzy reacted to him, as if he was Julian, was telling of their relationship. Overall, this was a great read and I can't wait to see what the next book in the series holds.

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I have only read one other book by Rachel Van Dyken which I enjoyed, so I dived into Stealing Her with no hesitations. I really enjoyed this story! It's quite different from your typical romances. I love a little drama and mystery with my romances and you'll definitely get it here. Who doesn't love a story about twin brothers?! There's some tragedy, heartache, lust, and angst all wrapped in one, and it'll take you for a nice little ride.

I'll definitely be reading the next book in the series!

*I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley!*

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I loved this book. I couldn't see what twist and turn happened. I wanted to know if J would survive and what would happen if he didn't. Would she figure out she was with Bridge? What would happen if she did?

I really loved Izzy and her background story with J. It was so sad to see them in love and then find out how J was before the accident. Then when the truth of everything comes out....amazing! The anticipation, the twist, the ending....the true victim(s).
Once again Rachel outdoes herself. Can't wait to see what she does next.

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3.5 stars

One of my favorite things about this author is her ability to write any sub-genre. She is one of the most versatile authors in the field. Having been a fan of her RomCom and PNR series I was really looking forward to this. Everything from the blurb to the cover drew me in.

While this was a good story, there were moments that I had to scratch my head. Certain elements of the plot did not make sense to me. Such as the distance between the brothers when they were not that far apart. I had to definitely suspend the notion that this would really happen and remember it was fiction because it was pretty out there in parts. Even though Bridge and Julian were identical twins I just cannot seem to grasp how Izzy would not have known the difference between her best friend/lover/fiance compared to his altered more muscular and tatted brother.

I did really like Bridge and how he turned out to be so similar to the boy that Julian had once been in regards to Izzy. I hated Julian at the beginning of this story but might have changed my mind by the end. I liked the direction that the author hinted at for the next story in this series.

So even though this wasn't my favorite by this author it still was good.

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I felt it took a little too long for Isobel to figure out the twin switch. I wish she had pretended to be fooled instead of actually fooled because it makes no sense she wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I liked the characters and at the end even found myself feeling badly for Julian, the obnoxious twin. I like that story has Bridge take responsibility for his part in hurting Julian, even though Julian brought it upon himself, and works hard to fix the relationship with his twin. Julian does some growing at the end which has me intrigued.

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This maybe be the first Rachel Van Dyken book that i really didn't like don't get me wrong it was a great story there was just something that i just didn't like (I'm a mood reader) so that could have something to with why i didn't like it as much.

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I am a big fan of Rachel Van Dyken. While I did enjoy this book, I missed the humor I usually find in her stories. Izzy and Bridge were great and I could feel Bridge's distress and dread at what he got forced into (the father was a monster). I just felt like Izzy shouldn't have been fooled so easily. I did feel a bit bad for Julian, but you reap what you sow. I can't wait to see how he is redeemed in the next book.

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Ebook provided by NetGalley in exchange of an honest review.

I finished this book in a day, I could not put it down; I needed to know what was going to happen and I was not let down. It was a fast read, simple yet not superficial.

We meet the three main character, even if one is not really in the picture (but we come to know him as the story evolves). Julian and Bridge are twins, separated when they were young and raised in two very different backgrounds; Isobel meets Julian and becomes his fiancée. The story revolves around the figures of Isobel and Bridge, as they fall in love and uncover the secrets of his family.

Really good book, beautiful writing style, this author has yet to let me down.

Final vote: 4.5/5

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I have not read anything by Rachel Van Dyken in some time. That will be changing. I loved this story.
I loved the twists and turns, the mystery of how it will all play out.
The characters nearly broke my heart again and again. Each of their stories were so tragic and sad.
Do people really split their kids up like that? And how do they live with themselves?
I loved the idea and how Bridge has to step up and help after being deemed the bad twin.

I loved this story and can't wait for more!

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** I received an Arc in exchange for an honest review.*
Everyone has things that really aggravate them. Mine is the whole twins that no one can tell apart. My best friends growing up were identical twins. While others had difficulty telling them apart, I did not. People who loved them did not. The thought that a woman who was in love with one twin would be able to be fooled for a long period of time is just ridiculous. Could they fool people who did not know them, certainly. Could they have fooled this woman who had been with one of the brothers for years, no matter how much of an ass he had become, nope. You will never convince me of that.
So this book was not for me from the start. I found the heroine to be such a doormat. It was hard to be sympathetic when she kept putting herself in the same situation over and over and over. Although I liked Bridge on the one hand, the fact that he just caved to his asshole dad did not make him lovable.
I had so many problems with this book. Typically, I adore this authors books but this one was not for me.

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I received an arc in exchange for an honest review. This book for me was only 3.5 stars. Rachel is one of my favorite I feel bad not loving this book, but I felt the relationship between Bridge and Izzy's relationship just felt too fast and forced. I also didn't like how Izzy was supposed to be this smart strong woman and didn't realize that Bridge, who is more muscular and a few other things wasn't Julian. I think for me the first part of this book dragged, but the second part kicked up a bit and I felt it was better. I might be in the minority here, but I also felt bad for Julian. We only know what Izzy and Bridge knew and I feel like some of the stuff they knew wasn't the truth.<spoiler>I hope we get a book for Julian too!</spoiler> I will say by the end of the book I was rooting for Bridge and Izzy. They were both flawed, but fit well together.

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Oh how to start this review...I am having a serious book hangover!

Ms. Van Dyken, brings so much in this story.  Angst, heat, heart and a story that is going to keep you glued to the pages until the very end, and them make you beg for more!

This is the story of Julian, Bridge and Isobel.  A love triangle for the ages.  The main characters lives are a twisted vine of lies and deceit.  But there is also the flowering of hope, forgiveness and love.

The dynamic between Bridge and Julian was poignant. A bond that time and distance made fragile, but when needed it was stronger than ever.

The love between each character is beautiful and flawed. The multiple POV's brings so much to the story, it brings a richness to the characters and depth to the story.

I empathized with each main character and Ms. Van Dyken has the writing talent to bring you into the world that she created. I can honestly say that I fell in both love and hate with every main character and that my friends, is a talent few writers can inspire in me! 

Do yourself a favor and read this story!! I am going to be waiting not so patiently for the next book in this series, I promise after you read Stealing Her, you will too!

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Bridge Anderson's parents divorced when he was a teenager. He went to live with his mom. while his twin brother, Julian, went to live with their controlling father. Years later, Bridge's mom is ill and he's working 3 jobs to pay for her medical treatments. Julian is CEO of their father's company and engaged to his college sweetheart, Isobel, whom he's alienated so much with his corporate greed and countless affairs that she's ready to leave him. Then Julian gets in a car accident and ends up in a coma. Suddenly, Bridge's father is back in his life for the first time in 12 years, making him an offer he can't refuse: all his mom's medical bills will be paid for if he steps in a pretends to be Julian until a big merger goes through. This means that he has to be the public face of the company, but he also has to go home to Isobel and convince her he's Julian. Which is all fine and dandy until he actually spends time with her. Now he's falling in love with his brother's fiancee and struggling with how to tell her the truth about who he really is. Or...does she already know? His clothes don't fit the way they used to, he's suddenly left-handed, and only so many of the differences in his personality can be explained away by being the results of a brain injury. And what happens if/when Julian wakes up?

This is the second book I've read by Van Dyken, and I absolutely now consider myself a fan. This one was even more polished than the previous one I read, and the characters seem more mature and believable (in her defense, the heroine of the other book was supposed to be barely out of college and the ones in this book are all adults, so that might have been a big reason for the difference). I really liked Bridge. When you think about a guy stealing his twin brother's fiancee while he's in a coma, aside from reminding you of While You Were Sleeping, it also makes you kind of cringe with how wrong it seems. Until you learn that Julian was kind of a shmuck and treated Izzy horribly, and that Bridge resisted making any sort of real move on her until she was very clear on who he was. He didn't take advantage of her and let her sleep with him while thinking he was Julian. Bridge is a stand-up guy who really wants to protect those he loves, and it was impossible not to find him totally swoony. Isobel is a strong woman who has been broken over time by being orphaned, manipulated and emotionally abused by both Julian and his father. All you want after learning all she's been through is for her to rediscover her backbone and find a happy ending.

I really enjoyed this first entry in the series and already can't wait to read the next one!

**Thank you to NetGalley and Skyscape for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!**

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What a great read! This book was absolutely amazing. It has great characters and a unique, captivating story. It keeps you on edge the whole time and makes you feel every emotion alongside the characters.

I have to say that at first, I couldn't decide whose side I was on, Bridge's or Julian's and if I could justify Bridge's actions. Love triangles usually have me picking one side and then I simply can't stand the other character but this book is something else. As the story developed, I fell in love with Bridge and started to root for him and Izzy, but as the end was near, I felt heartbroken for Julian and started to wonder what will happen to him. I also loved their mother who was such a warm character and totally likable. She brought some humorous elements into the story, which I deeply enjoyed.

All in all, this book was one of the best ones I've read lately. I just couldn't stop reading it because I was anxious to find out what will happen next and when I got to the end, I was both happy and sad and it left me wanting for more! I'm thrilled that it's part of a series and I can't wait for the next book to come out because I want more of the Tennyson twins. I wish to see what happens with Julian and I hope he does get his happy end as well.

~ Arc provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Stealing Her is a fun read that grabs your attention and won't let go until you finish! You have front row seats to a tyrannical father with severe control issues, a twin brother (Bridge) who wants to be the protector but also is such a romantic and Izzy, the fiancee who is finding her strength after having been put in her designated place for too long. It comes together to be a fun story that has you cheering along the way.

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