Member Reviews

Really enjoyed reading this memoir,This author shares anecdotes from her life as a young nurse.To her career The stories she shares some very moving sad some entertaining .We are taken inside the hospital behind the nurses private moments a really interesting read.#netgalley#dogearpublishing

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley!

One Nurse Universe is written by a retired registered nurse.
I honestly love books written by medical professionals. Their stories intrigue me, which is why i requested this book. She tells us stories of her life and experiences, which are mostly interesting. THe cover is a photo drawn by her six year old son, and that makes it even better for me.

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You will enjoy this if you are a nurse and you will enjoy this if you are not a nurse, brilliant book!

Intimate stories of patients lives and conditions from childhood to adulthood and nursing homes to prisons. A clear demonstration of how precious life is and how vulnerable we can feel no matter who or where we are.

Laugh out loud funny, poignant and insightful. As a Nurse myself I could relate to all of the experiences of Nurse Susan and would love for her to give me a bed bath, LOL. Read it and you will too!

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Mental note to self: If I ever require a nurse, make sure it’s Nurse Susan.
It already started well: I absolutely LOVED that drawing on the cover, done by the author’s son - it shows a nurse with enormous blue hands and the biggest smile.
This book will make you gag, weep uncontrollably and howl with laughter. It is a no-holds-barred warts-and-all account of nursing life, often at its most devastating, like child oncology.
The author’s level-headedness, philosophical musings and humour, even when faced with traumatic events, are both awe-inspiring and humbling.

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My thanks to Netgalley and Dog Ear Publishing for a copy of One Nurse Universe for an honest review
I really enjoy books that give you an insight into other people’s lives, in particular the medical field.
I am full of admiration for the selflessness and empathy of those that choose this career path as is shown by Susan Turnage .
It was really well written and poignant .I definitely will recommend this to others.

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I got to say that the cover is very distracting and does NOT lend itself to people wanting to read this book.

Otherwise, this book is AMAZING! I loved all of her stories about the patients, the patients families, and her time at the Correctional Facility.
I felt like I really got to go inside her head on how she looks at a patient and a particular situation.
I cried when Theresa died and cried again when Josie died.

I liked that she told her unique story with all of the pitfalls from working oncology, to the correctional institute, and the call center. She told the ups and downs and I really liked that part of her story.

She tells her story with a caring grace that is incomparable to other nurse books. This is a great resource for anyone thinking of becoming a nurse.

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One Nurse Universe - Susan Turnage

Delightful book I received free on my Kindle for the purpose of review.

Not sure she would love nursing, she began first by volunteering at a local nursing home. Rather than turning her away she became very much interested and pursued nursing school after graduation from high school, much to her parents dismay.

Having attended her 18th reunion of her nursing school class in 2018, Susan was able to renew old friendships and grateful she was able to continue her job.

This author is funny and yet sad with some results of what she experienced during her working years. She was a nurse in pediatrics, oncology nurse in Denver's Children's Hospital, allergy specialist,
office nurse, charge nurse in Stuart Circle Hospital, rehab nurse, doctor's office nurse, home health nurse, Skills Lab Instructor, medical record retriever for instance company, Corrections RN in a jail (stayed six years, many stories there), telephonic Nurse Coach, (bored spitless), and now a Nurse Entrepreneur as a certified Yoga nurse in her local community.

Clearly she explains the ups and downs and emotional feels of each book. She does have two favorite words that are not acceptable in my world but she only uses them when nothing else does.

I came away with a greater appreciation for my nurse friends.

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ONE NURSE UNIVERSE is a collection of anecdotes written by a retired registered nurse. These short stories run the gamut from heart wrenching and heart breaking to hilarious.

For a debut author to so skillfully write stories from her own life, it takes a knack for storytelling as well as an innate knowledge of which details need to be included and which can be left out.

I very much enjoyed the stories Nurse Susan has included in this memoir,  and, as was inferred by the author, she no doubt has many more tales to tell. I hope this means that she is already working on her next collection of true stories. If so, I know I will definitely buy a copy.

I admit to being a bit thrown off by the cover, but once I discovered it was a picture drawn many years ago by her son (at age six) it made perfect sense as to why she chose to use that illustration for her book cover. Unfortunately, that might not be apparent to potential readers and I worry it might put them off. If so, they will miss out on a terrific anthology.


****Thank you to #NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book****

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
I loved this book so much! Each chapter will bring you to tears, happy tears or sad tears. She is an excellent author as well as a very dedicated and caring nurse.

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If your in the medical field you will love this book, if not you will love this book. Fascinating and yet sometimes hilarious, this book will make you look at nursing and medical situations differently.
Great read!

Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free, it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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The author wrote a great account of the personal journey they embarked on. The honest and detailed writing made it easy for the reader to feel invested in their journey.

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