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The Look-Alike

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Member Reviews

Sienna’s story was really good. Definitely keeps you guessing! At first I didn’t really like how she jumped into the relationship with her neighbor but after finishing it I understand.

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This was the perfect suspense book for me, I loved going on this journey with Sienna. It had institutions that I wanted in a mystery novel and kept me glued to the edge of my seat.

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Sienna has returned home after living abroad for 10-years- having been sent thereafter she discovers a body on her walk home on her college campus late one night. Wearing the same coat as the murder victim at the time, she was fearful that she was the intended victim. Her mentally ill mother only confirms her suspicions blurting out in rage her it should have been Sienna.
Years later, upon arriving back to Wisconsin, she finds out the unsolved murder case has been reopened recently and as hang-up phone calls and strange drive-bys begin, she once again fears the killer is back and this time she is the target for sure. Is this true? Or is she becoming paranoid like her mother?
I've read a few reviews where readers say they figure out the killer before finishing the book- but that was not the case for me! I thought I had things pieced together a few times but I was surprised by the ended. There were several twists throughout and a few "gotcha" moments that I never saw coming. This story was a fast and fun read. I would recommend it but don't read it alone at night!
Thank you to St. Martins Press and NetGalley for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. I enjoyed it overall, but I got frustrated with Sienna, who made a lot of bad decisions in the course of the story. The romantic plot line happened quickly and wasn't explored in depth so the declarations of love felt silly and immature. That was the weakest part of the storyline, although I did figure out the villain very quickly. Overall, it was a good read, and it did have a couple of interesting turns.

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Ten stars to this author! I thoroughly enjoyed this mystery. Unusual and riveting plot, excellent writing and terrific characters. I was sorry I finished it. Wish it were another hundred pages--absolutely loved it and highly recommend!

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Perfect for fans of Riley Sager and Gillian Flynn, <i>The Look-Alike</i> will pull you in and keep you guessing till very end.

At times, the story seemed to twist around on itself a little too much and the protagonist wasn't super likable but nonetheless, I highly recommend this book.

Huge thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for allowing me to read to take this wild ride!

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This one was enjoyable while I was reading it, even though I had to suspend disbelief more than a few times. But when I went to write my review, just a day after finishing the book, I already found that most of the story had left my mind or merged with other, similar, thrillers I've read in recent times. There's nothing wrong with this one - let me be clear about that. It's an engaging and easy read. There were twists and turns and red herrings, as in all such psychological thrillers, and while I saw some of them coming, on the whole they held my interest and were engaging enough. But there just wasn't anything about this one that stood out as unique or memorable for me. So if you're looking for an entertaining, quick, enjoyable read, this is that. If you're looking for something that makes a lasting impression, perhaps not as much...

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Even though this book is predictable, it was so good. I really enjoyed the mystery and the characters. The mystery of this story is what keeps you reading. It was an interesting read and a little different from similar stories. Good book all around.

Thank you Netgalley, the author and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a mystery by an author who seldom disappoints. However, this one is somewhat predictable. Almost from the beginning, the reader determines the perpetrator. That being said, the story is interesting and there are some red herrings presented to confuse. The main character is likeable and one wants her to be safe. The mother is ill and disillusioned with life-overly protective to the point that she is paranoid. These two characters are the ones we get to know the best. The others almost seem to be thrown in sporadically. For a quick read, this is a possibility.

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Sienna Scott is a lovely young woman who has the misfortune of discovering a dead body sprawled in the snow as she is returning to her dorm room. What a great way to start a mystery. I know it captured my attention right away. Sienna is understandably traumatized and her father decides she should stay with her grandmother in England for awhile. She returns home ten years later and finds out the murder is unsolved.

The characters are interesting and well developed. The plot offers several suspects and just when I think I know who the murderer is they are cleared of all wrong doing. To further complicate matters, Sienna's mother suffers from persecutory delusional disorder and believes everyone is guilty of misconduct. This is an enjoyable book that will appeal to anyone who likes a good murder mystery.

I received an Advanced Reader's Copy from St Martin's Press. The opinions expressed are entirely my own.
#TheLook-Alike #NetGalley

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Thank you to NetGallery and the publisher for the ARC.
From the first page until the last this story held me under its spell. Instead of watching tv at night I read and then couldn’t wait to pick this up again.
The story was compelling, such a wonderful murder mystery. I never quite figured out the ending until the main character put all the pieces together.
I highly recommend this book.

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I love a book that leaves a reader exasperated and this book has done that! Just when I thought I knew how everything would turn out I was quickly changing directions because the twists just kept coming! Wow! Erica Spindler knows how to write a spine tingling mystery that will leave readers breathless! This is one of those books and I highly recommend it!

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A fascinating story that brings to light an illness you don't hear about, paranoid delusions, and how it affects not only the patient but those around them. the characters are amazing and full of depth and really make you feel it all. there are a few twists, but nothing earth shattering :) A good, engrossing read.

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Good mystery and characters. It’s a who done it type of book with love and hate and your .never sure till the end. The inclusion of a psychologically psychotic disorder really turn the events upside down. It will keep you reading till the last page. I know...I finished at 2am...

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I’m not a fan of Erica Spindler’s unfortunately. I hated The First Wife but chalked it up to my being such a huge fan of Rebecca (I never love retellings of my favorites). Turns out I do not jive with her style.

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Great quick entertaining read. There's twists and turns and scenes you don't see coming. Erica Spindler never disappoints!

Thank you to netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Erica Spinder has been a favorite of mine for longer than I can remember and she doesn't disappoint with The Look-Alike.
The Look-Alike is about a woman who grew up with a mom who suffers from delusions. So when she stumbles across a dead body she herself starts thinking she is following in her mothers footsteps.

Ms. Spindler touches your heart with the struggles these two women go through.....what lengths they will go through for each other.
Mental health is a huge issue in this world and I'm happy to see so many authors writing about it. We need so much more awareness on this subject and even though most of our authors are writing fiction, you better believe they are researching and trying to represent these diseases as best as they can.

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I think I've been reading too many books that have been centered around mental illness because honestly I'm just tired of it at this point. It's honestly just grating on my nerves
This is well written and original but mental illness as a plot device needs to end. It does nothing but harm and this is a really bad stigma.

I do want to say I did enjoy everything else about this book but it's just such a disappointing cliche.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this copy of my ARC.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review -
Sienna comes across a murdered girl on her way home from class.
Because both the girl and her were wearing white coats she wonders if the murder was meant for her or - is she suffering delusions like her mother.
At each turn it seems another person could be the murderer.
Will they make an arrest before there are more deaths?

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This was a fun read that I finished in less than a day. It focuses on Sienna, who returns to small-town Wisconsin after spending 10 years in London, having been shipped there by her parents after witnessing the aftermath of a murder. Sienna's mom is a paranoid schizophrenic (though the author calls it something else- maybe my nomenclature is antiquated) and is convinced that her husband's ex-wife has been plotting to kill Sienna since she was born. Enough oddities happen related to the murder that Sienna stumbled across to wonder if she should've been the victim, but is she being paranoid too, or is she in danger?

There were many places in the book where I thought I had it figured out, only to receive more information that made me think it was someone /something else. Though one of my hunches turned out to be right, I went back and forth on it and was still surprised when it was revealed.

My only small nit with the book is the constant thoughts Sienna has about falling in love with Jonathan. Firstly, I thought it was unrealistic to fall in love with someone you literally just met, but secondly, it was just unnecessary for her to keep mentioning it to the reader. The reader understands that she likes him A LOT and the author didn't need to repeatedly bring up that she thought she was falling in love- it distracted from the story, in my opinion.

Great read overall- would strongly recommend!

Netgalley provided this book to me free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

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