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Once Upon a Cowboy Christmas

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Not for me. Thought I would try something new and this one just was not it for me. I think I will be staying away from the Cowboy stories.

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A second chance romance during Christmas will absolutely warm your heart! Finally finding love that is rekindled in a homecoming makes you believe anything is possible! Such a wonderful story.

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So here's the deal ; I really really liked Lexi. With everything going on in her life she handled herself with grace and strength. With that said I'm not sure how I feel about Cody. While reading i just couldn't connect with him. I did warm up towards the end of the story but I wanted something more from him to feel like I loved him as a character.

This story has a topic that hits home and I'm sure if I read this book in another time period I would be head over heels in love with it but for now I'm giving it 3.5*.

***Review copy provide by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review***

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A very cute love story by Soraya Lane, my first read of hers actually. Any love story revolving around Christmas time will only be heartwarming and sweet. Readers will love Cody Ford and Lexi Murphy. A cozy story of love and redemption.

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Perfect read. Great romance. Well written with the perfect amount of character development.

Rereviewed as reviews aren't showing.

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This book is part of a series. I was weary about reading it as a standalone but I did not get lost. This is a second chance love story. I am kind of picky with my second chance romances. But this one makes me want to read everything Soraya has ever written.

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3.5 Stars

Once Upon a Cowboy Christmas was an entertaining read featuring a second chance romance set during the holidays.

Cody Ford left his small Texas hometown the first chance he got and he's never looked back. He'd be happy to stay in New York and avoid his family's meddling, but his father isn't getting any younger and Cody doesn't want to miss what little time he could have left. The last thing Cody expected to see when he got back to the ranch was Lexi Murphy, his ex-girlfriend and his father's new live-in nurse. Lexi never forgave Cody for thinking he was too good for her and their small town. Now that he's back, Cody sets out to prove to Lexi that this time he's the right man for her.

Once Upon a Cowboy Christmas is the third book in the River Ranch series but works well as a standalone. I did not read the other books in the series prior to reading this one and I didn't feel like I was missing too much information. I didn't have the backstory for the side characters that made up the couples in the prior two books, but I figured out who everyone was pretty quickly.

Second chance romances are some of my favorites to read so I was excited about that aspect of the book. Lexi and Cody broke up when he left for college as he wanted to escape their town and his family which inevitably led to Lexi getting her heart broken. It's been fifteen years since the pair saw each other and their first meeting after he comes home doesn't go well, I mean Cody doesn't even realize who she is at first. From there, Cody works to get back in her good graces and I liked seeing him try to make up for the way he left. I will admit though that his cockiness that he'd win her over was a little annoying. At first the two think they're just getting involved in a no-strings affair but of course feelings get in the way of that which is a trope I love. There are a few bumps along the way to happily ever after, but overall I enjoyed the pair's romance.

Overall Once Upon a Cowboy Christmas was an enjoyable read and I hope to read the other books in the series if the future.

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Cody fled his home as quick as he could when his mom died and he left everything behind to include Lexi. When Cody has to come back he has to deal with emotions, people, and things that he doesn't want to deal with. I thought the book was good and it was an easy read. This is a stand-alone book which was good but I am going to read the other books to know the other characters because I liked them that much in this book

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This was an easy, predictable but enjoyable read. I prefer this author’s historical fiction as I felt this story was too common.

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Cody really doesn't want to go home for Christmas, but he decides that he can't miss seeing his father. The last thing that he expects to see is his ex, who is working as a help nurse for his father. Will the old sparks ignite and pull them back together, or will they burn everything down?

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This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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Just OK - 3 stars

Plot - 4 stars - Cody has come back to the ranch for Christmas to spend time with this family and see his ailing father. But when he meets his father's nurse, he finds himself reconnecting with an old flame.

Writing - 3.5 stars - Lane's writing is fine, creating a good story in an interesting setting, and drawing me in from the beginning. The story moves forward quickly, with a bit of action, plenty of romance, against a nice holiday background.

Characters - 2 stars - This is where the book faltered for me. I really wanted to like these characters, especially Cody, since we've heard quite a bit about him within the past books in the series. But despite his attractiveness and success, he's a bit of a dolt. He's a winner at the business deal, but he is totally clueless about people. I can't believe he would be so totally cold about the people in the retirement home that he's cavalierly kicking out. No one except a total jerk would be so high and mighty that they couldn't even understand the repercussions of his actions, but apparently that's what Lane wants us to believe. And Lexi really isn't much better. She gets an idea in her head, and then she refuses to let it go. The fact that she's still mad about Cody leaving--15 years later!--is ridiculous. And her two go-to actions are either to fight dirty or climb into bed together--there doesn't seem to be an in-between. I understand her problems with Cody's actions (who wouldn't?), but she immediately attacks on social media rather than trying to handle things in an adult way. The annoying main characters really brought this book down for me.

Title - 4 stars - The title is fine, especially if you think of Cody as a true Texas rancher at heart, although he hasn't really shown himself to be one by his actions.

Cover - 4 stars - The cover model looks exactly how I've been picturing Cody throughout, so that's a definite plus. Very cowboy, very handsome, a nice eye-catcher.

Overall - 3 stars - This series hasn't quite hit the mark for me, and this book continues with that problem. This time the characters were disappointing and frustrating. They both act immaturely, despite the justifications for their actions that they keep repeating. I couldn't understand them being so overwhelmed with their physical attraction that they'd jump into bed more than once despite the total differences they had in beliefs and philosophy, and without ever trying to work things out. I'll still give this series another try because I'd like to read Angelina's story to round things out.

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Once Upon a Cowboy Christmas by Soraya Lane
Subgenre: western holiday romance
Release date: 29 Oct 2019
Publisher: St Martin’s Paperbacks
Format: ebook and print
Length: 297 pages
RRP: $9.61 (ebook); $14.99 (print)

Not everyone gets a second chance with the love of their life. Cody and Lexi were in love until Cody left.

Cody Ford has returned to River Ranch. It is just for Christmas. At the request of his brother to see his dying father. Cody is not prepared for the swell of emotion that hits him when he initially arrives home. He likes the look of his father’s new nurse but quickly discovers he is already acquainted with the woman. She was his high school girlfriend. The girl he left behind when he left, when he took off to New York. Cody has been very successful in his business life and can afford the nicer things in life. He also has a big business deal near River Ranch. This business deal will be a wedge between Cody and Lexi.

Alexandra, or Lexi, has become Walter Ford’s nurse. She needs the money and the house that the family provides. She has her own bills that need to be paid including her mother who is the local nursing home as she suffers from Alzheimer’s. Lexi also has a six-year-old son, Harry, who she also needs to provide for, as his deadbeat dad does not. Lexi is upset when she discovers that Cody bought the nursing home for redevelopment. A wedge that will come between them albeit temporarily.

This story is about reconnecting with the past. Past memories and people from the past. Lexi and Cody were an item, but that fell apart when Cody left, and Lexi was left behind to try and pick up the pieces of her life. As you do when the best has gotten away, she marries the second best, or last in this case, but has managed to produce the best, her son. While she is willing to have Cody for the moment, she also needs to protect herself and her feelings, especially when she knows that Cody will run again.

Cody is the character who has the most growth within the story. He runs from his past and then runs to his future with Lexi. He thinks he is a strong man, but then realises that he is weak, and it is Lexi’s love that heals him. It is a sweet story, with some of hot sex, and a young boy who just knows what he wants.

I liked there was no real angst within the larger family. Yes, there were some disagreements but not any of the major rifts that can happen in some stories. It is nice to read this type of story.

reviewed by Heather

A review copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

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Once Upon A Cowboy Christmas stands alone well, and can be read outside the holidays. Soraya Lane offers this installment of her River Ranch series, and if you like cowboy romance series that revolve around a family, I think you'd like the series. OUACC is a quick read, and moves the storyline along well. The heroine is extremely well drawn and engaging, the hero less so - he seems a bit shallow and two dimensional. Though the story flows along well, the hero doesnt experience much growth or change, making the ending seem a little too quick. I intend to read the next book in the series.
I received my copy through NetGalley under no obligation

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I enjoy cowboy romances, but this one didn't hit the mark for me. I didn't get the connection between Cody and Lexi and both characters were too one-dimensional. The ending was so predictable.

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3,5 stars

This was my first read by this author and I'm definitely not disappointed. I love christmas romances and I love cowboy romances, so when I was able to get an arc of this book I took the chance. Thankfully it didn't disappoint.

This was a capticating and endearing romance story that had a good balance of romance, storyline and character development and I enjoyed reading it a lot. I really liked the family relationships present as well. Overall, I think it sometimes could've been developed a bit more, hence the 3,5 star rating, but the author had me engaged enough to want to read book 1 and 2 in the series as well.

This is a solid romance to pick up anytime, if you're interested in a story that not only focuses on romance and 2nd chances but family reconciliations as well.

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A second chance romance is always interesting. The reader wants to know the past, present and future. Exactly what Once Upon a Cowboy Christmas serves up in a quaint little package. A very quick and lighthearted read.

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A second-chance romance at Christmas time set on a Texas ranch. A steely businessman and a hardworking single mom cross paths many years later. Hot and cold, steamy and sometimes rushed, but loveable characters that you'll want to know all about. A decent addition to a lighthearted series, but the story does shy away from heavier themes mentioned in the book. Developing these subplots (like PTSD) would have made the book more realistic, but if you want a quick and easy read that's not too complicated, it's still enjoyable. Net Galley Feedback

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As always, I appreciate the opportunity to read and review your titles. I have chosen to DNF this title...actually, I did a while ago but wanted to wait (although I didn't intend to wait this long) to post this so it didn't impact review decision for other reviewers.

I look forward to the next title from your authors/company.


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A second chance romance that brings the reader back to Ford Ranch, and the story of Cody and Lexi. I liked how the siblings interacted more in this book, and Lexi's son, Harry, was a cute addition to the book. Overall the book was cute and a quick read, but I felt like something was off near the end. The miscommunications and misunderstandings between Lexi and Cody seemed like they were too big to be resolved within 1-2 pages, and I wish they were drawn out a little more.

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