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We'll Meet Again

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I very much enjoyed this book. It has a good story and excellent main characters. I would definately recommend this book.

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We’ll Meet Again by Rosie Archer is the second novel in The Bluebird Girls series- it is great to see all the characters from Rosie Archer's previous book. Soon the girls are once again entertaining people from all walks of life with their singing and along the way they get both praise and criticism. A lovely heartwarming story.

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We’ll Meet Again by Rosie Archer is the second novel in The Bluebird Girls series. You do need to read The Bluebird Girls before embarking on We’ll Meet Again. I enjoyed reading this engaging World War drama. Ivy, Bea and Rainey performed at the King’s Theatre and they received a good write up in the local paper. Blackie is busy fielding calls from people who wish the book the female trio. We follow the day-to-day lives of Ivy, Bea, Rainey, Jo, Blackie, Eddie and others. I like that there are side stories woven into the book. Eddie has decided to employee German POWs to help with his rebuilding projects. Max, a German POW, is determined to escape. He has a plan and it involves conning a woman. Various romantic relationships, and Little Annette’s act and estrangement from her mother. I thought the author captured the feel of the time period where bombs are being dumped on the area, spending nights in air raid shelters, and rationing of most items is in effect. Of course, there are ways to get around the rationing if you know the right people or have enough money. The Bluebird Girls sing in a variety of clubs. I liked the girls’ energy and lovely singing voices (I could just imagine them). I felt bad for Blackie and Jo who quickly tired of the singers bickering (whenever they got into a car). Their careers are taking flight and the ladies have some wonderful opportunities coming their way. We’ll Meet Again has drama, suspense, romance, and music. It was lovely catching up with The Bluebird Girls in We’ll Meet Again and I am eager to read The Forces’ Sweethearts.

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This book was a brilliant read and one that is perfect to escape for a few hours and loose yourself.
A great read.

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A beautifully written book which made me feel as though I was transported back to the War.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced read copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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The first time I've read Rosie Archer and I wasn't disappointed! I felt as though I was living during World war 2 and was a member of the fan club.

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This was a wonderful read. The author brings the characters to life and explores the bonds of friendship The story takes place during WWII and is rich with historical detail.
Many thanks to Quercus Books and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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We”ll meet again by Rosie Archer. This is the second in the series by Rosie Archer, but do not let this put you off reading as a stand alone book. There is enough given within this second book for you to catch up and enjoy. The series follows three fabulous female singers “The Bluebirds” who are starting to become more popular on the club scene during WW2. It is a well researched story which is full of drama,love, loss and new beginnings. It is a really good read and I really enjoyed it. I will definitely recommend this book to family and friends. Thankyou to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book.

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WWII Chick lit

I enjoyed "We'll meet again" by Rosie Archer. I found it a bit hard at first because I have not read book 1 of this series, which will be remedied. The story and characters are very engaging and provided a good diversion from real life (hurricane and power outage). One small complaint -- I found the author a bit fat-shaming, so subtracted 1 star from my true 4 star opinion of the book.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for lending me a time-constrained e-arc. This review is optional and my own opinions.

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WE'LL MEET AGAIN is the second in a series by Rosie Archer featuring the Bluebird Girls. I went straight into this book without having read the first, which one could do so easily.

It's 1941 in the small town of Gosport, not far from Portsmouth, and the Bluebirds - Rainey, Ivy and Bea - are beginning to make a name for themselves. From their humble beginnings in the choir to the stages of clubs and hotels, the girls are bringing happiness to those that hear their beautiful harmonies in song.

It's still early days for the trio and as they are just 18 and still underage Rainey's mum, Jo, travelled with them as the girls' chaperone. Blackie is their manager, driver and piano player who also handled their money and bookings. As it stood, whatever money the girls made went to paying back Madame Walker for their costumes and other outlays. But Blackie had faith in the girls and it wouldn't be long before they started to make money.

After their performance in Portsmouth, and the raid that darkened the city soon after, the Bluebirds were in demand. Blackie was taking bookings for them in Birmingham, Stratford-upon-Avon and even The Savoy in London. The girls found themselves having to relinquish their jobs at the munitions factory to be able to keep up with the busy schedule of travelling and performing and as their chaperone, Jo had to give up her daytime job also.

Aside from the Bluebirds, there are other underlying stories woven throughout the pages. Bea's brother Eddie has started walking out with young Sunshine - who was named for the sunny day she was found abandoned on a bench as a baby - much to Ivy's disappointment. Ivy has always held a torch for Eddie but felt the age gap was the only thing between them. But when Eddie begins to notice that Ivy is no longer the little girl he saw her as, he finds himself torn between the two women.

But the decision may have already been made for him when Sunshine's head is turned by a young German prisoner of war, someone she is forbidden to fraternise with. But Sunshine cannot keep away from Max, and soon finds herself in a predicament she would never thought possible. But Max's intentions where Sunshine is concerned are not admirable. He has but one goal in mind - to escape St Vincents prison camp and make his back to the Fatherland. But for that he needs help...and that's where Sunshine comes in. But poor Sunshine has fallen head over heels for Max. It could only end in tears.

Then we have Rainey's mum, Jo. She had escaped her violent husband with her daughter some years ago and has begun to find confidence in herself once again...with the help of friend Syd Kennedy. Syd has been a good friend to Jo but it's obvious he is vying for more, taking her to the pictures on more than one occasion. Blackie finds himself jealous at the prospect of another man competing for Jo's attention. But Blackie can't bring himself to tell Jo how he feels...for fear of being rejected. Plus it would make for awkward travelling with the Bluebirds as she was their chaperone and he was the manager-and-thensome. Will Blackie find the courage to speak up?

Against the backdrop of wartime, WE'LL MEET AGAIN is a heartwarming tale of love and friendship and the best intentions amidst the tragedies of war. There is intrigue, drama, love and loss as well as the beautiful melodic voices of the Bluebird Girls. I have to admit, I heard The Andrews Sisters in my head as the girls their style would be similar being of the same era.

I feel I must mention a few niggles I had whilst reading. The constant references made to things that happened previously over and over was unnecessary. They only needed to be mentioned once in backstory description, not again and again. One example that sticks in my mine is "the sailor behind the Fox" which was referenced more than a couple of times in description. I also had the feeling the girls' lives were too perfect, despite their slow rise to fame. Any drama that occurred happened to other people and not them. It was all a bit chocolate-boxy...but still enjoyable. There were a few others, but I don't want to mention them due to spoilers. Let's just say, there are a few loose ends I felt should have been tied up but were left dangling. I hope they are addressed in the next book and that truth will out.

That isn't to say I didn't enjoy the book. I did. WE'LL MEET AGAIN is a lovely tale of the trio's gradual rise to stardom and those that surround them. I love stories set against the backdrop of wartime Britain - their loves, their losses, their happy times and their tragedies.

WE'LL MEET AGAIN is what I call a comfort read. It is delightful with an easy pace that flows effortlessly. I look forward to the next installment where I hope some of the loose ends are tied up a little neater.

I do recommend beginning with the first book "The Bluebird Girls" although WE'LL MEET AGAIN can be read on its own also, as I have done. But I will follow up with the next book "The Force's Sweethearts" in the hope the story develops more.

I would like to thank #RosieArcher, #NetGalley and #Quercus for an ARC of #We'llMeetAgain in exchange for an honest review.

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Another fantastic read from Rosie Archer. Great characters and the same brilliant writing style I've come to love. I love wartime reads, especially when they have strong female leads.

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This is the second book in the series and I loved it
A book full of drama, intrigue and mystery set in WWII
Highly recommend but you must read book 1 first

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I am a big Rosie Clark fan so I was super excited to receive this from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I didnt realize it was a part 2 of a series until I finished ..... I enjoyed the story so much. She is a beautiful storyteller. I will be picking up book one to catch me up in case there is a third book in this series.

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A lovely heartwarming story. I didn’t know it was the second book in a series and will definitely get the first book and I look forward to the third. The story flows wonderfully and tells how people got on with their lives in the midst of war-torn Britain in 1941. The singing group, The Bluebell Girls, comprising Bea, Rainey and Ivy are going from strength to strength, playing working men’s clubs and then The Savoy. Supervised by Jo and driven by Blackie, with hints of a friendship materialising into something else. The story is so authentic and uplifting. Can’t wait to read more.
Thanks to NetGalley and Quercus Books for the advance copy in return for an honest review.
#We’ll Meet Again #NetGalley

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Try as I might, I just cannot get into this book. it may be formatting and layout of book as a ARC, but the plot also drags a bit and is slow to get into. I really just cannot finish it, as much as I like the concept and the description.

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It was 1941 in the small town of Gosport, not far from London and Rainey Bird, Bea Herron and Ivy Sparrow were relishing their roles in The Bluebird Girls. From the school choir where they had excelled to the stages in clubs and hotels, the three girls were making people happy. The bombs continued to fall, there were even German prisoners of war – airmen mostly – who were nearby, chafing at being incarcerated, but looked after.

Jo, Rainey’s mum, was the girl’s chaperone, while Blackie was their manager, driver, piano player and money man. Not that there was much of that to be had. The Bluebird Girls were in demand. As the war worsened and rationing intensified, there was more for the friends to be concerned about. Would they continue to cope with all that was surrounding them?

We’ll Meet Again is the 2nd in The Bluebird Girls series by Rosie Archer and once again I loved it. Set in Britain during WWII, there was intrigue, a little mystery and some drama thrown into the mix. As well as some beautiful songs from the three young women with magical voices. (I felt like I could hear them singing anyway 😉) Highly recommended – but do start with #1.

With thanks to NetGalley and Quercus for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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A sweet book, engrossing and entertaining.
I liked the well researched historical setting, the fleshed characters, and the plot that kept me interested till the end.
I like historical fiction and this one an excellent specimen.
Even if I didn't read the previous instalment I had no issues with the character or the plot as there is a lot of back story.
I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to Quercus Books and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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A fun sweet read that follows three young women - Rainey, Ivy, and Bea- their manager Blackie, and chaperone Jo as they sing in local venues in the UK during WWII. I missed the first book, which was not a problem because Archer gives enough back story to catch you up with who's who. It's set in December 1941 and reflects the trauma (and the happy times) of the period. There's loss but there's a lot of love too. Or at least love interests! Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. An easy and enjoyable novel that's perfect for a lazy afternoon.

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This is book two in the series about the Bluebird girls. The girls are starting to get popular and get a lot more venues to sing at. Jo gives up her job to become their chaperone and starts to grow closer to Blackie as he drives them around the country to their gigs. I had enjoyed The Bluebird Girls and liked catching up with Bea, Rainey and Ivy in We’ll Meet Again. If you enjoy this genre I can highly recommend this book and I look forward to catching up with them all again in January 2020 when book three is due out.

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A lovely read a book I cuddled up in my reading chair and left my world and was drawn into this wonderful story characters a really delightful read an author I will be reading more of her books and recommending. #netgalley#Quercus books.

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