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Meant to Be Yours

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Rene and Jasper live in a wedding destination town, Happily, Inc. Rene is a successful wedding planner that works at Wedding in A Box. Jasper is retired veteran is a successful writer. They both want nothing to do with relationships and agree to a "friends with benefits" no strings attached arrangement. Both have their reasons that are significant to the story. When Jasper decides that his character will begin a new relationship, he finds that he can't write women and asks Rene for help. He takes it a step further and that could be the end of their arrangement. Always a pleasure to revisit this town and its characters.

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Susan Mallery knows how to write an emotional and intriguing story with unforgettable characters. This is a smoothly written story with great dynamics between complex and interesting characters. It is the fifth book in the Happily, Inc series and this story takes place in the small town of Happily, Inc., a wedding destination town.

Jasper was in the military and is still trying to recover from PTSD. He is big and exudes strength and confidence, yet he is vulnerable, reclusive and resigned to being a different person than he was before being in the military. He has become a successful author and is content with his solitary life; he knows he is too damaged for a relationship.

Renee has been hurt in the past and she lacks confidence and is afraid to trust anyone. She is a wedding planner and when she meets Jasper, she is immediately attracted to him.

Jasper and Renee are total opposites, but somehow they click and help each other with their issues. They are two wounded souls who get together and find they make a whole. They help each other accept who they are, so they can slowly heal and enjoy life again. I enjoyed this engaging story.

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I was provided with an ARC of this title by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This was a light-hearted romance about a couple who wants nothing more than a casual, no strings attached relationship.

Renee has been burned too many times by her own expectations. Her family is unique, and has cost her disappointment in love. She is determined to avoid being hurt, and knows she will never find the supportive bond her friends have found.

Jasper is a veteran who witnessed horrific things during his deployment. He is haunted by those memories, and believes his PTSD leaves him ill-equipped for the emotional side of a relationship. Jasper has writer's block, and he convinces Renee to let him shadow her work as a wedding planner in the hopes that he'll be able to realistically portray a relationship in his work-in-progress.

Soon their relationship slips past the boundaries they have erected around it, and they have to decide if they will move past their fear to chase it.

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The fifth book in the series follows Renee the wedding coordinator and novelist Jasper, both are convinced (and solidly so) that they aren’t interested in a relationship that involves any sort of commitment. Jasper comes with a pile of issues -> he’s got PTSD, and while he uses his personal experience to fuel his hard-hitting detective on his search for serial killers. Unfortunately, his writing hasn’t helped to allay his own recurring thoughts, and his editor and publisher decide that he needs to stretch his character to include a relationship – either girlfriend or wife – something Jasper has no interest or experience with. Here is where Renee can help – if only he’ll let her in.

The oft-used premise of two people who claim to not want relationships but fall into one in a pseudo friends-with-benefits and no commitments to relying on one another is familiar, and their friendship and conversations build naturally despite the recurring use of the trope. Both Renee and Jasper have plenty of opportunity for growth, and there are some wonderful “chick flick” moments and pop-culture references that will ‘date’ this story for readers in several years, but they mix nicely to add a pop of ‘familiar’ to a situation that, while plausible, is fictional and not of this world.

Having only read the first book in this series before this one, even with no current grounding in the Happily, Inc. world, this story stands on its own two feet, and brings a sense of place and people without needing the background. With behind the scenes wedding moments and the gradual incorporation of the couple, together and separately, into the community with often laughable moments, the story was easy to read and engaging. The addition of a short story that left a smile, the story leaves you with a sense of completeness and belief in ‘a lid for every pot’ as both Jasper and Renee find their new normal and it’s far different than they ever expected.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at <a href=””> <a> I am, Indeed </a>

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The newest book in the Happily Inc series , Meant To be Yours is Renee and Jasper’s story . While trying to find inspiration for a female love interest in the book he is writing , Jasper ends up spending time with Renee . As they spend time together they end up developing stronger feelings for each other .
Susan Mallery is one of my favorites and never disappoints. She has a way of creating books that delight.
I received an Arc of the book for my honest review .

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Renee Grothen has always gone the extra mile for her clients. As a wedding coordinator, she is willing to do just about anything. For example, allowing one couple's dog to serve as the best man. However, when Jasper Dembenski wants to take their non-commitment relationship a step further - and no, not what you might be thinking ...

Okay, I will start over. Jasper is a NYT bestselling author. He wants to add a different character to his very successful series. What better way than to use Renee's business and clients as his research outlet. This is where Renee's kindness stops. Oh yes, she is very attracted to Jasper. If he wants to get closer, she is all for that. But, for him to set foot on her sacred ground - that of making the wedding day the best it could possibly be for those involved - she balks.

Renee really wasn't looking for her own happily ever after. But, Jasper just might be "the one". However, after his years in the military, Jasper hardly thinks he is long-term material. Furthermore, as things progress, Jasper makes a serious faux pas. That added a nice level of conflict in this romance.

I haven't had the chance to read the previous four titles in this series. No worries though. This book did perfectly fine as a standalone. Nonetheless, I am more than eager to go back to the beginning to see how the other couples in the lovely town found love.

Meant to be Yours was a delightful story. I enjoyed watching this couple overcome their obstacles, especially with Jasper giving himself a chance at love. With regard to Renee, she had something serious that she was keeping close to her vest. Although it took time, it was wonderful to see how she handled that as she drew closer to Jasper.

This enjoyable romance included in this book is a brief story of one of the characters in the book. That was a touching story as well.

Many thanks to Harlequin and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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MEANT TO BE YOURS (Happily Inc Book 5) by Susan Mallery is a contemporary romance set in the wedding destination town of Happily Inc. Even though this is the fifth book in the series, it can easily be read as a standalone romance with a complete HEA.

Renee Grothen is a wedding coordinator at Weddings Out of the Box. She works hard at making sure everything is as perfect as possible for such a memorable day for every couple. As happy as she is for each of the couples, she believes that marriage is never to be in her future.

Jasper Dembenski is a successful suspense novelist who has managed to make a comfortable life for himself in Happily Inc. Jasper had severe PTSD when he left the Army and still feels he is broken and unable to have any type of permanent relationship.

When the two are seated together on game night at The Boardroom, there is an attraction that surprises them both. Neither is looking for permanent, but can they have a no strings fling?

Renee soon becomes the inspiration for the female character that Jasper needs to add as a love interest in his book. As he writes and learns about his female character, he learns about relationships and his own life. Maybe he is not as broken as he believes. Renee may seem to have it all together, but she has a lot of secrets in her past that have shaped how she relates to her present. Is she willing to take a leap of faith and put her heart on the line one more time?

I read this book in one day. I was so engrossed in finding out how Ms. Mallery was going to take two people who believed they would never have a HEA for themselves and give them their HEA together. This romance has more H/h character development than most intertwined with realistic dialogue and sex scenes while also keeping you entertained with secondary characters and the weddings happening at Weddings Out of the Box. I felt empathy with Jasper right away, but it took finding out the secrets in Renee’s past for me to understand her and how she was emotionally damaged. Renee’s mom, Verity was a wonderful secondary character and I enjoyed how she interacted with all the people, pets and animals in Happily Inc.

I always know I will be engaged and entertained when I read a Susan Mallery romance. This is another heartfelt addition to the Happily Inc series.

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Renee Grothen doesn't especially want to get married, even though she's a wedding coordinator. Instead, she's willing to indulge in some fun and then go her separate ways from the guy. At least that's what she's telling herself. And the guy she happens to have her eye on is Jasper Dembenski, local and author extraordinaire.
Jasper is just coming off a book tour which he did in an RV. On his last stop, he discovered a starving dog and adopted it. He's always thought that his military past made him unsuitable to have a normal life but there are others who would disagree with him, even his ex-flame Wynn who is a friend of Renee's (that complication is handled in a very adult manner, nicely done.) Renee isn't going to be his forever after but she's definitely hot and the fact that she's helping him get past his writer's block is an added bonus.
A really nice addition to the Happily Inc. series. I'm excited to read Wynn's story (hopefully soon!)

Four stars
This book came out October 22nd
ARC kindly provided by Harlequin and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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When I started reading Meant to be Yours, I didn't realize it was part of a series. I was a little lost in the interactions with some of the other characters because I knew you were supposed to have read the other books to really understand all of the relationships, but even still, I loved this book.

Jasper has to be one of my favorite characters in a romance. I love that he's a writer and that he has to follow Renee around to learn the wedding business. This was such a unique romance and I really appreciated how fresh it was.

I'll definitely be reading the other Happily Inc romances, even if I am starting backwards. Mallery has a fun writing voice, she stays true to the romance and the characters and Meant to be Yours is perfectly readable.

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Another happy ending in Happily Inc

I read Susan Mallery's books for relaxation, diversion, fun and a bit of frolicing. This one certainly hit the spot! Can't wait for the next installment in the Happily Inc series!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the loan of a time-constrained e-arc. I am not obliged to post a review, and these opinions are my own.

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Light read. Not my favorite of the series, but I really enjoyed Renee's job and all that goes into it. Jasper was a great guy, how he not knew that he wasn't broken was beyond me. I wasn't feeling the chemistry at first, and the timing seemed a bit off, but overall it was a good story. The pets were adorable and add in an animal mind reading mother... fun!

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I enjoyed reading about Happily Inc. I loved Jasper and his dog, Koda. I love how protective Koda was of Jasper. I love Jaspers character development. He makes mistakes but he owns them. The chemistry between him and Renee was electric! Renees mom, Verity adds something special to the story. I can’t wait to see where the next installment of this town takes us!

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It's been a hot minute since I read a Susan Mallery novel, and this one did not disappoint! Renee is a wedding coordinator whose mother has a knack for knowing what animals are thinking. Her mother's ability to do so drove away her last boyfriend and she's been afraid that she also has the same ability. Jasper is a mystery novel writer who is also a military veteran. He ends up with a dog on his way back from a book tour. They agree to a no strings attached friends with benefits arrangement. Only they didn't bet on inner transformations that changed how each wanted their relationship to progress!

I've always enjoyed Susan's books. Back when I purchased paperbacks, I would buy the latest ones just as soon as they made it onto the bookstore shelves. While her books always have a happy ending, getting there is unique in each book she crafts.

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This is typical Susan Mallery, great story and romance. I had no idea this was the 5th book in a series, so am going to go back and read the other 4. Susan Mallery is one of the authors that you can rely on to give you a good story with each book. Highly recommend!

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This has been a great series by Susan Mallery. I love the premise of the town and the fact that all of the characters intermingle with each other. Getting Renee and Jasper together was a lot of fun as they both felt they were broken, however I also enjoyed the surprise coupling of Renee's mom and Carol's dad. I loved the fun in the book of Renee's mom being able to talk to animals and the effects it had on her daughter. This was a great happy ever after book and definitely worth the read! I hope there will be more books in the happily inc series!!!

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Meant to be Yours is a cute book in the Happily Inc series. I honestly hadn’t read the previous four, but that didn’t hurt in taking in the story at all. I felt like I got to know each character in this book, rather than feel like I was missing something. Some authors can’t achieve that, so Mallery scored some points there.

The story itself was sweet and engaging and my favorite character was, of course, Jasper. Who couldn’t like that guy? The issues he and Renee had were legit and could happen to anyone, though her mom’s…talent? was a little…different. But it was worked in well and didn’t make the story seem hokey.

For lovers of Susan Mallery, you will not be disappointed in this story line. The only complaint I do have is regarding the ending. It just…ended. All of a sudden the story wrapped up and it was just over, with ten chapters of the next book taking up the rest of the document on my kindle (30%). I was confused by the abrupt ending at 70% and am not sure if that was a mistake or intentional. I can see where that part of the story could have been that cliffhanger that hooks you for the next book, but it was simply too hasty and then confusing with so much of the next book.

If you’ve read the previous books in the series, definitely pick it up. A good story is there. Just be prepped for a quick ending.

I received an advanced copy of this book and all opinions are my own

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The Summer of Sunshine and Margot was my first book of Susan Mallery's and it did not disappoint, so when I was offered the opportunity to read this fifth book in her Happily Inc. series, I jumped at the chance! The author provided sufficient backstory in Meant to Be Yours so I did not feel perplexed with the places, people and previous proceedings.

Straightaway, I felt an immediate connection to the main character Jasper Dembenski, an author and veteran. As the story progressed I was introduced to more endearing, comical, and dynamic characters. Wedding planner Renee Grothen was strong, spirited, yet vulnerable. Renee’s mother, Verity brought so much comedic value to the story, as well as a very interesting and quirky gift that had me chuckling in amusement.

When Jasper has difficulty working out how to write a woman character into his latest story, Renee becomes his inspiration in more ways than one. Neither wants a relationship or anything more due to their turbulent pasts, but will they settle on their non-relationship being enough?

One of my favourite book tropes is witty banter and I definitely enjoyed the banter in this book. I was delighted and relieved when the relationships in Meant to Be Yours turned out to be refreshingly real. I loved the writing style of Susan Mallery and I really appreciated the satisfying and fulfilling ending.

I thought this was a book of absolute brilliance and it would make a perfect addition on the bookshelf of anyone who loves their sweet romances with a soupçon of salt. I will definitely be reading more of Susan Mallery's books!

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novel, at my own request, from Harlequin - Romance via NetGalley. This review is my own unbiased opinion.

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Right off the bat I was sucked into this compelling, funny at times, and heartwarming story. Susan obviously knows what she’s doing by including a dog within the first 15 pages. As a proud Dog Mom of my adorable rescued Bichon Frise, Baxter, I felt an immediate connection to the main character Jasper, a veteran and author. As the story progresses you meet more endearing, comical, and dynamic characters. I absolutely love Renee, the wedding planner. She is super spunky, but vulnerable and strong. Something about a strong female character that is just so satisfying. One of my favorite book tropes ever is witty banter, and I definitely enjoyed the banter in this book. I find a romance to be extremely enjoyable when there are realistic relationships, ups and downs, and banter. There is no way a relationship is perfect all the time, so I was very relieved when the relationships in Meant To Be Yours were refreshingly real.

The atmosphere of the adorable town, Happily Inc, is so magical and quaint that it makes you long for it to be real so you can go visit. The shops, and the bar that everyone gathers at on Monday nights for games remind me of places I’ve visited before. This is one of those books that will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions, but leave you craving more to the point where you blink and realize you’re halfway through the book already! I got total Bride Quartet by Nora Roberts vibes reading this, which is one of my absolute favorite romance series… yes sometimes I am a mush! I will definitely be reading the rest of the Happily Inc books, as Susan Mallery’s writing style is something that I have fallen in love with. Such a flowy, engaging form of story telling. Definitely a feel good pick me up kind of book!

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There’s a theory that dogs come into our lives because we need them, but cats come into our lives because they need us, can’t admit it, and the entire universe is rigged to do their bidding anyway. I digress, just a bit.

But this story begins with a dog. In fact, poor Koda is the first person who comes into Jasper Dembenski’s life because they are meant to be his. And helps Jasper to heal enough – or to acknowledge the progress he’s made in his own healing enough – to allow Jasper to let Renee Grothen into his heart – by way of his bed. Or hers.

Because they’re meant to be each other’s – even if it takes them both a while to figure that out.

After all, Jasper believes that the things he experienced during his military service, and the PTSD the service left him with, have left him too damaged to deal with any relationship more complicated than friends-with-benefits, with as much emphasis on the benefits and as little on the actual friendship as his partners in those “relationships” are willing to tolerate.

Renee is one of the wedding planners at Weddings Out of the Box, the themed wedding service venue owned and operated by Pallas Saunders Mitchell, the heroine of the series opener You Say it First (which, BTW was lovely and fun and charming and got me hooked on this series.)

When it comes to weddings, Renee believes that those who can, do. And those who can’t become wedding planners. Her love life has been fairly disastrous, and she’s not interested in trying again.

But a woman has needs. Needs that Jasper is more than willing to help her with. After all, men have needs too. In Jasper’s case, while he’s all in on the benefits of the friends with benefits relationship they enter into, Jasper also needs something else from Renee.

Jasper is the best selling author of a long-running detective series. And that particular series needs to wrap up. Both Jasper and his editor are sure that what his loner of a detective (art imitates life) needs is to fall in love and find his HEA – or at least some purpose to his life besides catching serial killers.

However, Jasper can’t figure out how to write a female character who is not either a serial killer herself or the victim of one. He needs to learn out how women think. So he turns to his friend Renee for help and advice.

Thus the confirmed bachelor ends up shadowing the wedding planner to discover what makes women tick by observing them as they plan their weddings. And Jasper and Renee end up spending a lot of time together, fully dressed, in scenarios where they have to talk with each other in complete sentences.

Not that they don’t still nearly screw everything up.

But with the help of nearly every person in Happily Inc, Jasper’s dog Koda, Renee’s cats Fred and Lucille – and Renee’s mother Verity who understands what ALL the animals in town are thinking – they finally manage not to mess up their own HEA.

Even if there are more than a few times when it feels like the entire situation is going to the dogs. Complete with pooper scooper.

Escape Rating B+: Koda does come into Jasper’s life because Jasper needs him. Don’t get me wrong, the dog gets PLENTY out of the arrangement, but Koda does an especially good job of helping Jasper. Meanwhile, Fred and Lucille come into Renee’s life because they need her to help them get back together.

And in spite of how many times Renee’s mother Verity’s gift for understanding what animals are thinking has caused Renee all kinds of grief, it’s Verity’s gift that allows Koda, Fred and Lucille to get their messages across.

Obviously I fell into this particular book for the pets, and they are an important part of this story. Also, the giant dog wedding is a hoot!

But as much fun as all of the animal interactions are, it’s the humans in this one who are involved in the romance. Even if that’s not what either of them thinks is happening at first. Especially if that’s not what either of them wants to happen, or thinks is even possible TO happen.

The romance of this one is watching Jasper and Renee take two steps forward and sometimes three steps back on their road to a real relationship. At the beginning they are both certain that they are too broken for love or marriage – but having a regular sex partner is terrific.

They become friends. Slowly and hesitatingly. And their friendship eventually manages to work because Renee calls Jasper on his shit and doesn’t back down until he both understands what he did wrong AND apologizes for it.

His laser focus on his work and his tunnel vision in pursuing his vision of it does get him into trouble. Watching him work his way out of that trouble is fascinating. At the same time, one of the things that really worked for me in their relationship is the way that Renee accepts his need to completely concentrate on the work when it’s flowing. She doesn’t expect him to change who he is. He just needs to learn to not step on anyone else in his drive to get the story “right”.

As much as I love the town of Happily Inc and this series, it was the portrayal of Renee that dropped the story from an A- to a B+. Let’s just say that I empathize with how hard Jasper found it to get inside her head because I had the same difficulty.

I liked so much about her, but her fear of a relationship didn’t feel quite right, at least not based on the examples of where her previous relationships went wrong. The action and reaction didn’t feel quite proportionate – but YMMV.

I did like the way their relationship built slowly, and by fits and starts. And I certainly loved seeing Jasper grovel when he needed to – and there were plenty of times when he needed to.

But for this reader the animals stole the show and happily trotted away with it!

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Jasper is a former military man suffering from PTSD. He became a famous writer and is returning to his home in the small town of Happily Inc after a successful tour and eventually adopted a dog along the way. He likes his home in the mountains because this is where he can write his books in peace and quiet, but this time nothing is working. He is writing the last book in the series and wants to give Detective Vidar a romantic match but the girl simply does not gain form and consistency in his mind to write the story. The result: Writer’s block. He devises a plan to try to get to know women better and to be inspired for his character.
Renee loves to organize themed weddings and is adept at handling problem situations. She and Jasper begin to get involved and enjoy the involvement as neither wants a serious relationship. But when she finds herself forced to have Jasper accompanying her at party organizations to try to write a female character for his next book, she didn't realize that those meetings would become more than mere research and great sex.
With light and fun writing, Susan Mallery creates a sweet story about fresh starts, strength, overcoming, and of course love.
I really liked the history with the presence of the characters from previous books and cute pets. I just found Renee's reaction a little rude at the crucial moment of the plot since her own mother had already overcome the ghosts of the past and she is the cause of Renne's trauma .
Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC – This is my honest review.
3,5/5 stars

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