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Ice Hard

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Nick is called The Dominator on the ice. He watches his best friend's back both on and off the Ice.. Calli is a protector of her family.' She wants to buy the family restraurant. She meets Nick at Chris's bachelor party while covering for her brother, bartending. She doesnot date hockey players! Nick means to change her mind. This is their story. You will be drawn in by MS Goodwin's twist and turns, building of the characters, family obligations and love, all interwoven into the world of hockey. I couldn't put it down, just turning pages to find out what next. This is the second book in the New York Nighthawks series,

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Cami drove me nuts, Nick stoke my heart, and there were several I wanted to body check. Great story of overcoming heartache to finding and accepting love.

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This was an advanced reader book that I received in exchange for my honest review.
Bad boy hockey player meets Cami and suddenly his life changes.. This was a predictable book, second in the series, but can be read as a standalone. There wasn't anything that kept my interest in this book except maybe the banter between the main characters, but even that was tiresome after a while.
If you like sports romances and a quick read, you will enjoy this book.

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I enjoyed, Ice Hard. I just wish it wasn't Deja Vu for me. Other hockey romance novels have the ex husband or boyfriend on opposing teams. I'm glad that is they only similarities. Nick is such a gentleman, he's really patient. Good thing or he never would have won Camille over.

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Love this series by Tracy! If you love hockey stories this is the one for you! 5 hockey pucks for this one!
Meet Nick, Chris' best friend and teammate on the Nighthawks. They are out at Chris' bachelor party, with Nick as his best man, the speech he makes damn near brings the room to tears! Nick realizes he wants what Chris has, true love, but where can he get that, the dating app he joined didn't have the greatest selection of sane women. Just then the bartender, Cami, a beautiful woman, and he wanted to get to know her better. Only problem is Cami has sworn off jocks, but Nick is a tough one to ignore. Can he help her get over her distaste of jocks and choose to be with him?
This story held my attention the entire time, I could not put this down, make sure you grab your copy asap!

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4 1/2 stars. I just love me a handsome, genuine, sexy and oh so sweet hero! Even better when he also happens to be an alpha professional hockey player. Nick George is both men in one swoony package. He is ready to find the one and wants to fall in love and settle down like his best friend and teammate Chris recently did. Camille (Cami) never ever wants to be with a hockey player again thanks to the way her ex-husband treated her. This does not bode well for Nick who is completely smitten with her at first sight. Can Nick win Cami over and get her to take a chance on him? It sure is a pleasure to watch him try. I live both of these characters so much as they feel very relatable. It is easy to see how their pasts have shaped who they are now. This was a wonderful story from beginning to end. I really enjoyed it! Second book I’ve read by this author and I am really liking her style. So far I love this series and look forward to the next book!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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Nick and Cami made a wonderful couple. Every moment they were together made me smile. Nick was such a gentleman. Most times when you read about Hockey players in romance novels, they usually are just looking for a good time, a quick one and done. But Nick wasn't like that. He may have been in the past but for a while he'd been seriously thinking about a "forever" girl. Someone who could be his other half. The half that completes him. His best friend found the girl of his dreams and Nick wasn't only happy for him, but he was envious. Nick wanted love. He wanted his own dream girl.

Cami is cautious. She is a strong, independent, sassy heroine. And she doesn't date hockey players. Cami has a good reason for that as you will learn. But she is on Nick's radar and he is persistent. But Cami is just as willful. I enjoyed the banter between Nick and Cami. I enjoyed watching them navigate an eventual relationship. I believed their love. They realistically worked for their happily-ever-after.

Another aspect I enjoyed about this book were all the "feels." The emotional elements were poignant and believable. I admit, I was sad about a few things but the author did a wonderful job, all around, with writing an enjoyable book. This is the second book in this series and I look forward to reading more.

This is my honest and unbiased review. Thank you for taking the time to read it. :)

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I knew Ice Hard (A New York Nighthawks Novel) was for me because it’s a hockey romance and I love them so much. I was right because I enjoyed this book.
Nick was hot, smart, good and a bit dorky. I loved that he watched documentaries about insects and random topics. He also knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to put himself out there. I liked his honesty and determination. I think he might have been written a little too perfect (what man is perfect? 😂😂) but I liked he wasn’t some reformed bad boy, which is what we typically see in hockey romances. That was refreshing.
Camille doesn’t date hockey players; she was hurt in the worst way by an ex. Yet there is something about Nick that makes her question this position. Could she trust him? Should she give him a chance? When she finally lets him in, only to then be deeply hurt by people close to her, she runs scared because she feels she isn’t good enough for Nick. Honestly this part ticked me off because while I get her insecurities I don’t understand why this situation forced her to run.
This is a very steamy read. I liked Nick and Camille’s chemistry and banter. They were a perfect match. I also loved the rest of the Nighthawks, especially Thor and I am eager for his story next (hopefully). Overall, I enjoyed this story. It was sweet, funny and steamy and of course, hockey players!!! And the Epilogue was everything! Super sweet and one of my favorite parts of Nick and Camille’s story.
Ice Hard releases on October 8.
I received an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Nick is the perfect mix of a hunky, successful athlete who also is kind and interesting. He’s not interested in puck bunnies and prefers to watch documentaries about insects or history. He’s attracted to Camille when he meets her bartending for his best buddy’s bachelor party. Camille has had a tough few years after she was dumped by her first husband, a hockey player, suffered a dreadful miscarriage, had her mother die, and grown apart from her father. She is just trying to hold her family together and take care of the family restaurant, but her father refuses to let her buy the restaurant and would prefer to sell to an outsider.

There was room for plenty of plot and character development in the story, but that all seemed to take second place once the two main characters started sleeping together. At that point the ratio of sex to plot shortchanged the plot which felt rushed for the second part of the book.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I liked this book (Ice Hard by Tracy Goodwin), I just have to say it wasn't my favorite and I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first book in this series. liked the set up on scorcher I thought it was a nice detail even though it blows up in the end. I did like the mystery that was stringing the book along but I really felt like it was just thrown at you too soon. Like I feel like there was such a better way to reveal that than just having Sally say it. I will say that the characters are extremely developed to the point that I know how they will act in every situation which is what makes the ending so hard. I think my least favorite part of the book is the end because both characters are really just waiting for the break up moment it just felt forced and not natural. I will say though that the epilogue was great! I loved that they had adopted two kids and everything. So all in all it was a good book, just not my favorite.

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Ice Hard is the second book in the Nighthawks series. You do not need to read the first book to get into the story or the series, as it is a true standalone. The story was ultra sugar sweet, with the main character, Nick, being every woman's ideal partner. I had a problem with that because there was no character development, no growth. The story revolved around Cami not being healed enough to accept the "perfect" man right in front of her. This type of book is why women get unrealistic ideals of what a man will/should do in a relationship. I'm giving this book three chilli peppers of hotness.

I was given a free ARC in exchange for my unbiased opinion, all thoughts are my own. Thank you NetGalley and Random House for the ARC.

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I liked this book, I just have to say it wasn't my favorite and I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first book in this series. First, I'm glad to know that Chris and Serena are having a baby and I like that Nick and Cami meet right away so you really get into the point of the book. Also, I liked the set up on scorcher I thought it was a nice detail even though it blows up in the end. I did like the mystery that was stringing the book along but I really felt like it was just thrown at you too soon. Like I feel like there was such a better way to reveal that than just having Sally say it. I will say that the characters are extremely developed to the point that I know how they will act in every situation which is what makes the ending so hard. Also I love that Chris and Serena are throughout the book especially when they go to Serena's shop, I absolutely loved that. I think my least favorite part of the book is the end because both characters are really just waiting for the break up moment like I hate that they were thinking like that so the break up just felt forced and not even natural. I just generally felt like the ending was rushed, that the author spent so much time developing the characters and the story that by the time she got to the end she wanted them to break up just so they can get back together again. Sometimes, a book doesn't have to have a break up! So to me the end was very anticlimactic. I will say though that the epilogue was great! I loved that they had adopted two kids and everything. So all in all it was a good book, just not my favorite.

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Lets be honest who does not love a good hockey romance. This hockey romance is hot. Nick is tired of puck bunny's and he is ready to settle down. He sees his best friend happy with one lady and that is what he wants for himself. He sets his sights on Cami. Cami is a little hard to get since she does not date hockey players. Nick will not take no for an answer. The chemistry between these two is intense. I loved Nick. He was just sweet and has a really great personality. Cami is a very strong willed woman who knows what she wants. This book was such a fun read. I am looking forward to the next book in the series. Thanks Net Galley. I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the second book in the series, Nick's and Cami's book. Nick was happy for his best friend Chris but was feeling a little lost and lonely now since he felt a little left behind and he wanted what his friend had. He decided to join the dating app Scorcher. Cami was helping out her younger brother Matt and ends up meeting Nick but he is a hockey player and she will never date a hockey player has been there and done that and has been burned but her family has signed her up for Scorcher and she ends up going on a date with him and they end up having more in common and falling in love. I have to say that Cami's family is horrible, horrible people..I felt so bad for her especially after all that she has done for them.

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"—he's more than sex on a stick. He's genuine, and unlike any man I've ever met, let alone dated. I don't know how much longer I can resist his charms."

This is the second book I've read by this author and I've confirmed it's not a fluke, she's so very talented and her words are life. I devoured this story. I could not put it down.

Nick's nickname is the Dominator. He dominates on the ice and knows how to get under the skin of his opponents. He does his research and learns what buttons to push to get results. He loves his job, hockey makes him happy, but it's not everything. Now that he sees what his best friend has, he wants that too. As he plans to be the best man at the wedding, he wants to bring a real date, not a puck bunny or one-night-stand. He wants more...

What he wants is Cami. If only he can figure out a way to get past her 'no hockey players' rule. He doesn't know why she has that rule, but it's obvious that there's a good reason for it. Someone has hurt her and he's paying the price. Being the negotiator that he is, he convinces her to attend the wedding as his date. At least it's a start, right? Surely he will be able to change her mind about hockey players, they aren't all bad.

Cami is badass. She's sarcastic and unapologetic about her choices. I loved her immediately and totally understood Nick's infatuation. I was very intrigued by her, beyond curious about her past. What has caused her to give up on relationships? "—I'm broken and can't be fixed."

Though she fights it, hard, the chemistry between them is hot enough to melt the ice. Yes, she has legit reasons for being wary. She makes Nick work 'hard' to earn her trust. Hell, she just makes Nick HARD period. "I want her to reconsider her rule. I want her to see me, not what she perceives hockey stars to be."

I'm addicted to the New York Nighthawks series and can't wait to spend more time with the team. I've already got my eye on a few that need a strong woman to soften up some of their hardness, but only in the heart region. The line forms here...

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Nick and Cami are amazing! I loved them together, but they were equally strong as individual characters. I hate that Cami had trouble trusting him, but I was so glad he stuck it out and romanced the hell out of her! I also loved most of the side characters (and hated a few)! Can't wait for more from this series!

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I love a good alpha hockey story but what I loved about this book was the fact that Nick was more than who he was on the ice! After years of senseless hookups and meaningless romance Nick wants to find more! When he meets Camille he knows he will do everything it takes to make her his and boy does she give him the fight of his life!

The spark was there but Camille had been burned before and she wasn’t going to let that happen again. She guarded her heart and didn’t want to let Nick in but his easy going personality and magnetic charm has her falling hard and fast but what will happen when she reveals the secrets she hides!?

I loved this beautiful story and all the funny, crazy secondary characters! I feel that the Nighthawks are my new favorite team!

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Tracy Goodwin is a new to me author, but I definitely think I'm going to go back and read her other novels. Especially the first book in this series Ice Hot. I didn't read that one going into this one, but I didn't feel like I needed to. The couple in the first book appear in this one, but this book is more about Cami and Nick's romance. Which is what I love about romance series! You don't have to read them in order.

I LOVE hockey romances, so of course I jumped to read this book! I liked that the previous playboy hockey player is ready to really find someone and the way Nick tries to woo Cami was so cute! It was clear she had some issues and I definitely understood why she didn't want to get involved with him. At the same time, I think she really went into herself too much and it allowed her family to walk all over her. Her sister was the worst honestly.

The sexy times between these two were good, but if that isn't your thing, maybe skip over this book. I did really like the relationship between these two, but I did find Cami a little frustrating. Because of things about herself (not giving spoilers here) she is so convinced that Nick is just going to leave her like her ex-husband did. But Nick is so much better and kinder than that jerk, and it bummed me out a bit because she hurt him so much.

I had a fun time reading this book, and I heard there is going to be a third book so I'm really excited to read that one, and to go back to read about Nick's best friend in the first book. If you like hockey romances, I would definitely recommend this one.

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I like this authors writing style but honestly I felt the main male character to be too perfect...…...

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This one started off really good, but then about halfway through, I started to lose interest. Which is a shame since I have really enjoyed this series. I skipped around until I finished the book. Luckily, I really enjoyed the last chapter and the epilogue. The epilogue was perfect.
Cami and Nick are a 'real' couple who deal with 'real' issues.
Overall, 4 stars.
This one can be read on its own with no issues even though you wont have met Chris and Serena.

Possible triggers are miscarriage and not being able to have children.

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