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Fallen kept me turning the pages as fast as I could. Rebecca Zanetti is a master storyteller.There’s intrigue, the mob, undercover assignments and so much more. There is also a great deal of humor. The passion between Raider and Brigid is scorching. Of course Roscoe the dog steals the show. It’s not often you run across a high heel wearing, alcoholic German shepherd. He had tears running down my face. I just loved this book. As funny as it was sometimes it is romantic suspense. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Rebecca Zanetti
September 24, 2019

Briged Banaghan, the red headed, emerald eyed computer wizard takes a job working for HDD as a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card. It was arranged for her to be picked up by one of the Deep OPs team to start running their tech department. She is aware that the team is unorthodox but can’t wait to sit in front of their computer system to begin helping the crew solve cases.
Raider Tanaka entered the door to the Deep OP building and took the old elevator down to the offices. A bell rang as the doors opened. It wasn’t much but it was the only security system the Ops office had aside from the team member’s strength and ingenious methods of unraveling even the most difficult injustices. Raider’s latest was to locate Briged’s father, Sean, an upstate New York farmer. Prior to his marriage, he was in enforcer for a syndicated mob boss. All this took place prior to Briged’s birth. He left his criminal ways behind, married and raised his daughter. Raider’s handler charged him to take Brigid as his accomplice. They were to go undercover as recently engaged to meet Sean. On their visit Raider needed to search the farm for any whereabouts of the Irish organized crime out of Boston. Aside from the drug running the dark side shows missing girls out of Thailand coming to the states. These victims of human trafficking are also part of their operation. Force hoped to get word on the time and date of the docking to get the FBI involved in their recovery.
True to Rebecca Zanetti’s creative writing style, this book is exciting, has humor and is a teaser that is tough to put down. It holds the entire Deep OPs character family, complete with Roscoe, the German Shepherd, that lives and works with the team’s head operative, Angus Force. Of course Wolfe is involved in acting as Tanaka’s cooperative in many scenes. His kitten, Kat, is still a prime character that visits others throughout the novel.
This is Zanetti’s second Deep OPs adventure. Our first intro to the team was Hidden, then the novella, Taken. It appears the series will continue due to the addition of a lead-in chapter of #3 Broken after the completion of the book. Fallen is due to be released on September 24, 2019 by Zebra Books of Kensington Publishing Corp. My gratitude goes out to them for allowing me to read the advance copy of Fallen. It’s a 5 star hit in my eyes!!

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I have loved everything this author has written and Fallen is no different. This book was full of secrets, actions, suspense, and romance. Brigid was awesome and Raised was too. I love this series and I seriously can't wait for the next one.

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This is book 2 in the Deep Ops series and you absolutely have to read the first book before reading this one otherwise you may be lost. This one is about Brigid Banaghan and Raider Tanaka. Brigid is the computer hacker that we met in the first book and Raider is her handler as long as she is working with them. When they are tasked with an assignment to investigate her father, they must pretend to be closer than they truly are. She is determined to clear his name and Raider is determined to finish the op while still keeping her safe. But Brigid has secrets of her own, and them getting closer just might get them both more hurt than either is planning on.

I absolutely loved this one! I have wanted a story featuring these 2 since they were introduced in the first book, and this in no way disappoints! Brigid definitely has secrets that she can't tell anyone. And I fully understand her reasoning and fears. Raider has his own issues because of his childhood, and watching him work past it was great! They make this great team together, and even though Brigid is not a field operator-she still steps up to the plate and gets things done. There is lots of not only action and suspense but also a chance to fall in love. And after the things that happen in this book? I really can't wait for the next one!! I really need Wolfe's story!! Because that epilogue?? OMG!! I can't wait!!!

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Not my first Rebecca Zanetti book and won't be my last based on how much I loved all these characters!

Raider and Brigid are hysterically perfect for each other. Their banter and determination not to lie to each other definitely kept things interesting. Riader is the ultimate macho "much protect the female" and Brigid is the exact opposite. They're determetined to get this opp done...safely and without any losses but their arguing and posturing may get in the way.

Add in a dog that drinks and had a hihh heel fetish, a crazy co-worker with a kitten and some seeiou inter-office tension between Angus Force and the team shrink, Nari and you've got the motlyest group of operatives. The bad guy is literally bats*hit crazy but keeps Riader and the team on their toes for the entire book. Now that is my kinda bad guy.

A phenomenal world built with characters that will hold up for the rest of the series. There's action and suspense, romance and hilarity. Fallen has it all and more.

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Rebecca Zanetti does a good job of following up her Deep Ops series with Book 2, Fallen. She grows our affection for her brave, funny, likeable mix-and-match team of operatives and gives us a smoking hot couple in Raider and Brigid. The plot gets high marks for the amount of danger and suspense but ultimately our heroes get by with determination, grit, and not a small amount of luck. Subplots for the secondary characters set up future storylines for the series without stealing the spotlight from Raider and Brigid. I thought this integration was particularly well done!

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed reading this , and I recommend it to everyone.

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I enjoyed the continuation of this series. I really liked the hero and heroine. I would have liked to see more of them faking a relationship as I feel like that was kind of breezed past. The dynamics of this team are an added bonus that adds a lot of camradierie to a typical romance. Having her father be such a bad ass was really fun as well.

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When I got this book it was almost torturous. I was in the middle of another book and rushed through just so I could get to Raider's story. It didn't disappoint. This book was a captivating work of art that moved me. I was crying, jumping up and down and literally just enjoying the banter and wit between these two.

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Thanks to author for providing this copy through Netgalley

If you are looking for romantic suspense, thriller and some humour, this is perfect book for you. It was my first book from this author and I'll look forward for more.
I liked main and second characters, author's style.
Very fast paced, it's a book about one special unit in undercover. Our main characters started with a lot of slow burn and finished with hot sex scenes.
Safe, both experienced, no OP scenes

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This is the second in the series, and I’ve enjoyed both of them. There were some moments that i had to suspend my disbelief, but it was a fun, suspenseful story. I can’t wait for the next in the series!

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Raider Tanaka, a former federal agent, and Brigid Branaghan, a hacker, have been put together by Angus Force of the Deep Ops unit to work on bringing down an Irish mob boss who took over after his father died. They both have personal ties to the case, though Brigid wasn't aware of her connection. They agree to pose as an engaged couple to ferret out the truth and gain an in on the organization. They get more than they bargained for. Raider has to go deeply undercover to deal with the mob boss, and his life is constantly on the line. But other lives are at stake.

And Brigid has a secret that she's keeping from Raider.
This is the most suspenseful book of the series yet, with breath-stealing, life-or-death situations at nearly every page turn. Everyone (especially Raider) gets badly injured so much it's almost a running joke.

Raider is a buttoned-down former fed who is a bad-ass beneath the surface. He's protective and dangerous and sexy. Drunk Raider is hilarious. Brigid is a brilliant hacker. She gets into some dangerous situations that are out of her depth, but she has her own strengths.

Fallen is fast-paced, suspenseful, and full of colorful characters. Wolfe is always entertaining, and the Angus/Nari dynamic is fun to watch. Don't miss Raider and Brigid's story.

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I love this series. The characters are a band of operatives who have problems that led to them being on this team of misfits. They form a tight, almost family unit. My favorites are Wolfe, the scary military man who keeps a kitten in his pocket and brings overly sweet coffee drinks to the office every morning, and Roscoe, a dog with PTSD who has a thing for high heels, makeup, and alcohol.

The story focuses on Brigid, an extremely good hacker, and Raider, her handler, who are going after an Irish mobster. The story was fast moving and the attraction between the two heats up the longer they are together. Raider meeting Brigid’s father was epic father disapproving of his daughter’s taste in men. The bad guys are really nasty, and there is a surprise ending.

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This book is Brigid and Raiders story! This author makes you cry when her book is over because it leaves you wanting more. Brigid is a computer hacker who gets in trouble for hacking the wrong people. Raider works for the wrong people. Raider and Brigid together set out to end a trafficking ring. You will recognize characters from the previous books. The kitten in the pocket and the alcoholic dog are back also. For Adventure and chuckles read the book!,

I read this book as an arc from NetGalley. It gets 5+ stars and more!

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This can be read as a stand alone novel but it will take time for readers to full understand what the HHD is.

Author Rebecca Zanetti has the ability to mix suspense, romance, humor and characters who are flawed that readers will fall head over in heels in love with. The characters are over the top entertaining and will have readers wanting and needing more from this author and the series.

The characters have heart and soul while they are crazy, a dog who is a drunk and people who are the best at what they do.

This is a cant miss series or book from Rebecca Zanetti Deep OPs series.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of Rebecca Zanetti Fallen.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Great second book to the series. I really enjoyed Raider and Brigid's story. There is tons of action, build up and steaminess. They start as fake fiance and then bam it evolves. I loved the story line in this book. In line with the first book there is tons of action. I love the friendships between the guys in this book too. They are really funny- I laughed out loud multiple times. This was a great read. I hope all the books in the series are as good as the first 2.

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Brigid is an extremely good hacker. She is working for a Deep Ops team run by Angus Force. Before long Brigid is working undercover with Raider posing as his fiancé.

This book was part of a series but could be read as a stand alone. There is mystery, suspense and sex in this book. It also has laugh out loud moments, especially with a dog that drinks and wears high heels. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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I’ve Fallen for this series😍

Brigid is working for the Deep Ops team run by Angus Force, doing any computer work required of her. When she’s suddenly thrust into undercover work with Raider Tanaka as his fiancée, things suddenly become far more complicated and explosive than before❣️Throw in her father who turns out to have a secret past, running from the Mob, more secrets, kidnapping and action galore....this story was truly gripping edge😁 The team as a whole is quite unconventional but for all their quirks they make a phenomenal kick butt team. Oh and not to be forgotten the hysterical antics of Roscoe my favourite alcoholic with a height inferiority complex who wears high heels 👠 and a male kitten who slumbers in pockets...truly sensational story once again by Rebecca🤩

Absolutely loved Brigid and Raider and overcoming their individual issues to work together and later become more. Also enjoyed the sneak peek into Wolfe’s story next, which I believe overlaps with a case Dana is investigating....which I eagerly await💕 Thank you to the publisher, Netgalley and Rebecca for my advanced copy for which I voluntarily leave my honest review.

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LOVED this book!!!! OMG, this book is everything you could want in a suspenseful romance! -Its intelligent fast paced and action packed with bits of humor that had me laughing out loud. Brigid is a computer hacker that found herself indebted to the Deep Ops unit. While there, she works undercover with Raider, pretending to be his fiance. You know the way he protects her he is in love way before he knows it. This book is part of a series which you can read as a stand alone, but really adds more to the experience to have read the others books in the series. An absolute 5 star must read! ❤

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This is the second book in this series {there is a novella 1.5}. I have loved this series so much. It has it all, romantic suspense, characters that you will love and can not wait to meet again, humor, and my favorite character which is the dog who likes high heels and liquor. This is a series that I hope has a lot of books published in the future.

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