Cover Image: Seduction on a Snowy Night

Seduction on a Snowy Night

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I received an advance readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

Sexy snowy holiday fun. Very enjoyable pleasure reading

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Three prolific, award winning and bestselling authors have written engaging love stories during snow storms before Christmas. Abduction, kidnapping and second chance tropes for an HEA. Guaranteed for a few hours of pleasurable reading, I would give it more than five stars.
A Christmas Abduction by Madeline Hunter
A Perfect March by Sabrina Jeffries a lead in to her next book The Bachelor
One Wicked Winter's Night by Mary Jo Putney
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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I thought I would like this collection so much more than I actually did. However, I did discover that Mary Jo Putney is a new favourite.

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Three short stories by big name authors begin to usher in the Christmas season! From heiress abducting soldiers to cat-napping dukes, these stories were delightful and witty takes on what happens when two people are snowed in together over the holidays. Mary Jo Putney added an exotic taste of India to her story while Sabrina Jeffries gives readers the extra entertaining challenge of seeing how many Christmas carol phrases they can find 'hidden' in her story. Each one has a fiery and independent heroine and will leave you ready for a romantic, holly jolly holiday.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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A pretty standard Christmas anthology. This is an easy read for the holidays. Sabrina Jeffries’ novella was my favorite.

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I enjoyed these three novellas very much. I like all of these authors and once again was not disappointed by them. My favorite of the novellas was Sabrina Jeffries’ work; this novella is set in the world of her new series, and it has made me more excited than ever to read The Bachelor. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC; all thought and opinions are my own.

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A lovely trio of winter holiday themed short stories. The first two stories are so well-crafted, they truly felt like full length novels. Very satisfying, especially the Sabrina Jeffries. The last story was the weakest, or perhaps I felt the writing was weak. I’ve not read a Mary Jo Putney book before, and unfortunately this offering did not endear me to her.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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A Christmas Abduction by Madeline Hunter:
Wow, for a novella this had the feel of a much longer book. It was fully developed with engaging characters and a storyline that never felt rushed. I found it especially amusing that a young woman would be the instigator behind the kidnapping of a baron. Waiting to find out why exactly she did such a thing was agonizing and then when it’s revealed, it added to the drama and angst of the story.

I loved both Caroline and Adam. This has some great banter between the two as well as chemistry and definitely longing. I admired Caroline for all that she did to save her little family. And Adam was swoon worthy in that he dug right in beside her to help her where needed, especially in the end. There was definitely more to him than what his reputation led one to believe.

I’m still amazed at how such a short book could carry so much within such a small amount of space. Worth buying the book for this story alone!

A Perfect Match by Sabrina Jeffries:
Awww! We have more of the siblings in the Duke Dynasty series! I loved them in Project Duchess and now that I’ve met Heywood, I’m even more in love with them!

Heywood was so darn cute! He refused to admit he was abducting Cass and her cousin Kitty, insisting he was rescuing them. It did feel like an abduction. But with such a charming gentleman leading the way, it was certainly an entertaining way to go. The fact that he fell in love with the woman who wrote the letters his best friend shared with him is a secret little check box I rarely have checked off. Of course, he doesn’t realize it was Cass and not Kitty that wrote them. In addition, he needs an heiress and while Kitty fits the bill, Cass does not. Enter the drama and angst. Sigh. So good!

I adored Heywood. He was lighthearted and kind, always teasing his siblings and even Cass. And yet, he was plenty alpha enough to check off my other boxes, that are not so secretive. Cass was an amazing heroine. She was strong and independent, especially when considering society during this time. Even as she spoke her mind she was never brash or abrasive. Her fiery spirit was part of what capture Heywood’s heart and I loved him for that as well.

Despite the conflict within the story, this was a relatively low angst read. Just enough to drive it onward but not enough to feel like a lead weight in the stomach. This also gives us a wonderful look at a bit of what life at Christmas time was like during this era. It was magical!

Like the above story, this too has the feel of a fully developed novel. It never felt rushed or over the top. Every character included was well written, and I felt as though they were dear and close friends. Overall, a wonderful read that is perfect for the holidays!

One Wicked Winter Night by Mary Jo Putney:

Regrettably, this was not a favorite. It felt more like a story about cats than a romance and I found myself skimming a good portion of it. While the initial conflict between this couple was believable, the resulting issue was not. I did enjoy that Diana was a worldly woman and that she brought a lightness to Anthony’s life. However, I never felt the chemistry between the two. With a novella I need the story to start off pretty quickly and this did not, causing the build up and resolution of this relationship to feel rushed. This is my first book by this author and I’m assuming this is her usual way of writing which is not to my preference. That being said, I’m sure that her fans will enjoy this story.

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I've just read THE CHRISTMAS ABDUCTION so far and really enjoyed Ms. Hunter's story. Even though Adam Prescott has numerous character flaws in the way he has lived his life, when he is abducted at gunpoint, it didn't take him long to identify the villains. Excerpt, Caroline Dunham was not a villain. She believes that Adam has wronged her sister and she wants the issue resolved. What starts out as a tense situation soon turns into a romance of sorts.

Ms. Hunter captures both Adam and Caroline's characters well and I didn't want the story to end. Although I figured out the real villain pretty quickly, but it didn't spoil the story especially the way Adam's resolved the situation.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the stories.

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What a great set of historical romances. Each one was unique and written quite well. Good characters and a wonderful storyline.

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I love all three of these authors, and enjoyed the short stories. I especially like Putney’s One Wicked Winter Night as it gave us a look into the lives of some of her previous characters from her Rouges Redeemed books. The only reason it is not 5 stars is because there is still some need for editing.

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5 stars
Outstanding anthology with novellas by three talented, bestselling historical romance authors

There are three Regency-romance novellas by bestselling historical romance authors contained in this Christmas-themed anthology. A description of the setup of each novella follows with my opinion of each story below that.


Twenty-five-year-old Caroline Dunham belongs to a famous, race-horse-breeding family which has experienced crippling emotional and financial damage at the hands of the powerful Marquess of Haverdale. But what concerns Caroline far more at the moment is the harm caused to a near-and-dear relative of hers by the Marquess’s 27-year-old reprobate cousin, the notorious rake, Adam Prescott, a military officer with the title, Baron Thornhill. Caroline abducts Adam at the point of a gun and holds him captive at her family’s horse farm, baldly informing him that he must right the wrong he has done before she will permit him to regain his freedom. Unfortunately for the success of Caroline’s daring scheme, handsome, charismatic Adam refuses to admit that he is guilty of the cruel act he is accused of, and the more time he spends beneath her roof, the more Caroline begins to suspect he is not at all the unprincipled rogue she has been led to believe.

A PERFECT MATCH by Sabrina Jeffries

Twenty-two-year-old Cassandra Isles and her eighteen-year-old cousin, Kitty Nickman, are both heiresses, but Cassandra has sworn her family to secrecy about her wealth because she is determined to marry for love. No fortune hunters need apply. Then one snowy night, twenty-seven-year-old Colonel Lord Heywood Wolfe, lately of the Twenty-Fifth Hussars during the Napoleonic Wars and best friend of Kitty’s older brother, Douglas, a fellow soldier, appears at a winter ball the two women are attending. He informs Cass and Kitty that Kitty is on the verge of being kidnapped by a villainous, fortune-hunting suitor of hers, and they must leave the ball with him immediately in order to keep her out of harm’s way. Thus begins an adventure that throws Cass constantly into Heywood’s company. Her heart is drawn to him, and he seems equally drawn to her, until Cass learns to her dismay that Heywood must marry for money in order to afford to restore a dilapidated estate he has inherited, and she refuses to admit to Heywood that she could be the answer to his impoverished prayers.


Seven years ago, when he was barely 19 and she was 23, Lady Diana Lawrence, daughter and sister of earls, and Anthony Raines, heir to a dukedom, fell madly in love. But soon after Anthony proposed, Diana ran from him, with no explanation. She broke his heart, and he has not seen or heard from her since. Anthony is now the fifth Duke of Castleton, and Diana has returned from a life of adventure, traveling around the world, in order to settle down again in England. When Anthony unexpectedly encounters her at a masked, costume ball, he realizes he is as attracted to Diana as he ever was, but she refuses to have anything to do with him and will not tell him why. Until Anthony conceives of an outrageous scheme to draw Diana to his side at a remote lodge on his country estate and, once there, a blizzard makes it impossible for Diana to escape from his side.


I am a big fan of Mary Jo Putney, and I very much looked forward to reading this Regency-romance collection for the main purpose of experiencing her reunion-romance novella. I was not disappointed—I greatly enjoyed this story. It is an unusual departure for MJP to create a hero who is only in his mid-20s and, for an additional twist, who is almost five years younger than his lady love. Anthony and Diana are both honorable, compassionate, and very intelligent people, which makes them exceptionally sympathetic characters. There are many sensual, emotionally compelling, and also humorous moments in this extremely well written story. Animal lovers, and cat lovers in particular, will especially appreciate the three different cats who are important parts of the plot. They are also major contributors to the humorous moments within this fun read.

I had never previously read anything by either Madeline Hunter or Sabrina Jeffries, but I was satisfyingly entertained by both stories. The heroine in each is strong and dynamic, and both heroes in these two stories are a sympathetic mix of Alpha and Beta traits. One of reasons I personally only very selectively read historical romances is that it is difficult for me to discover authors who avoid larding their novels with gratuitous, anachronistic sex scenes. That approach never occurs in MJP’s novels, but I was a bit leery trying out these two, unknown-to-me authors out of concern that, in spite of the shortness of the novella format, they would not resist cluttering up the romance plot with a lot of cringe-worthy, ahistorical sex. I was delighted to find that the emphasis in these two stories is not, in fact, on heaving and humping, but rather on the growing feelings of respect, friendship and desire between the romantic protagonists. I will definitely look for other novels by both of these two authors.

All in all, this is an excellent historical-romance collection and a terrific opportunity for fans of each of these talented authors individually to introduce themselves to the work of the other two authors, whom they may not have read before.

I rate this collection as follows:

A CHRISTMAS ABDUCTION by Madeline Hunter: 4 stars
A PERFECT MATCH by Sabrina Jeffries: 4 stars
ONE WICKED WINTER’S NIGHT by Mary Jo Putney: 5+ stars
Overall Rating: 5 stars

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Madeline Hunter

Blurb : Caroline Dunham has a bone to pick with notorious rake Baron Thornhill—and a creative plan to insure his undivided attention. Yet once in close quarters, she finds herself beholden to their smoldering connection . . .

For a short read, it was an action packed tale with a wonderful duet illuminating the stage.
Adam Prescott has the Christmas holidays all scheduled but everything went awry when he find himself abducted.
It does not take long for him to identify his jailer, his cousin’s neighbor. And every sooner to fall under her spell. But something is amiss and might separate them.
Caroline is devoted to her family, why she herself came up with this plan. She is a hard worker and accepts what life has thrown on her path. It it does not mean she won’t fight back.
Adam for all his sins is a great character, he knows his faults and flaws and is ready to accept the punishment he might deserve. Else he promptly realize his captor is so much more than her rash decision. Why he took the decision to take and enjoy his time with Caroline.
In such a short read, Mrs Hunter has compiled so many events, matchmaking, second chance, saving one’s life, love scene, even blackmailing and a wedding. It felt like I had read a full novel.
I just loved it.
5 stars

Sabrina Jeffries

Blurb : Whisked away from a wintry ball by the officer she knew only through letters, Cassandra Isles struggles with her feelings for the commanding Colonel Lord Heywood. For he, secretly a fortune-hunter, must marry for money to save his estate—and Cass, secretly an heiress, will accept nothing less than
love . . .    

My review :

What can two people do when they have different agenda, he is looking for wealth when she is seeking love.
OMG, I am such a Dory!
I forgot this one story was about one of the son of third time duchess from Project Duchess.
It was when his brother’s title was named that everything clicked right.
I loved both main characters, they fall for one another through the correspondance exchanged between his friend and her cousin, his sister’s friend.
Cass is a very protective woman and after a deception, she knows what she really wants and it is not fortune hunter scoring to win her attention, why she hides her own wealth in the hope to meet the right man whom will see her for herself.
Heywood has great hope when he came back from the battlefields, he wanted to meet the witty woman who wrote so delicious and clever letters to his friend. But he is for a disappointment when he realizes the heiress he needs is not the woman whom makes his heart beat faster.
So he finds himself in the worst predicament possible, marry for wealth and lose the woman he cares for or marry for love and loose his inheritance.

Mrs Jeffries has crafted a thriving and stirring Christmas tale with attaching characters. It was a pleasure to see again the protagonists of Project Duchess.
5 stars

Mary Jo Putney

Blurb : Dressed as a veiled princess, Lady Diana Lawrence is shocked to discover that the mysterious corsair who tempts her away from the costume ball is the duke she once loved and lost. Now snowed in with Castleton at a remote lodge, will she surrender to the passion still burning hotly between them?

My review :

Can two lovers rekindle after years apart when one broke the heart of the other.

It was such a lovely spiritual read. Mrs Putney combined the perfect ingredients for a delicious and sweet tale.
Diana has rebuilt herself when she left England to explore the world. She made herself an independent woman having created her own business. But she longs to go back to her native nation.
So what a choc when she soon meets again her past lover.
Anthony is a caring man, his harsh upbringing did not moved him in a bitter man. He is still the same gentle and good man he was when Diana fell in love with him. But can he reconquer the woman he never ceased to love.
I loved Diana was older than Anthony, she is no mature woman as thrifty is not a ripe old age. She was the one whom decided to protect her young love against himself and not wanting to destroy his future, she preferred to sacrifice her own happiness than bring more turmoils to his life.
A charming tale of second chance with a bundle of sweet kitties.
5 stars

I was granted through Netgalley by the publisher Kensington an advance copy.
Here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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Seduction on A Snowy Night
Three queens of romance novels give readers a Christmas gift. They are known for strong female heroines, charming heroes, villainous villains, romance and wit. Themes of these 3 stories are Christmas time, misinformation, mistaken identities, and past heartbreak. I have read every book by Madeline Hunter and Sabrina Jeffries. Mary Jo Putney is a new author to me. I received an ARC of ths book and this is my honest review.

A CHRISTMAS ABDUCTION by Madeline Hunter: Caroline abducts rake Adam. She believes he has ruined her sister and will force him to accept the responsibility. As Adam is confined, he sees how Caroline tries to run a devastated horse farm. He decides two things: clear his name and change his ways. He discovers he is not far from his brother’s horse farm.

A PERFECT MATCH by Sabrina Jeffries
Cassandra and Kitty are spirited away from a ball by Colonel Lord Heywood. Kitty’s brother and Heywood belong to the same regiment. He fell for Kitty, the girl who wrote witty and charming letters. He soon realizes it isn’t Kitty! Cassie fell for him from her cousin’s descriptions of his exploits. Heywood must marry an heiress. Cassie has a secret.

Lady Diana Lawrence has travelled widely and has lived in India for years. She decides to return to England. She is reluctant to go into society because she doesn’t want to run into a past love. Anthony, Duke Castleton, has avoided balls and such for years. Both reluctantly agree to attend a masquerade---and of course, they meet. He is the man she once loved and lost. They were torn apart by his wicked father. They are still attracted to each other, but ….

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An early Christmas present from Kensington Books that gives the gift of three novellas from three great romance authors.

A Christmas Abduction by Madeline Hunter
Believing notorious rake Baron Thornhill has comprised her little sister, Caroline Dunham decides to kidnap him to force him to do the right thing. During his confinement, he begins to find purpose in his life and she finds a friend to help bring her family’s horse farm back from near ruin. Then, her sister arrives…

A Perfect Match by Sabrina Jeffries
At a ball Cassandra Isles and Colonel Lord Heywood meet in person. He fell for the girl who wrote charming letters to her cousin, his best friend that got him through dark times. She fell for him from her cousin’s descriptions his exploits. They are the perfect match, if only money, or lack thereof, can get out of their way.
This one was my favorite since characters from Jeffries’ Project Duchess were in attendance.

One Wicked Winter Night by Mary Jo Putney
This one was slower to develop but had a good pay off. Lady Diana and the Duke of Castleton were young lovers who had to part. His horrible father and an age difference had Lady Diana run away to travel abroad. Now that she is back in England, the Duke takes some drastic measures to ensure he will have his second chance at love.

At the end of each novella, I wanted more. More story, more of these great characters, and more of their families.

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for this ARC

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Three short stories with a Christmastime theme by well loved authors. All were different, but had the theme of misunderstandings between the Hero and Heroine some recent and some past. All the characters were likeable and the stories enjoyable. I, especially, loved the cat theme in the last novella. 3-1/2 stars. Thank you NetGalley for giving me this ARC for my honest opinion.

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4.5 stars

I enjoyed all these stories but especially the first one. A Christmas Abduction:
Caroline adbducts Adam. She believes he is a rake and has ruined her sister. I thought this story was the most realistic. At the end the I understood how dark the villian's plans had been and happily his unveiling was a surprise to me and occured in virtually the last chapter.

The second story: A Perfect Match reminded me a bit of Cyrano de Bergerac. The hero needs an heiress the heroine is hiding her wealth because she wants to be loved for herself.

The last story: One Wicked Winter night has a slightly older heroine. Perhaps it fits in a series of books. I really liked that Mary Jo Putney included feline characters.

I think folk will like this compilation and I heartily recommend this book !

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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It would perfectly serve as an introduction to three brilliant authors via three cute Christmas theme based romance short stories. When the first book ended so soon, I wished that the first one itself was regular length novel. For readers who would prefer short and quick romance novels, this would work great. If you are a reader who preferred otherwise, it still shows them, the author’s style of writing making the readers go back to their full length books. The Christmas setting in each makes them even more cute-sy and adorable.

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A collection of novellas written by three seasoned and celebrated historical romance authors?
How can you go wrong?

Each novella is different, and loosely related by "snow", and provides an evening of good, if forgettable entertainment, with engagingly written characters, and stories that will transport you for an evening.

It also provides a teaser snapshot into other works in the authors backlist, or to be released pile, whetting the appetite of stories yet to be devoured.

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This is a really lovely collection of historical romance with a hint of Christmas romance to them. Heroines who know their own minds and heroes who know their way around charm. Madeline Hunter is a new author to me and this is a lovely introduction to her work and I'll certainly be researching her back catalogue. Sabrina Jefferies always delivers, with this story being a nice introduction to a series I hadn't yet discovered.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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