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3.5 Stars

This is the story of Finn, and Brooke. Finn has just found out he, and his brothers are related to a well known, and wealthy man, Joseph Anderson. When he meets Brooke, while teaching a class, their are sparks, but Brooke is damaged, and she's not ready to let Finn in. Can Finn break through her walls? This was an entertaining read, sweet, emotional, funny, and steamy. 3.5 Stars

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Finn was a sweet and joyful insta-love story. The characters were great, both the main and side characters. I really liked how Finn was all in from the beginning and truly respected Brooke and the fact that she was needed time to trust what she was feeling. He was confident and sure, a consummate good hero. Brooke was such a unique heroine. So strong and feisty. I love how she took Finn down, both literally and figuratively. I enjoyed the dialogue–the banter between Finn and Brooke, as well as Finn and his brothers, was fun and hilarious.

I liked this book but I did struggle a bit to fully get into it. The writing fell a bit flat for me at times. There is just something missing from this book that kept it from being a really good book for me although it is hard to quite put my finger on what that is.

This is definitely a story that is driven by is characters. If you are looking for a fast paced and cute read with insta-love and low angst, then Finn is a book to add to your TBR.

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I was so happy to start another Anderson series, I really liked Finn, he was confident and determined. Brooke grew on me, but I really never liked her and her refusal at what she was feeling and the denial she held throughout the book. Other than that I liked the story and look forward to the next book.

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Joseph Anderson has a blessed life .age is just a number and he has a lot of life left to live. Joseph's family and friends are important to him . Sandra Anderson had been married to his uncle who faked his own death .Sandra calls unexpected and is during. she had five children who were never a part of Joseph's life. The children are all called into Joseph Anderson's office . Joseph has a project planned for the siblings in exchange for inheritence.Finn is the oldest of the five siblings and I loved him. I loved his new relationship. I didnt like the chemistry in some of the scenes.

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I have always been a Melody Anne fan and was excited for this new series, the Anderson Billionaires. I wasn’t disappointed. I loved Finn.

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4.25 stars

There is just something about this author that I like. She is my comfort author. Even though the books can be cliche I still gobble them up because I have formed a connection with this author and the Anderson family. Having Joseph Anderson in a cameo role always makes me smile.

This is the start of a new series of five brothers that I cannot wait to get to know. Finn, being the oldest, met his match with Brooke. I liked these characters. It took me a little bit to warm up to Brooke but I was a goner for sweet Finn. He said some pretty swoon-worthy things. I wish that there had been more talk about the project that they worked on and the reasons why it was so important. Especially, as I am a firm supporter of Veteran's Affairs.

Still, another great story that had me feeling like the early Anderson books.

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This is Finn and Brooke book, Finn is ex navy seal! He and his brothers lives are flipped upside down when they find out they are the long lost relatives of the absurdly famous and wealthy Joseph Anderson! The eccentric but generous billionaire puts the brothers to work building a new veteran center but Joseph won’t stop until all of his nephews find love! Finn never wanted an easy life and he struggles with his early retirement from the elite seal team but when a very confident and beautiful Brooke literally sweeps him off his feet during a self defense class he’s teaching , Finn is thinking less about his past and more about his future! This book was definitely a good read! I did enjoy reading this one! It was funny at times had some heartbreaking moments and definitely had a little steam to it LOL I definitely recommend Reading this one! Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!!

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I'm iffy about this book. There were a lot of things I really liked but also a few that I didn't at all. I love the Anderson Universe and I'm really glad that we're back in it but I wish that there was more of the rest of the family though it is nice that it's a brand new series, the scene with Bree was a little weird just because she was only in it for literally like 10 pages and then never mentioned again. Brooke mentions liking his family but I wish we would have been able to see those interactions. I really liked Finn and Brooke and I liked that he was wholeheartedly in from the beginning and that he had to convince her. I really like that type of book where it's the guy convincing the girl that they're made for each other. I feel like there was so much room in this book and it was just a lot of time in her head, with instead of her living her life outwardly it was just so much thinking. Sometimes thinking is a nice touch but it just felt so unnecessary and was used to stretch out the book. Overall it was just too long for what it was. My biggest issue though is I feel like she became a different person by the end, like almost none of her spunk was left which was just depressing and I mean the ending was cute but I wish the epilogue had been about them and not hinting at the future story. I will say that Melody Anne does a great job of developing side characters because I loved Chloe and Sarah and I can’t wait for their stories. because you know that Chloe will end up with Brandon and Sarah will end up with Noah. So overall I just had to give this book 3 stars, it was good and entertaining but I had a few issues.

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Finn is a retired veteran, only because he was injured in a bomb blast or he would have never walked away from his career.
When his mom dies he and his brothers find out they are related to billionaire Joseph Anderson, and hes all about family, but he makes them work for their money, his new project to get the 5 brothers involved in building a veterans center.
Brooke is a nurse practitioner her brother was military but he got killled, she loves the idea of this center theres only one thing stopping her getting too involved, Finn Anderson, hes hot but she doesnt want a relationship right now, but the harder she tries to push him away the more he sticks around.
A quick read, some funny moments and serious moments, i really really enjoyed this book and cant wait for the next brothers story.

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Super sweet ode to veterans

Finn, the eldest of five long-lost cousins of the ultra-wealthy Joseph Anderson, meets Brooke as she demonstrates for his self-defense class by taking him down in two seconds. He's in love right away, while she isn't interested in dating anyone, ever. Ever cocky, Finn accepts the challenge.

As Mr. Anderson recruits Finn and his brothers to oversee the construction of a new veteran's center, he teaches the brothers about the importance of family loyalty. As the first book in a series that will cover each brother's romance, this one gives us background on their family history while also giving us a predictably sweet romance as Brooke takes Finn on the chase of his life. Plenty of hot love scenes, lots of respect for the sacrifices our veterans make, and a little too much repetition of angsty feelings - Finn's reluctance to accept Joseph as "family," and Brooke's inability to trust a relationship with Finn.

This book was enjoyable to read, if not terribly complex. The characters were interesting and there was quite a lot of humor throughout. The HEA was heartwarming, and the book ended with a segue into the next brother's romance. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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I loved Finn and Brooke!

Finn Anderson doesn’t know what he wants to do after retiring from the military after a serious concussion when billionaire Joseph Anderson contacted Finn and his brothers because they were family. Joseph hired the brothers to help build a center for veterans where they could get the help that they needed.

Nurse practitioner Brooke Garrison is very protective of the small town she lived in outside Seattle but when she heard that Joseph Anderson and his family were setting up a center for veterans, she knew she wanted to meet the people in charge. The first time Brooke met Finn she was definitely attracted to him which wasn’t her normal reaction to a guy she just met.

I love all the interrelated stories about Joseph and George Anderson plus their families because each story is different from each other, plus you get to read bits and pieces where some of the family members show up from other series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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While the story started out grabbing my attention, it slowly fizzled and finally flat lined.
If you have read some of the previous stories with the Andersons, you have met the patriarch, Joseph Anderson. He has an instrumental part in this one since he is the one that brings the five Anderson brothers into his family and involves all of them in the building of a center for veterans. I found the scenes with all the brothers and as well of those with Joseph the most entertaining.
The main characters Finn Anderson and Brook Garrison are interesting, but the story just did not do it for me.
It certainly did not meet my expectations .
I was entrusted a copy of this book by Netgalley. The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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This is the first book in the new series of Melody Anne . I really like The Anderson Family and love all their stories. And I really missed Joseph Anderson and his meddling in his children's life. Now, Joseph is more than happy to play matchmaker again. This is a loving story of Finn who belongs to Anderson family and Brooke. I really loved their character
Finn was a great hero and the bonding between brothers was really strong. I am excited to read about Noah and Sarah story. This is going to be a great series.

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I have been reading this author's books for quite some time and have read all of the Anderson Series. However, I found that this book contained nothing new. I feel as though the author keeps telling the same story, but with different names.

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A new series and a new set of Andersons - and written by Melody Anne - it couldn’t get better. But it does! This new romance series begins with Finn’s story. Newly retired Navy Seal is adjusting not only to civilian life, he finds out that is part of the famous wealthy Anderson family. Reeling from that news, he also meets Brooke Garrison. Both feeling loss in their lives, find a bond.
I could definitely relate to Brooke’s feelings, losing her only brother. Yet she had the strength to pull herself together and even help Finn.
Melody writes from her heart bringing her humor and real life with each page.

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Everything happens for a reason.

Finn's army career is cut short after being injured and discharged. He is the oldest of five brothers. He suddenly becomes an heir to the Anderson's empire and is given a project, which would help veterans.

Brooke is mourning the loss of the only family she had. She is afraid of getting close to anyone, for fear of losing them. Her two best friends Sarah and Chloe are practically her sisters.

The first time that Finn meets Brooke, he is struck by lightening and knows that she is the one. Although, she feels attracted to him, Brooke doesn't want a permanent relationship. Her parents are not examplary. She doesn't trust men, but Finn is persistent once he knows what he wants, and he wants Brooke. Will Finn persistence pay off or will Brooke's grief stop her from entering into a relationship?

Finn's way of wooing Brooke is quite commendable. Anything that makes her happy. The banters between him is his brothers are fun, and the support is exceptional. Brooke is kind hearted, but her pessimism always brings out the negatives. It's an interesting romance. There are a lot of mix emotions, but the outcome is delightful.

I was kindly issued with an eARC from Netgalley and the views expressed are my personal opinion.

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An enjoyable insta-love story. Great characters although you don't get much back story about Finn and his military career. You do get a lot of Brooke angst especially over her brother's death which I thought caused the story to drag in the middle. There was some interesting information about military veterans and PTSD woven into the story. I'd be interested in reading the brothers' stories.

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I was so excited to hear that Melody Anne decide start a new Series with a whole new set of Anderson. The Anderson Family has a way of winning your heart over.

Finn is the first book in the new series and it is great.. The book start off with Finn and his brothers finding out about the family they never knew they had with the always amazing Joseph Anderson. Joseph always want to help his family has them start on new project one the brothers feel close to all their hearts. When Finn goes to the town where the project will begin he find Brooke. Brooke going through own personal struggle doesn't think she read for love but leave it Finn to show her.

I love the story and how Finn follow his heart to show Brooke how good they would be together. I love how the story has family, friend, and love.

Melody Anne started the new series awesome! Great read!

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Finn Anderson is a loyal military veteran who has no desire to live a life of luxury and ease, but sometimes a person doesn’t get a choice. His life is flipped upside down when he and his four brothers.When I started reading I couldn't put it down.Melody Anne is magnifysent and amazing writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.Can't wait for the next book.

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While this is a new series, Joseph Anderson was not new to me due to reading other series where he was present. He is a wealth man but what makes him stand out is the love for his wife and his family. Along the way Joseph might have helped his kids, nieces and nephews find the love of their life. This is a new series about 5 brothers technically Joseph’s cousins but due to their ages being close to his kids, he is more like an uncle.

Finn is the oldest of the five brothers. This is his story. Finn previously a Navy Seal has been retired due to injury. He is trying to keep his family together after the loss of their mother. In walks Joseph Anderson to their lives explaining they are related and they are now part of the Anderson family. Finn has never had a real father figure, since his own dad was nothing he wanted to be like. But he was not looking to start now with Joseph Anderson.

Brooke is a nurse practitioner who has recently suffered the loss of her brother who was also her only family. Her two best friends try to help her keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Brooke attends a self defense class being taught by Finn and sweeps him off his feet. Finn is so attracted to her, he is determined not to let her get away.

Will Brooke be willing to take a chance and let her walls come down for a retired navy seal? Will Finn find a way to get her to let him in? Has Finn now figured out his direction after forced retirement? Will Joseph Anderson somehow help to get Finn and Brooke together given his success in the past at matchmaking.

This is a steamy story but more importantly the characters could be people in your life. The struggles and childhood disappointments are sadly part of today’s normal.

I really enjoyed the story and I look forward to the next book in the series.

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