Cover Image: Glow  of  the  Fireflies

Glow of the Fireflies

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Member Reviews

While it took me ages to get to it, this was a nice quick read and the writing was wonderful. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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Glow of the Fireflies by Lindsey Duga had a wonderful premise, full of wimsy. I really liked how the book started and where it seemed to be going. Somewhere along the way it started to lose my attention though. I don't really understand the behavior of a character or two. Their motives weren't clear. Also, what was the point behind Briony's memory loss? It seems as if it was done to her on purpose. Why? I enjoyed Briony and Alder though. They were cute, and the friendship between Briony and Izzy was quirky and fun. I had high hopes for this story, but I feel like I missed something key somewhere.

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Thank you so much for allowing me to read and review your titles.
I do appreciate it and continue to review books that I get the chance to read.
Thanks again!

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Considering I really enjoyed Lindsey Duga's Kiss of the Royal, it's a shame to DNF this one. I don't know what it is exactly about the book. But so many things just didn't work out for me. I couldn't connect with the characters and I honestly didn't care about the plot. It's a bit disappointing because I was really looking forward to reading this one.

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I would especially like to thank Entangled Publishing and the Netgalley website for allowing me to read this book.

It features Briony who was not supposed to go back to where she had lost everything.

In Firefly Valley following a fire Briony found herself with amnesia, her mother having disappeared and her father having moved to Knoxville. Now her grandmother needs someone and Briony's father is going to help her. Until one day Briobny runs into a cute guy who tells her that they know each other from before and yet remains aloof with her. Except that Briony is going to remember some things, her mother hasn't completely disappeared, she's a prisoner somewhere in the valley. Will she be able to save her? Even if it means giving up love?

A book read in one go, so much so that I hung on to the story, so moving at times, captivating, full of suspense and twists and turns with endearing characters. I love the author's pen so addictive.

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This book was so wonderful. It has quickly become one of my favorites for the year. With characters i fell in love with...and ones i loved to hate it was a joy from page one

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The book, Glow of the Fireflies in a young adult book This is a bit of a mythical element to it. It was not my normal genre but was ok. Thank you to Netgalley for this free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book! The author really just sends you head first into this amazing world with lovable characters. If you are a fan of YA fantasy than this book is for you! This is the second book I have read by this author and her writing style is just wonderful. She knows how to truly tell a story.

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Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader Copy at no cost from the publisher/author. All opinions in my review are my own.

This is a fun and imaginative story that I was very impressed with. I felt that the premise for the story was very unique and I think that that the author did a fantastic job of bringing it to life.

Lindsey Duga's writing is extremely breathtaking. The words flow beautifully and the pacing of the story is perfect. This is a young adult book but I felt that the story read more like a middle-grade book in some parts. Not to say that it wasn't enjoyable nonetheless.

The world-building in this is magical. I am from the Kentucky/Tennessee border and I felt that the descriptions were spot on for the Smoky Mountains. Beautiful descriptions and imaginative details abound in this story.

Briony is the perfect heroine. She is strong and smart and incredibly determined. I instantly felt a kinship with her character. Alder is a darling and I loved the romance between him and Briony. Izzie is such a fantastic side character. All the characters have depth and are very likable.

Overall, this is an enchanting story with an original premise that will captivate you. The story keeps the attention of the reader well and the characters are easy to relate to. I very much enjoyed this book and I would definitely recommend it to those that like young adult fantasy.

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I struggle with this rating. The idea of the book might have been better than the execution? This book was not for me went as far as annoying me at points - But the reason might be that I am not that much into magical realism – and I have since learned to try and stay away from them in future (especially for reviewing purposes) because I feel like I cannot do right by the author. This is why I am giving it an extra star.
It was supposed to be an action-packed urban fantasy set in a small town where auras exist and the balance of the world depends on spirits and one girl is searching for her lost memories. Overall I was hoping for a little more from this book but it kept me hooked enough to finish it. At the end I was still left with too many questions. I liked Lindseys writing style okay, but I was not able to connect to any of the characters. The main character was annoying (I think in current-day-lingo you would call her a snowflake) and the love interest was bland. The main character constantly ran away to deal with some things on her own, which must have come across super selfish. The other people in her life, the grandmother and the friend, were treated really crappy and there was no attempt of really mending these relationships.

Overall I think this might be a fun and quick read if you like magical realism.
I voluntarily read and review an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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'Glow of the Fireflies' is an enchanting young adult fantasy that fans of the genre are going to adore. I wasn't quite sure what to expect going into this, apart from what the description said. But there was talk of magic and spirits - so that definitely piqued my interest. I'm so glad I gave this one a shot because I really enjoyed it!

The characters are all well rounded, especially our main character, Briony. She's very realistic with both good qualities and flaws, which makes her just like everyone else. She's a bit of an enigma for most of the book due to her amnesia and the giant missing hole from the time in her life she can't remember. I loved watching Briony piece together what happened all those years ago, the truth about Firefly Valley, and the incredible magic that resides there. The secondary characters were complex and I liked watching their interactions and relationships with Briony change throughout the course of the book. Of course, what would a story like this be without a mysteriously hot guy who captures our main character's heart? I usually don't like romance mixed into books of other genres because it tends to overshadow the real plot and takes away from the main story. However, the relationship between Briony and Alder is integral to the book, so I didn't mind it. I actually kind of liked it and thought it was sweet and intense at the same time.

One of the major aspects of a book for me is always the writing style. I almost always prefer the first person point of view because I think it lets the reader form a much deeper connection with the narrator. Luckily for me, the author wrote this novel in the first person from Briony's perspective. I loved really getting to know her - her inner thoughts, hopes and dreams, fears and insecurities, memories, and everything in between. By the end of the book I felt like I had known her forever and we had taken this journey to Firefly Valley together. Overall, I really liked this book and I highly recommend it to fans of the genre.

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This book was a fun read, and had some beautiful writing, world building and interesting concepts, especially the magic, but overall this book wasn't for me. I'm not a fan of instalove, and I couldn't quite get into the story or connect to the characters.
I definitely think a lot of people will love this book though, and it was well written, just not my cup of tea, though I would read other books y the author for sure!

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Thank you Netgalley and Publisher for the early copy!

I decided to put down the novel because I did not connect with the writing style. The cover is beautiful.

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*I'm sorry that this review is rather late! I wasn't able to finish it before the title was archived and had to buy a copy of it to finish.*

4.75 Stars

If you like:

Sweet Guys
Fantasy/Contemporary Books
Adventure with a Time Sensitive Mission
Then this book is for you!

I love this book! It’s very well written with descriptive writing that isn’t overly painted that makes you skim over word but has the right amount of adjectives and adverbs to make the story come to life in your head as you read! The character of the story are lovable and sassy and determined and everything else you could want in a YA story. Then who doesn’t love a good mission to save someone you love (and the world) with the clock ticking and the uncertainty of the future.

Y’all, I haven’t read any of the other works by Lindsey before reading Glow of the Fireflies; I’ve had a copy of Kiss of the Royal in my room for a little while but hadn’t gotten around to read it. But after reading GotF, you can bet that I’m going to be reading KotR soon because Lindsey’s writing is so descriptive and enticing that I was instantly pulled into the Smoky Mountains with Briony and could feel everything she was feeling.

“It unfurled below me, a moving patchwork quilt of colored mist. All shades of green, from peridot, to lime, to emerald, to deep olive. Variations of blues, from sky blue, to periwinkle, to sapphire, to violet. Golds, orange, pinks, and reds rippled through the valley as the sun’s rays touched each layer of mist, illuminating and saturating the mana in a broad spectrum of vibrant hues.”

Briony has always kind of wondered what her life was like before her and her father had moved from their life in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. Parts of her wants to know why her mother left them so abruptly, why she likes certain things and have particular habits, and wants to fill those holes in her memory that makes her who she is. But at the same time, she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to handle everything or how it will affect her life and the way she sees things. The lack her memory and mother walking away makes Briony an independent person who would rather work alone than have to rely on others in fear that they’ll leave. So of course, when her father calls one afternoon in the early part of the summer to help take care of her grandmother (on her mom’s side) over the summer, she’s hesitant because it could be a time to find the answers she knows she wants deep down but is afraid for what it could mean.

“I had barely known Mom when she left, yet I could still see her escaping out of the front door in the middle of the night with only a bag slung over her should… Her leaving, as I watched from the steps, hidden in the show, was burned into my mind forever.’

She’s not sure what to expect with her forgotten memories when she arrives to a place that she once called her hometown. Briony gets these faint little tugs in the back of her mind of memories, but she doesn’t remember a lot, and to make things even better her grandmother is acting distance from Briony and prefers the company of Briony’s friend Izzie.

“Seeing Gran look at me, her eyes glassy and full of pain. I wondered if she saw my mom in my place. Did I remind her of Heather? Of my mom?”

Briony also doesn’t expect to find this guy at the remains of her burnt house when she wants to see if it’ll bring back some of her memories. Seeing Alder in this place makes her feel almost like things are normal. He’s a familiar as a dream from last night that made you want to stay asleep just to see how it ended. It’s obvious that Alder knows Briony from before from the orange and blue friendship bracelet on his wrist to the way that he wants to be near her but also wants to stay away to keep her safe.

“I didn’t recognize him, but I recognized the feeling… Nostalgia.”

Over the next couple of days, Briony finds out that there’s more to the world than she thought. She discovers that there’s another dimension where there are gods, spirits, and talking animals that is a perfect place in nature. She also has the ability to save her mother spirit from the god who took it. Briony embarks this journey into an unfamiliar territory with Alder and Raysha (one of the gods in the body of a fox) who help her gather the keys to open the gates of the different elements of the world. They have to do all of this before the Summer Solstice which is about 3 or so days away… no big deal right?

Through their journey Briony slowly gets some of her memories back by going to places that hold a special meaning. She also digs up secrets that make her rethink everything she thought was true from the reason her mother left to the secrets of the world.

In this magical book that combines fantasy elements in the real world, you’ll fall in love with a story that has close ties to the beautiful land in the Smoky Mountains and the Briony as she tries to save her mom who she doesn’t know (or remember) while trying to figure out whatever that thing is that is growing between herself and Alder and try to remember her past; oh, and save the world from possible destruction!

If you pick up this book, make sure that you sit enough time aside to be able to read in as few sittings as possible because you won’t want to put it down!


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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review

I love the cover of this book and it matches the inside. This book was magical and sweet. It was a fast paced fantasy read

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The first word that comes to mind as I’m trying to sum up my thoughts on Glow of the Fireflies is... magical. I’ll admit I didn’t really know what to expect of it when I started it, but it ended up being amazing. It had everything I want in a fantasy book: sweet romance, a fast-paced plot and good world-building. But what really made me love it was the writing. The descriptions of this truly magical world made it come to life for me, and honestly, I wish I could move to Firefly Valley. And I loved how nature played such an integral part in the plot.

I liked Briony. I wouldn’t call her kick-ass, in the traditional sense of the word, but I still found her to be really intriguing, because while she couldn’t kick magical creature ass, she did her best. She wasn’t fearless, in fact, she was scared a lot through the book, but what I really liked about her was that even though the world she was practically thrown into terrified her, she didn’t let that stop her from doing what she needed to do. 

“Maybe he was more like heat lightning. A storm off in the distance, where the thunder was too far to hear and the summer lightning would flash against high clouds on the horizon, illuminating the sky. He had all the mystery and wonder of a storm, but none of its destruction.”

Alder was such a sweetheart. He’s so sweet and caring, mysterious and protective, but he’s also really lonely. He’s Briony’s childhood friend that she can’t remember because of her amnesia, but it’s still very clear that he cares very deeply for her and you get the feeling that he’d make a great friend, even though they turn out to be so much more. 

“You can’t pick and choose the things you want in a friend. You have to accept all their burdens and baggage and annoying tendencies. If you love them enough, they’ll even become endearing.”

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that I think friendships – real, great friendships – are too rare in Young Adult literature. Because friends are so important in life, and I think many YA books focus on romance and forget about friendships. Well, this one doesn’t. In fact, Briony’s best friend, Izzie, was my favourite character. She’s such an amazing friend to Briony, and also a lot of fun. 

“Moving through the garden, my bare feet crunching over weeds and pebbles and discarded flower petals but feeling no discomfort, I admired these so-called fireflies. These wisps that were evidence of a world beyond our own.”

But the true highlight of this story – what made if so magical – was the writing, the world-building and the descriptions. First of all, nature was always present, which in itself added something for me. But the way Duga describes nature, as beautiful, breath-taking, and yes, magical, made the world truly come to life and made me feel like I was actually right there alongside Briony. 

Glow of the Fireflies is like entering a dream. It’s a beautiful, magical place that will suck you in and make you wish it was real. And believe me, you won’t want to wake up from this dream.

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**Disclaimer: I was given a free e-book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley.**

Title Glow of the Fireflies

Author Lindsey Duga

Description from Amazon

Briony never planned to go back to the place she lost everything.

Firefly Valley, nestled deep within the Smoky Mountains, is better kept in her past. It’s been six years since an unexplained fire gave Briony amnesia, her mother disappeared, and her dad moved them away.

But now her grandmother needs a caretaker, and Briony’s dad insists she be the one to help. The moment she returns, she feels a magical connection to the valley, as if it’s a part of her somehow.

And when she meets a hot guy named Alder who claims he was her childhood friend but now mysteriously keeps his distance, Briony starts piecing together her missing past…and discovers her mother didn’t leave to start a new life somewhere. She’s trapped in the hidden world within the valley.

Now, Briony will do whatever it takes to rescue her, even if it means standing up against dangerously powerful gods. But when saving her mother comes with the ultimate sacrifice–Alder’s death–how can she choose?

Release Date October 1, 2019

Initial Thoughts

I liked Kiss of the Royal by Lindsey Duga so when I saw this book was coming out, I eagerly applied. Unfortunately, this one got lost in the chaos that was my reading and reviewing schedule for a little while – but, my excitement never waned.

Some Things I Liked

Alder. He was my favorite and I won’t have anyone tell me otherwise. He was so sweet and such a great character to pair with Briony.
“For fox sake.” Best. Quote. Ever. I don’t want to give all the details of why I loved this one (due to profanity 😂), but I literally say this all day long at work. This sentence (not the NSFW version). I sit next to a guy who likes to wear these socks that say “Zero Fox Given” and we have some colleagues that enjoy the profane version of “for fox sake” so naturally, we combined the two and I just died when I read it here. I loved it.
Folklore and world building. I loved this world. I thought it was so interesting and I’d love to know more about what inspired Lindsey Duga. Some of the elements felt familiar, but not in a cliché way. They felt unique and I loved the world.

Something I Wasn’t Crazy About

This is totally a me thing – but I don’t love fantasy / contemporary mash ups. I would have preferred fewer contemporary elements.
Series Value

This book was perfect as a standalone. I don’t think a sequel would do it justice. I really like Lindsey Duga’s writing style, but, I want to see her create new characters and places. This story feels complete already.

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed this book. I am actually quite disappointed that I let it sit unread in my NetGalley queue for so long. This was a really unique story and I loved the characters. I’m so glad I read it.


Recommendations for Further Reading

Kiss of the Royal by Lindsey Duga – if you liked the writing style here, check out Lindsey’s other books!
Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw – if you liked the dynamic between Alder and Briony as well as the magic system, check out this new release by Shea Ernshaw.
Cupid’s Match by Lauren Palphreyman – if you liked the contemporary / fantasy mix in this story, check out this book by Lauren Palphreyman.

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I loved the premise. I had a difficulty connecting with the heroes but overall, I highly enjoyed reading this book. I recommend it if you are looking for a different kind of read.

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This book was good but I found it lagged a bit for me at times. A beautiful cover though!! And overall the story was enjoyable

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A book that had a lot of promise but felt a tab short for me.

I still think it’s unique and something new and I liked seeing this story come to life, I would still recommend it to people if YA fantasy was their thing.

Elements I really enjoyed were that the female friendship was strong in this one, the sisterhood of it all was well done and I adored it. The writing was also easy to follow and I always appreciate that, specially in fantasy.

I just wish I could have connected to the characters more, would have helped me enjoy the book more.

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