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A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

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Think your favorite True Crime podcast or docuseries and times it by 5. That’s A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder.
We have an amazing lead, Pip, who is trying to find herself while trying to solve a murder. Next comes Ravi, the brother of the late accused murderer, who just wants answers to help his family. And together you have the best dang duo to solve a crime.
This book grabbed me from the beginning and didn’t stop until the very late word. I can’t wait to see what Holly Jackson comes up with next!

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I thought I would really enjoy this book, based on the title and synopsis since I love mysteries and am so glad the YA market is finally catching on to the trend. Sadly though, this one was meh for me. The first half’s pacing was slow; it was long for a YA mystery novel in my opinion. The second half’s pacing was much faster, but then the ending was rushed and I was left feeling unsatisfied. Pippa didn’t really have much personality; she just seemed obsessed with the case. Ravi was my favorite character.
There were times I wanted to scream at Pippa for not going to the police, especially when she was being threatened. It was explained away each time she didn’t go as “why would they believe me”, but threats from unknown numbers would have been sufficient evidence to report SOMETHING.

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I am in complete awe that this is a debut! This was absolutely fantastic! A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder is a young adult novel about a girl named Pippa who decides as her high school capstone project (senior thesis) that she is going to solve the 5 year disappearance of a teenager in her town. It is believed the missing girl, Andie Bell, is actually dead, killed by her boyfriend, Sal Singh. But, he committed suicide and her body was never found. Pippa doesn’t believe that Sal killed her, and sets out to prove that someone else did.

Pip was a wonderful character. She was naïve, innocent, yet driven, and had such conviction about her project and her thoughts on it. She really had a knack for investigative journalism. But, she’s still just a regular teenager, going through normal teenager activities: still applying to colleges, hanging out with friends, going to parties, just doing investigating as well.

I read that the author came up with the ending, and then worked backwards, and I’m in disbelief how she could weave such a complicated web. There were so many suspects, and so many reasons why they could have done it. The character development was superb. I was a little concerned with how many suspects it would be confusing but it wasn’t at all. Pip used so many formats for her project that it was easy to keep them all straight. I actually listened to this and read on kindle, and I have to say if you can, this is the best way to do it, because there are maps and drawings that you really do need to see, but also the audio is like listening to a podcast with a full cast and was so great and easy to keep all the suspects straight. That ending was still like a sucker punch! I was absolutely not prepared. You think you know, but you will be wrong.

This sophisticated debut was filled with intricate character development, creative storytelling, weaving quite the tale of murder in a small town. You absolutely have to read this book! I am eagerly anticipating Holly Jackson’s next book.

* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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Pippa is a good girl. A straight A student who always has her schoolwork completed, Pippa has decided that for her senior capstone project, she is going to solve a murder. Andie Bell disappeared five years ago, and her boyfriend Sal Singh confessed to her murder via text message prior to taking his own life. But Pippa isn't so sure that's what happened. For her project, she intends to look back at the case and prove Sal's innocence. With the help of Sal's younger brother Ravi, Pippa quickly finds herself falling down into a rabbit hole of lies, drugs, and twisted relationships. Did Sal commit the crime? Or was it someone else? If so... who killed Andie... and why?

This was a quick read and held my interest as I worked alongside Pippa to sort through the clues and red herrings. There were some aspects that I found a bit unbelievable, but overall I enjoyed this book and felt satisfied with the ending.

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A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder is the debut novel for Holly Jordan, and now I cannot wait to read more from her! This fabulous, well written novel completely exceeded my expectations for a debut. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what Pippa would discover next as she investigated a past murder in her town as part of her senior Capstone project. I was totally invested in the characters and story right from the start.

I would definitely recommend this book to all readers that love a good, suspense filled mystery, but especially fans of Pretty Little Liars.

Note: I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Five years ago, Andie Bell disappeared. Police searched for weeks. After eighteen months a court order was filed and Andie Bell was declared dead in absentia, based on the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.

Pip decided to reopen the case using a school project as the means to investigate and interview individuals. Pip was determined to find out what really happened to Andie Bell five years ago and she hoped to find reasonable doubt about Sal’s guilt.

Composed into three parts with an epilogue. Part one wasn’t what I expected. The project idea seemed plausible. Although, The layout didn’t draw me in like I had hoped. Part two introduced more characters and with those characters came some unnecessary drama. Part three concludes her findings.
The research is in the form of documenting information with journal entries. These entries are very detailed, every part of the conversation written word for word. It was a tedious task of reading. These logs are a great tool, yet they didn’t add that element of excitement.
I know investigative work isn’t fun and games, yet I had hoped this book would’ve shed some light in a more thrilling aspect. The only thing I’ve taken from this is that I no longer am interested in reading about investigative research. Interviewing characters produces gossip and lies.
It was confusing switching between the project logs, conversation dialogue, and present context.
The fact that the police thought this was an open and shut case bothers me. Real detectives would’ve pursued a better line of questioning to unravel the truth.
It reads like a cozy mystery with some mild humor and over exaggerated theories of truths and lies. I appreciate that Pip is the only one looking for answers in a case that seemed open and closed.
It’s very admirable how Pip wants to seek justice for Sal. I’m just not excited by this story or it’s layout of information.

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First thriller of 2020 got me all kinds of excited!
I honestly enjoyed the twists and turns in this book. New leads kept popping up, but things didn’t seem too unbelievable, and there weren’t an overwhelming number of suspects to keep track of. There are a lot of characters, but that’s part of the story’s appeal. What really happened was also deliciously complicated, and it tied up all the loose ends throughout the story.
Pip herself is a little bland, but it doesn’t really get in the way of the story. It allows you to focus on the mystery instead of Pip’s personal life. Speaking of her personal life, it’s a little hard to believe that she does all this while filling out college apps, but if that’s the biggest stretch the story makes, I think we’re doing okay.
I actually also liked the character of Ravi, Sal’s younger brother. I think he might come off as a little too blase, but he’s fun and lowkey the only character with an actual personality in this book. Holly Jackson also explores the racism angle enough for it to be relevant, but not so much so that Ravi becomes a symbol for a bigger problem.
Overall, this was a spicy read that I was able to knock out in two days, and it really kept me on the edge of my seat!

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Sal was kind and sweet, and Pip never believed that he could kill Andie. Therefore, she set out to prove his innocence, but as she dug deeper and deeper, she got closer and closer to not only exonerating Sal, but discovering the true killer's identity. The closer she got, the more dangerous it became. Would she uncover the killer or would she become his next victim?

It's been a while since I read a good YA mystery, and this, my friends, was a great YA mystery. It had twists and turns galore, and I loved the way Jackson laid out the story for me. It gripped me from page one, and kept me fully engrossed until the very end. I was eager gather clues, and found myself asking question after question, as we got deeper into the case.

The actual telling of this story was fantastic. There was the regular narrative, but there were also transcribed interviews, graphics, news clippings, and journal entries. Pip's journal entries were particularly impactful for me, because they let me into her head as she puzzled through all the pieces she was picking up as she searched for the truth, and I liked being led through her process.

There was lots of sleuthing, subterfuge, and even some precarious situations along the way, but peppered throughout were some really average teen moments, which is why I think this book was so successful for me. Yes, there was a clear focus on the mystery at hand, but I liked getting to know Pip, Pip's family and friends. I was a fan of the connection she made with Ravi, Sal's younger brother, and this allowed me to see Pip as a whole person.

Jackson did a great job scattering the clues. Leading me down this path and that path until the killer's identity was fully revealed. I wouldn't say I saw it coming. I suspected certain parts of it, but not all of it, and I love when an author can keep me guessing.

This was a wild ride, and I was glad I got to take it with such a character as amazing as Pip. I found this to be a stupendous debut, and I am really looking forward to catching up with Pip and Ravi in the sequel.

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I received a complimentary copy of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson from Delacorte Press through Netgalley. All opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder was released on February 4th!
Five years ago, a local high school senior named Andie Bell went missing and has since been declared dead. Her boyfriend Sal Singh sent a confession to his father by text and killed himself a few days later. The case was closed and the town of Fairview tried to move on as best they could. But Pip never felt right about it. She knew Sal a little and she can't imagine someone so kind murdering his girlfriend. She also felt the police didn't investigate thoroughly. When Pip has to pick a senior project five years after the murder, she decides to research the case. This leads her to interview a lot of people in town, including Sal's younger brother Ravi. Ravi never believed his brother was a murderer, but he couldn't do anything to prove it. He knows Pip can talk to people he can't without drawing suspicion. Together they dive into a case full of dark secrets, attempting to clear Sal's name.
I don't know where to begin. This book was so well-written and an absolute pleasure to read. There are documents spread throughout the book as well as Pip's project log. This added a fun element to the story. The characters have so many secrets to uncover and the mystery just keeps you coming back for more. I will admit that I guessed one of the reveals, but there were still plenty of surprises and I couldn't stop reading. If you love true crime or just a good mystery, this book is a must read!

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This was a fun read - I totally agreed with the opening of the story as I, too, watch all those murder shows and think I'd make a pretty good detective because of it! Lol! It was an interesting murder she chose to investigate, trying to clear a young man who committed suicide because he was suspected of a murder. I liked Pip's personality and would read another story featuring her!Thanks to #netgalley fir the chance to read this dtory.

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4.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was a super enjoyable mystery. Once I sat down and started reading it, I wanted to get to the bottom of it as badly as Pip!
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder is well written with many characters, jumping from Pip herself, to her interviews and transcripts for her senior capstone project - the subject matter based on the murder of fellow classmate, Andie Bell and subsequent death of her boyfriend, Sal Singh.
My favorite part of this book was Pip’s thought process. It felt like we were of the same brain along the way connecting dots, running the questions through this way and that trying to work it out. I was right along with her the entire time saying, “and what if to this/that, don’t forget this person said this, etc.” There wasn’t a gaping hole of breaks where we jump into a side story more and the mystery takes a bit of a backseat where I’m left frustrated she’s not checking out a certain angle or something is going on in the background and she’s too naive to pay attention..<- that was very specific. 🤣 What I’m trying to say is that.... It was refreshing, really being *with* Pip every step of the way, as focused and overachieving as she is.
As heavy as the subject matter is, there’s a certain lightness to it which I enjoyed. Pip was funny, I liked her friends, her family dynamic was the cutest.
I’m not sure, I’m grappling with whether I could’ve used a bit more depth into the other characters. Maybe a bit more backstory of relationships or interactions with the side characters or something, aside from interview questions. Just a bit more, I don’t know, emotion? But then I think, if the author went that way, would it have made it a different story all together and taken away what I did like about the lightness and focus on the mystery?? Or would it have given it that extra oomph? Regardless, I had a great time reading it and would definitely read any future books this author writes. Excellent debut novel that I’m thrilled I got an opportunity to read. I have to thank Netgalley and Random House Children’s for an ARC copy of this book.

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A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson follows Pippa Fitz-Amobi who has decided to do her senior project on the disappearance/murder of Andie Bell. Sal Singh, Andie’s boyfriend at the time, was accused of the murder, even though nobody was ever found. That never sat well with Pippa. We follow Pippa as she investigates Andie’s life leading up to her disappearance through interviews with the local investigator who went hard at Sal for the murder, to students who went to school with Andie, to Andie’s closest friends and even Andie’s little sister. It becomes clear rather quickly that Andie was not the girl next door everyone portrays her to be, the secrets come out and it’s quite the roller coaster.

I loved this one. Great characters, well-thought out mystery, suspense that had me hooked and sass that I can get behind.

Pippa was great. She’s a smart, responsible-ish high school student who wants to know the truth. She reminded me of Nancy Drew & Veronica Mars. She walks us through her entire process and as the investigation heats up so does the tension. Even though Pippa knows she should back off to protect everyone around her, she just can’t let it go. Thankfully she has a stable and supportive family and close friends who are always there for her.

And then there’s my favorite character, Ravi, who is Sal’s younger brother. Through him we see what his family has been through. His parents won’t let him talk about the brother he looked up to, the brother he believes is innocent. Ravi is skeptical of Pippa’s intention or that she’s capable of finding out the truth but a part of him is hoping she can do what he never could, find the truth. Together they form a bond that I thoroughly enjoyed. There was some PG flirting but for the most part their relationship is kept more platonic. They grew to trust each other and it was fun to witness.

Although I questioned why Pippa didn’t follow certain clues when they came up, in the end all roads her to the answers she seeks. Good, the bad and the devastating. There are some truly heartbreaking moments but it’s so worth the ride. I had my suspicions about the big twist but I didn’t care too much if I was right. I was more interested in Pippa’s journey to focus on if I figured it out.

I can’t wait to read what happens next.

Thank you to Random House, Delacorte Press and NetGalley for providing this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Hands down this is a new TOP FAVORITE. It's not often that I can find a young adult thriller that will literally steal hours of my life away but this one DID. I was glued to the pages and read this one from beginning to end in one sitting! Absolutely fantastic!

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I love mysteries so I was so excited to read this!

Pippa Fitz-Amobi needs a senior project and decides to delve into the most famous true crime case in her Connecticut town: the tragic story of a teen girl who was murdered by her boyfriend, who then committed suicide. But as Pippa delves into the case, she begins to question everything she thought she knew.

This book was really fun and seemed a little bit inspired by season one of the Serial podcast, which also looked at the case of a high school student whose boyfriend has been in prison for her murder for decades.

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder flips the case a little by having Pippa team up with the brother of the suspect, who also never believed that his brother was guilty.

I loved the way Pippa doggedly tracked down suspects and journaled all her clues and suspicions as part of her project. Though she receives anonymous threats, she never backs down. I did guess the killer pretty early on, but I think the book did a great job of presenting a lot of possible scenarios. Being correct didn’t dampen my enthusiasm for this great YA mystery.

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4.5 Stars
I DEVOURED this book. I made the mistake of starting this one on a dinner break and could not wait to pick it back up. I finished it that evening.

I couldn't believe that this was a YA debut author! I've read a lot of those, trust me, and this one is a true stand out. It is so very skillfully constructed that I didn't realize how many pages I'd turned until I was two chapters from the end. Fast paced is an understatement. Twisty, turny, and topical. The best combination.

I consider myself a pun connoisseur and enjoyed every single cringey dad joke included. Well done.

I will have no problem getting teens to pick this up. True crime podcast fans will also eat this up.

However, I will never forgive the author for what happened to Barney. Never!

Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the ARC. I can't wait for the next one!

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Thank you so much Net Galley and Random House for this amazing ARC! In A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, high school senior Pip's capstone project is to investigate a murder in her town from five years ago. Everyone in the town is convinced that Andie's boyfriend Sal killed her and then killed himself because he couldn't bear the guilt. But Pip is not so sure and, with the help of Sal's younger brother Ravi, she sets out to find out the truth. I loved the format of this book. It's very unique in that some chapters are narrative, while others are interviews Pip conducts with suspects. You also get to see Pip's diagrams and photos, which makes this feel like a real true crime investigation. This was a super quick read and a real page-turner! I read it all in two sittings because I had to know what happened. I had a lot of theories for what had actually happened to Andie and I'm happy to say that this book surprised me! There's a really great twisty ending that kept me on the edge of my seat. I would recommend this to anyone who loves mysteries, thrillers, and true crime. 5 stars!

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Everyone believes Sal Singh killed his girlfriend Andie Bell and then himself five years ago. For her senior capstone project, Pippa wants to prove Sal’s innocence and find the real murderer. A Good Girl’s Guide Guide to Murder focuses more on the mystery than on providing thrills. Readers follow Pippa, assisted by Sal’s brother Ravi, as she puts together clues and formulates theories about what happened five years ago. Readers follow Andie’s train of thought about the case through the narrative and her “Capstone Project Log.” This book is more of a mystery than a thriller. While there are attempts at providing some thrills, there’s never a sense anyone is really in danger. Readers also catch a glimpse of Pippa’s life outside of the investigation with her concerns about college applications and making time for her friends and family. What doesn’t work is the “romance” between Pippa and Sal which feels shoehorned at the end because of some requirement that YA books need romance. Fans of mysteries like the One of Us Is Dying and Truly Devious series would enjoy this book

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OK... STANDING ovation for Holly Jackson friends. WOW this book totally blew my expectations out of the damn water plus some.

This book deserves all the stars plus more! I am SO unbelievably sad that this book had to come to an end. BUT, am SO ecstatic that this is going to a be a series and it looks like we only have to wait until April to get the second....muhahahahaahha.

Easily one of my top thrillers of ALL time. Yes... ALL time. I can't tell you how refreshing it is as a huge thriller/mystery lover to come across a book like this that leaves you just breathless and in amazement for how much you loved it.

What I loved most about this book was how it's written. The combination of interviews, journal entries, and project entries etc was brilliant. I absolutely loved the narrator Pippa and was instantly connected with her and the story.

AND COME on THAT ending folks! DAMN. Ok... end of story go buy this ok? I had to purchase my own copy to put on my bright and shiny shelf because of how much I loved it.

5 epic stars!

Huge thank you to Netgalley and Delacorte Press for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

Pub date: 2/4/20
Published to GR/IG: 2/5/20

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Looking at the mystery aspect, this book is decent. We have a reasonable number of suspects. Clues to the real resolution as well as reasonable red herrings. Initially I liked the format. I liked the way the interviews broke up the narrative. Over time, though, they wore on me. And I never cared for the log files. I found them intrusive and unnecessary, especially when they only recapped events that had just happened.

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This book was very interesting. It was a young adult mystery thriller that give you just enough information to try and figure out what happened along with the narrator. By the end of the book I was surprised with how many lies came up through out the book. In some mystery thrillers I get annoyed by all the red herrings that are forcible thrown at the reader but the author was able to make every twist and turn feel natural to the development of the story and not forced.

I think this would be a good book for those that typically read more young about but would like to get a taste of of a mystery thriller.

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