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All the Rage

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One of my favourite authors, I did not read the blurb I wanted to be surprised and boy was I. I absolutely love the DI Adam Fawley series and in my opinion the best one yet. This book ticked all my boxes. Atmospheric and chilling, gripping and definitely not what I was expecting. Plenty of heart in your mouth moments and I was shocked to the core. Original plot and brilliant storytelling which I always get from this author. Need I say more READ IT FOR YOURSELF, I promise you will not be disappointed personally I LOVED IT!!!!!!!
I would like to thank the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC in return for giving an honest review.

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3.5 ⭐
Well that was an unexpected roller-coaster!
All The Rage starts with DI Adam Fawley and his team investigating an attack on a young girl who is found by a cab driver at the side of the road. The girl is unwilling to talk to the police at first insisting it was all just an April Fools prank. Upon doing some digging the team think it may be a hate crime and then link it to an old case of Fawleys especially when another girl goes missing.
The story started off a little slow for me and it took a while to get into it. Part of this was down to how it was laid out. There are so many characters that I got a bit lost a few times and found myself flicking back to refresh myself on who was who. Also as its told from multiple points of view (which I normally love) I would have liked a bit more detail from the rest of the teams POV as you only got short insights. I can see why it was done like this as it did leave you constantly guessing what was going to happen but I personally found it a bit confusing. Once I got further into the book I enjoyed it. Just when I thought I'd worked it out something else happened and although I'd worked out some of it I was unprepared for the big reveal. Loved the epilogue it's set up what could potentially be a cracking 5th book
All The Rage is part 4 of a series but can definitely be read as a stand alone which I did.
Was a good read and would recommend it. Would have been higher if Id been able to keep up a bit better.

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Book 4 of this series and it certainly didn’t disappoint! I was left gripped as the story twisted and turned, almost fooling the reader into identifying the suspect and then disproving it.
This book focuses on the subject of hate crime and murder, picking on subjects such as a transgender character which is so much in focus these days.
After Faith is viciously attacked and then Sasha is found murdered it’s down to DI Fawley and his team to identify the suspect as soon as possible, and it’s not who you’d first suspect.
We also gain some insight into Adam and his wife’s past as they celebrate their impending baby whilst hiding some secrets.
Great book, I loved it! Thanks to Penguin and Net Galley for the advanced read.

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I didn't realise this was part of a series and I think it could stand alone quite well. However, (and this is a personal thing) I'm not a big fan of police procedure being a focal point of a novel. Based on the description I was expecting a psychological thriller a la Gone Girl or Sister.

That being said, I did enjoy the main storyline. The opening chapter gripped me, it was a striking first voice to hear. I think Cara Hunter has done a great job of creating an enthralling plot and generally updating the police procedural genre.

The switch from first to third person grated a little, but perhaps if I'd read more of the series I'd be used to it.

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Thanks to Net Galley and Penguin Books UK for an ARC of this book in exchange for a review.
This is book four in the DI Adam Fawley series and it certainly doesn’t disappoint, the reader will be hooked from page one, the pages literally turn themselves.
Faith is staggering on the roadside when a taxi driver stops to see if she needs help, it’s immediately obvious that she has been brutally assaulted. She just wants to be taken home, she doesn’t want the police involved but the taxi driver feels compelled to report the obvious assault. There is however little the police can do without her cooperation, but things change when a second girl disappears, DI Fawley feels his past is catching up with him - the case has a lot of similarities to one he worked before.
There does not seem to be ab obvious connection between Fiona’s kidnapping and attack and the complete disappearance of the 2nd teenage girl Sacha Blake. Sacha’s friends are definitely hiding something, their stories about the night their friend went missing just don’t add up.
The past and the present are entangled in the case, will Adam Fawley and his team be able to read between the lines and fit the pieces together and solve the case.
A twisty suspenseful case, definitely a few surprises along the way. A 5 star read. If you haven’t read any of Cara Hunters Books you are missing out.

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There isn't anything I can say that adequately conveys how much I loved reading this book! I read it in a day because I couldn't put it down and I was so eager to untangle the web of deceit and work out how the events were connected. Cara Hunter led me on a merry dance but like the children in the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, I was oblivious to the pitfalls and willingly danced to the tune she played. What a tune!
There were so many characters that could have been involved and found out as The Guilty One. I really enjoyed the story being broken up by the interviews carried out in the police station as well as excerpts from a trial transcript going back a long while. What I especially like about Cara's psychological/crime thriller writing is that there is always such a human element to the story. We are treated to a cornucopia of behaviour, foibles, jealousies and thoughts from different characters adding a real depth of perspective. And of course I always want DI Fawley and his team to win the day!
I cannot give anything away but this book is shocking. And brilliant!

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With thanks to Netgalley and Penguin for this ARC in exchange for an open and honest

EIghteen year old fashion student Faith Appleford was at home getting ready to go to college. An hour later she was found by a taxi driver walking down the road with ripped clothes and her hands tied.

When DC`s Erica Somer and Verity Everitt visited Faith, she didn t want to press charges and said it was just a joke. Later Faith explained that she was walking to the bus stop, when Her attacker put a plastic bag over her head and bundled her into a van. She was driven to an allotment where she was taken out of the van, luckily the attacker was scared off by a passing van and she escaped.

A week later 15 year old Sasha Blake had gone into town for a night out with her friends known as the LIPS girls. On her way home she got off the bus to meet a mystery person and had not been seen since. Everitt and Somer quickly realised that Sasha looked similar to Faith and the same man may be responsible. However her best friend Patsy Webb accused their art teacher Graeme Scott, she said he was obsessed with Sasha and was stalking her.

Twenty years earlier Adam Fawley arrested Gavin Parry who was known as The Roadside Rapist. Faith`s attack and Sasha`s disappearance showed the same MO used by Parry. When a review of Perry`s case is held by the IPC, Fawley finds himself taken off the cases of Faith and Sasha to be replaced by DI Ruth Gallagher.

I am a big fan of the DI Adam Fawley series and was excited to read book 4. If you are new to the series it can be easily read as a standalone story.

The story was intertwined with psychiatric reports and social media posts which gave the story some realism. My only criticism is the book was not divided into chapters so I found it hard to know where to take a break.

I was drawn to the story from the first page.. The story was fast paced with a constantly changing plot. The storyline was quite dark in places, especially the forum for men who hate woman.

I liked Faith and I think her character was drawn quite sympathetically. I also thought DI Ruth Gallagher was a great replacement for Adam and I hope she will feature in further books. I also enjoyed the flash back to the night Adam a young sergeant as his wife Alex met, it was ingenious

There was a big cliff hanger at the end of the book which will threaten Adam and his family in the future. I can't wait for the next one!!

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All the Rage by Cara Hunter

Teenager Faith Appleford is snatched off the street on the outskirts of Oxford. A plastic bag is forced over her head and she is driven off. Thankfully she manages to escape but, when DI Adam Fawley and his team question her, she refuses to say anything about what happened to her. The police will have to find another way to solve the crime. But there is something about it which horrifies Fawley. It’s far too similar to another case he investigated many years before and it’s not too long before questions are being asked of him. And then another girl goes missing. This time she might not be as fortunate as Faith Appleford. Fawley has to find her and face the past.

All the Rage is the fourth novel by Cara Hunter to feature Oxford detective Adam Fawley and, as is no surprise considering how absolutely brilliant the previous one was (No Way Out), it is fantastic. As with all series you benefit from having followed the lives of the detectives through previous novels but All the Rage stands alone very well.

The story is so good, full of surprises, shocks and potential suspects, and particularly interesting for the way in which it shows how crime can affect those close to the victim, whether family or friends, and how the net of suspicion is widely cast. It all adds up to fear and distrust in the community. But what makes this novel, and the others so brilliant, is not just the excellent story but the way in which it is told. Cara Hunter excels at immersing the reader in the investigation and in the case as a whole by filling the narrative with different and unusual perspectives – we’re given extracts from police interviews, from transcripts of court cases, blog posts and tweets. The narrative also moves around between people. Much of the time is spent with Adam Fawley and these sections are in the first person but these are interspersed with third person narrative, showing us how Fawley is viewed by others and also taking us into the world of Faith, her family and her school friends. It’s all extremely clever and very sophisticated – and completely engrossing.

As well as being a tense and gripping read, All the Rage also considers some important themes. There is so much to this story. I can’t say anything about these as I don’t want to give anything away. You must discover these people for yourself. I warmed much more to Adam Fawley in All the Rage. I feel that we know him better in this novel and I like what I find. I also enjoyed meeting the other team members again. They have more to deal with than normal and react and interact in different ways. They’re an interesting bunch. As for Faith Applefield… I cared about her very much.

I live and work in north Oxford and so this is an area I know inside out and, once more, Cara Hunter sets her novel close to home. I suspect I may also know something of the inspiration for the novel. But this place that I love is in safe hands with this author. I’ve read books set in Oxford with glaring errors, inevitably pushing me out of the book, but there is none of that in this series. This feels like the real Oxford, albeit one that has much to frighten, these are no cosey crimes. Its authenticity makes All the Rage even more compelling for me and, I suspect, for all readers, whether they know the city or not.

All the Rage is yet another absolute corker from Cara Hunter! I love this series so much and, as an Oxfordian, it appeals even more and the Oxford that is portrayed here is spot on. This is such a clever story and I love the way in which it’s told, approaching it from every angle and from so many perspectives. It’s extremely effective. The result is that this book is so difficult to put down and is utterly engrossing. I can’t wait for more!

Other review
No Way Out

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I haven’t encountered Cara Hunter’s DI Fawley books before but I shall make sure to remedy that having read this book as it was excellent. It’s an easy book to read as a stand alone, but I suspect even more satisfying in its correct place in the series. It kept my attention throughout; had lots of interesting and well drawn characters and had a good mix of procedural events and investigation and ongoing background stories on the team.
There are a lot of plot twists and I found myself running suspect after suspect through my mind, trying to get a grip on who committed each crime and how. I didn’t guess.
My thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A young woman is abducted on her way to college and assaulted; days later, a second girl is taken and her dead body is found shortly afterwards, horribly mutilated. Are the two attacks connected, and do they have any links to the attacks twenty years ago by the Roadside Rapist. DI Adam Fawley and his team have to sift through all the evidence to find the truth.

What a gripping story. With many twists and turns and an ending that I for one did not see coming! On several occasions I thought I was getting somewhere, then like the police, found I was wrong, as the shocking conclusion showed. If I had to make a negative comment, it would be that the beginning was a little confusing, with so many different characters and settings being introduced. However, all was clear by the end of the book.

A book to read, an author to follow.

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My next review is as follows:-

"All The Rage” written by Cara Hunter and published in Paperback by Penguin on 23 Jan. 2020 464 pages ISBN-13: 978-0241985113

This book was absolutely sensational and I just could not put it down until the final pages. It is only the second that I've read by the author I missed reading her first and second titles but I intend reading the others as soon as possible. I was very impressed by the high quality of the authors research and her plotting which could not be faulted.

Cara Hunter is the author of the Sunday Times bestselling crime novels Close to Home, In the Dark, No Way Out and All The Rage all featuring DI Adam Fawley and his Oxford-based police team. Close to Home was a Richard and Judy Book Club pick, was shortlisted for Crime Book of the Year in the British Book Awards 2019 and No Way Out was selected by the Sunday Times as one of the 100 best crime novels since 1945. Cara's novels have sold more than three quarters of a million copies worldwide. Cara Hunter lives in Oxford, on a street not unlike those featured in her books.

The book was one that once started was almost impossible to put down and I read it very quickly as it was a real page turner. The plotting and characterisation of all the protagonists could not be faulted and I hope that we have many more exciting books from this very gifted author. I just do not understand any reader of this authors work giving her negative reviews as her books of the two that I’ve read are excellent and can’t be faulted. I will be reading the books that I missed as soon as possible as I cannot wait until 2021 for the next instalment of the DI Adam Fawley stories. Very strongly recommended.

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This is a page turner of a book and a competent police procedural set in Oxford. A young transgender student is found after an assault then later a schoolgirl is murdered. DI Fawley and his team investigate the crimes but at the same time Fawley is dealing with his wife's complex pregnancy and their involvement in the conviction of a serial rapist. I like this series of novels, especially the exploration of the darker side of Oxford.

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This is the fourth book in the Adam Fawley series. It is very much a police procedural novel quoting transcripts from interviews and copies of emails. Unfortunately, I found it very drawn out and a bit tedious. By half way, the murderer was pretty obvious despite the red herrings. I haven't read the previous books in the series, but I don't think that would have made a difference. When I came to write this review I was surprised by the unanimous rave reviews so probably it must be my personal taste.

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Love the Adam Fawley series and every time I read a new one I say it’s my favourite 😂 I guess I have another new favourite then! This one was another cracker of a story, gripping from the start and as per usually more twists than a curly wurly!!!!! If you’ve not read any of them get them bought as you’re in for a treat!

Hurry up with the next one!!!

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When I shared that I'd be reading this book a few people commented on how much they love Cara Hunter's books and the DI Adam Fawley series. I was embarrassed that I'd not heard of them before. It may be because they're more popular overseas than here in Australia. Either that or I live under a rock, I'm not sure.

But although I've started with number four (and I hate entering series' part way through) I very much enjoyed this book. I suspect I've been privy to some spoilers from previous outings but I'd definitely still be interested in reading some earlier books in the series.

This book is particularly twisty. Not only do we have the potential that DI Fawley got it wrong twenty years earlier (with the arrest of Gavin Parry) and a rapist's been on the loose all of this time, but Hunter throws in several very surprising red herrings throughout the last third of the book. And each time we think we (well the police) have solved it, something new comes to light.

As I've not read other books in this series, I'm not sure how much of Fawley's involvement in the Gavin Parry case has been mentioned previously - if any... despite it being a bit of a turning point for him at the time. Perhaps it's an overarching story arc throughout the four books. Speaking of missing backstories, there was obviously some surrounding his team and colleagues and his wife and their son that I've missed.

That lack of context wasn't a problem however - it intrigued me more than anything. Perhaps it meant I had more surprises here than others did.

Hunter confronts a few social issues in this book. Deftly. And isn't afraid to (ahem) 'kill her darlings'; and I was certainly saddened by the death of one of her more likeable characters. #butnospoilers 

I also really liked that Hunter introduces a range of 'media' - via interview transcripts and tweets and the like. I had a discussion with someone recently about whether inserting tweets / Facebook updates (in the form they appear online) or podcast transcripts would 'date' a book. I actually like the inclusion of something that mixes up the formatting a little, jolting readers out of our complacency. It also 'grounds' the story, making it more realistic. 

I'd be keen to read more of this series as I liked Fawley. I also enjoyed meeting his team and wonder if some have played bigger roles in past books as I'm eager to learn more about them.

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I’ve loved the entire series of the Adam Fawley books and each one has been a favourite but this one really is. No really, it is.

So many twists and turns. Also the personal story with Fawley. So much character development and I’m so happy to have been given the chance to review this. Just need #5 now

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All the Rage by Cara Hunter was a real page-turner for me. I’m usually quite good at picking up “who dunnit” but this one had me flummoxed. I loved the characters and the pace of the book was great. Real life issues and sensitivities were all well handled and the characters responded convincingly. I don’t want to give the plot away but this deals with abduction, perversion, abuse of power and sexual violence. A crime thriller with real lives going on throughout it all, flawed human beings trying to make the best decisions they can and talented folk who make a difference to the outcomes of this type of work. Family dynamics and peer pressure all come into play.
I see there are a number of negative reviews and I’m puzzled about this as I am a notoriously “hard marker”. Maybe because I haven’t read the previous books by Cara I didn’t know what to expect. Suffice to say, having really thoroughly loved this one I’ll be looking to read the previous books which sound fab. Totally five stars from me! Loved it.

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A good solid police procedural which keeps you guessing throughout. Although this is part of a series, you can also read this as a standalone crime thriller. The characters are well drawn and complex, but there are a lot of them!

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I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I liked the characterisation of the book and the fact that it didn't really matter if you had read the preceding books in the series.

A girl is found walking and visibly upset, picked up by a benevolent taxi driver she refuses to go either to the police or the hospital. Very quickly there is a twist to this story which really captured my attention. Harmed but now safe and an unwilling participant in the police enquiry there is little progress until another teenager goes missing.

Remarkable similarities to another case arise, a case that this investigation's man in charge also led. We are carried through the events, past and present with trial transcripts, maps, emails and social networking. The format is unusual but it works. The plot has plenty of twists as forensic evidence comes to light, some of it can be worked out but not the exact sequence.

The ending leads to another sharp intake of breath and I cant wait for #5 which i think might follow on from this

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This is the first of Carla Hunter's books that I've read but I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a great thriller that kept me guessing the whole way through as to who the killer (or killers) were and with so many unexpected twists I was constantly having to re-think my conclusions. Just when I thought it was all sewn up and sorted along came another swift curve that opened up a whole new train of thought. It took me a little while to acquaint myself with the whole team on the case and their roles and also the many suspects. There are a lot of characters in this book! I liked the character of DI Fawley and now want to go back and read some of Carla's earlier books in which he features to really get to know him from the start which I'm sure will help to better understand and enjoy any future books with this person in them. A gripping book with some very surprising conclusions that I hadn't anticipated at all.

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