Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest and independent review.
I particularly liked the strong bond between the three sisters and look forward to reading the stories of the other two.
Quick, easy to read, feel good romance which was lighthearted but sweet.
3.5 stars

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What an absolutley wonderful story. I immediately fell in love with the characters in this book. Avery and Carter were great together. I loved the banter between them and of course the moment they both realized their feelings for each other. I cannot wait for the next book in this series

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4.6 stars

There is a reason that this author is a bestselling one. It is because of her ability to create characters that feel real amidst a story that tugs at one's heartstrings. I know that with every new story that I read by her that I can be guaranteed to have my emotions react in a myriad of ways.

This story is no different as it takes a wedding planner, Avery, that believes in love and wants it for herself, and a man, Carter, that doesn't. It is a case of opposites attract. It should be cliche but it is anything but. This is because of this author's ability to weave a tale that sucks her audience in. I felt like I was along on the ride and was in Avery's shoes. I wouldn't have warmed up to Carter very fast either. In fact, I didn't. I struggled with liking him for her. However, my feelings changed as the story progressed. Fantastic secondary characters and definitely some future stories could come from this book.

If you are on the fence about reading this, or any of the author's previous work, don't be. She truly is special.

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This was a great series opener. I enjoyed the plot on this enemies-to-lovers romance. It was really nice to have two characters who are a bit more mature and realistic.

Avery and her sisters are great. I love how different they all are, yet supportive and loving of each other. The wedding planning business will surely lead to more fun stories in this series.

Carter is a great romantic lead. His back story about raising his little sister is just so sweet. He really grew on me as the book progressed.

This will be a great summer beach read! Looking forward to the next installment- which sister will it be about next?!

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Love on Beach Avenue was a fun romance. It features Avery, a wedding planner, who runs the business that used to belong to their parents, with her two sisters. Avery agrees to take on her best friend from college, Ally, as a client, with the wedding quickly approaching in three months.

Carter, the older brother who raised Ally after the death of their parents, has always been disapproving of Avery. He decides to spend the summer at the beach town where Avery's business is located so that he can make sure she doesn't mess anything up. The two do not hit it off well upon becoming reacquainted. Carter inserts himself into the wedding planning and contradicts all of Avery's decisions. As the two struggle for control of the wedding, they begin to feel an unwelcome attraction for each other.

I enjoyed this book and liked the characters. My favorite parts were when Carter interacted with Avery's four year old niece, Zoe. Those were some very charming scenes! I liked the storyline, but did become a bit weary of the competitiveness between Carter and Avery over wedding details. Overall, I found the book spirited and entertaining.

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Love on Beach Avenue by Jennifer Probst is the first novel of the Sunshine Sisters books. Three sisters run a successful wedding planning business on the Jersey shore. When Avery Sunshine’s best friend asks for help planning her last minute wedding—Avery cannot refuse. However, planning her best friend’s wedding means Avery will be working closely with the Man of Honor, her best friend’s older brother, and her old nemesis—Carter Ross. As the wedding planning begins—the once negative spark between Avery and Carter intensifies and turns into something more intense and irresistible. Probst draws the reader into the story with humor, interesting characters, a little angst, and a lot of romance. Love on Beach Avenue by Jennifer Probst is brilliant novel that will keep readers coming back for more of the Sunshine Sisters.

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This was a great story. Three sisters run the family Wedding Planning business. The Oldest sister Avery is the take charge sister. She throws everyone off when she decides to help her college best friend Ally with her wedding. Ally brings along her brother Carter during the entire wedding planning process. It drives Avery insane having to work with Carter. It becomes a competition. When Avery looses a bet and has to pay for Carter's dinner things change. Who know the animosity that was simmering between them could be something more? Could they be truly made for each other? You will have to read and find out.

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You know when you pick up a JP book you are going to get heartfelt, wonderful story that you are going to fall in love with.

And I did with Love on Beach Avenue - though it took me a while to warm up to Carter - just like it took Avery to. Sheesh that man was frustrating!

I mean, what could be better than a wedding planner who wants nothing but to fall in love, and a man who doesn't believe in love? You know that there are going to be sparks. We knew that we would get our HEA, but boy it was a bit rough getting there for our lovelies.

Someone must have been cutting onions near me at times too, as there was definite eye leakage at times.

We have a wonderful cast of secondary characters, and I cannot wait for you to meet them, especially Lucy and Zoe.

I am really looking forward to Avery's sisters to get their stories. I think I know who they will be with, but can't wait to see how the tales go.

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4.9 Stars

We're in Cape May on the Jersey Coast with the three Sunshine sisters who run their own wedding planner business.

Avery is the first one to tell us her story.

She's mega busy going into the spring/summer wedding season when her bestie Ally from College asks her to organize her wedding in only three months!

Ally is renting a house in town for the summer to plan everything with Avery. And Ally isn't coming alone! She's bringing her big brother Carter. The guy Avery couldn't stand from the first second she met him a decade ago! And the dislike still seems to be mutual. Right?

Let the fun times begin ...



You just know that by picking up a Jennifer Probst romance you'll get an adorable, funny, sexy and so very sweet and moving love story. And this one was no exception!

Avery and Carter were so much fun!

They can't stand each other - never could. But we all know about that little boys pulling little girls pigtails thing in kindergarten.

We just know that we'll get our happily ever after.

But of course it takes them a while to get there.

Lots of arguing and flirting and spark-flight-age!

Then we get this romantic background of wedding dresses and locations and cakes and whatnot.

It was just all so adorable and funny and sunny-wedding-beach-town-ish.

We even get lots of very moving moments - I had some very frequent eye-leakage!

I just adored this book and the whole cast! Lucy & Zoe! Super adorable! Wait till you meet them!

I can't wait to see what Taylor and Bella will have to tell us in the next two books!

Also - I want to move to Cape May asap! What an adorable location for a book series. I so want to see this whole thing on Netflix!!!

► LOVE ON BEACH AVENUE was such an adorable & funny & sparky & emotional & wedding-y enemies-to-lovers New Jersey Beach Town love story! Just Beautiful!
Run to your nearest amazon for your own Carter - this one is mine!

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Jennifer Probst wrote an amusing, angst filled romance between Carter and Avery. The sexy banter and conversation between these two is so passionate at all times you become engrossed in their emotions. So much so that I wanted to both smack and kiss Carter myself.

JP wrote this first book in the series to draw you into the main story while teasing with you the stories to follow. Very excited for the next.

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This is a great enemies to lovers/older brother of best friend story. Avery is a wedding planner and her best friend asks her to plan her wedding. Ally's brother, Carter, helped raise her after their parents died so sometimes he's more of a parent than brother. When Avery and Ally were in college, Avery was a little wild and sometimes roped Ally into things they shouldn't be doing. Once Carter had to bail them out of jail. Now all he can think of is that irresponsible Avery is going to try to plan his sister's wedding and not do a good job. Avery and Carter butt heads over everything to do with the wedding. Sometimes, he knows more about what Ally would want than Avery, the wedding planner. When Ally is called away to take care of her future mother-in-law, the wedding details are up to Avery and Carter. I liked how Carter starts to see that Avery is very competent in her job and she's not the same as when he knew her before. Will they both be able to overcome their past feelings for a new relationship before it's too late? I really liked this first book in a new series by Jennifer Probst. I can't wait for the next books to be released. I received an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this book. I can't wait for the next one in this series. This author never disappoints and she definitely didn't with this book. I recommend this book, this series, and this author.

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sweet - somewhat humorous story! falling for your best friends big brother who you've hated for years ;) and little Zoe steals the show! I great escape read and now I really want to go to the beach!

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I just finished reading Love on Beach Avenue, a love story of Avery and Carter. It’s a story of a wedding planner and uptight brother of the bride, the planner's best friend from earlier days. Neither of the main characters get along and are in competition for choosing the best choice for the bride. The story is the usual back and forth between characters. At times the story tended to be very wordy and slow moving. I would love to say I liked the story more than I did. It was a sweet story until three quarters of the way through then there was a lot of sex. There is also a part of the story where the sister gets together at one sisters house. I just found it difficult to know which sisters house it was. It started as one sister’s but ended as another sister’s house. I usually like Jennifer Probst’s books but found this one just so-so. #Net Galley # Love on Beach Avenue.

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I have read many of this authors books, so I was very excited when the ARC of this book came up for review. I liked the premise of the book, Avery and Ally are best friends, and because Avery runs a Wedding Planning business, Ally can't think of a better person to plan her wedding for her. Carter, Ally's brother, has raised her since their parents died when they were younger, so Ally is thrilled when Carter agrees to take the summer off to spend time with her in Cape May while she plans her wedding. I think I'm too much like Avery when it comes to her workplace and controlling the environment, especially when it comes to an occupation like wedding planning. When Carter starts pushing his way in on Avery's planning, I actually got a bit irritated at him, it got to the point where you just wanted to throttle him because he was so pushy and arrogant. When the two do hook up, it was a bit awkward because neither one of them really liked each other, it was more of a anger hotness thing instead of a growing to like the person thing. It took me until there was about 25% of the book left before it started to pick up for me, then things got interesting. Lucy was a bit of a PITA, I mean I get it, she was abused and overly protective of Carter, but it was a bit too much the way she continually reacted to Avery. There were a lot of LOL moments in the book, which saved it for me, and Gabe was pretty funny, and Zoe was adorable. Looking forward to see what Bella and Gabe's story looks like. Overall, book was pretty good, but would like to see some changes in the second installment.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.

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As always, Jennifer Probst has delivered another wonderful book. This is the story of Avery and Carter and their enemies to lovers romance. I have to say I really liked Avery and Carter, but I did have a hard time at first seeing them as a couple. Carter seemed so very closed off through most of the book that I didn't see how he was going to move into being open to a relationship, but of course in the end he was able to-but it was really fast. I really would have liked an epilogue that set me more at ease about their long term prospects instead of just setting up the next book.

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A great read, the story of Avery and Carter. She is planing his younger sisters wedding, and he doesn't trust her to do her job. The more time they spend fighting each other the more they fall for each other.

Really looking forward to the rest of this series!

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Avery has been giving happily ever after to couples for several years. She and her sisters took over their parents wedding planning business. Avery can't wait to find the man of her dreams but it's hard when all she does is work. Carter is a computer hacker and has just found out his baby sister is getting married. He raised her after their parents died so he wants the best for her. When she wants a destination wedding and wants her best friend to plan it and as the man of honor, he plans to help with everything. Avery and Carter butt heads especially when they are left to plan everything. Can they pull off the best wedding without killing each other?
A new series by Jennifer Probst that will have you laughing and crying. I'll be honest, I did not care for Carter at first and was hoping Avery strangled him. 😁 I cannot wait to see what happens with the rest of the sisters.
* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for Netgalley *

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Love on Beach Avenue by Jennifer Probst 5 stars

This is the first book in a new series starring the Sunshine Sisters, three sisters working in a wedding planning business. This book is about Avery Sunshine, the oldest Sunshine sister and Carter Ross, the older brother of her college friend. Ally Ross is getting married and Avery Sunshine is determined to organize her wedding. So she fits her friend's wedding into an already overcrowded schedule. Ally asks her older brother Carter to be her "Man of Honor" and he agrees to be with her during the wedding planning process. Avery and Carter know each other through Ally and during that time, Carter disapproved of Avery for leading his little sister astray - there were wild times in college. Meetings between Carter and Avery are filled with tension, with her trying to get rid of him and him trying to take over the wedding planning. What follows is an enjoyable read with witty dialogue. I love it when Carter can charm most of the wedding vendors with his knowledge and enthusiasm. (Of course looking through Ally Pintrest account doesn't count as cheating) This book also introduces the other Sunshine sisters, Bella and Taylor and their possible love interests. I look forward to the other two books in this series.

Thank you Netgalley and Montlake Romance for this ARC

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A good story with a hero and a heroine who are a bit resistant to each other, who spar verbally and fall in love along the way is one of my favourite things. Love on Beach Avenue started out strongly with this premise, Avery and Carter disliked each other for different reasons, some of them misplaced, but all their intentions were in the right place for Ally's dream wedding.

I enjoyed the first part of the back where Avery and Carter's passion was on show, both their beliefs and their feelings for each other. I was anticipating some terrible drama with the wedding and one of them trying to outdo the other and the wheels falling off. That was a big relief and kudos to the author for not falling into a cliche trap.

Having said that, once Avery and Carter finally gave in to each other, I missed the spark between them, the sparring and the little niggles. It became a bit too 'ordinary' for me. Fortunately there was enough in terms of waiting for it all to fall apart and how it was resolved to keep my interest. I'm also interested in the stories of Taylor and Bella, particularly Bella as it seems her story may have many of the staples I mention in my opening statement.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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