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This was just so good!
i Really love Pride and Prejudice both in book and movie, and this as a sort of modern day remake of that.
And, you guessed it i am not mad. Soo good! Absolutely LOVED it!

I got this eARC from Netgalley

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The book was written well but the plot line was too generic and overdone in the YA genre and not engaging enough to pull you in.

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This was a cute story with some resemblance to P&P, but in a modern day setting.

I think what is hard to believe is that a “poor” Mia and a “rich” Finn would get together nowadays.

I received this ebook copy from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What a nice find. This was the first book I've read from this author and I really enjoyed it. The story was different from anything I've read recently and really captured my attention. It was so well written and the characters were fantastic.

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I got an arc of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I'll be honest, I didn't have high hopes for this book. I read Slumber and it was OK, so I thought I'd give Flawed a chance. It was almost exactly as I imagined, a not very good "retelling" of a classic. My main issue is the lack of effort in making this story her own. Bridget Jones is a great retelling of P&P, you can see the influence but it is its own tale.
Flawed doesn't even use its own characters names: Jane becomes Jade, Charles becomes Charlie. It's just a bit obvious.
I also think that even super rich kids don't buy each other cars. There's such things as paperwork and legality!

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Love the modern take on Pride and Prejudice. Loved the authors say of paying homage by having the character read the book by Jane Austen. If you love YA books this is a must read. I think it would appeal to older readers too.

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So I picked this up immediately after finishing Pride and Prejudice. I was quite afraid that this book would taint my love for the former but it was far from that. It's easy to follow and a quick read.

Quite bold of the author to sell the book as the modern retelling of a popular and much loved classic when all it has to offer, is a cheap copy. The main characters share the initials and their character descriptions match albeit being modern. There is zero world-building or any depth to characters. Random situations are thrown in to bring parallels. Suddenly the dialogues would be in Old English, blatantly lifted from the original.

There are a lot of mistakes not corrected while editing. A lot of phrases such as smarmy smirk, get-real look are repeated so often it got on my nerves. Then there is the absurd mistake of referring to Finn as Finn Baker lmao. But my having read P&P made me quite forgiving of this book to be able to overlook and hence complete it.

This book surely had its fair share of moments but nothing here was solid. I'd have loved the book had the author not forced it to be an exact copy of the original. Situations were being so absurdly brought up and with almost no emotion that they made zero sense. I had a complete disconnect with the characters, none of them were likable. Charlie was over the top stupid, Camila was Class A mean girl. Finn was a total jerk and Mia, god alone knows how I endured her!

I thank NetGalley for the ARC but seriously, this could have been much better

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I admit that I am a sucker for a Pride and Prejudice adaptation. I have read so many of the books that have changed the story to fit the characters into so many different walks of life. Unlike the previous adaptations that I have read, I hadn't heard of this one until recently. But like every other version of Pride and Prejudice that I have read before, I enjoyed this one.

Though this book isn't the most well written or even the best adaptation that I have read, I still had so much fun reading it. The fact that you get to read both Finn and Mia's views in this book is what makes it different. You are able to see how Finn (or Darcy) is feeling in the moments that he is seen as judgemental and even just awkward. The author portrays Finn, as a character who struggles with social anxiety. Though this is hinted at in Pride and Prejudice, it is interesting to see Finn actually experiences these feelings as the events take place.

Mia's character is the same supportive sister that you see in Elizabeth Bennett. But, you will also see her make some of the same mistakes that Elizabeth makes. Mia's relationship with her sister Jade shows that she is more than just the harsh exterior she portrays in some areas. It is also fun to see her supporting her sister Jane in her fashion designing endeavors throughout the story.

Overall, I think one of my favorite things about this book is that it also includes some of the famous lines with slight variations to them. Even though this book is predictable, it is exciting to see how some of your favorite scenes will be portrayed. So if you want a light and fluffy read, with a Pride and Prejudice feel I would highly recommend this book to you.

I give this book 3.5 Stars.

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This cover is stunning! This book was really rushed and so unrealistic. Falling in love after just a few days and being so desperate was a bit much but at least it was a quick read.

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When I read the synopsis what immediately grabbed me was the fact it’s a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice which I absolutely love!

Initial Thoughts:

It was a sweet love story and just about the right length given the story and predictability element. You know what you get with Pride and Prejudice. Yes the author could have done more and did a true retelling than basically the same story story plonked in a high school and the characters basically the same just names changed (but same initial).

What especially worked was the cutting down of a lot of characters as you are going into subplots and complications. The tension and wait between the two main characters Mia and Finn was perfect as you read through do they/don’t they.

Little Niggles:

The language – in some places Austen’s words were transposed verbatim when it didn’t really fit in with the characters or the tone of the book.

Characters: Some were a bit over the top yes Charles/Bingley is an affable nice guy but this version he was sickly sweet and stalkerish. Don’t get me wrong I still loved him but it was a bit much.

Overall Becky Bird’s version was a well written sweet story that I recommend to those who needs a mindless predictable romance read to lose themselves in.

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A new twist on a very classic story.
I am a huge fan of retelling books and this Pride and Prejudice was adorable. It followed the original plot very well but also added in a few new things to keep it interesting.
I enjoyed the modern retelling and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys pride and prejudice in our time.

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This is a modern take on Pride and Prejudice; I have never read P&P or watched the TV adaptations and movies.
A highschool romance with a twist, the main character Mia, is reading Pride and Prejudice in her English class and she doesn't like it, events in their real-life seem to happen at the same time it does in the Pride and Prejudice book, but they do not pick up on it, weird. There’s also a love/hate relationship between Mia and Finn.
I enjoyed this although I think I would have “got it” more if I had read P&P. That aside it was an easy, quick and light read.

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This is a Pride and Prejudice retelling, which if you didn't know beforehand would become very apparent bc their english class is reading it, and it just so happens to progress along with our own characters at the exact same which they don't happen to pick up on. It wasn't the best done story, but I'm a sucker for pride and prejudice, so I still read it. And then proceded to go watch pride and prejudice.

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What an adorable twist to a classic love story. My favorite classic, at that. I was bound to love it.

Finn and Mia were the young, contemporary versions of Darcy and Lizzie. I love how the author made little tweaks to the story here and there, but stayed rather true to the original.

I loved Charlie Bell, our modern Mr. Bingsley. I think he was my favorite character of this book. He was unabashedly honest and forward. He wore his heart on his sleeve and I think that made me love his character even more.

One thing I was back and forth about was the use of some of the older language and exact lines from the Jane Austen original. It kind of made it weird. We’re talking about two modern high schoolers here, and most high schoolers don’t speak the way the author had them speaking at times. I couldn’t decided if I loved the classic references or I hated them.

Regardless, it would have been hard to make me hate a Pride & Prejudice style story. I think the author retold it wonderfully. The writing kept me interested and made reading it smooth. I’d definitely recommend this book.

*I received this book for a review and am giving my honest opinion*

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This is the kind of book that, when you finish reading, makes you close your eyes and lean back in your chair with a satisfied sigh and bask in the feeling you only get from finishing a book that was just right in every way

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*I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

I always enjoy a good Austen retelling, but this book didn't quite hit the mark. However, the author named the book quite well, as it was flawed.

One thing that prevented this book from working, in my opinion, was that instead of taking Pride and Prejudice and reinventing it, the author basically just translated it in to a modern-day high school setting, changed the characters' names (mostly keeping the first letters of their names, though), and merging a few of them. There wasn't really much originality to the story or the characters. Even some of the dialogue was taken from the source material or very closely resembled it. In addition, the events in this book unfolded at the same rate that Mia read Pride and Prejudice--when she was 3/4 of the way through the book and reading about what happened at that point, I was also 3/4 done with Flawed and reading about the same events in this book. I'm sure it was meant to be clever, but it really just felt like the author was trying to push, push, push the similarities between the books, as if I was too dumb to draw my own conclusions. (The second-to-last paragraph of the book drove that point home even further, with Mia comparing her and Finn to Elizabeth and Darcy.)

I struggled with the characters, as well. Bird took their worst qualities and magnified them. Mia and Jade's mother was rather sleazy. Lila was . . . okay, perhaps Lila was pretty close to Lydia. Jade was kind of an idiot. Charlie was vain and stupid. (I think the author must only have watched the 2005 movie, as Charles Bingley was portrayed very much as an idiot, when in fact he is not.) Finn was an antisocial jerk, far more extremely so than Darcy. Camila was quite evil, not just the stuck up snob that Carolina Bingley is. Mia was . . . I dunno. But she wasn't as likable as Elizabeth Bennett. Not a single character in this book was as likable as the characters they were based on. Wait, I take that back. The kid who took Mr. Collins's place was nerdy but not creepy. He only had like two lines in the book, but he was rather sweet.

Even the characters' interactions were extreme. Mia and Finn were downright hostile to each other--their romantic feelings were rather out of place within the context of their interactions. Twice he kisses her (and she kisses back) when the timing is way off and no real person would actually kiss. (Yes, you feel tension between Elizabeth and Darcy in the 2005 film and think, "If only . . ." But if they actually had, it would have been really weird.) Charlie's treatment of Jade shouldn't have resulted in the ending the book gave them, either. He treated her downright cruelly.

Note: A little swearing.

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Title: Flawed
Author: Becky Bird
Pub. Date: September 30, 2019
Rating: 4

This will be a spoiler free review.

I stayed up until 4:30 AM reading this the other night – that wasn’t my intention. I’d intended to start it and then finish it during daylight hours…
I legitimately just couldn’t bring myself to stop reading. This is my second Becky Bird book, and just like with Slumber, I loved Flawed. You can check out my review for Slumber, here.
It’s pretty much your typical contemporary romance, a little predictable (in a good way) and full of moments that make you giddy and excited! There are even a few moments that may make your jaw drop and you might whisper yell, “what!” I like I did. I was able to just turn my every analytical mind off and just enjoy and as someone who reads all of the time, it’s so nice when I can just simply enjoy and book and its characters. I didn’t realize how much I needed this kind of read and I’m kicking myself for waiting so long to read it. I should’ve read it sooner, but I’m so thrilled I finally was able to.
I really liked how while this was an adaptation/retelling of Pride & Prejudice the main character Mia, is also reading the book for a class at school. It made for a really interesting dynamic, and I totally understand where Mia was coming from in the beginning about reading classics.
I was the same way – more so in college, but that’s being English Major for ya. I definitely understood her frustration. There have been classics that have taken me forever to read, and held no interest for me, apart from a good grade.
If you love Pride & Prejudice and Darcy and Elizabeth, you’re going to want to check out this adorable, quick contemporary romance. I don’t feel like you need to know the plot of P&P to enjoy this – but it does help, (as does any kind of background knowledge when it comes to adaptations/retellings). Though, Becky makes it pretty evident who these characters are supposed to be, and the traits they have. I’ve never read P&P and I honestly don’t know if I’ve seen either movie version in full, and my extent into P&P (besides knowing the basic plot) is the Austenland movie – which you should watch if you haven’t – and I didn’t have any trouble understanding what was going on in the book.
I cannot wait to see what Becky writes next and I’m super excited to read it when it’s out! Flawed is out now, so make sure you check it out!

This review will be published on my blog (linked below) on November 18, 2019 at 8AM EST

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Listen, I love retellings and I love Pride and Prejudice. This book didn't hit home for either of these stories. Mia and Finn live in a world where P&P is a real story, and one Mia is reading in class, and no one notices that the words the super awkward rich kid is using are straight up lifted from the text/movies? This seems unlikely. Charlie and Jade's relationship has no meat, which is fine for the original story because they aren't the focus, but in this version it reads as incredibly shallow, fake, and downright creepy as Charlie tries to force Jade to listen to him apologize and then just basically buys her forgiveness.

It's one thing to be inspired for a P&P like story, it's another to straight up lift text from the original works and have your characters be too oblivious to notice, but to also put modern day people in this types of situations and not massage any of the circumstances to make it flow or make sense it's great. I really wanted to enjoy this, but it just fell totally flat.

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A very cute modernized young adult version of Pride and Prejudice. I really enjoyed this book. The from enemies to lovers relationship between Mia and Finn was adorable, and the secondary characters provided great humor and even an evil sister, I definitely recommend this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me this ARC.

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4.5 stars

Flawed is a modern retelling of Pride and Predjudice.  I've never read Pride and Predjudice.  I haven't seen the movies either.  The closest I've come is watching Pride, Predjudice, and Zombies.  So I get the gist of how the storyline goes.  From what little I know Becky nailed it.  

The tension between Mia and Finn filled this book from start to finish.  It made me itch for more to happen between them.  The wait was a sweet kind of torture that made the pay off all the more worth it.  Between Finn's antisocial, guarded attitude, and Mia's quick to judge, slow to trust personalities this book was filled with misunderstandings.  

The side story of Finn's best friend Charlie and Mia's sister Jade added another layer to the story that kept the book flowing and tension high.  The differences in personalities between both Mia and Jade, and Finn and Charlie really helped make each character stand out and brought out their individual personalities.  

The development of Becky Bird's writing between this book in the last was huge.  I am beyond ready to see what she has in store for us next.

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