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Regretting You

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Regretting You is just like Colleen, it's UNIQUE. It's a MUST READ that I wholeheartedly recommend.

I've been reading and loving Co-Ho books for years. I never know what to expect when I open one of her books. This story intrigued me right from the beginning. I swear it's so unique and very well written. I enjoyed the fact that it's told in dual POV. I couldn't get enough from either one. I easily connected with all of the characters and felt all the feels they were going through.

Side Note: There's only one thing that because I'm a nosy bitch, I couldn't understand a decision made by one of the characters. I accepted it, even respected it, I just couldn've done it. That being said, I think it added so much to the story. I mean, it's had me thinking about it for weeks.

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My favorite Colleen Hoover book yet! She just gets better each book! It tugged on my mama heartstrings. I look forward to sharing with my own daughter!

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This is the second book I’ve read by Hoover. When I saw the description for this book I felt compelled to read it. I enjoy stories centered around a mother and daughter trying to figure things out. Add in some tragedy and I’m all for it. I have never really been drawn to Hoover’s books but I thought maybe this will be the that helps me understand her appeal to so many.

Reader, this was not the one. This review will be spoilery so be forewarned. A big chunk of this review will be under a spoiler tag.

Before I get to the spoilery parts, I want to know why Hoover seems to isolate her heroines. Is it just in the two books (All Your Perfects and Regretting You) that I have read that the main heroine doesn’t have any friends? Does anyone care that this heroine doesn’t have another female character to even talk to in order to try to pass the Bechdel? Does it help build the angst? My theory is that this is a common theme for her stories and it helps the heroine stay stuck in their own bullshit for far too long.

CW & Spoilers
car wreck, death, grieving, adultery, drug use and underage character drinking alcohol, teen pregnancy, teen sex on the page, neglectful parent, mention of parent in jail, ailing grandparent with cancer

Morgan is the adult heroine of this book. When the book opens up Morgan is 17 and with her boyfriend Chris, his best friend Jonah, and her sister Jenny. Morgan is feeling empty in her relationship with Chris. But seems to have a connection with Jonah. He hates watermelon jolly ranchers so he gives them to her, they are her favorite. But then she discovers she is pregnant. We flash forward to the now. It’s Morgan’s birthday. She is happily married to Chris. Morgan and Chris have a daughter named Clara. Jonah recently rejoined their circle of friends. Jenny and Jonah have a baby together, the result of a recent one night stand. Jonah has just moved back to town to be a co-parent with Jenny and she even mentions they may get married. After chapter finishing chapter 1, I did a search for Jonah’s name to see how involved he would be in the rest of the story, the results gave me over 600 instances. I was intrigued to see where/how that connection would continue.

Clara is 16 and suffering from typical teenage drama. There is a boy named Miller who maybe likes her but maybe he doesn’t. There is a lot of back and forth between them. At his core, Miller is a good young man, but I don’t read YA books and seeing them occupy so much of the page in this book was a lot for me to handle. One of the plot points is that Clara “loses her virginity” and nothing gets me fired up quite like that phrase. Virginity is a construct and can we stop with the notion that it is something tangible to be lost or given?

Back to the grown-ups. The day after Morgan’s birthday tragedy strikes the family. This is mentioned in the blurb copy.

Chris and Jenny both die as a result of a car wreck. The specifics of what happened in the car wreck are never given. This is probably only important to someone like me who lost someone as a result of a car wreck. I do want to applaud Hoover for using the term wreck instead of accident. After their wreck it is revealed that Chris and Jenny were having an affair for an undetermined amount of time. It was incredibly predictable. There were a few other twists related to this plot point that were also predictable and had me rolling my eyes. Also it is never said what caused the wreck. This felt unfinished.

Morgan, Clara, and Jonah are all navigating their grief and trying to adjust to live without their loved ones. And trying to reconcile that Chris and Jenny were having an affair. It is never mentioned with certainty but it read as if it had been a long term affair. Like multiple years. So not only is Morgan dealing with the loss of her husband and sister but also learning of their betrayal. It was A LOT for me as the reader and led to some eye roll moments.

Morgan and Jonah spend some time together sort of bonding over the loss. Jonah’s son is still an infant and Morgan helps care for him at times. They somehow realize they both still have feelings for each other. Which I found to be ridiculous and superficial. The way we know that they still love each other is because he gave her a bag of watermelon Jolly Ranchers for her birthday. And then months later he tells her that he doesn’t hate them it’s just that he knows that she LOVES them so he gives them to her. Which honestly is kind of sweet but other than this and some glances and reminiscing, there isn’t much to their relationship. Some of my notes to myself about this book:
“How do Morgan and Jonah know each other as adults?”
“How will their relationship being sustainable without having rediscovered who they are as adults?”

I wasn’t able to find those answers in the book and therefore I can’t believe in them having a long term HEA. They barely had a meaningful conversation prior to them having sex and declaring their love for each other.
After the tragedy Morgan and Clara struggle a lot. There aren’t enough conversations being had. We all grieve differently. I can attest to this. And it is hard. But Morgan not communicating in any meaningful way with her daughter was annoying. Clara rebels a little and it seemed age and grief appropriate. Before the tragedy Morgan was feeling lost and like she had lost herself a little. This comes up a little after the tragedy but even after some things are resolved it just kind of goes away. Once she is in love again it’s almost as if she doesn’t need to build a life that is hers. This is not the kind of storytelling I enjoy.

The story was compelling enough for me to finish it. But not without some borderline ragey DMs to friends. Hoover seems to have found her niche writing emotionally manipulative stories and found a large audience that enjoys that. The book centered on the angst and to me it didn’t feel like growth for the adult characters in the book. I just double checked and ‘Zon has this tagged as “romantic fiction” and “women’s fiction” so perhaps I am holding it to a standard that I shouldn’t. But even at not a true romance, the romance in this story was based on the author telling and not showing me enough to believe that this characters could be in a long term healthy relationship.

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Linda's Book Obsession Reviews "Regretting You" by Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover, Author of "Regretting You" has written an amazing, emotional, memorable, captivating, and intense novel. The Genres for this book are Family Drama, Fiction, Women's Fiction, and Romance. The timeline for this novel is in the present and goes to the past when it pertains to the characters and events in the story. The author describes her dramatic characters as complex and complicated. There are betrayals and secrets.

Morgan Grant is called 'predictable' by her 16 almost 17-year-old daughter Clara. Morgan was around that age when she got pregnant with Clara. She married Chris, her sweetheart. It bothers Morgan to be called predictable when she put many of her dreams on hold. Many times, Clara will consult her mother's sister with problems.

A terrible tragedy occurs which causes terrible pain for Morgan and Clara. There are betrayals and secrets. Morgan would like to protect Clara any way she can. The author discusses first love, mother and daughter relationships, the importance of family, second chances, forgiveness, communication, self-growth, love, and hope. Also discussed is how the choices we make can be so important. 

I love Colleen Hoover's writing style, and I appreciate the way she describes the events and vividly writes about her characters. I would highly recommend this book for those readers who enjoy fiction and a memorable novel.

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If Morgan Grant could turn back time, she would probably do it to correct some of the mistakes that happened in her past – like getting pregnant, marrying way too early and placing her career on hold to raise her daughter and take care of the family.

Her daughter Clara is now sixteen and her relationship with Morgan is fractured from her over protection. Clara’s confidants have been her father Chris and her aunt (Morgan’s sister). As the story progressed, you realize that what happens are that the betrayals, and the secrets that protect the people you love, may just hurt them more than simply telling them the truth.

How far do you protect your family in exchange for your own downfall?

How far would you sacrifice to your own demise and unhappiness?

This was my first Colleen Hoover novel, and I now understand why she has such a huge following of loyal readers. This book was so well told, and powerful that I read this in less than four hours. There simply is no putting this book down. You had to know what will happen next! Each of the characters played an important role in the story and you will be completely immersed in their role in the story.

It had been a long time since I cried over a book, and this one made me ugly cry and wrecked me to the core. I felt every emotion the characters were feeling from the painful regret and disappointment, to the hurt and betrayal for those left behind. I loved the development of the story and how it is about the sacrifices we go through for people that we love and care for, and that people are not always what they seem. Some people will disappoint you but many people will also surprise you and in the end.

I highly recommend this amazing book for an amazing family drama and a story of first loves, gut wrenching betrayal, devastating loss and disappointments, and in the midst of all this finding truth and love.

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This book left me breathless. This is my fourth time reading Hoover, and she is a word maestro. Her stories, which I have read so far, elicited a wide range of emotions, which varied from screaming, crying, laughing and smiling. Her latest novel Regretting You had the same effect.

The story started out with a glimpse in the lives of four teenagers two of whom were related by blood. They appeared to be happy, but things were not as they seem. A life-changing event occurred that changes the whole dynamics of their relationship. Fast-forward seventeen years later, two of the four teens, Morgan and Chris were married and they have a daughter named Clara. Everything thing appeared to be going well, but then tragedy struck and Morgan and Clara’s life would be forever changed.

One moment I wanted to scream at Morgan and Clara and next I found myself sympathizing with their plight. Morgan refuses to be forthright with her daughter, and Clara’s rebellious streak reared its ugly head. This led to a breakdown in their relationship. Their actions, however, were a product of the tragedy that had invaded their lives. The situations they faced daily proved more than they could handle and they ended up making choices, which hurt each other.

Told from alternate POVs the story propelled me into the minds of Clara and Morgan. Their pain resonated within me, which allowed me to understand the reasoning behind their actions, not that I agreed with them all.

The author introduced an element of romance, which I enjoyed watching develop. However, I took issue with Clara’s actions in navigating her new relationship. There was one particular thing she did that made me angry, all because she wanted to get back at her mother. I found her actions irrational and irresponsible. Regarding Morgan’s relationship, I am glad she got her second chance.

Morgan was the epitome of what a good mother should be. Everything she did was out of love for Clara. She sacrificed her happiness to ensure that her daughter never made the mistakes she did.

Regretting You is a poignant story of infidelity, betrayal, grief, sacrifices, love, healing, forgiveness, honesty, friendships and family. It was beautifully written and one I would recommend to adults and young adults.

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Regretting You - Hoover in best form.
Regretting You by Colleen Hoover is a full length, stand lone romance novel with a twist.
The story spans years and actually tells two stories, interwoven. Morgan is happily married to her high school sweetheart with a 17 year old daughter when her life puts upside down. Not only has she to bear death, karma has a way to say ha it's a heavy load to bear. Sorry no sorry no spoilers here.
On the other hand there's Clara, her beloved daughter who's grieving too. She's acting out and dealing with typical teenager stuff at the same time. Difficult - to say it lightly.
Favorit Quote: " We are all just one phone call away from our knees. "
The book is an unputdownable pageturner. I was hanging on the edge of my seat and couldn't put it down. After It Ends With Us and Too Late, Regretting You is another outstanding and fantastic read by this author.
But, and yes, there's a but, I'd knew for the life of me what was written in the letters. No offense Mrs. Hoover.
I recommend Regretting You. 5 Stars , hands down.

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The simplicity and consistency of the storytelling is the strongest aspect of this book. With faultless pacing from the very first page, we meet characters who are in the midst of defining moments predicated on a singular decision. When fate dealt its hands, that tapestry provides the backdrop for a story with much heartache, but also hope and growth and love.

The thing I most appreciate is how Hoover kept a distance, never manipulating the situation. To take a premise such as this without embellishments or distractions is nothing short of masterful storytelling.

This book is one that should be read without spoilers so I'm not even going there. Suffice to say it dealt with weighty issues which, considering the enormity, were handled with respect to both the characters and THE READER.

At the tail end, and as if she knew we needed a good laugh, Hoover throws us a bone with the mockumentary which was the perfect antidote to the many heartaches and tears we'd just experienced. Unexpectedly, I exited the lives of these characters with a sigh of joy instead of a heavy heart. Thank you!

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LOVE Colleen Hoover and this book. I have nothing but good things to say about it. Colleen Hoover never fails to produce wonderful stories.

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Review can also be found on *Milky Way of Books*

I honestly don't know by this point how to express my utter amazement for Colleen Hoover and her amazing talent. This book had romance, devotion, friendship ups, and downs but mostly it was about family and the ties that can both separate and create one.

The story is told by the POVs of Morgan the mother and Clara the daughter. The story mostly from Morgan's POV also takes us to her past and how she came to be married to Chris, Clara's father. There's also Jenny, Morgan's sister and Jonah (whom I want to hug and protect and love).

There are secrets in this book and all are mostly uncovered quite early in the book as later all the characters try to come in terms with the consequences. I also loved Clara's friend Lexie and Miller, Clara's boyfriend; they were teenage relationships but most importantly (mostly) healthy ones.

To be honest by the end of the book I was more concentrated on Morgan and her story. And the reason for that? You'll have to discover it by yourself.

Coho has created a huge family dynamic in this book, both amazing, heartfelt and heartbreaking. I absolutely loved it.

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Regretting You was really good. I was worried at the beginning because there was quite a bit of angst... and especially teen-angst which is my LEAST favorite! But it had wonderful storytelling and a good, original story line that kept things interesting.

“Sometimes when he says things to me, his words feel like they reach me through my chest rather than through my ears.”

The story is a blend of women’s fiction, romance and YA. This book is packed with secrets, lies, regrets and bad decisions, but it is a really good decision to one click this one! I listened to about half of the book on audio and really enjoyed the narration.
-4.5 Stars!-

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4.5 STARS!

“I’m confident that I’ll never spend a single second of my life regretting you.”

Regretting You by Colleen Hoover was a heartbreaking yet profound story.

Lots of regrets. Missed opportunities. Second chances. But above all: Forgiveness.

Told through the POV of mother and daughter, both are facing a rather tragic moment in their lives; the death of a husband and father. The ramifications of Chris's passing is what will ultimately leave you shocked.

Hidden secrets come to light. New romances bloom with the chance at finding love again. Personal growth and a lot of maturing as Morgan and Clara go on a journey of healing and acceptance.

Colleen Hoover is one of those authors who writes about deep, real, and emotional stories (my favorite: Hopeless) that will touch your heart and soul and you won't soon forget it. Regretting You is that and more. This is definitely a story I full-hearted recommend!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Montlake Romance through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

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This is my first book of Colleen Hoover and without a doubt she made it to my auto-read, auto-buy list. This is such a brilliantly written one that it makes the reader so emotionally involved. The mix of adult love and young love is sweet.

There are three relationships being tested and they come out in such glory even if takes time. One is between Morgan and her daughter, Clara, then between Clara and Miller and finally the one between Morgan and her sisters’ husband. There is so much drama that drama lovers will celebrate it for sure. There are secrets, grief, betrayal, romance , anger and even typical teenage attitude. The young love of Clara is endearing and heart-warming.

Once you start reading, it is going to be extremely difficult to not go all the way immediately. Get ready with tissues as it is definitely a tear-jerker.

Such an emotional and captivating read!

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher for the ARC.

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I tried something new with this review. I asked my daughter, we’ll call her Sassy, to buddy read it with me. She’s 17 and hates romance but because of the mother daughter relationship I wanted her to try it. Her reactions are in quotes. This is the second CoHo book I’ve given to her. Her first was Slammed and she was so mad at the main character for being so immature and not thinking of the hero and his circumstances. So I was super excited to see how she’d react with these two. Sassy usually reads fantasy that has a minor focus on romance. So watching her read a straight up romance makes me smile. I’m waiting for the day she comes to me and asks to read another of my books. But I won’t hold my breath.

Regretting You was written from both the mother and the daughter’s points of views. This intrigued me. And seeing that the girl is a newly 17 year old, I was curious if her actions would be something Sassy would agree with, or not. I went in without reading the blurb and I’ve very glad I didn’t. And because of that, I felt all the emotions had a quite a few gut kicks. Mothers and daughters aren’t without their dramas and this had plenty. This gave me Slammed feelings all over the place. Both had to deal with feelings they never anticipated on having and I felt EVERYTHING. "Moms protecting their daughters from hurt is the right thing to do but they shouldn’t lie. That makes things worse and brings more hurt. However, daughters should also not make things harder for the moms in trying situations."

If you have an older teen daughter, then I recommend you buddy read this with her. I had Sassy stop after a few chapters and give me her first impressions. Let me preface by saying that Sassy is a very independent girl. She’s never been boy crazy and won’t change for one. What you see is what you get with her. She is very straight forward and has no patience for shenanigans. So saying that her reactions were quite funny would be an understatement. She’d come out and yell at me for the behavior of characters I had no control over. I’m like, Blame Colleen! I didn’t create them!

My favorite was when she came out after the first sex scene, which was mild, and said, “That was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read.” I died. I don’t even know how she handled everything else. But I’m guessing she skipped some parts, since she never said anything.

She was mad and disappointed in Clara’s behavior quite often. “No amount of guilt justifies those actions.” As a mom, I’m happy about that because I’d to think if she were faced with distressing circumstances that she would react differently. She’d be more level headed.

First impressions:
"-It was better than Slammed.
-Clara was stupid teenager.
-I can see Colleen’s sarcasm in each character’s personalities. She was probably like that as a teenager.
-I like how she writes the boys. I like them more than the girls. Just like Slammed, I liked Will more than Lake.
-Morgan made silly mistakes but all in all she did the best she could with the circumstances she was dealt with.
-How could a mom of boys write a mother/daughter relationship so well?!
-The end(no spoilers) was super cute and sweet.
-I’d totally wear an orange prom dress.
-When is she writing that fantasy? I’m still waiting. I’d read that in a heartbeat."

Thank you, Colleen, for writing a book that I could share with my daughter. Thank you for giving us new topics to talk about.

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What an incredible journey! Not the usual type of book I prefer to read, but I'll give anything by Colleen Hoover a shot! The blurb for this book really drew my attention. A story about a mother and her teenage daughter struggling to navigate life after a tragic loss pulled on my heart strings.

This book had so much emotion and drama. I honestly had no idea where the story was going to go from one page to the next. Little bits of uncertainty kept popping up and navigating you away from whatever conclusions you thought you'd drawn. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse... it did! I truly appreciated the authenticity of this story. The realistic emotions, reactions, decisions that the characters faced and made were completely believable.

It's been a LONG time since I've absolutely HATED characters like I did in this book. My heart absolutely broke for Morgan, Clara and Jonah. It cracked little by little, fully broke apart onto the floor and then was crushed with a sledge hammer as the story continued to progress. The depth of betrayal, heartbreak, vulnerability and raw emotion that the author stitched into this book was incredible. As a reader, I felt like I was right there in the thick of it with these characters. I felt their despair and pain down to my core. I might have even gotten a Nebraska headache too!

The love and comfort that both Morgan and Clara found was incredible. I couldn't have imagined a more perfect outcome for either of them with their choice of who's warm embrace they sought refuge in. Miller was one of the most well written, young adult male characters I've ever read. Jonah was such a quiet and reserved, yet stable foundation for Morgan.

The way Colleen wrapped up the book was everything I could have hoped for! Every single thing I was worried about, angry about, unsure of, was addressed and taken care of exactly how I wanted it to be. As a reader, that left me so fulfilled at the end of the read. My heart and mind couldn't take any more curve-balls or loose ends!

Thank you to Montlake and NetGalley for providing me with an early copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

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This book has been one of my most anticipated reads of the month. When I first started reading it did take me sometime to get into the story. Then the book reached a turning point and I couldn’t stop reading because I had to see how everything would unfold. One thing I predicted happened but there was another revelation that didn’t even occur to me at all. It’s bad enough this person was lying but to involve another person in their lie and make them uproute their life based on this lie wasn’t right at all.

This book focuses heavily on the complexity of mother/daughter relationships. My heart went out to both Morgan and Clara in this book because they were so alike and in my opinion that’s why they bumped heads. I understood Morgan’s fears but that doesn’t mean Clara will make the same mistakes. Clara had a lot going on in this book and at times I wanted to shake her and then give her a big hug as well. I felt like if Morgan and Clara actually took the time to listen to each other things would have been better between the two.

“Sometimes you have to walk away from the fight in order to win it.’’

This. I’ve been there and truer words have never been spoken.

I must say Colleen Hoover is one heck of a writer. This topic is one that has been written before and can get stale after a while but Hoover has a unique way of writing that kept me interested until the very end. I have read several books by Hoover and even though this book isn’t a top favorite of mine it still made me stop and think which is always a good thing.

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I went into this book blind. This book is told in dual POV. I struggled with one of the POVs, but that was me, and not the book. This was an emotional roller coaster with heartbreaking moments, but also quite a bit of humor. I loved the direction the story took, and the ending was perfect.

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I don’t think there will ever be a colleen hoover book that I don’t like. Regretting You gave me what I loved about Hopeless and Ugly Love in one book. The YA aspect from Clare’s point of view and the women’s fiction aspect from Morgan’s point of view. Watching them fork off in their own directions after a terrible accident and then join back together in the end was beautiful. The way teenagers and adults handle grief is so different and I’m not saying Coho was accurate, but she made it totally believable. Jonah and Miller were great secondary characters and never over powered the story. I know for some they have questions but sometimes things happen and they are forever left unresolved. That felt realistic for me. This was such a great book and I hope colleen intertwines her writing abilities again.

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If you haven’t read the blurb for this book yet, then don’t. A few things are mentioned that are best left undiscovered until they impact the story.

There are six main characters whose lives are intrinsically interwoven by blood and love. The story begins in the past which offers a small window into the teenage lives of the adults in this story so we can see how their relationships were formed. We then move into the now and meet Morgan, Chris and their daughter Clara.

Morgan and Chris are high school sweethearts and they adore their daughter. Morgan has been a stay at home mum since Clara was born, having put a career on hold to take care of their daughter and support Chris in his career pursuits. They have a very loving relationship and are a tight knit family.

Jenny is Morgan’s younger sister who has recently reunited with her old boyfriend Jonah and had a baby with him. Jenny is also Clara’s confidant, they are more like best friends than Aunt & niece. They all enjoy spending time together and have done since they all met as teenagers. Chris & Jonah are best friends and as sisters, Morgan & Jenny are very close too, sharing a very special bond.

Something happens early on in this story that has a huge impact on this wider family and creates ripples that affect everyone. Everything they thought they knew is now in doubt and their bonds are severely compromised by trust being broken, not just once but many times.

This story has great messages about how sometimes people settle for what they think they have to, sacrificing their own happiness. How one decision can change the entire course of your life. There is that moment when you get to the part of the story where the title makes sense and everything clicks into place - Colleen is so good at this. Just when I thought I had figured out what it meant, I hadn’t.

Colleen Hoover’s writing is a gift. She has the ability to completely draw me into her beautifully woven stories and when I come out the other side I’m left so affected that I can’t read anything else for 1-2 days after. There is so much to digest afterwards that my brain needs time to catch up. Another fabulous piece of work from this talented author.

“I’m confident that I’ll never spend a single second of my life regretting you.”

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"I'm happy to finally have you, but I also feel guilty because of the way I got you."

Leave it to Hoover to give me a reality check - no billionaires. No rich man's world. No over the top proclamations or actions. Nothing. Just reality and normal, everyday people....with a devastating journey to watch unfold. This whole story was a story of perspectives. A story of life unfolding without bias or fairness, taking no shame in the lives it's destroying in the process. This book stopped me in my tracks and glued me to my seat.

I had every intention of devouring this one in one sitting. I was going to read it from start to finish. I was going to sink in, soak up, and settle into this book. Then I found myself pacing. There’s nothing like looking at a story with one eye open, knowing something's going to happen. I'm sure I had some idea of what it might be, but I didn't want to really know what it was. Well, cue the anxiousness! It was more by the way of wondering; how in the world was this going to actually happen because of the perspectives I was reading, they showed me SO much. Oh! And contemplation. This entire book was about contemplation and perspectives, but mainly contemplation.

How does one navigate a world of pain and joy consecutively? Guilt and excitement simultaneously? Hoover explores a blossoming love amidst a new world with a tragic background and gives a heartfelt look at two very different takes on the same world. She brilliantly outlined the tired effects of miscommunication between a mother and her daughter - securing the fact that assumptions are the worst! It’s a mother-daughter story with true-to-life tragedy, but watching them learn to deal with it within parallel universes - seriously, so neat to see these connected worlds spinning in different directions, hoping for the same outcome. I could truly appreciate that we got two completely different points of view because the variances between them were so easily understood.

Love, unrequited or not, it’s always hard to give up on - and honestly, I love that pull and aggravation in a story. Years away, days away, immediately - it’s hard. But, while reading this catastrophic chain of events that were compounded by life in general, it was a hard pill to swallow. There was no option of a new course to navigate. There wasn't a "close the book" option to skip forward. It was misadventures aplenty, daily woes magnified, and the daunting task at hand was growing up after having the band-aid of life ripped off. It was SO amazing. A perfectly paced, front seat look at Morgan and Clara's world and how it came together, and then fell apart. I cannot recommend this enough. The heartache was on point. The miscommunication was etched into the pages with truth and so much reality. The love was anything but normal, and that was my favorite part.

The only reason it's not a full five star is because, while I whole heartedly LOVED it, I didn't get a book hangover. I'm still thinking about it, but I closed the book with a smile and was able to pick up the next book. I. Loved. This. Book.

I feel like Colleen has her own voice. It’s distinct, it’s poised and it’s raw and it's real. There's always a deeper meaning or perception behind her stories. I love seeing life.....differently. I love the way she tells me a story and I'll always stand in line for the next one. This was simply amazing.

"I'm confident that I'll never spend a single second of my life regretting you."

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