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Follow Me

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"Everyone wants new followers…until they follow you home."

This is a great one line review I read to get me to read the book

A cautionary tale that NO ONE IS LISTENING to about the electric noose we have put around our own necks.

The "water is heating up fellow frogs", better read on now!

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Follow Me by Kathleen Barber Media Darling, Audrey, has over a million followers, a new dream job; a BFF - Cat; ex-lover, Nick; a dreary basement apartment with a sleazy, creepy neighbor - Ryan; a fantastic new boyfriend - Max, and oh yes, a Stalker. Fast paced, suspenseful and twisty tale warning of the dangers of social media postings.

Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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Another hit from Kathleen Barber! I really enjoyed her last book (Are You Sleeping), which focused on how social media can add complexities and nuances to our modern lives. Follow Me also looks at how people's worlds have changed thanks to social media.

Audrey, the lead character of the book, is beautiful, and, from everything one sees on her social media, successful. She has a new, exciting job helping create social media buzz and content for the hottest and edgiest new art installation at a hip museum in Washington, DC. From outward appearances, it looks like she has it all - the looks, the job, the friends, the boyfriend....but what is really going on behind the scenes?

The reality is that Audrey is self-serving and often careless with her friendships and relationships. She sometimes sees friends and boyfriends as simply a backdrop in her Instagram-perfect life, taking advantage of people's kindness and desire to be around her. Audrey is somewhat clueless about how the people in her life feel about her.

All of this is about to change when a stalker - possibly multiple stalkers - starts to follow Audrey's every move. Who is this person - or people - following her? What do they want from her? Perhaps the most dangerous people in Audrey's life are those who are the closest to her.

What I loved about this book is how the tension builds page by page. This was truly a classic mystery with a modern social media twist. I read this SO quickly, which is kind of a bummer because now I have to wait for another new Barber book to come out!

Thanks to Kathleen Barber, Gallery/Pocket Books, and NetGalley for an advance reader copy of Follow Me.

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This was a quick and easy read. Audrey has established a huge social media following by posting all aspects of her life. She seems to have it all, but as the story unfolds you see that although many are taken with her self absorbed antics there is also a cast of characters that might have a hidden agenda. Soon after moving from New York to DC, Audrey has landed a great new job, reconnected with an old best friend, and secured a pretty scary stalker... A stalker that knows everything about her due to her excessive social media posts.

Kathleen Barber did a great job of reminding us about the dangers of sharing too much online. She also created a relatively unreliable narrator, some details meant to distract the reader (they worked) and a twist that I didn't see coming.

4 stars- thank you to #netgalley and #kathleenbarber for a fun read. Now I'm going to go put all my social media profiles to private...

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I loved this book! The characters were very developed and I loved the depth and relationship between Cat and Audrey. There were many possibilities of who "him" was so I was guessing until the end which was fun and kept the book interesting. I loved "Are you Sleeping" and am equally impressed with Kathleen Barber's newest novel. I"m a fan!

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This was my kind of thriller. Told from various perspectives including a creepy sociopath, I was hooked from page one. I had thought it would end differently which is always a plus in my book.

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Special thanks to Gallery Books for providing our copy in exchange for an honest & fair review.

Nothing gets me more creeped out than a good old stalking story. I'm for real. Is there anything that is scarier than someone looking in on your personal space? Watching you from afar, collecting information about you, taking pictures, breaking into your house... Obsessions, delusions, lies, etc. BRB I'm off to take a cold shower.

I LOVED Kathleen's debut so I had super high hopes for Follow Me. Let's just say I'm a happy camper. Once again, Kathleen delivers thrilling goods. Follow Me is intense, captivating, creepy & a total binge-worthy read. I'm over the moon about that!

Basically, if you like creepy thrillers, this is right up your alley. Kathleen does a great job building up the suspense in a realistic & voyeuristic manner. Her author's note at the beginning really sets the stage for a reality driven & modern suspense novel. It made me rethink the way I do my social media.

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Social. Media.
What kind of doors does the uber blogger and influencer lifestyle open? Wow - this book! I finished it one night when I couldn't sleep and could not put it down.
Audrey has a million followers. Which one is her stalker??
So many characters to suspect, and when I thought I was closer to the answers, I was wrong! Great thriller, mystery, suspense and a good lesson about opening our lives up with no worries. Read it!!

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😒 The premise of Follow Me was the reason I was excited to read it. Sadly it didn’t work for me. In fact I had to force myself to finish it.

The story follows Audrey, a popular Gram poster, Cat, a lawyer and college friend of Audrey’s and Him, the guy stalking Audrey. So the premise is Audrey puts her entire life online, has for many years and isn’t respectful of her “friends” who ask her to keep them off her online life. Him falls in “love” with her and so on.

What didn’t work for me.
Unlikeable characters.
Repetitive thoughts and conversations.
Extra storylines we didn’t need and didn’t move the story forward.
Predictable twists.

Minor spoilers.
Audrey is not a good person. She’s a terrible friend. She’s manipulative, selfish and naive to the point of stupid. Cat, her “BFF”, who Audrey only seems to like when she needs something, Cat has allowed Audrey to walk all over her for years. I could not stand their “friendship”. Then you have Him, I won’t give away his name but yes you learn it. Him is delusional and needs mental help but believes he’s in love with Audrey. In fact every single character in the entire world loves Audrey and I have no clue why.

Sorry for all the quotation marks but you can’t call these people friends.

Thank you Net Galley and Gallery Books for providing this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to Gallery Books for gifting me a copy of Follow Me by Kathleen Barber via Netgalley.

Wow I really enjoyed this one. I read Are You Sleeping by Barber last year but I think I enjoyed this one even more! It was so relevant that I started to get sketched out. 🤣

We’ve all seen the “influencers” of Instagram, with their perfect pictures and wild travel locations. I don’t call myself an influencer but with more than 20k people following me on Instagram, do I even want to know who’s really following me?! 🧐

Audrey is an Instagram influencer in NYC with over 1 million people following her. She takes selfies, food pics and anything her commenters will like. She lands a job at a museum in DC and decides to move for a fresh start.

Luckily, Audrey has a couple of friends in DC already. Nick an ex boyfriend and Cat who she went to college with. She finds a basement apartment pretty quick and Cat approves of the location. Everything is going well until Audrey starts noticing little things about her apartment. Has someone been inside? Who left her those flowers? Is someone stalking her?

Yes! Multiple POVs, one being from the stalker himself (yassss), secrets, dark web creeper stuff... sign me up!! Really recommend! 5 stars!

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The minute I read the description of this book I knew I had to read it. In the age of Instagram and Facebook it’s so easy to connect with people all over the world – which, unfortunately, includes stalkers.

I connected with Audrey in that it’s so easy to get pulled into the social media game, loving the likes and comments from people that only know your life through the screen. Although she likes to keep up appearances her life is far from perfect, and as she makes her move to Washington D.C. it becomes clear that not everyone is as innocent as they seem.

Barber did a great job of amping up suspicion, and of course I loved that she jumps between multiple points of view, from Audrey, to her best friend Cat, to Him. She threw in a couple of random characters to make readers suspicious, but I never could have guessed the ending in a million years.

I found myself racing through this book, needing to know who the stalker was. And although I wasn’t totally surprised by it, I was surprised by how everything came together and the tiny little twist at the end.

If you love social media beware, this book might scare you right off of Twitter.

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Kathleen Barber's FOLLOW ME has upped her game in the best way: Every page is grippingly written and all too real. A chilling take on obsession, self-obsession, and the closing gap between the two in our hyperconnected digital age.

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Seriously twisted book!
This author was sure able to get under my skin. She set up a perfect story loaded with all of the creep factor.

* A questionable apartment.
* Weird neighbor.
* Strange friend.
* Stalkers.
* New job with a weird event.
* Social media “influencer” that everyone knew too much about.
* Old boyfriend has been pining away for her.
* Even her new boyfriend was a bit odd.

We had so many options it was hard to determine just who exactly was the culprit. Who wants Audrey? Everyone it seems!

I don’t think I’ve had as many uneasy moments with a book as I have reading this particular story. Especially if you’re single and live alone.

The author did an amazing job crafting this story with all of the highlights on issues we take for granted in our life. While I’m not going to give up any bit of the secrets as to the ending, let’s just say getting there is so entirely worth it.

Just make sure you read this during the day and be aware of things that go bump in the night!

A five star review because Kathleen Barber has captured my attention and gutted me with her psychological crime thriller that will make you squirm!

Highly recommended.

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Follow Me is a cautionary tale about the dangers of social media oversharing. The story follows three characters in alternating, first person points of view. First, we have Audrey, a self proclaimed Instagram influencer with a million followers. She's a seemingly confident red head who leaves New York to take a museum job in Washington DC where she appropriately manages their social media accounts. She reunites with her college friend, Cat, the second POV, a successful lawyer, who is undoubtedly her voice of reason. Then, we have Him, the third POV, a sketchy character who happens to be one of Audrey's Instagram followers. Something is obviously off about this one.

From the beginning of the book, Barber raises the tension as she places Audrey in some questionable situations that make us fear for her safety. She throws different characters at us to see which one we just may believe is "Him". There's skeevy Ryan, Audrey's landlady's grandson. Then there's Connor, Cat's friend from college and work that we're kind of questioning, but he could be a stretch. Then there's the mysterious admirer who randomly shows up at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden where Audrey works. Barber is apt at craftily placing us in Audrey's tentative and leary shoes. Everyone's a potential suspect.

The best thing about this book is trying to guess who Audrey's stalker is. Is it someone she knows? Is it a complete stranger? Is it the person she least suspects or someone she has her eye on? Just when I think I have it all figured out, Barber changes everything up and makes me second-guess my detective work.

This thriller is so well worth the read. It has everything a reader could want from a story and ramps up the suspense towards the end. I literally could not stop reading the last quarter of the book until getting to the satisfying end. This one definitely knocks it out of the park.

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Is it really worth having a million followers when one or more of them could be stalking you? Audrey moves from New York City to Washington DC after landing her dream job. She reconnects with a college friend and boyfriend and because of her bubbly personality draws in new friends. Living her life on her social media has brought her followers, free products, and a stalker. All of these people in Audreys life have their issues and create an atmosphere that has you thinking anyone of them could be the stalker. Follow Me shows you the terrifying world of how posting your life for anyone to see leaves you vulnerable. It was a fast paced enjoyable read that had me questioning everyone! Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the ARC!!!

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This reminded me a lot of You by Caroline Kepnes. I love when you can get into the mind of the creepy stalker and wish they had dived a little bit more deep into his sections.

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🚨Page Turner Alert 🚨 WOW! Follow Me by Kathleen Barber is coming to town in February and you need to read it! I love a good stalker trope and this one delivered. My first impression was that this is the epitome of a psychological thriller. There are 3 POVS: Audrey, a beautiful instagrammer with over a million followers; Cat, Audrey’s weird best friend; Him, THE STALKER 👀. The author drew upon very real, disturbing circumstances here regarding social media & how much of ourselves we are putting out there. All I have to say about that is if you have a laptop with a webcam, put a sticker over it! Yikes 😳 I highly recommend this one. It’s addictive & creepy & I loved it!!

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Thank you Negalley for an advance copy of this title in exchange for my opinion of it.

Audrey moves from New York City to Washington, DC for a new job at the tony Hirschfield Museum, part of the Smithsonian complex. She rents apartment sight-unseen so she can start her job as soon as she gets to town. The apartment turns out to be in the basement and has broken locks on the front door. Almost immediately she hears noises coming from the street above. When she’s scared enough, she spends nights with her friend, Cat. Then she meets Max and ends up at his place quite often.

The exhibit Audrey is doing social media for is creepy. But she knows what she’s doing because she has thousands of Instragram followers. Do they know where she lives? Is one of them terrorizing her?

Put on your seat belt for this thrill ride. You might even want to get a night light because after dark is when things get the scariest. Well written, smooth, scary, and full of creepy characters. Can you guess which one of them is watching Audrey sleep?

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If you’re looking for a quick, easy and entertaining read, this is a fantastic choice for your next book! I really enjoyed this one and read it over just 24hrs. I love this new thing of writing in very modern social media times. It hits a little close to home and is powerfully creepy.

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Social media psychological thrillers are popping up all over and the combination is a winner. In Follow Me we follow self obsessed blogger, her college friend, her friend with benefits and an unknown obsessed fan who wants her no matter what. Like a shiny penny, everything looks great on Instagram, positioned just right to obscure the corners and as we read the novel the reader is also watching. Basically superficial people become interesting and this is a great addition to the genre,

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