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Follow Me

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This book had me hooked from the very first chapter. There are so many possible suspects, just when you think you know who the stalker is something leads to to think otherwise.
Until the very last chapter you are left in suspense and then BHAM! You are blindsided.
This is a great read. Most definitely recommend reading this.

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I expect that the massive hit "You" will spawn a deluge of stalking novels--but this is exceptional example of the genre. The exploration of inequalities in women's friendships and the illusion we project in our online lives adds an intriguing dimension to the thriller lacking from a lot of boilerplate stalker novels. And this is no formulaic thriller--you'll enjoy the twists from start to finish.

I'll sum it up as such: If you know who Natalie Beach and Caroline Calloway are, then stop what you're doing and buy this book right now.

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Thank you so much Netgalley, Gallery, Pocket Books and Kathleen Barber for allowing me to read this in exchange of an honest review.

Audrey lives for social media. What she eats, what she wears, how she decorates her home, her music tastes and where and what she's doing at the time. She loves the fame she's gotten from her many many followers...but at what cost.

A new job forces her to move from NY to Washington DC to pursue her dream. It also connects her to best friend Cat and ex-boyfriend Nick who is ecstatic about her being there. As the days go by though, strange things are starting to happen and she has the feeling that someone is watching her...too closely.

So many people could be stalking her...someone she loves, someone she knows, someone she works with or one of her many followers that she "trusts".

This book scared me to the point of putting the book down a few times because the idea that someone
is so obsessed with you that they have no idea whats right or wrong terrifies me. The fact that they could watch y0u even when you're sleeping in your own secure home makes my skin crawl.

Loved the ending to the book.

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Wow! I want to take my computer, router and all devices out to the backyard and bury them! Books like this bring up so many things that we just don't think of on a regular basis. And should!

I thought this was a very interesting book, and enjoyed the multiple POV's and differing opinions. It added a lot to the story. I've heard so much about people trying to 'brand' them self on social media, though I never really got into it. Being in a military family, I've had far too many speeches about safety online and in and out of the home, but doesn't it seem harmless to post a few pictures? Apparently, it can be very harmful!

I don't think we were supposed to really enjoy the character of Audrey, and I really didn't like her. At all. But I thought she was fairly representative of a good portion of society in our current days. But something more is going on there with her. It was a promise through the whole book.

The book's main line, though, seemed to be to watch what you share online and to keep yourself safe. Which is good advice. Very reminiscent of "Friend Request" and "You". And I have a feeling that it will feel very dated in a few years. But for now? Enjoy the read. :)

3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.

Many thanks to the author and publisher for the chance to read this book. :) Now if you'll excuse me, I need to change all of my passwords, turn off locations and try to hide online.

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I loved Barber's novel, Are You Sleeping, so I knew I had to read this one! And I adore books about "oversharing" on social media as it surprises me that so many people are willing to put every little detail of their lives online for strangers to see! Yes, I know you can make money and receive gifts, but seriously, how many influencers do we need?? Back to the book: Audrey is the "sparkling" celebrity who accepts a new job at a museum but must move to an unfamiliar city where she rents an apartment unseen and connects with her best friend from college. Of course most of this must be documented on her Instagram page and she gains even more followers. But there's a sinister force at work in the form of a stalker who is infatuated with her and manages to literally follow her throughout her day. As the reader, we see several suspects but are in the dark as to who is really the fanatic who manages to infiltrate her computer to watch her constantly. This novel will send chills up your spine and may encourage you to unplug for a bit as you wonder just who might be following you!

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Compellingly readable with enough false trails to stay interesting throughout. This book was a very pleasant surprise.

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Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to preview Follow Me by Kathleen Barber. This novel will give social media fanatics a thrill. We follow Audrey - her real life and then her on-line life - but someone else is following her. And this follow is not only "followng her", but fanatically living and breathing her life each day. He has a mission and he intends to "follow" Audrey no matter what.
Good read - relevant - great mystery for millenials.
3.5 stars.

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Audrey never thought of danger when she had followers on her media accounts. She saw it as sharing her life and promoting fun. When she starts feeling someone staring at her, that sends chills down her back and make her hair stand on end., she starts paying more attention. Than she's pretty positive she didn't leave her apartment door unlocked, but there it stands, wide open. The scariest part is hearing a voice on her sleep ap telling her she's dreaming, when she's actually waken up. Finding her place trashed is the last straw. She stays at her best friends apartment till she can find a new place if her own. Her best friend is also hiding secrets. Secrets that could kill
Scintillating, intriguing, more ups and downs than an elevator!

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There was so much about this that I loved. For starters, the book was extremely relevant to what is going on today's time with the social media frenzy and how easily it is to stalk people from near and far. I also loved the way it was written. I enjoyed the shorter chapters and switching between the point of views because it was a nice way to break up the story and give every perspective with little to no fluff. I definitely loved the plot twist at the end. Bravo!

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Follow Me – Kathleen Barber

I was fortunate to receive this book as an Advance Reader Copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an objective review. This review will also publish to my blog,, a few days before publication.

Audrey Miller is the girl next door, with her eye catching beauty and outgoing personality, as well as her success as an Instagrammer. Followed far and wide by those wishing to connect to her exuberant lifestyle, she’s created quite a fan base. But some of those fans are not as harmless as the others…

Audrey decides to make a big move, from NYC to Washington DC after she receives a job offer from a DC museum looking for a social media manager. Upon her arrival, she connects with a friend Cat, who resides in DC and the two renew their friendship. Unbeknownst to Audrey, someone else has been awaiting her arrival as well.

As Audrey settles into her new apartment and job, she finds herself the unwelcome recipient of unwanted attention, and unannounced visits from her landlord’s grandson. Then one night, she hears noises at her bedroom window, and sneaks out to see an individual running away. Flowers appear, in her favorite color. She also finds herself dealing with the subtle advances of a colleague, and the booty calls of an old lover. And then she meets Max, a friend of Cats, whom she falls head over heels for. But someone isn’t happy…

Told from the perspectives of the various characters, including a stalker identified only as Him, we gain depth into the individual quirks of each character as well as the moments that drive them. I would almost call this a young adult read, particularly as it relates to the dangers of social media posting, and how much is too much.
I found this to be a quick, engaging & enlightening read, with a gentle reminder – do you really know who your friends are??

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Thank you to Netgalley and Gallery Books for allowing me to read this ARC. Follow Me by Kathleen Barber is a wonderful thriller. I was hooked from page one and couldn’t wait to turn the next page! It is about Audrey who is a renowned blogger with a million followers. She moves from New York City to Washington DC for a job, and unbeknownst to her, she is being stalked by one of her followers and he lives in DC! After her move, things just get scarier and scarier!

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I am definitely in the minority with my review. The repetitive dialogue, the unlikeable characters, the stupidity of the main protagonist and her constant poor judgement, and her recurring impaired choices, left me bereft. Thank you Netgalley and Gallery Books for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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Author Kathleen Barber's latest novel "Follow Me" is a true modern day thriller. Stalking in the digital age has taken it up a notch. Every picture, status or video a person posts leaves a digital footprint letting a stalker follow you to our precise location. This novel did a terrific job showing readers the adverse effect of being a social media star.

I will say this book has some exciting twists and turns. I stayed engaged and excited to turn the page despite the flaws I found in this story. The characters, to me, felt incomplete and there wasn't a single one I connected with. Backstories were lacking and I just felt like there were too many characters to truly get to know any of them.

This story is told from alternate perspectives, which makes for a more in depth story from all angles. I liked reading the chapters from the stalker's point of view, and when he was revealed, it made the story even more interesting.

I felt like the ending came too quick. It was all over in the blink of an eye and wrapped up in a cute little bow. With the main character being a social media star, and her constant posting of information is what lead up to this whole fiasco, I would have loved to see more of the "after" and find out if it changed her way of life and posting habits after going through this ordeal.

Overall, it was a very quick and entertaining 3 star read for me! Perfect for a weekend read or to get into on a work commute.

Thanks to Netgalley and Gallery, Pocket Books for allowing me an eARC to read and give my honest review.

Follow Me is due to be released here in the USA on February 25, 2020 so preorder and ad it to your list today!

Happy Reading!

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Thank you Netgalley and to the publisher for the advance ecopy. This is my first book by Kathleen Barber and it did not disappoint. It's a book with a real disturbing topic that I'm sure is happening more than we know. Audrey has thousands of followers on Instagram. But someone seems to love her a little bit too much. Someone is following her and not just online. Is it someone she knows?? Suspenseful and twisty! Highly recommend it.

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I can see this as a movie or TV show. wonderful thriller and very complex characters. I had no idea who to trust. Audrey has a stalker. The question is who can it be? You will be sucked in quickly and be shocked at the end.

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I teetered on my review for this book.. I liked it, the story flowed quite nicely with a great character development. But,it did not have the WOW factor, like "what just happened here!" but it tried really hard-it was just a little too predictable. I would read another book from this author so I opted to rate this a four star book. I recommend for an easy beach read for sure.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a chance to read and give an honest review.

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Follow Me is an absolutely electric thriller, terrifying and creepy and all too plausible. I started this right before I was supposed to go to sleep and almost stayed up all night reading - it's that kind of a page turner. This reminded me a lot of Caroline Kepnes' You and has the same unsettling creep factor with an added bonus of whodunit - Audrey meets a lot of men in D.C., and you have no idea which one is her mystery stalker. The only complaint I have is that the ending happened a little too fast - I think Barber could have drawn it out a little more, made us wait a little longer before everything lined up and fell to pieces. Pick up this book if you're looking for a fast-paced, highly readable, creepy novel about the dangers of overexposing ourselves on social media. You never know who's watching you.

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I kid you not when I tell you I've been waiting for Kathleen Barber to write a new book since the moment I finished Are You Sleeping as an ARC in 2017 - and if you know me at all, I'm not exactly the most patient person :)

Well, I am extremely happy to report that 5 stars are absolutely in order for Follow Me. Creepy, suspenseful, real and full of intrigue, Barber poses readers with the question - how much about yourself do you really put out there to the public on the internet? Audrey is a successful influencer toting 1m followers, going about her life instagramming every moment - but someone out there is watching, maybe a bit too closely!

In the vein of Caroline Kepnes "You" - we get perspectives from Audrey, her bff Cat and a mysterious "Him" - the man obsessed with Audrey. The chapters added from Him are incredibly chilling and add an extra layer of intrigue to an already suspenseful story. Now, all I can say is, I just can't wait two more years for more Kathleen Barber goodness!

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This book is a bit of a mess. It was hard to follow what exactly was going on becuase all of the characters blended together. The idea was interesting but I didn't care abou the stalker, the influencer or the friend. They all seemed like messes.

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Has She Endangered Herself By Being Too Well Known On The Internet?

Audrey Miller enjoys being a star to the million or so followers she has on social media. Sometimes neglecting her own life, she goes out of her way to visit places that her vast audience will find post-worthy and exciting. And if she makes up some of the excitement, what’s the harm? She just moved to Washington, DC, landing her dream job doing what she loves. Two of her old friends live in the city, providing her encouragement and support, but unknown to her there is another person thrilled with her move to the city. He has been a fan of hers forever and now he plans to make her his own.

Sight unseen, she rented a small apartment in DC. It’s in a good location and not too bad, if you don’t mind that the door lock doesn’t always work, the windows don’t let in any light, and the landlord has a creepy son that likes to pop in unexpectedly. She can handle all that, but then there is the stalker and the strange “gifts” left for her.

Wonderfully written with an insightful combination of credibility and fear, Kathleen Barber has captured the risks of being obsessed with sharing your whole life with the world. I highly recommend Follow Me to anyone who enjoys a good mystery/thriller and is not planning to be alone in the dark.

Thank you, Gallery, Simon & Schuster, and NetGalley for providing an advance copy of Follow Me for my honest review.

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