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Follow Me

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First-rate thriller with lots of juicy twists and turns. Things are not as they seem in this story, something the reader has to discover for him or her self, because to say more unleashes spoilers. Highly recommended: a very good read by a talented writer.

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Four welcome to attention seekers world, who don’t have any problem to bring their stalkers into their own lives because main motto of own the social media obsessed fakers’ is: “If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you interesting” stars!

You know, one of my favorite musical’s theme song: (the beginning of my addiction to move like Travolta) was Grease’s Four Season. But I’m changing words and adapting to our new introvert, artificial, faking people whose face glued to their phones to post new photos and distorted facts about their pathetic, miserable lives (at least that’s what they think because they’re not satisfied with their true selves). Here we go: Social media is the word, is the word that you heard! It's got a groove, it's got a meaning! Faking is the time, is the place, is the motion! Deceiving yourself is the way we are feeling !”

So we have virtual world’s amazing queen Audrey who is an exclusive, experienced presenter of her upgraded self on social media jungle. She has millions of followers, admirers, followers and real stalkers. But guess what, she has to move to D.C. for getting a proper titled job to make her ends meet and live in an apartment without roommates even the place is trashy basement and landlord’s grandson has friendly tendencies to be appeared from nowhere by using his secret key and harassing her.

Audrey’s best friend Cat is climbing ladders at her law firm, workaholic and all work no play kind of dull girl, relieved to see her friend Audrey moved to the same city she is living. But Cat is insecure, having troubles to be accepted by other people, shy, introvert, social dysfunctional. It’s sad but true to say that Audrey feels safe with her because she likes to use her as her protection shield and she knows, Cat cannot steal her spotlight! (There are so many things about Audrey to make easier to hate her, detest her and slap her but we can’t because we know behind the closed doors, she’s so vulnerable and she needs to be cared and loved. She’s loner and neglected by her own family. That’s why she’s keeping Cat in her life because she knows Cat never leaves her and she is tolerant to her antics and selfishness!)

But there is HIM, Joe Goldberg’s rich and loaded version, coming from a classy family , has bad luck with the girls ( because he’s obsessively falling in love with them and when he is dumbed, he gets devastated by all those rejections. But thankfully he doesn’t have a special basement dungeon covered with glasses to lock those girls. Our guy is harmless when we compare him with Joe!)

So HIM is in love with Audrey and he thinks they’re fated. He watches every step her take, every move her make, every bond she break, she’s watching her! (It’s not as creepy as it seems when the song sang by Sting and Robert Downey Jr, yes I’m talking about my favorite Ally McBeal scene!)

The author misguided us between six guys who could be stalker. But I found it eventually, not thank to my spider sense, it was easy catch!

The one thing bothered me is the way of the men look at Audrey as if she’s goddess. But nothing is extraordinary about her. She’s manipulator, amazing presenter and faker but come on ! Why everyone is so obsessed with her? Everyone is acting like graduated with PR degree in our modern world. Nothing makes special a good faker!

If only his ex was like that I would say okay, maybe his ex had his own issues to move on. But even her colleagues, Cat’s long time crush friend, random guys passing by the museum seemed like infuriated by her magical pus… (feel the blanks) This part about the book irritated me!

I was about to give three stars but intriguing, mysterious, page turner pacing and amazing ending changed my mind and I’m giving four stars. In my opinion this is so much better stalker book from You! (Definitely too much better than Hidden Bodies, too)

The social media references and fast, riveting chapters, way of story-telling and sarcasm hid between the lines made me enjoy this book so much,

Special thanks to NetGalley and Gallery Books for sharing me this fascinating ARC COPY with me in exchange my honest and completely satisfied review!

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Thanks for letting me read this book. I really liked this book, and obviously, relatable. It can happen, it does happen. Its a cautionary tale/thriller of being careful on social media! I found the book to be well written, and enjoyable!!!

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Follow Me by author Kathleen Barber is a thrill of book! Stalking and modern day social media scare at its finest! This story does not disappoint and feels VERY real, all while following a perfect thriller/mystery plot line. Great characters too!

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this story! I am so cautious when it comes to social media so I really enjoyed Audrey’s experience. Audrey has over one million followers on Instagram. She has no fear of anyone knowing where she lives or finding out who she is, she just loves her celebrity status as a social media influencer. She gets her dream job of working in a museum as the social media manager and moves from New York to Washington DC. Her ex-boyfriend lives there as does her friend Cat. As a social media influencer, Audrey is, as you would expect, self-obsessed. She suspects she is being stalked and from there the suspense ramps up with every chapter. The book was hard to put down and the ending surprised me!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I loved this excellent suspense/thriller by Kathleen Barber! Follow Me will have you in its clutches from the first page. It’s one of those books that you start reading and don’t want to move until the end. I would put this in my Best of 2019 book list but it’s not coming out until 2020!

Here’s what you need to know:

Audrey Miller has an enviable new job at the Smithsonian, a body by reformer Pilates, an apartment door with a broken lock, and hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers to bear witness to it all. Having just moved to Washington, DC, Audrey busies herself impressing her new boss, interacting with her online fan base, and staving off a creepy upstairs neighbor with the help of the only two people she knows in town: an ex-boyfriend she can’t stay away from and a sorority sister with a high-powered job and a mysterious past.

But Audrey’s faulty door may be the least of her security concerns. Unbeknownst to her, her move has brought her within striking distance of someone who’s obsessively followed her social media presence for years—from her first WordPress blog to her most recent Instagram Story. No longer content to simply follow her carefully curated life from a distance, he consults the dark web for advice on how to make Audrey his and his alone. In his quest to win her heart, nothing is off-limits—and nothing is private.

I love how the author keeps turning up the suspense, the reader really questions everyone and everything, its done in a masterful way and Follow Me has definitely made me a fan of the author. I am eagerly awaiting her next book now.

February 25, 2020, pre-order here!

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This book had me up all night. Who is Audrey really, is the question I wanted to find out when I read this story. Would she ever show her real self or hind behind her belief that she had to be perfect. Why was someone trying to scare her, and what do they want from her? This book had twists and turns and once you started reading you need the answers. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book.

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I loved this book and just ordered another by this author. A GREAT plot, which will keep you literally in the edge of your seat. Riveting story, wonderful writing, and great characters. If you enjoy mysteries with suspense on every page, you will LOVE this one, highly recommend!

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Kathleen Barber’s new thriller Follow Me does a fabulous job of capturing the shallow self-absorption of the average “social media influencer.” Audrey cares only about her latest insta and her followers. Her new apartment is a mess – but in one corner is a perfectly staged table that looked amazing in a photo enhanced by one of Audrey’s special filters.

I was intrigued from page 1 – and I loved the use of the familiar magnifying glass “search” symbol luring me on from page to page. Follow Me is sharper than Barber’s first book – which I also enjoyed – and the title is a perfect fit.

Not since Gone Girl have I so disliked every single major character in a book. For this reason I did not find Follow Me “unputdownable.” I just could not stand to spend that much time with those people. But the narrative is well written - it flows smoothly from section to section. It’s a good read, with nice touches like a morbid art exhibit that mirrors Audrey’s life. It’s clear the author is familiar with the New York and Washington D.C. settings.

You do have to set aside a certain amount of skepticism with psychological thrillers, but a few of the plot twists strained my credulity. I found Follow Me a little slow toward the end, like something else needed to happen before the big climax.

What Barber does best is capture the self-focused narcissism of those who want to be social media stars and who think everyone in the world is interested in every little thing they do. I believed in Audrey as a real person 100%. Some of the other characters felt a little flat.

Recommended for fans of psychological thrillers and mysteries. I read an advance reader copy of Follow Me, which comes out on February 25, 2020. It will be available at the Galesburg Public Library in print and as an ebook.

The Galesburg Public Library is planning to host the author sometime around the date the book comes out. Watch our Facebook page or newsletter for details!

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Right off the bat, I need to say Kathleen Barber writes epic thrillers! I was blown away by her debut novel Are You Sleeping, so I jumped at the chance to read her second book Follow Me!

The basis for Follow Me hits close to home for everyone in this digital/information age we live in! Most people who have any sort of social media account have contemplated a little of what Follow Me touches on, but Kathleen Barber takes that thought/fear and creates a fascinating and petrifying storyline! I really enjoy thrillers that tell you just enough information at the absolute perfect moments and Kathleen Barber is a master at that! Follow Me is a 5+++ star read that I can’t recommend enough—this book is not only my 2020 favorites list, but I guarantee it will be in my top 3 thrillers for the entire year!

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I really enjoyed this novel! It kept up the mystery with several options for who Audrey’s stalker would turn out to be. The answer wasn’t shocking, but the journey there kept me guessing. I actually had a pet theory throughout the book about who it would be, and I was wrong. I like when I’m wrong! The ending also went in a direction I didn’t expect, which is always a welcome thing; I’m hard to satisfy when it comes to endings!

The story moves quickly is the novel as a whole is well-written. Audrey was an odd character-I liked her in the chapters she narrated, but as soon as the POV switched to a different character, I hated everything about her-even the POV of the stalker who was so obsessed with her just made her seem like a shallow, self-absorbed bitch. I also kept wanting to smack Cat and tell her to grow a pair and stop enabling her needy, narcissistic non-friend. Cat, Audrey treats you like shit...she is NOT your best friend. And you are certainly not hers.

I also would have loved to have Nick’s POV chapters too...but that’s only because he cracked me up and wanted more of him. It wouldn’t add anything to the story, it would just amuse me personally.

I’d like to read more by this author; I had fun with this one!

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A brilliant use of characters! Audrey's 1 million VLOG readers are perhaps coming to haunt her.

After procuring a job in Washington, D.C., Audrey lives alone in a basement and is scared. She works in a museum and is working on a special project - "Rosalind". Audrey invites an old flame, Nick over (probably so she does not have to be alone). Cath, her other friend, is a lawyer and is very serious about her career. (And a co-worker, Connor)

As the story develops we meet HIM - someone obsessed with Audrey to a point where the reader (and Audrey) is frightened about and what his obsession will lead to...

As I devoured this book I realized that there were 7 people that could fit the picture of HIM. Of course twists in the story kept me wavering about who this person was. A totally engaging mystery/suspense thriller that I recommend to any and all!

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I loved every second of this heart-pounding psychological thriller. The plot is absorbing, the characters are compelling, and the twists are fantastic. I’m going to shove this in the hands of every mystery lover I know.

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