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Silent Evidence

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Honestly, Rachel Grant is such an incredible romantic suspense author and one of my go-to's, it's hard for her to do wrong! I think the problem with this book is that it doesn't do well as a standalone. I've read a handful in the Evidence series, but I think unless you've read them all and really formed emotional connections with these characters and previous storylines, this one doesn't quite carry the same punch as her other books. There were also two anatomically incorrect descriptions of the bones that irked me, but that's a me problem and not something other readers would likely pick up on!

I think that if readers have gone through the Evidence series, they will definitely enjoy this addition!

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I love Rachel Grant. This has been a good series. Hazel and Sean have a history, but they've not been a couple. This book deals with some serious issues including PTSD.
Can't wait for the next one.

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As much a dislike admitting it, I am not a fan of this book. I could not get into this one. I really enjoy this series, but I could not connect with this book. I felt like the story was always in the background stage and nothing was happening.

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Loved the book . I have liked most of this series. The strong female leads have been fun to read , we meet all of them again in this book . Hazel is a great addition to the list .

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Hazel MacLeod, forensic anthropologist , must find the answers to a mass gravesite while having Sean Logan to protect her. These two have definite history that adds to the suspense and story line that is very well written. Part of the Evidence series with each book intertwined however can be read alone.
Ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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So good I cannot wait to dive back into this series for the next book as soon as I finish this review. I love these characters. Spunky women and these hot hunky guys who protect their women no matter what while also helping them achieve what they wish.

Will Sean and Hazel get together or will she and Sean finally cut ties to one another completely? Read what happens when Hazel:s life is threatened and Sean has to be her bodyguard for twenty-four hours a day. And they have to pretend to be something their aren't.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Review I received a readers copy through Netgallery of Silent Evidence . This is my Opinion . This is my Opinion .
This story is well written and very intriguing , It takes off from the beginning and kepts you immersed in the intense storyline . The characters are fantastic . Hazel MacLeod is a forensic anthropologist . She's dealing with PTSD from issues from her past assignments . Hazel is called in by her cousin's wife to assist in a skeletal mass grave that was discovered . Little do they know the danger they just fell in . Sean Logan is asked to guard Hazel when threats are made towards the Senator's family . They don't know by whom or exactly why . The job of guarding Hazel is awkward due to Sean turning down her advances awhile back only because he doesn't want to jeopardize his job . When all is said and danger comes their attraction and love maybe worth it . The action a suspense is very intense . The story is well written . Ms . Grant really puts the twists and turns into this story . I was captivated from the start to finish . I really enjoyed reading this Fantastic Suspense .

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Book eight in the series, which when picking I hadn’t actually realised, I did read this as a stand-alone book but I really feel you would benefit more if you have read at least some of the others as this one included background from other books from what I could gather from the way I was reading it. I may have to catch up with the rest of the series.

I liked the characters in this, I thought Sean and Hazel were good, I did get a bit annoyed with the will they won’t they side of things, as Sean just seemed to be blowing hot and cold, also commenting that Hazel was a ‘party girl’ but I didn’t get that as she didn’t seem that way to me. I like the fact that the author dealt with mental health and anxiety. As well interracial relationships.

I think my only other thing was that there seemed to be so much build up to the revelation at the end and the couple of chapters seemed to be rushed, having not read anything by this author I don’t really have anything to compare it with.

But the book has everything you could want in a story, tension, humour, politics, racial tension, conspiracy, sexual tension, suspense, I’m guessing that many readers will find that plenty to go with.

Hazel Macleod is a Forensic anthropologist, her job has taken her to many places around the world, her last job in Croatia she had struggled with, going through the remains of victims of war and genocide. This led to her having panic attacks, sleepless nights, and when she did sleep nightmares, this starts to take its toll on her work, and personal life. So she goes to stay at her cousins country estate he is a US senator, his wife Isabel is an archaeologist she is working near the estate, and comes across what she thinks are bones, but wants a professional opinion so asks Hazel if she will come and look. When Hazel sees the bones she realises that what has been found is just the start, on looking closer, Hazel realises that what has been found is a mass grave, but who is responsible?

Alec Ravissant, Hazels cousin has been receiving threatening letters which most times he disregards, but the ones he is now getting contain things about Alec, Isabel and Hazel. So Alec calls his best friend ex SEAL, and operative for a company called Raptor. He wants Sean to be Hazels bodyguard, as they have a wedding that weekend and he doesn’t want Hazel left alone. Hazel is not keen on this as she doesn’t want to gate crash a wedding of someone she doesn’t even know, but the men have that covered as Sean is best man, so Hazel can go as his date,

Hazel once made a pass at Sean and she got rejected, and is now embarrassed, she still fancies him, but Sean is not interested in a relationship with Hazel. But will they won’t they?

I enjoyed this book I think it would have been better if I had read the previous ones but overall a good relaxing read.

I would like to thank #netgalley and # januspublishing for a n ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest, fair and unbiased review of this book.

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Strong,handsome hero,gritty,intelligent heroine,what more can you want. Story was pretty good too,moved along quickly with surprising twists.

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Whilst you can read the series as stand-alones, I would suggest reading them in order as some books do have an impact on this storyline, namely Incriminating Evidence & Poison Evidence.

Hazel is struggling with a major case of PTSD, whether she wants to admit to it or not. Things went very wrong on her last assignment in Croatia and mental health has taken a sever knock. She feels comfortable staying with Alec & Isabel, but when Isabel has a time sensitive assignment at a drained reservoir, Hazel finds herself entangled in a n all new mystery. Oh and now she has to deal with seeing Sean Logan way more often than is good for her self-esteem. She made a fool of herself over him and has no wish to have it rubbed into her face!

Sean has dreamt of a certain redheaded Anthropologist for a loooong time. But he when he rejected her he didn't do it to hurt her, he just wanted to keep himself safe from Alec's wrath! But when threats are made that could be targeted at either Isabel or Hazel, Sean makes it his personal mission to keep Hazel out of the line of fire.

Add in a wedding with Sean as best man and Hazel finds herself his plus one. She really doesn't want to lie to anyone but no-one is really blinking an eye. What do they know that she doesn't?

Sean kind of made me dizzy with his want-her-want-her-not swings! Hazel is just as bad! Other than that the storyline was well thought out and everyone has role in the book, no one just turns up to fill a page or too.

All the genocide issues are dealt with respectfully and with a great attention to detail. I did feel so sorry for Hazel when she realised that Matthew – aka Dmitri and her sister had been hiding some major secrets from her.

I feel this may have worked better as a novella as the romance kind of weighed down the suspense but otherwise well worth a read!

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After reading this I now want to read the entire series. This book was filled with interesting twists. I enjoyed the main character and her tenacity to solve the unsolved. Thank you for the opportunity to write about this book and read it. I look forward to more from this author.

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An enjoyable book, with a well structured plot but lots of back story references which are from the previous 7 books in the series. I am unsure if I should of read those first!

In this issue we find forensic anthropologist Hazel MacCleod and her personal walking heart break Sean Logan thrown together again. Still suffering with PTSD following the recovery of bodies from mass war graves in Croatia, Hazel finds herself helping her sister Ivy to excavate a recently drained reservoir where skeletons have been revealed. Is this a mass grave or burial remains that have been disturbed.

The find kicks off a flurry of written threats to her cousin Alec Ravissant, photos and quotes on a white supremacist website to cars and buildings being blow up or set alight.

Just who is trying to hide what is up for debate as Hazel and Sean find themselves increasingly being pushed together as the threats escalate.

A thought provoking tale, especially in this day and age of inclusion.

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Hazel had been called by her cousin who was in a state of panic; Isabel was a cousin by marriage to Alec/Raf. Isobel needed Hazel’s expertise at the lake immediately. Hazel was here now. Hazel was a forensic anthropologist. Hazel was going to take time off of work - she needed a mental break after months identifying victims of genocide - including babies and children, in the Balkons. Than Isobel found a lot of bones . there was a strong likelihood given the number of skeletons involved- this could be a slave burial ground. If Isobel’s crew had found a historic slave burial ground, it could be argued they should be examined. Decimated. Reburied in a place their descendants could visit and honor them. There was no way hazel would give these bones the cursory once-over that the sheriff wanted. As Hazel looked around in the water there two dozen or more skeletons by the look of it. Hazel was ignoring Sean as if the eight ago in a hotel room in the Caribbean she’d begged him for sex and than spent three ackward days pretending nothing had happened. Hazel was back and somehow months had slipped by without Sean mentally preparing to face her again. Hazel had been thrown off-balance since their first meeting four in a half years ago. Hazel cut her foot and Sean carried her out of the lake. He also took care of her foot. As they talked she said she was staying with Alec and Isabelle until she could find a place. Sean needed to stop finding everything about hazel sexy. Hazel had a headache and seeing Sean so soon she couldn’t handle it. Not after the humiliation at Grand Cayman. In the six years since she got her PHD she’d examined thousands of bones, many of which had been evidence of stolen lives. The crimes ranged from manslaughter to genocide and she’d borne witness to every part of the spectrum. She’d catalogued marks on victims bones and provided testimony at trials. Alec had received a lot of threats since becoming a senator. But this one had classified information and threatened the redhead in the family which could be Isobel or Hazel. Alec said there was an intentional vagueness to the threat. Hazel was seeing a therapist- Dr. Parks- since she came back to the states. Than Alec said Sean would take Hazel to the wedding this weekend even though hazel didn’t really know the people. He added they could share a room and he could guard her 24/7 as he was her bodyguard. Than after he could request an unpaid leave from Raptor- security company that Alec owned but Keith ran for him. Claim he needed a break and guard Hazel during the day and appear to be hanging out with his new girlfriend . Alec would pay him and his break wouldn’t burn any sick leave or vacation. Security was vital when dealing with human remains. If her work was questioned in a court of law she needed an unbroken chain of evidence. Alec offered to set up a lab in the office Annex. Hazel had seen Dr. Parks last week as an introduction. They only had time for an overview of Hazel’s issues. She wanted Hazel to look for links from the past , reasons why seeing the children's bones now could have triggered anxiety. She considered whether or not the mass grave of children’s bones reminded her of Chelsea - a childhood friend who disappeared at nine years old and whose bones were found when she was in HS. The only thing Sean knew was he had a fierce need to protect Hazel, strong enough even to lie to his closest friends, if it would mean he’d be the one by her side. Then they went back to the lake, at hazel’s first sweep there was a minimum of twenty- six individual skeletons, all adults and the majority she was led to believe were male. The bones were a little too uniform for a slave or prehistoric burial ground. Sean had fantasized about Hazel since he first met her but kept his feelings hidden.
I truly loved this book. I didn’t want to put it down and only did for a couple of hours to sleep. It grabbed my attention from the very beginning and held it until the very end. I loved the Raptor team. I loved how Alec loved and was very protective of his family. At times I was on the edge of my seat reading this. I loved Hazel and Sean together and how they interacted. I loved the mystery, intrigue, danger, and action. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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4 1\2 stars out of 5
I found Rachel Grant a few years ago and found myself unable to walk past her books without buying my own copy. Her characters are smart, strong, and a little over the top romance.
The men fall in love hard and fast with the women. Silent Evidence is a mix of romance, reminder what PTSD does to a person and how hard it is to recover without help.
The book isn't really a stand alone as it bring out characters from other books that readers of the series loves. Not to mention things that happened in book 4 are bought up once again.
The author tries to keep readers updated but those starting would feel lost

The romance is traditional Rachel Grant with things happening in odd places. The author covers topics that are current social events.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of Rachel Grant Silent Evidence.
A little must lusting and not enough story.

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I always love Ms Grant's works, and this one is no exception! Hazel and Sean are great characters, and I just adored them together. I somehow skipper over Poison Evidence (what's the fun in reading things in order?) but I had no problem catching up on the backstory, although I will definitely be going back to read that one now! Hazel is a smart and layered heroine, and it was refreshing to see how she handled her insecurities and set backs. This was a slower build romance, and I loved when they finally got together. I also appreciated the interracial aspect of their relationship and thought the author handled it well. There was lots of action in this story, and I was completely surprised by the villain! I loved the pacing and was definitely on the edge of my seat at points. Can't wait to read more in this series!

*I received an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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An interesting and gripping read full of suspense and romance which makes it incredibly hard to put down. I stupidly didn't realise that this was the 8th book in this series and while at times I felt like I was missing a lot of back stories it was easy enough to understand and catch on.

Overall a good read and I can see myself reading more of Rachel Grant's work in the future

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Having read one previous book in this series i was looking forward to reading this one . It is a well written romantic suspense which was a little lightweight on the suspense for me. It took time to build the threat. Non the less it was an enjoyable read with well developed characters. Would definitely read a new series from this author

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Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an fair and honest review.

There is much to like about this book, but also there are some I just didn't care for. I love Rachel Grant and have given all the books in the Evidence Series 5-Star ratings. "Silent Evidence" has some of the best elements of her previous books: strong ties (family, friends and work), hot romance, some humor and an intriguing suspense plot that has you off balance from the beginning. Some of the elements I didn't particularly like were the heroines lack of care for her own mental health, the mercenary (when it comes to money) hero (at first anyway), and the PC politics.

Dr. Hazel MacLeod is a forensic anthropologist who has traveled to many places and helped catalogue the bones of hundreds of genocide and murder victims. Her last trip, to Croatia, deeply affected her. She couldn't sleep and had nightmares to the point it affected her health and work. She is at her cousin's country estate to take a mental health break, but has been called to examine a mass grave in a reservoir near the elite security firm, Raptor, training compound owned by Hazel's cousin, Alec Ravissant, a US Senator. Rav received a threat and has directed former SEAL and Raptor operative Sean Logan to guard Hazel. These two have a history and it isn't pretty. Hazel has had a thing for the Sean for years, she thinks he is "perfect". He has labeled her as a "party girl" in order to dismiss the instant attraction he has for her, never showing that he cares for her beyond her being a job to him.

The last person Sean wants to see is Hazel and now Rav has insisted that he be her around the clock bodyguard and since the threat is classified Sean and Hazel need to pretend to be involved to both friends and family and attend a romantic destination wedding where Sean is the best man. Sean and Hazel are fairly certain the threat is directed at Rav's wife, Isabel, until the bullets start flying at Hazel. Who is behind this? Lots of suspects and motives to choose from. But the attempt on Hazel's life gives Sean a major wakeup: he could have lost the woman he loves and she would have never known that.

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We finally get Sean's story! Sean has been waiting patiently in the background of this series. He's always been a strong presence and now that he's at the forefront, he doesn't disappoint.

Silent Evidence is the 8th book in this series and there are a lot of familiar characters and story lines back for more. I would characterize the romance as a slow burn. Sean and Hazel have orbited each other for many years. There is a mutual attraction but (of course!) circumstances have kept them from exploring it.

Some good 'ol forced proximity and a wedding changes the trajectory of their relationship. These two are so hot together and work well as a team as the entire group races to determine where the threat is coming from. Both Sean and Hazel are sympathetic to the needs of the other and find humor and love along the way.

If you've read Rachel Grant before you know she's excellent at blending romance, suspense, humor and modern social issues. Silent Evidence continues the streak. The whole package makes for an entertaining ride!

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Mostly enjoyed this book, however as it being book 8, I kinda felt a bit out of the loop with some of the story arcs. However I liked the style of writing and the mix of romance and suspense, would happily go back and read the rest of the books in this series

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