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Dead to Her

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This was a twisty and turny mystery and psychological thriller. It took a little bit to get going but once it did it was so good.

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Damn. I liked Behind Her Eyes so much. This didn't even come close to it. The book is basically RICH PEOPLE PROBLEMS. It takes forever to something to actually happen and when it did, I just didn't care anymore.

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I went in blind when I started this book, but I've read all of Sarah Pinborough's novels and I was prepared to expect the unexpected. I definitely got it!

This book is a binge-worthy look in the hot steamy setting of Savannah high society, with rich men, botoxed women, shady characters, lots of booze, drugs, and a sprinkle of black magic. Most of the characters are unlikeable but they are layered, complex, and fascinating.

This book is about marriage, betrayal, secrets, lies, wealth, high society, infidelity, and voodoo. It lifts the cover on the dark underbelly of the mysterious South, and has a slightly supernatural vibe.

The story is twisty, turn-y, and full of surprises throughout the entire book. Sarah Pinborough is a master of surprises with many tricks up her sleeve. It's not as WTF shocking as Behind Her Eyes, but it's very entertaining.

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This is the first book I’ve read of Sarah’s although I do own 2 of her other books. I was super excited to receive an advanced copy of this book! The first 1/3 was meh for me, but I kept reading because I was just hoping for it to get better. It did get better and I definitely did want to see what happened but overall the book was just ok for me. It had some weird voodoo and magic vibes that I didn’t care for and I didn’t love the ending. I’m still glad I read it and I know lots of other people will love it. Thank you #netgalley and #williammorrow publishing for this advanced copy of #deadtoher

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Doesn't the cover just make you want to dive right in?! Seriously I was very impressed after I finished this novel. Sarah Pinborough definitely brought her A game when she wrote this one. The characters are going to make you fall in love with them instantly.

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Marcie married into the world of the elite rich when her affair turned into marriage. But it is clear from the start that she will never be one of "them". Then there is a new, younger wife that marries into the group. What adventures these two women have and how far are they willing to go to keep their place in society.

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Thank you Netgalley for an early copy.
Dead to her was an absolutely crazy read, many twists and surprising turns. I enjoyed it completely. A must read. Not as crazy of an ending as BEHIND HER EYES , but still great ending.

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishing for providing me with an ARC of Sarah Pinborough’s newest thriller, Dead to Her. In exchange I offer my unbiased review.

Having read and been totally sideswiped by Ms. Pinborough’s previous novel, Behind Her Eyes, I was excited to read another thriller from this imaginative author. Dead to Her offers many twists and turns along the way and a few surprises too, but it never fully captivated me. I found the Savanna setting charming but the cast of characters were truly insufferable and somewhat cliched. I couldn’t find a single person to root for and therefore felt disengaged throughout the story.

While I tend to read less and less thrillers these days, I still appreciate the cleverness that writers like Sarah Pinborough display. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book. All opinions are my own.

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I know people seem kind of torn with their opinions on this book, but I really enjoyed it from start to finish. I am from Georgia, so I loved that my state was the setting. I love Savannah, and I think voodoo and alternative religion is supremely interesting. I have never read a novel that incorporated voodoo in such a way, and I thought that was brave and well researched. I really enjoyed the author's writing style, and never had a difficult time engaging with the well developed characters. Just an overall great book. 4 and a half stars, easily.

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Wow! This book was insane! This is my first Pinborough and it will not be my last. This book had me flipping the pages so quickly. I had no idea what was going to happen until it actually did, and when it did I was so shocked I dropped my Kindle. Then the race was on to solve the whodunit, and all I could do was read as fast as I could to find out. When I did, I was shocked because it wasn't the person I'd pinned at all. If you like a good yarn with shocking twists, definitely pick this book up! 4 stars.

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I was really looking forward to reading this book! I am a huge fan of this author’s work.....but this fell extremely short for me!! Waiting and waiting for some excitement and not about desperate housewives who are rich and bored. Finally at about halfway through comes the “thriller” part but by then I was done and didn’t care.

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I honestly wanted to DNF this at several points because holy hell was I not liking the stereotypes in this book.

One of my resolutions for this year is to not force myself to finish books I’m not enjoying.

I am failing at that.

The problem here is that this book kept me engaged with some nice twists and turns but pissed me off again with its treatment of the sole black female character named Keisha.

Keisha is young, beautiful, and basically a trophy wife to the old and downright abusive rich asshole William Whateverhislastnameis. William loves to remind Keisha that he saved her from her awful life in London and brought her into his wealthy world in Savannah, Georgia where he spoils her.

In return Keisha is his arm candy and basically his sex toy. There are graphic sex scenes about his viagra usage and how rough William is with Keisha, how mean he can get. There is a scene where he describes her as Cinderella. He saved her from the slum life. She owes him. She’s not a trashy whore anymore. He owns her. So she needs to act right or he will send her away.

I am tired of this narrative. As a black woman myself reading these scenes made me cringe. Yes, I realize such arrangements do exist but jesus christ. It was a lot to read and very uncomfortable. I pushed myself to finish reading this and was disappointed. The plot overall felt very stereotypical towards black people and alas, this is why I should have stopped while I was ahead.

Thank you to Netgalley AND Edelweiss to the copies of my ARCs.

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I am choosing to not finish this one. I am 20% in and it is categorized as a thriller/mystery but there is no thriller or mystery aspect yet. Not even a hint of one except that one of the main characters husband likes his bosses wife. But nothing substantial has happened yet. Also - all the characters are annoying. One of the main characters is super insecure yet it sounds like her marriage isn’t all that great anyways. And the other main character is older but married a young woman after his wife died. They are annoying characters.

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This was not as strong as Behind Her Eyes. I found it very slow. The ending was fantastic but the build up was slightly boring. For the longest time I had no idea where we were going. The last few pages, wow!

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I’ve had a day to mull this book over and yet I’m still not even sure how to rate it. It was an interesting setup, and was very up and down in the excitement of wanting to keep reading and then thinking it was a little repetitive and moving slowly. The last quarter of the book becomes a whodunit, in which the author is able to continue to spin the story so that you keep guessing who did it. That part was fun. Am I glad I read this one? I think so. Were any of the characters likeable? Not really. Was I glad when I finished it and could move on to the next book? Yes, please.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow for this ARC.

Story: Marcie Maddox knows a little about gold digging since she’s much younger than her husband. She is his second wife and she has married into money. Her crafted talent is at risk when Keisha (another younger woman marries into the group) enters their inner circle and Marcie will do anything it takes to keep her lifestyle the same.

Thoughts: I found this to be a quick read. I did enjoy the story but found multiple points where I could yank out pages that didn’t matter to the story. Otherwise I did like it.

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Somewhere in this book was a good story just dying to come out and it did in a few places. Unfortunately, we had to wade through the ludicrous to find those brief nuggets. So many awful characters!! Not one was likable! There was no one to pull for. The “affair” was inconceivable and there were way too many absurd sex scenes. That coupled with the way voodoo popped up throughout and didn’t fit in until everything was finally tied (unbelievably) together, left me questioning why I even took the time to finish this one.

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Thanks to NetGalley, publisher and author for allowing me to review this book. This is one of my favorite authors because I really loved "Behind her eyes". I look forward to reading her newer books. This story is not one of my favorites even though it was mostly entertaining and engaging. One of the big problems I had with this story was, I did not like any of the characters. Also, the voodoo subject was not interesting to me. For readers looking for a thriller that surprises, this book delivers. I will still look forward to reading this author's future books.

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Set in Savannah, an elite group of old friends react when William brings home a new bride within a year of his first wife's death. The new bride, Keisha, is a black woman many years younger than William.

The author weaves elements of mystery and voodoo to create an excellent novel.

The characters are interesting and the plot is entertaining.

I highly recommend this psychological thriller.

I was given an advance copy of this book. I am leaving my honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The premise of this story was Marcie, a young trophy wife, being usurped from her position in the friends group by her husband’s business partners’ new trophy wife, Keisha.

I didn’t read the synopsis prior and maybe it would have made me decide not to read the book.

This didn’t do much for me as far as being a thriller. There wasn’t really anything I didn’t see coming. For me this was 3.5 stars. Okay but not great.

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