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The Guinevere Deception

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I really wanted to love this book! I've read TH White's OaFK and have memorized the movie Merlin (the older one with Sam Neil & Helena Bonam-Carter) so I love the legend of Arthur.

The first 50% of the book was painfully boring. This is a book about knights and magic and inexplicably there was no action!

So "Guinevere" is sent by Merlin to protect King Arthur from a magical attack. She arrives to Camelot in the guise of being his wife. But she doesn't know anything about the threat, she is ill-prepared for life as a queen, and her magic skills are minimal, limited to "knot magic".

The first half of the book can be summarized: "Guinevere sneaks through Camelot, tying knots, bumbling around, jumping to conclusions, complaining about the boring duties of a queen, pining for Arthur, and worrying about her limited magic abilities." That's it. Seriously.

The second half finally picks up with some action and some (predictable) revelations. Even so, a lot is left unanswered, in preparation for the following books in the series.

I feel this book is geared toward a younger audience, as the concepts are pretty simplistic, man vs magic, good vs evil. The insta-love and weak love triangle are my least fave tropes, so I found them annoying. The characters lacked any real depth, so I did not connect to them. There was really no tension in the story, and no strong compulsion to find out what happened next.

Overall, I almost DNF'd this because of the first half of the book, but the second half hints that it might be worth trying the second book.

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Beautifully written!

An incredibly unique take on the legend of King Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere. I was completely enraptured by the story from the first page, and although some parts dragged a bit, the pace rarely let up. Thoroughly enjoyed this one, and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fantasy, re-tellings, and strong, female leads!

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I had so much fun reading this book! It was adventurous, interesting, and I am a sucker for an Arthurian legend. I can't wait to read more in this universe.

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Thank You to NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book to review.

Wow! 10/10! What a stunning introduction to what is sure to be a thrilling trilogy. I must confess that I have been an avid fan of Kierstan White's writing and I jumped on the chance to read and review an early copy of her newest book. I could not have made a better choice! The book was riveting, with characters that jumped right off of the page and situations that drew the reader further and further into the world of Camelot. Any readers will find themselves charmed by the prose White uses and the dreamy state she achieves throughout the book! The mystery at the center of the book would have become confusing and over drawn at the hands of any lesser author but White manages to successfully draw readers into a mystifying state that makes the reader want more. The only negative about this book is that everyone who reads it will have to wait at least another year for the sequel!

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You guys, I am shocked! The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White was so much more than I could have hoped for. Pretty much all I know from the King Arthur stories I learned from the show Once Upon a Time, and even that is a little hazy for me, because my memory is lacking. But, I am down for any and all retellings, especially those surrounding Kings and Queens from long ago and fae magic! I just saw the new Maleficent: Mistress of Evil movie this weekend, and all I kept thinking about was this book! So, even before reading the rest of my thoughts, if you’re into that kind of thing, too, then add this to your TBR immediately!

I will admit, the beginning was a little slow and hard for me to get into. Guinevere is not the real Guinevere, but a changeling witch sent by Merlin to protect King Arthur from the dark forces that surround Camelot. The problem is, Guinevere doesn’t know who she is protecting the king from, or really anything about her own self. It made things a bit muddled and confusing, but that just added to the story for me, personally. Yeah, it was a tad bothersome, but I could feel the frustration right alongside Guinevere. I love when books can put you in the same head space as the main character.

Another thing that added to my confusion in the beginning was the amount of characters. I think maybe knowing a little bit more about King Arthur and his knights would have made things a little easier on me, but then again I don’t know if that would spoil some of the plot twists that happened in this version of the story.

Once I got to know the many characters, though, I loved each and every one of them, including the villain. The relationships between Guinevere, Arthur, their friends, and knights were a pleasure to watch develop.

All in all, The Guinevere Deception took me on a journey I was not expecting, and the ending left me with so many unanswered questions. I absolutely cannot wait for the next installment in this series. I know it is going to be even more epic!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for sending me an e-arc for review.

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I am a known sucker for any and all Arthurian retellings. But there are definitely some that do it better than others, and I think this one will be great.

Unfortunately, we're not really there yet. The Guinevere Deception is just starting to tell the tale of Camelot -- the journey is just begun, and it's a fantastic start, but it is just beginning. The pacing felt a little off because there's such a plodding pace for parts with sporadic building pressure, and then the end comes along suddenly and over super fast.

I am a known hater of love triangles. Unfortunately, there is one here, and yet again it between the sweet and steady golden boy, and the wild and passionate dark-haired boy. So. That's fine. BUT we have a ray of sunshine shining through with our Lancelot and boy oh boy am I rEaDy for that to follow the myth!

The magic system isn't super well established but it's rich anyway by proxy of its users. So far: a bunch of badass women, the villain(s), and our good friend Merlin who it seems is being revealed in all his meddling glory.

Overall I had a great time reading The Guinevere Deception. Guinevere's true identity is very much a mystery I am ready to unravel (😉) because I have THEORIES. I'm also super interested to see more of Kiersten White's interpretation of Avalon because if it's what I think it is, then there's a lot of promise.

Feel free to DM me with Guinevere identity theories (or any other thoughts) on twitter @fairytalprotag because I would love to yell with you!

Thank you to Netgalley and Delacorte Press for the opportunity to read this!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this free eARC in exchange for an honest review. I wanted so much from this book. I've been anticipating it's release since I first saw the cover earlier this year. I'd never read anything by Kiersten White, though quite a few of her books have been on my list for a long time. I'll be honest and say that this wasn't exactly what I was expecting. The premise was amazing and the mystery was great but "Guinevere" as a character left a lot to be desired in my opinion. I love retellings and I think that Kiersten did a great job with her reinterpretation of the Arthurian myths. She brought a uniqueness that left you wanting more of the characters that everyone already knows and loves. The problem, I think, is that it left you wanting too much. Both Guinevere and Arthur's characters left a lot to be desired in my opinion. I could not connect with them at all and sort of found them exhausting. It took me forever to understand this aversion to water that Guinevere had, which may be my own fault honestly. Positives though: I loved what was done with Tristan/Isolde/Brangien. That side storyline was definitely one of the unique pieces of the book considering that Tristan and Isolde are technically before the Arthur myths. The patchwork knight mystery was GREAT. The reveal and subsequent interactions involving the patchwork knight was definitely my favorite part of the novel, hands down.

Overall, it wasn't until the last 20% of the book that I became really invested in the story and what was going on. That's when all the excitement happens, when you really begin to understand what's at stake and really get a feel for what the author was trying to do. I just wish it hadn't taken so long to get to that point.

With that being said, I will be picking up the next installment because once I got sucked in during that last bit, there's no way that I can go on without finding out what happens next.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for the eARC of this novel! I have been in love with Kiersten’s work since I read Slayer; and I knew that this novel would be no exception. The tale of King Arthur is one of my favorites, and just to have a retelling where Guinevere is the driving force of the plot is everything I didn’t know I needed! Kiersten does such an amazing job writing badass women, and I fell head over heels for this story from the first chapter.

We are introduced to Guinevere as she makes her trek to Camelot; but we soon find out that she’s actually NOT the princess she claims to be. She is a witch sent by Merlin to keep Arthur safe and on the throne, which seems like a simple task at first until she realizes there are dark forces at play trying to emerge and take back what once was theirs. Guinevere must fight through keeping her magic a secret as it is outlawed in her new kingdom, learn who to trust within her court, and juggle the duties of a new fake queen/wife with doing the job she was sent there for. Arthur’s kind heart forces her to grow close to him quickly; like she’s known him for ages. She starts to notice gaps in her memory and begins the journey of figuring out who she really is, where she comes from, and why she is so deathly afraid of water.

The lore in this book is spectacular; it does such a wonderful job of keeping the base story that we have all heard in our English classes growing up but making it much more exciting and easier read in these modern times. The humor is spot on, and so are the gut-twisting battles between good and evil along the way. The magic system is also brilliant. There are so many different kinds, my personal favorite being the knot magic. I think, though, the thing I loved most was Guinevere’s sight when she touched something. It was so beautiful but also heart breaking to see the inner thoughts of a mountain being slowly eroded or an eel who had been baked into a pie. There are so many gorgeous little details that really flesh out this story.

I also related to Guinevere a lot. I too am a child of the forest, and there’s a scene where she talks about how much easier it would be to just be a tree instead of a person. I’ve had this exact thought before. It was so nice to see this strong yet vulnerable character weaving her way through her greatest fears, the uncertainty of first loves, and the constant battle of not just the dark magic threatening their very lives, but also just being around people and knowing how to act without blowing her cover. She is such a well-written main character, and I can’t wait to know more about her as the series progresses. All told, this may be my favorite retelling of the year, and I am so excited to see where the story goes from here.

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I truly struggled with this book. I was very excited for the opportunity to review it but there were times I was distracted and skimming pages.

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Camelot revisited!

As always with stories about Camelot, where Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot and Mordred take center stage, things can't help but be complex. Nothing is as it seems. White has given us another take that comes out of left field, and yet holds the line blending magic and myth magnificently.

A Delacorte Press ARC via NetGalley

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**I was provided an electronic ARC by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for honest review.**

Kiersten White brings us to Camelot in her newest novel, The Guinevere Deception. We follow Guinevere (not Guinevere?) as she arrives at Camelot to be wed to King Arthur. Of course, there are layers to the court, laws of the land, and in a land where magic is key, how much peace can be had with magic banished?

I loved White's exploration of knot magic, gender roles, Arthurian lore and legend, and so very much more. White has clearly and skillfully set up this start to a series where you aren't entirely sure who's a hero, a villain, or just if everyone operates in varying shades of grey.

As a Mordred fan, I was especially pleased with White's take on his character, as well as White's version of Lancelot.

I very much look forward to future books in this series.

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This book was a success for me, with its twists and turns of the King Arthur lore. I loved the pacing and the writing, i.t. kept me hooked and intrigued. The characters were very memorable and likeable with their flaws - Arthur was humanized in my eyes but also glorified in a lot of parts but that is part of his trope/legend. I loved the narration at the end of each chapter from the villain, it was refreshing to hear other voices in the book. The author's focus on Guinevere and transforming her was successful, and gave a much-needed feminist voice in YA Fantasy. The inclusion of diversity was a good effort and I'd love to see more in the books to follow by Kiersten White. With not much room for diversity, I admired her integration. Overall, this is a great start to a new series.

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This book is a retelling of the King Arthur legend from Guinevere's point of view. I really did enjoy this twist on this classic story giving credit to the power and intelligence of women. Guinevere is not longer a beautiful ornament lacking personality. She is a strong protector in her own right.

There was a change to Lancelot in this story that I didn't particularly care for but I cant say what or why without spoilers.

Highly recommended.

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This book is so hard for me to rate... There was definitely stuff here that sparked my interest for future books, but on its own I feel like it was pretty underwhelming. Also, depending on the direction this series goes I can see it being a real hit or a real miss for me personally.

The writing style is solid mostly and the fact that the magic of the feminine is so celebrated throughout. Sadly, it was a bit overshadowed by the blandness and the story’s inability to stand on its own at all. It’s not fun to feel like you can’t form an opinion on something until after you’ve read books yet to be released.

I think I’ll give book 2 a try, but I really don’t have the excitement I did for this one. I do hope that it will improve my feelings on this book and the rest in this series.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the e-galley!

Arthurian myths are my jam. They are so much my jam that I have been writing a YA reimagining for the last two years (I'm going to finish it, I swear). That is why I was iffy to read this mostly because I was bitter that somebody got a King Arthur retelling out before me and also because I was scared that it was similar to what I was writing and I would be soooooooo sad and if I published mine people would be all, ehhh she copied Kiersten White. Wow, rambling over.

This book was great. It follows, "Guinevere, the daughter of Merlin, who is sent to protect King Arthur. Theirs is not a marriage of love, but a necessity. Guinevere has magic, which has been banned from Camelot alongside Merlin, so she has to hide it. After a while, we find out the truth of why she's been sent to Camelot, as well as discovering her feelings for Arthur, and his nephew, the dark and mysteriously hot Mordred.

GAH. Ok, so I flew through this book because my Netgalley approval happened four days before the book's release. There were some aspects that I loved, which were sweet cinnamon roll Arthur and Darkling-like Mordred. The city of Camelot was a dream, and I simply loved being in this world! There were also things that could have been a bit fleshed out, such as Guinevere's past. I could have also used some signs of the times, such as clothing and food that went with the setting and period. I also felt a bit cheated at the end. I had so many questions from the beginning that never got answered, and now I have to wait a whole year for the next book. BOOOO BUT THAT TWIST THOUGH.

Let me touch upon the romance. I LOVED IT ALL: the sweet moments and the secret looks. I WAS DYING. I need some fanart of Mordred because I have this unhealthy obsession with bad boys that kiss like wild animals, and I CANNOT HELP IT. The fact that these romantic aspects were sorta slow burned also delighted me. There is no insta-love, and the female friendships are spot on amazing.

I pretty much adored this book, and I vowed to hold back on my book box subscriptions for the rest of the year, but I may have to renew a particular one to get this book.

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I received an arc copy of this e-book in exchange for an honest review from the publisher.

First things first, this is such a beautiful cover. I mean, it just tells it all. I love royalty type of reads, so you know this was my cup of tea. Coming from this author, she writes such magnificent and exciting books. I thoroughly appreciated this read, and I ate it up in less than ten days.

The main character reminds me of myself, which I love in books. It makes you enjoy it more.

I highly recommend this book to those who, of course, fans of her and those who enjoy royalty type books with a strong female character. Also, read this if you are trying to get out of a reading slump.

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3.5 STARS!

The Guinevere Deception was my first book by Kiersten White and it took a different direction than I thought it would. Kiersten gives the King Arthur legends an unexpected twist that will leave you wanting more from the last page. Also, let's note that the cover of this novel is absolutely stunning!

Though the story had a bit of a slow start, I was immediately intrigued by Guinevere and Mordred's chemistry. Guinevere is sixteen and has been raised in a convent. She leaves home to wed King Arthur; however, turns out this young woman isn't the real Guinevere but a changeling witch sent by the great Merlin to protect Arthur.

I didn't feel much chemistry between Arthur and Guinevere. Arthur was brooding. He wasn't the main focus in the story. Alot of the plot dealt with Guinevere hiding her true identity and the fact that she was a witch for magic has been abolished in Camelot.

This was definitely a book that gave me a lot of mixed feelings but it is also a book that readers should go into with an open mind because Kiersten will hands down surprise you, especially with her writing!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Delacorte Press - Random House Children's through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

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I was so excited to be approved for an e-ARC of this book. Until now, I hadn’t read anything by Kiersten White, but I had always heard great things, particularly about her retellings. After finishing The Guinevere Deception, all I can say is that I’m going to have to read her entire backlist, because I loved this!

I’m surprised there haven’t been more YA adaptations of Arthurian legend, or if they exist, I somehow missed them. That being said, if there can only be one, I’m glad this is it. The backcover copy is so intriguing, I was desperate to learn more about Guinevere and see White’s portrayal of Camelot. The world that she builds is fascinating, with magic having been banished from Camelot, which means Merlin was as well. The Guinevere mystery unfolds slowly, but I thought it was done really well. I was on the edge of my seat to see what would happen next, but I will say that I think my favorite part of the book was the interpersonal dynamics.

Overall, I heartily recommend this book for any YA fantasy lovers, as well as anyone who loves Arthurian myth and is willing to take a chance on a story that strays far from the original legend.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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"A new fantasy series set in the world of Camelot that bestselling author Christina Lauren calls "brilliant," reimagining the Arthurian legend...where nothing is as magical and terrifying as a girl.

Princess Guinevere has come to Camelot to wed a stranger: the charismatic King Arthur. With magic clawing at the kingdom's borders, the great wizard Merlin conjured a solution - send in Guinevere to be Arthur's wife...and his protector from those who want to see the young king's idyllic city fail. The catch? Guinevere's real name - and her true identity - is a secret. She is a changeling, a girl who has given up everything to protect Camelot.

To keep Arthur safe, Guinevere must navigate a court in which the old - including Arthur's own family - demand things continue as they have been, and the new - those drawn by the dream of Camelot - fight for a better way to live. And always, in the green hearts of forests and the black depths of lakes, magic lies in wait to reclaim the land.

Deadly jousts, duplicitous knights, and forbidden romances are nothing compared to the greatest threat of all: the girl with the long black hair, riding on horseback through the dark woods toward Arthur. Because when your whole existence is a lie, how can you trust even yourself?"

I freely admit that I'm a sucker for anything Arthurian, but throw in a cover like that and an author the caliber of Kiersten White and this is obviously on my most anticipated books of fall list!

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I've been looking forward to the Guinevere Deception for a long time, and I am happy to say it did not disappoint. The Guinevere Deception is a feminist retelling that finally gives agency to Queen Guinevere that retains all of the magic of the original legend with a couple of fun little twists. White casts the MC, Guinevere as a young woman who views the entire world with wonder, but who undergoes a journey where all her preconceived notions are challenged in a kingdom where the very essence of who she is is forbidden. Along the way, she discovers some true friendships and dark truths about the world she thought she knew. I thought, in particular, that the magic system in this book was strong, as was the characterization and relationships between all the characters. Seeing the world from Guinevere's POV was so charming and imperative to the story. It was good to see a young woman finally come into her own power. And some of the twists in the story really propelled me forward as I read it. I really enjoyed TGD, and look forward to what Kiersten White does with the remainder of the series. Thanks Random House and Netgalley for the ARC!

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