Member Reviews

I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

This has been on my TBR pile for so long, and I'm glad I finally got around to it. I really enjoyed the storyline and seeing the characters change throughout the story was a great character development. The plot was great and kept my attention. I'm glad I got the chance to read this and will be on the lookout for more in the future!

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Read like a soap opera. Boy and girl, different backgrounds, will they fall in love? Or more importantly, will their love story be told in a way that gets the reader invested? Unfortunately no, the fun details of flirting are glossed over and referred to often but we never get to see the relationship develop. We just get to see all the drama and the “intrigue” of Corey being stuck in a gang.

The motorcycle racing storyline did not feel plausible at all either. Some fun details but this book would have been much better starring adults.

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This was so-so. I do really appreciate the fact that the MCs are out of high school. I am loving the increased number of older YA (really just NA) bo0oks coming out. Way more relatable for me. A lot of reviews are saying the book felt overdramatic and I can see that from Tess'a POV, but not necessarily Corey's. I really do think (wouldn't know so take with a grain of salt) that gang life would be that difficult and dramatic. He was constantly worried about the safety of his family because of his involvement and decisions and I found that not to be dramatic, but honorable and probably the realism for a lot of BIPOC individuals in our world involved in gangs. What I did not like about this was Tessa's POV. The whole motorcycle racing thing was really dramatic to me and felt thrown in there for honestly no good reason. I would have liked a bit more background about our characters as well. On the cover they both look possibly BIPOC, but after reading I'm almost certain Tessa is white so I don't even knowwwww. Super weird to me. The writing was so-so and plot development was kind of all over the place. Overall, I would recommend picking it up if it sounds like something you'd be interested in, but it's not a must read.

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‘If You Only Knew’ was beautifully written, and Prerna Pickett is definitely an author I will be keeping my eye out for- looking forward to see what she does next!

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Love how this book takes the bad-boy trope and spins it on its head! This book takes an honest and heartfelt look at Corey, a boy who had landed himself in trouble while trying to pull his family out of a bad situation, but who has a sincere desire to do better for them and himself. Add to that a girl, Tessa, with some haunting mistakes of her own but sees in Corey a way to redeem herself.

Also, there's gorgeous spray paint art, motorcycle riding and drag racing (by Tessa, no less!!), cute dogs, and kissing. Lots and lots of kissing.

An excellent book to watch for next year.

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I enjoyed reading several aspects of this book! The pacing was wonderful, characters were well drawn, and the reading experience on the whole was delightful.

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Bad boy meets good girl ... or is she? Prerna Pickett's debut novel If You Only Knew showcases what happens when a reformed rebel falls for his prosecutor's daughter, who is hiding a devastating secret.

Corey has just spent a year in prison paying his dues to society for a gang crime he committed at the age of 18. Newly released, he just wants to start over and provide a better life for his mom and brother, but the ties to his former gang aren't so easily severed. He finds he can't escape his previous life, and soon finds himself taking part in the vandalism of the home of the man who sent him to prison.

Tessa's father put Corey away for a year, but she knows her dad saw something in him beyond the "criminal" label. When Tessa catches Corey vandalizing their home, she can't help but convince her father to give Corey a second chance to right his wrongs by cleaning up the mess he made at their home. Everyone deserves a second chance, and Tessa knows this more than anyone - she got away with a crime herself and what she covered up still haunts her to this day.

As Corey and Tessa spend more time together, they find themselves drawn into a forbidden relationship. Tessa's father would never approve of her dating a criminal, but he doesn't know that she herself never paid for her crimes to society, while Corey did. And Corey is afraid that Tessa will get drawn into his violent, dangerous way of life and come to harm. With a relationship at odds, dark secrets lurking, and a nefarious gang knocking at their door, can this young couple make their relationship work?

If You Only Knew's shining star is that it has a markedly different plot from most YA novels, which often seem to borrow many of the same elements. With the introduction of a gang and prison, this novel feels like a fresh story - you won't hear readers saying that they've been down this road before. On the other hand, Pickett relies heavily on insta-love, which feels rushed and cheap, and fails to establish a real connection between Corey and Tessa. So while Pickett gets kudos for an original plot, readers may have difficulty connecting with and caring for her one-dimensional characters. Read If You Only Knew if you enjoy YA with an edge - those with a scoop of danger on side of a saccharine love story.

SPOILERS AHEAD - If You Only Knew gets a three star rating from me because I feel that Pickett took the "safe way" out. While both Corey and Tessa took part in crimes, neither of them is at fault, both having been victimized by other people. I would have preferred for Pickett to actually go for it - to make her characters truly guilty and later find redemption. While victims no doubt exist, going that route in this novel made the book less heartfelt and emotionally-investing than it could have been. I never "bought in" to these characters' stories and thus didn't care about their fates.

Thank you to NetGalley and Swoon Reads for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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This story is so gripping! The characters are complex and deep, and I loved the dual POV. I loved the redemption of the characters and how everything came together in the end.

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This story strongly reminds me of Katie McGarry’s books, so if you’re a fan of hers, this is right up your alley. Both main characters are troubled with secrets and dark pasts. Corey is a reluctant gang member, willing to do whatever it takes to keep his family safe, including doing a year in prison. Tessa is the daughter of the D.A. who put Corey in jail. So when the gang decides to take it out on the D.A.’s home and car, they drag Corey into the mayhem. Unable to deal with the guilt of what he did to the man who recommended the lightest sentence possible for his crimes, he goes to the man’s house and admits what he did, shielding the other members from blame to keep his family from the harm they would surely be subjected to if he ratted out the others. Tessa sees something in Corey and asks her dad to give him a second chance. This kicks off a tenuous friendship that evolves into so much more as Corey makes amends by repairing the damage his “friends” did to Tessa’s home. Tessa is hiding her own dark past that is only hinted at through much of the book. While she desperately wishes to confess whatever it is, she keeps finding reasons not to. But this ugly secret compels her to view Corey in a different light than most people do.

I love the characters and the romance. It’s angsty and emotionally deep. The only thing keeping me from giving this five stars is that it takes a long time to really get going. I was a good 30% into it before I was fully invested in the story and the characters. It was easier for me to engage with Corey early on, but I was slow to warm up to Tessa. She almost has too much hidden from the reader to empathize with her. But once I was able to start seeing her through Corey’s eyes, I eventually got on board with her as well.

The primary plot is the relationship between the two main characters, but there are strong subplots involving Tessa’s secret and Corey’s future. Both of these influence their relationship, making them integral to the main plot. There is also minor subplots regarding Corey’s mom’s career, an ex-boyfriend of Tessa’s and Tessa’s dad’s health and her concerns about him.

The Characters
I loved Corey instantly, but was slower to embrace Tessa. Both characters are incredibly complex and conflicted, making them intriguing. Tessa’s dad and Corey’s family are warm and provide a nice contrast to the two tortured protagonists. Told in dual first-person POV, we get deep inside both of their heads, allowing us to understand what makes them tick. Rounding out the cast is Tessa’s uncle and her cousin, who also happens to be her BFF, a vengeful ex-boyfriend, and Corey’s crew. The character development is one of the best parts of this book.

Top Five Things I Enjoyed About IF YOU ONLY KNEW
1. A sympathetic gang member. Corey isn’t really an anti-hero since his heart is always in the right place and he never devolves into something darker, but it was still good to see this side of gang activity, to see how good kids get drawn into that life.

2. Corey’s mom. She is so proud of her son despite his time in jail, and she never stops being his biggest fan.

3. Tessa’s dad. Much like Corey, Tessa’s dad grounds her in just the way she needs. Even though he’s a prosecutor, he still manages to see the best in people.

4. Redemption. Both characters have a redemption arc, and that’s one of my favorites.

5. Angsty romance. Another favorite of mine. These two have so much keeping them apart, that the intensity of their love is palpable.

Bottom Line
A solid young adult contemporary romance with complex characters.

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This was pretty good. I enjoyed the romance and I can see many teens enjoying it as well. It was not very original though. Still a fast read.

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Right off the bat. What I love most about this book are the feels it brings while reading. Swoony YA romance. Characters with depth and a gritty plot. It's superbly written. The synopsis is what caught my attention, immediately. Dual perspective is always my favorite narrative. I love being able to follow both characters. Corey and Tessa will have you fall head-over-heels. You do not want to miss out on this one!

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If You Only Knew is a slow burn YA Contemporary with elements of growing up, maturity, drama, moving on from mistakes, and understanding oneself.

It tells the story of Corey and Tessa, and their journey amidst secrets, lies, and the gang life.

It takes a while before the plot buildz, but the chemistry between the two main characters is truly worth the wait. It is sweet and sexy and funny at times, but there are a lot of violence & gang-related themes.

This story began as a seemingly enemies to lovers tale, a somewhat forbidden romance, but it then evolves into a love story that with twists and turns and tension.

If you go crazy over gang novels, you are in for a treat! It offers you romance with so drama, family elements, and a strong pacing.

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I loved the character development and this was a fun flirty story. I do love a strong female MC. My only hang up was I did not feel the consequences for life choices added up. I do not want to spoil anything but I think the end was to neatly tied up to give a happy ending. I still really enjoyed this story so I gave this one 3 stars.

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I thought this was an enjoyable, well-written YA romance.
I love the premise of the story. Sort of forbidden. Prosecutor's daughter with redeemed criminal.
I think there is such a valuable lesson that is taught in this story. That second chances are worthwhile and important. That telling the truth and owning your mistakes makes you a strong person.
There is a lot of suspense and mystery in the story that kept me turning the pages.
Tessa and Corey were just ... *sigh*, so good together.

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<strong>If You Only Knew impresses with its scorching chemistry between the main characters Tessa and Corey, who couldn't be more different</strong> ➽  While Corey is making up for the mistakes he did and trying to cope with having been in jail and still being trapped in the gang that caused his downfall, Tessa got away with something she shouldn't have and is left with guilt. I liked that both main characters had many passions in life that made them fully fleshed and intriguing. <strong>Corey is deeply dedicated to keeping his family going</strong>, as he loves his hardworking mom and little brother Tim. He'd do anything for them and it touched me how close he was to his family. He also loves spray painting and is a great artist by night, when he's free of the gang he was forced to get involved him to get money for his loved ones. Tessa rides a cool motorcycle and loves animals, prompting her working for the local vet's office where she can take care of sicks animals. She also has a cat and dog she deeply loved, which pleased me as I love animals in books as I'm a huge animal person as well 🥰 <strong>Tessa and Corey both carry their fair share of secrets and mistakes and I liked the flirty banter between them</strong>. They had great chemistry and definitely some swoon-worthy moments that'll leave readers with melted hearts.

<strong>I also enjoyed seeing her best friend Paige and her boyfriend Alex play a role in the story</strong> ➽ Paige is Tessa's cousin as well and can come across as critical and distrustful, but she's deeply concerned about her loved ones and only wants what's best for them. I liked seeing the deep friendship that Tessa nd Paige had, with Alex as a nice trio that didn't feel weird with Paige and Alex being a couple. While I struggled with the beginning, I think that the <strong>end was definitely fast-paced and suspenseful</strong>, picking up the pace and leaving the reader reeling with everything that was going on. I definitely found myself the most engaged at that part.

<strong>However, there were some things that I didn't like as much and impacted my rating</strong> ➽ making it an enjoyable 3-star book but not a book that had a big impact on me. Firstly, I found the beginning a bit slow and it took me a while to get into the writing style as it didn't flow nicely at first. Secondly, I also felt like the romance - though with great chemistry - was rushed and developed way too quickly for my liking, I would have much preferred a slow-burn romance instead. Lastly, I wasn't attached to the characters as much as I'd hoped to and not as engaged in the plotline. Instead, I <strong>was left with the yearning for something more</strong> to fully invest me in the story and would have liked a different execution of the premise at times.

<strong>In Conclusion.</strong> ➽ <i>If You Only Knew</i> is an <strong>enjoyable forbidden romance</strong> dealing with gang involvement, second chances and what we do to survive. I think it <i>can appeal to fans of</u> Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles and (if we're also including the fantasy genre) Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody!

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This book was just the kind of book I needed in my life rn!!

I must admit I am always a sucker for a good YA romance, especially ones that revolve around forbidden love and this one did not disappoint! The plot was very easy to get into, in fact after reading the first chapter I was already hooked!

Corey is a boy who recently has been released from jail. He’s trying to stay out of trouble for the sake of his mom and his brother but the gang he used to be involved in keeps pushing him towards making all the wrong choices. I liked Corey and thought he was a golden heart underneath all the crap his supposed “friends” keep putting him through.

I also enjoyed Tessa’s character. She was very headstrong and stood up for what she believed in! Overall this was a very cute YA read that had the type of suspense, forbidden love plot that kept me reading!

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If You Only Knew is the story of Tessa and Corey. It focuses on Corey’s involvement in a drug gang and how he doesn’t belong and desperately wants to get out. After a night of vandalism, following a year in prison, he comes clean to the owner, a local prosecutor. Instead of pressing charges, the prosecutor, Hopper, makes him a deal. He helps to clean up the mess he caused. In the process, he meets Hopper’s daughter Tessa. The two quickly become friends and then develop feelings for each other. But Corey can’t break his ties with the gang without fear for his family, and the two struggle to stay together.

The story is told alternating perspectives between Tessa and Corey, and I loved both characters. This was definitely a slow burn in terms of romance. Tessa and Corey really don’t get together until a ways into the book. But the sections where they are together is well worth it.

A large part of the story was focused on Corey’s involvement in the gang and his desire to leave that life behind. If You Only Knew gave me major Riverdale vibes, with the gang activity, the loyalty to family, and the small-town feel. I really enjoyed this book, but I wish there was a little less of the gang drama and more of the relationship between Tessa and Corey.

Thank you to XPresso Book Tours, Netgalley, and Swoon Reads for the review copy!

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A fresh take on the "bad" boy/"good" girl story. I enjoyed seeing the drama play out between Corey and Tessa.

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This was a really good YA book. It mixed romance with serious and important issues. I enjoyed Tessa and Corey’s story and liked how we got both their perspectives. It was a little too neatly wrapped up but sometimes you just want that!

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***Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

I'm sorry, but I could not get into this book. The whole bad boy thing just annoys me and I think I might not be the best audience for this book.

I did not finish.

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