Member Reviews

Historical romance is not my usual read but I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
Natalie carries out her dying friends wishes and travels to England. The Duke of Clayton proves her opinion of the aristocracy wrong.

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I love a historical romance with a properly haughty duke who learns to live a little and love a lot. That’s exactly what you’ll find in Forever My Duke, courtesy of a confident, determined and passionate American upstart, of course.

I liked this one and would recommend it to a friend.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I quite enjoyed Forever My Duke. I found myself making comparisons of Natalie's thoughts of the British aristocracy and today's politicians in America, and how the noble class in Britain thumbed their noses at the daughter of an American politician. Natalie's belief that anyone in America could be whatever they worked for regardless of the station into which they were born had me smiling while she put the duke in his proper place. I must find the first book in the series and read that!

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book, although it is the second book in a series, because I didn’t feel like I was missing anything by reading it as a stand-alone novel. It has a strong female lead who really doesn’t care about proprietary and the rules that the male lead was born into. Natalie is an American who is trying to return a friend’s son to his English family. Hadrian is a Duke who is looking for a wife. Their paths cross, but will it be for better or worse?

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I really enjoyed this couple! Natalie is a no-nonsense American who contrasts nicely with Hadrian, her entirely stereotypical (on the surface!) English Duke. Watching each of them crack thru their protective shells and be able to reach out to each other was great. There were definitely some Romance Tropes in play, but I enjoy those and thought that they were done creatively and well.

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Natalie is trying to do right by her friends child, Leo. If I were her I would have said forget it, the welcome she gets is horrible. Hadrian is the only warm spot throughout it all. I loved how Leo looks up to him and calls him, Mr. Duke.

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This is a story of opposites. You have an outspoken American woman is does not believe in English propriety and a cold rule-following Duke. Natalie lost her dear friend but agrees to return her friend's son to his English family. Hadrian is looking for the perfect English wife. When they meet they will clash but be intrigued by one another. This is a story about finding love when you are not looking. The secondary characters add to the story rather than detract. This was an ARC from Net Galley.

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This is the story about Hadrian, the Duke of Clayton and Natalie who is from America. As a promise to her dying best friend, Audrey, Natalie came to England to bring Audrey’s son Leo to Audrey’s family. Natalie does not believe in the whole English way – of people of rank thinking they are better then other people. Hadrian is a Duke who is known as a stuffy, stick in the mud, but he never really showed that side of himself to Natalie. When they first met, he was fascinated by Natalie and her style. Leo is an adorable addition to this story. I love how he calls Hadrian, Mr. Duke and Hadrian calls him brat. I believe this is the first book I have ready by Olivia Drake and I enjoyed it. I would read this book any free moment I had until I finished it.
I voluntarily read and received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is the first book I have read by this author. The description sounded really promising but I am afraid I didn’t warm to either of the leads. I found the heroine actually irritating in places and the dialogue stilted and the middle section too drawn out.
I found myself skim reading the novel for the last third and whilst knowing there would be a happy ending wasnt interested enough to read it.
Thank you for allowing me to read an ARC.

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Hadrian is looking for a perfect Englishwoman to be his Duchess. He finds instead a spirited American. They both learn to appreciate what the other has gone through in their past to make them the people they have become. I loved the lively orphan Leo! I received an ARC for my honest review.

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I had a difficult time getting through this novel. The writing was too formal and polite. The heroes had no chemistry and the story felt flat. Although true to the time period, it wasn't enough to engage me.

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This book had heart and wit and steam - a charming blend that will capture you for a few relaxing hours. I really like the author's style - it's not easy flowing and the characters are somewhat distinctive in a genre that can get a little bit repetitive. Recommend!

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This wasn't one of my favorite historical romances. It took me a really long time to get into and even then I wasn't that into it. Everything about it seemed dull and just boring. The characters were boring. The only thing that did interest me was Leo.. who was a child. I think his story was interesting and I just wanted him to be happy. I do think that the storyline itself was unique and interesting. I just wish that the characters had a bit of life to them. I think alot of the issue was with the dialogue. It was choppy and awkward.

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Hadrian and Natalie are a fantastic couple. They truly bring out the best in each other. Ms. Drake makes the reader feel so connected with her characters. This book does not disappoint.

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Forever My Duke is the second book in Olivia Drake’s the Unlikely Duchesses series. It grabbed my attention at the beginning and held it all the way to the end. It was well written and paced perfectly. The main characters were charming and fun.

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This book was good though I will say it lost some of its momentum towards the end. I enjoyed the characters, but the love triangle was smothered what felt like far too quickly and easily when we finally had everyone all together. All in all it was a fun read I just felt it could have been even more. I wished there had been more details and plot reveals in the end instead of the drawn out beginning and short end we received.

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Forever My Duke is 2nd standalone book of Unlikely Duchesses series by Olivia Drake. This is my first time reading this author and I quite enjoy her writing style and story telling. It is a story of a lovely American teacher with an honorable, swoon-worthy English duke.

Natalie Fanshawe took a vow to her dying dearest friend that she would bring her son Leo back to England to reunite with his relatives. After Leo lost both of his parents, Natalie took on the responsibility to care for and protect him as her own child. Born and raised in America, she was free-spirited and outspoken, and did not conform to or think highly of the English aristocratic system. Her intriguing beauty, compassionate, honest, and delightful personality had captivated the upright, handsome duke.

Hadrian Ames, the Duke of Clayton, never believed in love and had his mind set to marry a blue blooded, soft spoken lady. Until he met Natalie... All his marital plan was upended, he was attracted to her bravery, intelligence, loyalty, and kindness, unlike any other lady in his social circle. Hadrian was highly respected in society, he was caring, passionate, protective, and open-minded, a perfect hero image 😍!

I also love the secondary characters, adorable little Leo, Hadrian’s kind-hearted mother and generous sister, and how they play important roles in bringing Natalie and Hadrian together. Although the story sometimes felt a bit slow, it was still well developed, quite enjoyable and pleasant to read. A 4-and-1/2-⭐️, sweet, charming story, low steam, and no angst!

*ARC received from publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

✨Release date December 31, 2019.

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This was the first book I'd ready by this author, and I enjoyed it. Natalie was a heroine I admired; she was brave, loyal, and committed to the memory of her best friend. Hadrian was a duke who was not nearly as crusty as first impressions implied. Their romance was fun to read. I am looking forward to reading more by this author.

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Olivia Drake never fails to sweep me away and have me falling in love. Forever My Duke was no exception, after all, who doesn't love a good duke. From the get go I found myself eager to see where these characters were going and by the end I was as starry eyed with love as the couple themselves. It was an enjoyable read and one I am going to purchase for my shelf. Im so grateful for the opportunity to read and give feedback on this book and can hardly wait for the next book by Ms. Drake.

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I think I enjoyed this one more than the last one. Such a fun read between Hadrian & Natalie. A handsome Duke is looking for a bride , what more could you want to read.

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